Chapter 38



Jonghyun decided that the first thing he had to do, before anything else, was fix things with Kyuhyun.

When his hyung had gotten home from schedules at around nine thirty, he had been in a fairly good mood, talking and laughing with the other members. When Jonghyun had hobbled out of Siwon and Eunhyuk’s room to come be with them, the maknae had abruptly stopped talking, scowled at him, then left for his own room.

He understood why of course, but he just wished Kyuhyun would take the time to hear him out. He wasn’t even allowing Jonghyun the chance to apologize.

The other hyungs had begun to notice what was going on between the two, so, once Jonghyun explained everything, they offered to help him.

Sungmin walked with him to the maknae’s room, since they shared it, and jiggled the doorknob. It was locked. With a frown, Sungmin knocked on it.

“Yah! Kyuhyun! Why is the door locked? I need in!”

Jonghyun felt his stomach tighten when Sungmin glanced at him and nodded reassuringly.

Their plan had been for Sungmin to knock on the door and act like it was him that needed in. He’d open the door, and then push Jonghyun inside, tricking the maknae into allowing Jonghyun in since there was no way he’d unlock the door otherwise.

“If the door is locked that means that I don’t want you in here!” Kyuhyun’s voice called from the other side.

Sungmin grit his teeth.

“It’s my room too, Cho Kyuhyun! Open up the door right now!”

Jonghyun heard a sigh come from Kyuhyun and then heard the older man rise from his bed, the springs squeaking in protest. A second later he heard the distinctive sound of the door being locked.

Sungmin began to open it.

“Thank you,” He muttered sourly.

The door was opened only just enough for Jonghyun to fit in, crutches and all. He was shoved in immediately by Sungmin.

Kyuhyun stared up at him, his lips parted in surprise, but then the surprise was replaced with anger.

“What do you want, Jonghyun? Get out of my room.” His voice was cold; almost as cold as the manager’s had been when he screwed up that night he left the door.

Jonghyun found his composure slipping when his mind traveled back to that day, but he clenched his fists and jaw, throwing the memories away.

“No. I won’t leave. Not until I’m able to talk to you.”

“That’s cute, Jonghyun. Now get out.” Kyuhyun snarled.

Jonghyun shook his head, biting his lower lip.

“Hyung, please. I’m really, really sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that the night you visited me. I-I was just shocked that Onew-hyung was there...and I thought that you had brought him with you to take me back. I thought you betrayed me, hyung – so I was really upset and mad. I didn’t know at the time that you just wanted to make me feel better.”

Kyuhyun didn’t say anything, just stared at him as he mumbled out his apology.

“I’m so, so sorry, Kyuhyun-hyung. You’re one of my best friends. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Jonghyun fell to his knees, tears in his eyes. “Please, hyung.” He stared up at Kyuhyun, who looked down at him in surprise. “If you want me to leave the dorm right now, I will. I will, because I don’t want any of you to get into trouble because of me. I left SHINee for that reason. Please…just tell me what to do, hyung. Please don’t ignore me anymore - and just tell me what you want so I can stop being so confused!”             

Kyuhyun didn’t react for a long time, but then knelt beside him and put an arm around his shoulders with a sigh. He pulled Jonghyun into his side, wrapping him in a hesitant hug.

“Jonghyun, just stop apologizing.  I know you’re sorry. It was stupid of me to bring Jinki along without warning you first. You had every right to be mad that day.” Kyuhyun rose to his feet, pulling Jonghyun up with him. He put his hand on Jonghyun’s chin, tilting it up. He wiped away the younger’s tears with his other hand, staring into his tear-filled eyes.

“Listen, you don’t have to leave…” Kyuhyun whispered. “So don’t even think about it, okay? If the hyungs are willing to risk the chance of being caught, then I guess I am too.”

Jonghyun smiled at him. “T-Thank you, hyung…” He choked. “That really means a-a lot to me”

Kyuhyun merely nodded, patting Jonghyun’s cheek. “Good. Now go get some sleep.”

Jonghyun nodded enthusiastically back, pleased that he and Kyuhyun were on good terms again.

He gave the older singer a large hug. “Thank you again, hyung. I mean it.”

Kyuhyun grinned. “I know, now scram. You’re taking time away from my StarCraft time.”

Jonghyun laughed and made his way to the door again. “Goodnight, Kyu-hyung.”


Jonghyun was just about to close the door behind him when he heard Kyuhyun call out to him. He paused in the doorway.


“…I’m…sorry too.”

Jonghyun’s smile widened and he closed the door the rest of the way.

“So? How’d it go?” Sungmin asked once he had, leaning against the wall beside the door.

“It went great, hyung.”

Sungmin nodded, ruffling Jonghyun’s hair with a grin.

“I thought it would.”

Minho watched Onew with a frown and narrowed eyes. 

He was...happy. Like, super happy. 

Onew wasn't picking at his food like he had been normally, he was eating it as fast as he could - or at least he was. Key had screamed at him to slow down before he got choked.

And not only that - he was smiling, and laughing, and talking to them. 

It was certainly confusing. They hadn't seen him like that in a very long time. Months, really.

Minho was glad that he wasn't the only one confused though. Key and Taemin bore similar expressions to his own, wondering just what exactly had happened that made their leader so...weird.

"...Um...hyung?" Taemin questioned, raising his eyebrows at Onew as he reached for a piece of barbeque. "Not to sound mean or anything but - why exactly are you so perky? You've been like that all day," The maknae placed the barbeque on his plate and picked at the meat. "It's a little unnerving."

Minho nodded. He couldn't have put it better himself.

Onew frowned slightly, the first frown Minho had seen from him all day. It felt relieving now to see it, which was an odd thing to feel.

"I can't be in a good mood around here?"

Key snorted. "Not when we haven't seen you in a good mood for months and months, hyung. It's weird. And I'm a little concerned."

While Onew fought for an answer, Minho thought of the reasons why he could be, making it into a game of sorts.

"Are you high?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Are you...drunk?" 

"Do I look like I'm drunk?"

Key butted in next. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No!" Onew stared at Key, appalled. "I'd tell you guys if I did!"

"Did you eat chicken today or something?" Minho asked.

"I wish!"

"Did you get laid?" Taemin blurted suddenly, batting his eyes innocently.

There were gasps from Key and Onew. Minho had to fight from laughing.

Key reached over and slapped their maknae on the back of the head. "Taemin!"

Onew just stared at him, aghast, his mouth working like a fish.

Minho bit his cheek, hiding his smile and chuckle behind his hand.

Taemin, clutching the back of his head, scowled at Key. "Ow! Umma that hurt!"

"It was supposed to!" Key snapped, fuming. "Who the hell corrupted you?!"

Onew stared at Taemin for a little while longer before stuttering out his reply. "N-No, Minnie! Why would you even think that?!"

Taemin shrugged, biting into the meat in front of him. "It makes sense~!"

"So - what is the real reason, hyung?" Minho was finally able to speak through his laughs. 

Onew hesitated for a long while. Minho watched the war of emotions in his eyes.

Finally, he looked up and smiled again, though this time it was fake.

"I'm just happy, guys. Is that such a bad thing?"

Taemin shrugged. "No, but we don't believe you."

Key slapped Taemin on the arm with a glare, gentler this time.

"Yah!" Taemin cried. "Stop hitting me!" 

Key ignored him and placed his hand on Onew's, offering him a comforting smile. "When ever you want to talk about it, we'll listen okay?"

Onew nodded and smiled.


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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!