Chapter 23


A/N: Hey everyone. I just wanted to warn you:


This is my first time ever using such strong language, but I honestly couldn't think of another word that would suit such a situation. I don't like writing swear words but...oh well. If you don't like reading them, I advise you to skip over it or something. I apologize in advance if some of you are uncomfortable with it.

You have been warned, but I didn't want to put it down as mature unless I absolutely have to. I wanted this to be a PG-13 story.

Thanks everyone :P 


Onew woke to pounding on the door and groaned.

He blinked his eyes open, forcing them to focus, and lifted his head slowly from the table, wincing as the skin from his cheek stuck to the wood.

Funny. He didn't even remember being at the table. 

Another knock on the door made his squeeze his eyes shut in pain.

Will you shut up? I'm coming...just...slowly.

With great difficulty, he scooted the chair back, flinching when it made a small squeak in protest, and stood up on wobbly legs. 

Even the smallest sounds sent pain shooting behind his eyes.

He waddled to the door as more, insistent and impatient poundings erupted from that direction.

"Alright, alright. Just give me a minute..."He grumbled.

This better be important...Who ever it is is going to wake up the whole building. Not for the first time though, he was glad that the other members slept like rocks when they were as tired as they were today.

It would have been ugly if they hadn't been. 

One more knock sounded on the door before Onew yanked it open, scowling at whoever it was that had been knocking.

"What do you want!? Do you know how late it -"

The anger disappeared from his eyes and was replaced by surprise.


Kyuhyun had an impatient look on his face.

"Duh. Now get your coat, let's go."

Onew blinked dumbly at him.

Alright. I'm not drinking alcohol ever again! 

"I guess I drank more than I thought..."He mumbled aloud.

Kyuhyun rose an eyebrow.

"What? You were drinking? Why - you know what, never mind. Go get your coat and shoes."


"Because I said so, come on. And shouldn't you treat me with more respect than this? You're clearly drunk as a duck, but that doesn't mean you can drop the honorifics..."

" do it all the time, hyung." Onew mumbled, still confused as to why Kyuhyun wanted him to go somewhere with him at one a.m. in the morning.

"Aish!" Kyuhyun threw his hands up. "This kid...since when have you become the cheeky one, Jinki? Now come on, hurry up."

Nodding numbly, Onew did as he was told, slipping into his shoes and grabbing his coat.

He his lips nervously, his tongue feeling thick in his mouth due to the drinking he had done earlier in the night.

What was Kyuhyun doing here? We don't even talk that much and now he's here demanding me to come with him...

"Let's go~ I've got a taxi waiting outside. They charge you by the minute, you know."

Onew barely was able to shut the door behind him before Kyuhyun was dragging him down the stairs.

His head was pounding so badly that all he wanted to do was go back to sleep and wait for it to go away, but, despite his protests, Kyuhyun wasn't having any of it or was he slowing down in his frantic pace.

"You're the one that was drinking, not me. It sounds more like a personal problem."


"Would you mind telling me where we're going? I have three boys at the dorm that won't wake up on time without me being there -"

"Pssh. They're old enough to take care of themselves, Jinki. Besides, we won't be there long." Kyuhyun said, stopping at the staircase and ignoring Onew's first question.

"Where's there? Why won't -"

"Do you need help down the stairs? Going down stairs isn't fun when you're drunk...One time Kangin-hyung fell down the stairs because he was drunk. It was kind of funny...he looked like a big gorilla." He saw the look on Onew's face. "He was okay though." He added hastily. "I wouldn't have been laughing if he wouldn't have been...or maybe I would have, I'm the 'evil maknae' after all."

Kyuhyun helped Onew down the stairs as quickly as possible, then guided him out of the building and out the door, into the cool, night-time air of Seoul.

The fresh air helped Onew's head only slightly, but he didn't get much of a chance to enjoy much of it before he was whisked into an open taxi door and planted on his .

He stared at Kyuhyun with bright eyes as the Super Junior member strapped him into the seat belt, closed the door with a tiny, not so reassuring grin, and climbed into the passenger side of the car.

"Alright," Kyuhyun exclaimed, putting on his own seatbelt and looking at the obviously bored taxi driver. "Sorry for the long wait." He shot a look at Onew. "Someone was being un-cooperative."

Kyuhyun shot him a smirk before turning around back to the front.

"Here's the address," He showed a tiny, crumpled up candy wrapper with words written in hastily, scribbled pen to the driver, who examined it for a second before nodding. 

"I have an idea where that's at."


Jonghyun woke with a start when he heard gentle knocking on his door.

He hadn't realized that he had gone to sleep, but he must have, because he had missed half the movie he had been watching. The credits were rolling across the screen.

Well, damnit. Now I'm going to have to watch it again next week to see what I missed.

He had a slight headache, due to the crying he had done (again), but he ignored it and got to his feet quickly, eager to see Kyuhyun.

He opened the door with a smile.


He gave his hyung the largest hug he'd ever given someone before, making the singer laugh heartily.

"Jonghyun! You're going to suffocate me if you squeeze any tighter!" Super Junior's maknae teased, flicking Jonghyun on the head with a kind smile.

Jonghyun apologized and released him, still beaming up at him.

"Come in, hyung. I-I don't have much right now but...I have a little bit of tea left. Would you like some?"

Kyuhyun took a step in the doorway, but paused.

"Um...would you have enough for three?"

Jonghyun stared at him, stunned.

"I-I brought someone with me, Jonghyun." Kyuhyun said, uncertainty in his voice. He looked nervous, as if afraid of Jonghyun's reaction.

"Wha-what?" Jonghyun couldn't believe his ears, staring at his hyung with eyes wide in disbelief.

Oh God. He betrayed me. He betrayed me! He brought someone to the company with him! They're going to drag me back -

Kyuhyun swallowed hard, fidgeting slightly, before reaching out back into the hallway, pulling someone in front of him.

Jonghyun nearly choked.


"What the hell are you doing here?!" He screamed, not even thinking straight.

Onew looked just as shocked to see him as he did.

"Jonghyun?" Onew mumbled in disbelief, squinting his eyes.

"GET OUT! GET THE OUT OF MY HOUSE! I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!" Jonghyun screamed, enraged. 

Onew and Kyuhyun looked stunned. Tears shone in Onew's eyes and he looked hurt, like he had just taken a stab to the heart.

Jonghyun ignored the look on Onew's face, even though he knew what he was doing was wrong. 


"KIM JONGHYUN!" Kyuhyun roared, tossing Onew to the side and glaring down at Jonghyun, pure anger in his eyes. "Don't you dare talk to him like that! I forced him to come here! He had no idea that he was even coming to visit you!"

"I don't care!" Jonghyun cried, clenching his fists and staring defiantly into Kyuhyun's eyes, not even caring whether or not he was being disrespectful or not. "I hate him! I hate you BOTH! I thought I could trust you! I thought you understood me!! You promised you wouldn't bring -"

"I promised I wouldn't be followed or brought a company rep.! Besides! You two obviously need to work things out-"

"I DON'T CARE, HYUNG! GET OUT! BOTH OF YOU!" Tears were streaming down his face from anger and betrayal, but he couldn't even feel them. He could only feel the aching in his heart.

"GET OUT!" He screamed again when neither Kyuhyun or Onew moved. Kyuhyun was shaking with anger, Onew with suppressed sobs. "GET-"

A harsh slap sent him reeling backwards and Jonghyun stared up at Kyuhyun with wide, surprised eyes.

This was the first time Kyuhyun had ever been angry at him. This was the first time he had ever been slapped by him.

"I can't believe you..."Kyuhyun growled before turning sharply on his heels, leaving a flabergasted Jonghyun behind staring at his retreating back in disbelief. Kyuhyun reached for Onew's arm gently, who went with him somewhat unwillingly, looking like he had something he wanted to say before he left. Onew closed his mouth though and resulted in giving Jonghyun a sad and somewhat desperate look, before following a sheeting Kyuhyun out the door.

Jonghyun continued to stare at the door, his mind reeling and trying to catch up with everything that had just happened, even as the door slammed shut behind their retreating backs.

"Oh god," Jonghyun whimpered, putting a hand to his stinging cheek in horror. "Oh god."

He just drove away two of few people that had ever actually really been there for him.

Before his brain caught up with to speed on everything that had happened, he found himself racing towards the door, wrenching it open and stumbling into the hallway.

"HYUNG!" He cried out desperately, not really sure which one he was calling out to. 

There was no answer from either of them. They were already gone.

Jonghyun choked back a sob, holding his hand to his mouth as he cried.

"I'm so sorry..."


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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!