Chapter 12



Aha! 2 chapters in one night! Whoohoo! I'm on a roll! I was in the inspiration-for-writing mood today for some reason, those are very rare moods sadly, so I decided to write you all another chapter :P This one is a MUCH MUCH happier chapter, I actually tried to make it happier because...well...I don't know about you guys, but 10 chapters of drama/angst/sad stuff would be a little much for me to handle without SOOOME humor/ fluff involved. Anyway, the worst of the depressing stuff is over with now, only problem is...will Onew's fears come true? Will the members treat him differently now that he's finally had to raise the broom? Will they continue working at SM as a group? Will they be fired? What will happen to the manager? 

I've got the plot planned for the next two or three chapters or so...but I'm running out of ideas. Anyone have any good ones? Feel free to suggest stuff! I'll need all the help I can get. ^.^ 

Well, I've rambled enough. Basically this chapter focuses on the relationship between Onew and Taemin, which is bound to be adorable, don't you think? Oh! And Notperfect - I promised you a happy chapter :) Here you go~! I want to thank you again for being such a loyal and awesome reader :3 Love you~ I also want to thank everyone else who has read/subscribed/and commented. Really it means a lot. If I can, I'll try and dedicate a chapter to all of you. That's how much you all mean to me.


Massaging his temples to hopefully relieve himself of the painful headache that was occurring suddenly, Onew flipped the T.V off that had been left on, locked the front door of the apartment he shared with the other members, and walked over to the stove to put on hot water for tea for himself.

God, how he wished this would never have happened.

If you looked at it right, it was the company’s fault.

He didn’t want to put all the blame on Jonghyun and Se Kyung, because he knew it wasn’t their fault that their relationship had brought all this upon them, so he figured the only thing to do was blame SM.

If SM weren’t so hard on everyone, and weren’t so picky about everything they ever did, didn’t treat their artists and managers so poorly, maybe this wouldn’t have happened.

Onew sighed.

It was no use blaming anybody for this mess. It wouldn’t matter now anyway.

The shrill whistle of the tea kettle after a couple minutes of peaceful silence, made Onew jump and jerk himself from his thoughts.

He poured himself a cup of tea and flopped down on the couch, thinking hard.

He hoped Jonghyun and the rest of the members were okay.

Key had tended to Jonghyun’s wounds as soon as Minho managed to separate him from the manager, who looked like he was going to lose his composure any second and strangle him. The hate in Kibum’s eyes when he glared at Onew, while running to get the bandages had made Onew want to curl up in a corner and die, because he’d never received such a look from him before.

It had hurt, yes, but…there were bigger things to worry about than that just now.

Like their job. He’d been serious when he told Taemin and Jonghyun that they may not have jobs in the morning. It didn’t seem like that serious of a thing, but to the company it was, especially since Jonghyun had screamed on air, for not only the whole country to hear, but many others as well.

I can’t wait for work tomorrow, Onew thought sarcastically. It’ll be so much fun.

He sipped gingerly at his tea, wishing that he had a large box of chicken to cheer himself up.

Too bad it’s so late…

The thought of his favorite food made him smile slightly.

That’s what I need. A big bar of chocolate, a box of chicken, and a nice, long day off. I’d go for a stroll in the park maybe, do a little shopping down town, buy a coffee, watch a couple dramas~

Maybe I’d even check my fan mail and respond to them all. I’d might as well make someone else’s day if I can’t make mine any better.

But he knew he wouldn’t be getting a day off, especially now. They very rarely got days off.  Ever since their former label mate and friend Hankyung, from Super Junior, terminated his contract and left SM, telling the world the truth behind the company by saying that he hadn’t gotten a day off in two years, the company had been better about giving the other groups days off once in a while, but SHINee had already gotten a day off already this year, and they weren’t likely to get another one until Christmas.

He sighed again and, finishing off his tea, decided he should probably get to sleep.

He rose from his chair, groaning softly as the pain in his hips, from the earlier beating he had received from the manager, returned. His joints were stiff and he felt ten years older as he shuffled towards the sink and washed out his cup.

I’m too young to be feeling like this. I’m only twenty…

He stretched with a yawn and walked past Jonghyun and Minho’s room. He paused outside the door, hesitating on whether or not he should open the door a little and check on the both of them, but forced himself to walk past both their rooms and Taemin and Key’s.

They’re fine, Jinki. Besides, it’s best if you give them their space right now anyway. The last thing they probably want to see is you…especially Key…he probably won't ever want to look at you again.

He found the switch to turn off the lights, and then made his way towards his own room, eager to lay in his bed and try to sleep.

What he found when he opened the door surprised him.

Taemin lay there, on his bed, curled up in his blankets and hugging his pillow tight.

I didn’t even see him come in here…

Taemin looked up and smiled when Onew walked in and the lights.

“Your bed is really comfortable, hyung.”

He’s still calling me ‘hyung’, Onew thought with relief. That’s good.

Onew sat on the edge of his bed and looked at the maknae, leaning back against the wall.

“You want it? You can keep it.” He tried to sound humorous, but he was too stressed and too tired for it to come out as intended. But Taemin laughed anyway.

“No, that’s okay, Onew-hyung. I like mine better. There are more pillows.”

Onew was hardly able to put a smile to his lips.

They sat in silence for a little bit, merely enjoying one another’s company, until Onew broke it with the question that had been haunting him for half the night.

“Are you okay?”

Taemin looked confused.

“Why wouldn’t I be, hyung?”

Onew couldn’t hide the confusion and the shock.

“W-what do you mean?”

“I mean…why wouldn’t I be alright? Jonghyun-hyung had it worse. I’m fine.”

Onew could tell he wasn’t lying and breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’m glad you’re okay.”

Taemin nodded and yawned, holding Onew’s pillow closer to him, his eyes fluttering shut and then snapping back open again.

Onew noticed this and smiled.

“Get some rest, Tae.” He said, patting the boy’s arm. “You can sleep in here tonight.”

“B-but hyung,” Taemin said, scrambling to sit up, wide-awake again.“I didn’t mean to take your bed; I just wanted to talk to you before you went to sleep! I can go back to my room –“

“No, it’s okay, Taemin. You should sleep in here tonight; I want to talk to Key anyway.”

Taemin hesitated as Onew made his way towards the door.

“Wait, hyung! Stay with me…please?”

Onew looked at him in surprise.

“Key-hyung is mad at you, even though I told him it wasn’t your fault. I don’t think he’d like to talk to you right now…” Taemin admitted, biting his lip.

Onew nodded, trying to keep himself from admitting how much it hurt to hear that.

“Besides…I miss being able to hang out with you, hyung. We’re always so busy…”

Not able to help but agree, Onew nodded and slid into the queen sized bed beside Taemin, grateful that Taemin wasn’t mad at him and happy for the extra warmth, for his room got much colder at night than the others did.

“You’re right, we don’t get to spend as much time together as we used too.” Onew sighed.

He stared up at the ceiling for a second before realizing something.

“…I forgot to turn out the light.”

Taemin laughed.

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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!