Chapter 36


After several minutes of trying to find the courage to read the message, Jonghyun finally forced himself scroll down and read the rest.

He bit his lip, his heart pounding in his chest, as he read the first words.

Jonghyun...How are you? Are you doing well? Are you eating healthy? 

Taemin told me that he has been emailing you and keeping you updated on everything that's happened lately. must know how badly we're doing without you, right? Or maybe not? Maybe you don't have access to email anymore and me sending this must be a waist of time., not a waist of time. It feels good to talk to you, even if it's not face to face. We miss you, a lot. But, even though we don't like it, we understand why you left us and we're willing to wait for you to come back again, if you ever want to. 

I love you. I miss you too.

Take care of yourself. Hwaiting!

~SHINee's Tofu leader, Onew

Jonghyun felt tears welling up in his eyes and he hurriedly wiped them away with his fist, sniffing.

"I miss you too, hyung..." he whimpered.

It felt so good to know that Onew missed him and that he understood. It felt so good to know that they would accept him if he ever decided to come back, even though he had put them through so much.

He buried his face in his hands, sobbing freely for several minutes.

Eunhyuk's computer beeped, warning him that the battery was low, which startled Jonghyun from his crying and made him look up.

He chuckled softly and glanced one last time at Onew's email before closing the computer down and carrying it into their room, using one of his crutches as support.He set the laptop on Eunhyuk's desk and plugged it into the wall.

Eunhyuk would kill him if he didn't charge the battery.

Nothing else to do, he pulled out his bed and flopped down on the mattress, staring up at the ceiling.



Leeteuk stared out the window of the van, his mind stuck on worrying about Jonghyun. They had just finished their video shooting and were on their way back to Seoul. The last time he checked his phone, it had been about eleven at night.

He had worried about Jonghyun all day and he couldn't stop, no matter what he did to distract himself. 


Leeteuk turned his head and glanced at Eunhyuk. "What's up?" 

Eunhyuk frowned. "I was going to ask you the same thing, hyung."

Leeteuk sighed. "I'm worried about...well, you know."

Eunhyuk offered him a small smile. "I think we all are."

Leeteuk nodded, then looked up when he saw Ryeowook sit up in his seat and turn around to face them, only his eyes and nose visible over the seat.

"It's going to be okay, hyung." He muttered into his seat, the sound slightly muffled.

Leeteuk smiled at him and reached up to flick his head gently. "I hope so."

He turned to Eunhyuk and smiled at him too. "Thanks, guys."

"No problem, hyung." Eunhyuk turned back to his IPod, scrolling through all his songs.

Ryeowook smiled and slid back down into his seat, leaving Leeteuk alone with his thoughts again.

Sighing again and decided he should at least try and get some sleep.

He rested his head against the van's window and closed his eyes, listening to the some of the other members snore or talk quietly amongst themselves. 

He couldn't help but smile when he felt Eunhyuk rest his head on his shoulder. Leeteuk could hear his music from his earphones. He was listening to Yesung's solo song, It Has To Be You.

"'Night, hyung." The dancer whispered, snuggling against Leeteuk.


It didn't take long for Eunhyuk to fall asleep, snoring softly, and Leeteuk was almost asleep as well when Junghoon, their other manager, called quietly: "Guys, I can't drive anymore tonight. I'm about to fall asleep right here. Do you have a problem staying at a hotel for the night?"

Leeteuk groaned and opened his eyes again, looking up to look at their manager in the rear-view mirror. He truly did look really tired.

But...what about Jonghyun? Would he be alright on his own for tonight?

"That sounds alright, hyung." One of the other members, Yesung it sounded like, mumbled. Their main singer sounded half-asleep as well.

"Yeah, do what you need to, hyung." Siwon spoke up next. He didn't sound too tired.

Leeteuk sighed. "Yeah. It's alright, hyung." He spoke quietly. Jonghyun would be fine. 

Junghoon nodded in relief. "Thanks guys. I would have kept going if you wanted to be home tonight."

"No, we don't want you being tired, hyung." Yesung said.

"Yes. Especially not while you're driving. I don't want to be involved in another accident." Kyuhyun's voice spoke up in the darkness, gruffly. For a second, everyone's minds, those of them that were awake, traveled back to the accident in 2007. 

Leeteuk shuddered, unconsciously feeling the glass shards in his back for a second. His memory flashed back to Kyuhyun in intensive care, breathing through a tube in his throat, unable to speak, unable to move. 

He wanted to say something, to distract himself and the other's from the incident, but couldn't think of anything to say.

Junghoon sighed. "Thanks Kyu, not you've got us all sad."

Kyuhyun chuckled. "I'm sorry."

"Would someone mind calling Seunghwan and telling him that we'll be stopping for the night?"

"Sure." Leeteuk watched as Siwon shifted in the darkness, pulling his phone out. He was momentarily blinded when the singer powered it on, showering his face and the ceiling above him in white light. 

Leeteuk pulled out his own phone and texted Jonghyun real quick.

To: Kim Jonghyun

From: Park Jungsu

Hey :) How are you? Our MV shooting didn't get done until about an hour ago, due to some late arrivals, so we're going to be staying at a hotel for the night. I don't know when we'll be home tomorrow, but I'm guessing sometime around ten. I'm afraid that we don't have any leftovers, and I don't think you would want to go shopping, so you're going to have to cook breakfast for yourself. There's rice in the pantry beside the stove if you want that. There's also ramen, though I wouldn't recommend eating that for breakfast. Plus, you're probably sick of ramen. Ugh...why am I worrying so much? I know you can take care of yourself. I'll text you when we're about to be home - so when I do, hide. The manager's will probably come in with us. Call me if you need anything.



After he sent the message, Leeteuk slumped back in his seat, listening to Siwon talk to Seunghwan on the phone. 

He sure hoped Jonghyun was going to be okay by himself.

Jonghyun flipped his phone shut with a smile after he read Leeteuk's message.

His hyung was so caring. 

He didn't really like the thought that he'd be alone tonight, even though he kind of expected it when Seunghwan and Kibum had come in earlier. He had gotten used to the fact that he was no longer by himself. 

Now, being without them, it felt weird. Not hearing Eunhyuk's snores, which were normally very loud, when he closed his eyes to sleep was also very weird.

it up, Jjong. It's only for a night.

He nodded to himself and snuggled further under the blanket he had been given.

But he couldn't sleep. Without Eunhyuk's snores, or even Siwon's quiet breathing, he couldn't fall asleep.


He sat up in his bed, running a hand through his now fairly long, shaggy black hair. 

He wanted to talk to someone, but he didn't want to wake up any body. 

Biting his lip, he thought of his options.

Leeteuk might still be awake.

Kyuhyun hated him right now, so, even though he would have liked to have talked to him, he didn't think it would be very wise.

He didn't feel like calling anyone from any other group, because they would no-doubt bombard him with questions. The only people that had been told the truth about Jonghyun's disappearance where the other artists from SM. He also didn't trust them as much as he did his hyungs from Super Junior.

The next person he thought of, thought, surprised him.


Jonghyun had unconsciously picked up the phone and dialed Onew's number without thinking of it first. He didn't think of the time, almost midnight by now, he just knew that he had to call.

Once he realized what he was doing, he nearly ended the call, but - just as he was about to, Onew's sleepy voice spoke from the other line. He had woken his hyung up now, so he might as well continue.


Jonghyun felt his throat constrict and his heart squeeze painfully at the sound of Onew's voice. He fought hard to keep from crying again.

"H-Hyung..." The word left his throat as a choked whisper. 

He heard Onew gasp on the other line and was surprised that Onew had heard him.


The joy and relief in Onew's voice made the tears roll down Jonghyun's cheeks.

It felt so good to hear Onew's voice.

He laughed in disbelief, a wide smile slowly forming on his lips.


He heard Onew laugh as well.

"...Jonghyun, am I dreaming?"

"I-I think we are, hyung."

It was silent for a minute, but it wasn't uncomfortable. They both were trying to wrap their heads around the situation.

"I missed your much." Now Onew was crying, which made Jonghyun feel bad. He could hear him sobbing. 

Jonghyun swallowed. "Don't cry, hyung. Please don't cry. I don't like hearing you sad..."

Onew chuckled through his tears. Jonghyun heard the phone rustle and knew that Onew was wiping his cheeks. "I'm n-not sad, Jjong...I'm so, so happy."

Jonghyun's smile grew. "Me too."

"Why...why did you call?"

"I..." He almost slipped and told him that Super Junior wasn't there, so he needed someone to talk to. He bit his tongue to keep himself from blurting out anything. "I felt a little lonely...and I couldn't sleep."

"So you called me?" There was hope and surprise in SHINee's leader's voice. 

"Ne. I miss you."

"I miss you too."



"...Will...will you sing me a song?"

There was shocked silence on the other end, but then Onew spoke again. "Okay. Any requests?"

"Please Don't Go?"

"But...we both sang that one."

Jonghyun smiled. "I know. I want to sing it with you."

A/N: At first, I wasn't planning on Jonghyun calling Onew - but my fingers had minds of their own while I was writing this and added that in. Now, nothing is back to normal and Jonghyun won't be going back, but at least they talked to one another. I'm still debating on whether or not I want to keep it in here, because it clashes with what I had in mind for the ending, but I guess I'll leave it here just to make you guys happy. XP



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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!