Chapter 26


Hello everyone :) I'm back with another chapter and some good news! Guess what? If you haven't noticed already~ I have a new poster for this story!! WHOOHOO! For a while there, I was trying to make my own...but they came out crappy and not really what I wanted. Sooo~ I decided I'd ask for one from a graphic shop. I would like to thank Christy SO much for this~ It came out beautifully~! Thank you again Christy! I really appreciate it!

So guys: If any of you are looking for posters, I recommend her. I'll even give you the link :P

Thanks guys for your continued support! ^^ I'd also like to thank BluePheonix again for their help again. I'd be so lost without you. 


A/N: (6/24) Hey guys...well...Unfortunatley, while I was editing this chapter, I must have accidently highlighted over half of this chapter and deleted it, when I only wanted to get rid of one sentence. So yeah...I came back to re-read this chapter in case I missed anything and I noticed that most of the chapter (most of it being the important stuff) had been deleted. I was stupid and hadn't saved this specific chapter to my computer and just saved it straight to Asianfanfics then deleted it off of Word. UGH. So, this chapter probably will deferent from the original. I'm so sorry guys...from now on I will not be deleting things from Word! T_T


This is the end for me isn't it? I'm going to have to go back to the company...I'm going to be forced into being a stupid puppet again.

Jonghyun glared at the ground, which was about five inches away from his head.

Right now he hated Heechul. 

I thought I could trust you...

"Goddamnit!" He swore, attempting to struggle once more against the strong hands that held him.

"Hey now...don't use the Lord's name in vain, Jonghyun." Came a disapproving voice from Jonghyun's side.

Jonghyun recognized the voice and looked up, turning his head slightly to see the towering figure above him of Siwon.


Someone behind him, Jonghyun assumed it was the person who had put his hands behind his back and forced him to the ground, released a booming laugh.

Jonghyun recognized that too, and he couldn't help but grin.

Kangin stepped away from Jonghyun, releasing his hands, and smirked down at him.

"Heya, kid."

Jonghyun looked up at them all in disbelief.

"W-what are you...?"

"What are we doing?" Heechul finished for him, an eyebrow raised as he walked over towards him and the other two Super Junior members. "We're looking for you of course."

Jonghyun blinked, stunned.

"H-how did you know where I was?"

Kangin shrugged. "Our maknae is terrible at lying."

So...Kyuhyun ratted me out? ...Great. Maybe the company representative was actually here looking for me like I thought.

Siwon saw the despair on his face and quickly reassured him.

"No, no! It's okay...we didn't tell anyone else and Kyuhyun didn't tell us where you were exactly, he just said somewhere around here."

It didn't do much to stem Jonghyun's uncertainty, but at least he felt better knowing that they didn't tell anyone else. 

"It was by chance we found you," Heechul said.

Kangin pulled Jonghyun to his feet and, once he did, brought him into a bear hug, pounding his back warmly.

"I've missed you, kiddo!"

Jonghyun couldn't help but smile and hug him back.


"Yeah?" Kangin answered for the three of them.

"Shouldn't you work? There's no way SM would let you three take a day off just to try and find me."

Heechul laughed. "They're desperate enough to have you back they it wouldn't surprise me if they did."

Siwon smiled at him and reached over to ruffle his hair. "No, we have the day off today. Hankyung officially left this morning so the manager's gave us time to recoup. We took that time to try and find you."

Jonghyun lowered his eyes. Hankyung left...he knew that he was going to. He had filed the lawsuit against SM a couple months ago and had won. His activities as a Super Junior member continued for a couple more weeks but then he was free to leave.

He also felt bad that they had taken their free time to look for him.

"Oh..." Was all he could say and he cursed himself.  He wanted to say more, to console them, because he knew they were taking it hard.

Probably just as hard as mygroup is taking my departure…

“But wait…” Jonghyun paused, suddenly realizing something. He looked at Kangin. “Shouldn’t you be at the army base?”

“I got the day off too,” Kangin grinned. “They give days off even in the army sometimes. But, this will be the last time I’m able to actually leave the base. I had to beg the Sargent so I could see Hankyung - hyung off.”

Heechul smirked. “I bet that was embarrassing.”

“You have no idea…”

“Did you have to do Sorry, Sorry?” Siwon asked, also grinning. He demonstrated the moves as he was talking and Jonghyun laughed.

“You guys are so weird…”

The three Super Junior members grinned at him before they became serious at almost the exact same time.

“Now, we aren’t here just to talk and hang out, Jonghyun.” Siwon said, shifting his weight to his other leg and shoving his hands in his pockets.

Jonghyun deflated.

He knew it…

I’m going to get a lecture aren’t I?

Heechul and Kangin nodded in response, agreeing with Siwon.

“Why did you leave? We want to know that first.” It was Heechul. Jonghyun ignored the accusation in his voice.

“…I…” Jonghyun stammered. What was he supposed to say?

Oh, I left because I was beaten by Onew.

Yeah. They’re totally going to accept that answer.

Kangin seemed to realize that Jonghyun's story was going to be a long and difficult one, so he placed a hand on Jonghyun's shoulder.

"Why don't we go find someplace to eat? You can tell us there."

Jonghyun nodded. "Okay..." 

Heechul seemed to brighten when Kangin mentioned food.

"Chincha?? How did you know I was starving?" 

They began walking towards a small diner Siwon had spotted on his way over, when Heechul slid up beside Kangin.

"...You're paying...right?"

Jonghyun and Siwon tried to keep in their laughter as Kangin stared at Heechul incrediously.


"I're the one that suggested it -"

"Don't you dare use the 'Oh, I must have forgotten my wallet at the dorm' excuse either! Besides! You're the hyung! You're supposed to be the one that pays!"

"Aish! ...I was just kidding."

Jonghyun finished his story and fidgeted in his seat, feeling nervous of his hyungs reactions.

He didn't want them to hate him...or be dissapointed in him.

Jonghyun didn't look at any of them and settled instead to twirl the ice cubes in his drink around with his straw. He shifted again, accidentally bumping into Siwon, who was next to him.

Siwon glanced over at him and laughed, throwing his arm around Jonghyun's shoulders.

"What are you so nervous about? We're not going to hate you just because you left!"

Jonghyun offered his a weak smile, feeling slightly more reassured, but still went back to playing with his ice - worried about Heechul and Kangin's reactions.

They probably think it was stupid for me to leave for such a small thing...

Swallowing hard, Jonghyun continued to nervously swirl around the icecubes - until Heechul yanked the straw from his hands and lightly hit him on the head with it. "Yah! You're making me dizzy!" 

Jonghyun was relieved to find that Heechul's eyes were soft and understanding.

Now all he had to do was wait for Kangin to say something.

It took a long time for Kangin to speak; he was staring off into space but when he did, Jonghyun was confused.

"...I can't believe you actually did it."

"...Hyung?" Jonghyun looked up from his plate of food he had been nibbling on.

Kangin broke out into a sly grin.

"I really can't believe you did it. I mean...every one of us has had the thought of quiting at least once. It's hard to be an idol - but no one has ever actually had the audacity to do to just get up and leave SM without any notice or getting the law involved. You've got guts kid."

"Or no brains..." Heechul added sourly, glancing at Jonghyun and grinning.

Jonghyun almost smiled to himself, though it was a sad smile, one tinted with regret and remorse.

Yeah, I think you're right Heechul-hyung - and Kangin-hyung...that just means I'm the first one to actually give up their dreams. The rest of you put up with it and continued on...I'm a quiter. 

After swearing the three Super Junior members to secrecy and begging him, on his knees, to not tell anyone where he lived, Jonghyun led them to his apartment.

It had taken a long time to decide wheter or not he was willing to risk his security or not.

He missed people. It didn't feel right to come home to a quiet apartment. He had lived with his parents and sister for half of his life, then after joining SM, he had lived with other trainees in a dorm too small to fit all of them. After he debuted, he had lived with SHINee.

So it was different,and slightly scary, to not have anyone else with him. He had lived with people all his life so felt so weird to be alone.

In the end, the desire for company had won over caution. Besides...he trusted his hyungs from Super Junior. They wouldn't betray him, probably not even if their life depended on it, because they realized how much Jonghyun needed this. He realized that now, that the thought wouldn't even cross their minds.

He was glad that he had such caring hyungs.

Heechul and Kangin were sitting on Jonghyun's small couch, which was hardly able to fit the both of them. They were watching some gag show and laughing along with it every once in a while, making Jonghyun smile.

He missed hearing laughter.

He and Siwon were in the kitchen, making tea for the four of them. 

Jonghyun poured the hot water into the cups, careful not to touch the hot metal of the kettle with his skin. 

Siwon was leaning up against the counter, watching him.

The shared silence between the two was comfortable, until Siwon broke it with a question.

"Have you read the newspaper?"

"No, not yet. Why?" He answered distractidly, finishing up putting water in the last cup. He had a feeling he already knew what it was about though.

Siwon shifted his weight.

"Well...SM hasn't been quite sure what they want to do with you. They don't want to tell the public that you ran away from the company, becaue it'll ruin their image. They already took a really hard hit to their reputation when Hankyung-hyung filed that lawsuit against them."

Jonghyun reached up for the honey, glancing at Siwon quickly as he did so.

"So...what are they going to do? People are going to notice sooner or later that I'm not there. The day after I left, Kibum and Jinki had a photoshoot to attend for Elle. I was suppsed to be there. Minho and I were supposed to be on a variety show. I wasn't there either. Are they just saying I'm sick or something? They can't keep that lie up forever."

Siwon nodded and took the honey from Jonghyun, squeezing the small bear until there were three drops in each cup. He handed the honey container back and helped Jonghyun stir the tea.

"I think they're hoping you'll be back before the rumor can no longer be believable. Depending on whatever it is you're 'sick' with, the longest it should last is the maximum of three weeks."

Jonghyun snorted, picking up two of the cups to carry out to the living room.

"Well, I won't be coming back..."

Siwon didn't respond and grabbed the other two cups, following him over to Heechul and Kangin.

Jonghyun placed the two cups down in front of them before sitting down next to Siwon, who passed him one of the cups he was holding.

"...I hope you do come back though, Jonghyun." He murmered, not looking at him. "I wish you would have told us how you felt then we could have helped you and probably come up with a solution other than running away."

Jonghyun tried to hide his dissapointment when it was time for his guests to leave.

He didn't want them to leave yet. They didn't do much other than sit around and watch movies, but he still had fun.

Siwon saw the look on his face and smiled at him.

"Aww, cheer up, Jjong!" Kangin said just as Siwon began to open his mouth to say something. "Don't look so sad that we're leaving!"

Siwon nodded and finished what he had been trying to say earlier. "Yeah. I'll make sure someone visits you every week, the members that have the least schedules...if that's okay with you."

Jonghyun hesitated for a long time. 

If they came to visit me...someone would get suspcious as to where they keep going and possibly follow them to me. I...

Jonghyun found himself nodding without thinking about it. The promise of not-so empty days alone won once again over the possible threat of being caught.

"That sounds great, hyung." He smiled. Siwon smiled back and, after giving him a final pat on the shoulder, joined Heechul in the hallway, who was calling a taxi to come pick them up at the restaurant who's sign Jonghyun had hid behind earlier in the week.

Well, I took out the fangirl/restaurant scene...I'm sorry to those of you that liked it. Since it got lost when I tried to edit this chapter earlier, I realized that it wasn't really an important scene, just there for humor. I didn't want to really go back and re-do it, but if a bunch of you want it back, I'll re-write it for you and include it as a bonus for you :P Thanks everyone~ I love you!



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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!