Chapter 28


The first thing Jonghyun's mind became conscious of was the pain.

A small cry broke itself free from his chapped lips. Everything hurt. He didn't think he'd ever been in so much pain in his entire life.

"Jonghyun?" A faraway voice sounded in his ears and he frowned at the noise. It made his head hurt.

Jonghyun didn't open his eyes, wishing it would all just go away.

"Jonghyun? Are you awake? Are you okay?"

The voice seemed to be getting closer and easier to hear.

He squeezed his eyes shut tighter, clenching his fists.

"...Jonghyun? Can you hear me?"

"Come on, kid. Open your eyes."

The words and different voices mingled in his head, confusing him.


"Why don't you guys back up and give him some room. He's probably in a lot of pain right now...give him a couple of seconds. He'll come around."

After a couple of seconds and after the pain had subsided somewhat, Jonghyun finally opened his eyes.

The first thing he saw was the white ceiling and the bright lights, making him shut his eyes again quickly, wincing.

Since when did the lights in his apartment get so bright?

Someone's hand, Yesung's as it turned out to be when Jonghyun opened his eyes again, hovered a couple inches away from Jonghyun's face, blocking out the light.

"There you go. You can open your eyes now, Jonghyun." The older boy said gently.

Jonghyun opened his eyes again, taking the time now to survey his surroundings.

This was defiantly not his apartment.

Where am I?

He pushed that thought aside for a second, looking around at the other people in the room. There were only five of them - Leeteuk, Yesung, Shindong, Donghae, and Heechul. Leeteuk was sitting on a chair near the door, sitting the opposite way you were supposed to in a chair, leaning his chest against the back. Yesung was standing next to his bed, his hand still hovering over Jonghyun's eyes to keep away the bright light. Shindong was looking relieved to see him up and was sitting on the floor with Donghae, who had scrambled up to his feet the second he knew Jonghyun was awake. The fishy of Super Junior was looking about ready to cry. He wasn't sure what to do with himself either, hesitating between staying at his spot and running to Jonghyun's side. Heechul was leaning up against the wall, trying to offer Jonghyun a reassuring smile.

But why were their so many people? Why did they all looks sad?


Leeteuk smiled at him gently and scooted his chair across the room without getting up (which would have been comical if Jonghyun weren't so worried about everything else). Super Junior's leader ran his fingers through Jonghyun's hair, still smiling that gentle smile of his.

"How do you feel Jonghyun?" He asked.

Yesung finally pulled his hand away from over Jonghyun's eyes and resulted to touching his upper lip, a grin on his face. Jonghyun looked up at grinned at him.

He's so weird...

He looked back at Leeteuk and hesitated.

"...It hurts..." He admitted, not really sure what else to say.

Heechul and Shindong chuckled, shaking their heads. 

Leeteuk just nodded, his face grim. 

"Duh, it hurts! You got hit by a freakin' car!" Donghae came over and gently flicked his forehead, no longer looking so torn, but still looking as though he were ready to burst into tears at any given moment. "You scared me so much..."

"Hyung -" Jonghyun swallowed, suddenly remembering what happened. He forced those thoughts away and took Donghae's hand, who was sniffing and blinking rapidly. "Don't cry, hyung. I'm so sorry I scared you..."

Donghae hid his eyes behind his hand, sniffing loudly and turning away, only to be pulled into Leeteuk's arms, who had stood up to hold him.

Shindong came over to Jonghyun's bed and sat at the stool Leeteuk had been sitting on earlier, taking Jonghyun's attention away from the crying Donghae momentarily. 

"...Do you remember anything, Jonghyun-ah? The doctor wasn't sure if you would -"

At the word 'doctor', Jonghyun froze.

He cast a panicked look across the room, finally taking notice of the heart monitor next to his bed, the weird hospital clothes he was dressed in, and the IVs in his arm.


"Hyung," His voice came out in an almost frantic squeak.

Shindong paused in his talking. "What's wrong?"

Jonghyun felt like it was getting harder to breathe, his chest suddenly hurt, and he felt like he was going to throw up.

"No, no!" He screamed, his eyes wide with panic. "No! Get me out of here! Get me out of here, now! They're going to find me! They're -"

"Jonghyun! Jonghyun! Stop it! Calm down!" Yesung cried fearfully, the first one able to find his voice.

Jonghyun paid no attention to him and thrashed about, trying to untangle himself from the stupid bed sheets and the IVs.

"Get me out of here!" He cried, tears running down his face.

They were going to take him back.

"Oh god! Hyung!" Donghae's eyes showed pure horror as he pointed to the heart monitor next to Jonghyun's bed, showing it to Leeteuk. "His heart rate is going up really quickly!"

"It's okay, Donghae." Leeteuk managed to say, somehow, calmly to the younger boy as he rushed over to assist Yesung and Shindong in holding Jonghyun down.

"Hyung," Jonghyun looked up at Leeteuk. "Help me, please! I'm so scared...I'm so scared. They're going to punish m-"

A harsh slap across the face from Heechul sent Jonghyun reeling. The shock from the attack made him momentarily stop struggling against Shindong, Yesung, and Leeteuk's strong holds around him.

Jonghyun blinked at Heechul, seeing nothing but fury in the older man's face.

"Get a grip, Jonghyun! Calm the hell down!"

"Heechul!" Leeteuk snapped. 

Jonghyun's tears started again, streaming down his face.

"Please...please...get me o-out of here. They're going to t-take me back...they're going to know I-I'm here. Please, hyung!" He focused his gaze back on Leeteuk.

"But...Jonghyun -"

"Please, hyung!"

Leeteuk bit his lip. Everyone's focus was centered on him, waiting to see what he'd say.

Leeteuk finally sighed after a couple of minutes. 

"I can't do that Jonghyun."

Jonghyun started to protest but Leeteuk cut him short.

"You have a broken leg, a high probability of a concussion, and a broken rib that got really close to puncturing your right lung. You can't expect me to remove you from the hospital when you're in such a bad shape. Jonghyun...I just can't."

Jonghyun's fists clenched at his sides as he scowled down at the blankets.

"Well then -"

Before he could even finish the words, a doctor and a couple nurses ran in, eyes wide and faces pale.

"What the hell is going on?!" The doctor screamed, running to Jonghyun's bed side, making Shindong jump out of the way.

"We heard screaming! Is everything all right?" One of the nurses asked.

The five Super Junior members and Jonghyun were too dazed to respond for a second, until Heechul spoke.

"Everything is fine. Now, at least." He muttered.

Leeteuk turned to the doctor, unconsciously reaching for Jonghyun's hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"He didn't know what was going on, sir. He was scared and I think overwhelmed." 

The doctor gave Leetuek a scathing look, not sure if what he said was true or not, but didn't comment and instead turned to Jonghyun. "Are you sure everything is all right?"

He nodded and hung his head. "Yes. Thank you so much, sir. I'm sorry."

The doctor sighed, placing a hand on the back of his neck. "Alright then..." He turned his attention to the rest of the group. "Visiting hours are over in an hour and a half."

Everyone but Yesung and Donghae nodded in response, sending the doctor on his way.

When the door clicked shut behind the doctor and the nurses, Leetuek looked at everyone.

"...Why don't some of you guys go down to the cafeteria and get some food? I know you guys haven't had dinner yet."

Looking reluctant to leave, but obeying their leader's, plus their stomach's, wishes, they all filed towards the door one by one, telling Jonghyun that they'd be back soon.

"Remember, keep all your food under 3,000 calories.No red meats!" Leetuek reminded, just as Donghae, the last person to leave, slipped through the door.

"Yes, hyung." Came a chorus of voices from the outside. Leetuek smiled as the door closed, then looked at Jonghyun, the smile slipping.


"Yeah, hyung?" Jonghyun shifted uncomfortably in the bed, wincing as he did so. Just that small movement alone made pain flare up in his side.

"I really wish I could do something to help you...I can't really take you out of the hospital right now. The doctors set the bones back into place but it still isn't wise for me to take you out of the hospital, company looking for you or not."

"Hyung, they already set the bones though right? Which means the only thing I'll be doing in here is waiting for them to heal. I could do that at my apartment, hyung! At least then I don't have to worry about them finding me!"

Well...not finding me as easily, that is.

Leetuek slid his hand over his face, sighing, and reached up to massage his temples. 

"But...what's going to happen then, huh? How are you going to take care of yourself? How are you going to get money for food and rent in that condition?"

Jonghyun bit his lip, knowing that this was a loosing battle. 

How was it that the leaders are always so smart?

"I have an idea." Leeteuk snapped his fingers truimphantly after a long, long time of uncomfortable silence.

Jonghyun looked up at him wearily. 

"You do?"

Leeteuk nodded and hummed. 

"You can come stay with us."




A/N: Hey everyone~ :P I can't believe I haven't updated in four days...I'm really sorry about that. I've recently begun playing Skyrim...and well...yeah, I've not taken the time to write up this chapter. I know this one probably because nothing really interesting happens in it but...*shrugs* I could have waited until I was a little more inspired to write but...I figured you guys would probably want an update now rather than later since I left you at a sort of cliff hanger for the last chapter.



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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!