Chapter 2


Key tentatively reached for Jonghyun's shaking hand, terrified of this new side of him.


The word hardly escaped Key's mouth before Jonghyun slapped his hand away and fixed his steely gaze on him for a second, his eyes un-naturally dark.

Jonghyun tore his gaze from Key's hurt ones, which he'd never admit cut him to the core like a bullet wound to the heart, then hardened his gaze and gave the reporter one last glare before fleeing the room. His eyes were already filling up with tears.

He was so tired, so mentally and physically worn out, that any calm he had once had, vanished. The situation with Shin Se Kyung was a nightmare. They both had realized that their fans would take it hard - but they never knew that hundreds of fans would quiet supporting both SHINee and Shin Se Kyung's acting career. Some fans had even gone so far as to put hateful comments on her page, telling them how they stole Jonghyun away from them and how she didn't deserve someone as great as him. It wasn't fair, it was stupid. Sometimes he hated his fans. They were all so selfish, only thinking about themselves and not him. Did they really think he was going to marry them all?

He scoffed to himself and increased his walking pace, trying to get as far away from the conference room as possible.

But he just couldn't take it anymore. He was tired of not being able to do things he wanted without consequences. He couldn't eat what he wanted, he couldn't sleep in, he couldn't date... He had known that it was going to be hard when he auditioned to be a part of SM, and he had known that he wouldn't be able to do those things, but not he was just sick of it all and wanted a break.

Why, after following his dream, was he not happy?

The room was awkwardly quiet still, even after Jonghyun had left, everyone looking at one another in disbelief. Not only had Kim Jonghyun lost his temper, but he had done so on live radio and public TV and had greatly disrespected his elders. That was inexcusable. One was to respect their elders no matter the situation, no matter the person. It was uncharacteristic of Jonghyun to do such a thing, which is what shocked them all.

The remaining members of SHINee jumped when suddenly Jonghyun's enraged scream from the other room, pierced their eardrums and the silence, breaking them from their stunned daze.

Their manager-hyung took Onew's elbow in a rough grip, making SHINee's leader wince, and leaned in close to his ear.

"Get up. Now." Their manager hissed.

Onew nodded slightly, swallowing down the fear he felt at the anger in his hyung's voice, and made eye contact with Taemin, Key, and Minho. The three of them were looking at him, different expressions on their faces and different emotions swimming in their eyes, looking to their leader for direction and guidance.

Onew suddenly felt sick to his stomach, knowing that these three innocent faces would suffer as well for Jonghyun's mistake. Because they were a team. And whatever punishment Jonghyun was receiving the rest of them got it...and Onew got it doubled for being the leader.

He swallowed and gestured for them to stand. The three of them were so in sync that they all rose at exactly the same time, though their manager was a bit slow and stood up a fraction of a second later.

"We apologize for Jonghyun's behavior, sunbaenim. I assure you it will not happen again." Their manager said, hardly able to contain his anger as he spoke. Onew could see how taught their manager was, his hands so tightly clenched together that his knuckles were turning white.

They all bowed at 45 degrees and stayed that way until Onew's joints ached and he thought his spine would tear from his flesh if he stayed in that very uncomfortable position any longer. He saw from the corner of his eye the rest of his band-mates shifting occasionally, Taemin bite his lip, and Key change his footing. He knew, he wasn't sure how but just had a feeling, that Minho's recently recovered calf was hurting him a little bit.

Finally, after a tug of his hand by their manager, Onew and the rest of SHINee were able to stand straight again. Onew felt relief flow through him and knew the others felt the same.

They bowed again quickly, a quick dip of their head, before their manager-hyung grabbed Onew's elbow again, none too gently, and dragged him out the door. Minho followed after them quietly, Key and Taemin hesitating before the door.

Taemin slipped his hand from Key's warm one and bowed again to the ahjummas and ahjusshis in the room, 90 degrees this time.

"Please excuse my hyung for his behavior. He's going through a hard time right now..." Taemin hesitated. "You probably don't want to hear excuses, but it's true. He would never speak in such a way!" Taemin opened his mouth to say more, but Key, who had escaped to the doorway, returned to his side and placed a tired hand on the maknae's shoulder, squeezing it firmly but gently.

"Taemin..." Kibum whispered quietly. He cast a nervous glance at the unnaturally quiet reporters and officials sitting before them, they're eyes dark - accusing, disappointed, enraged. "We need to leave. Manager hyung will be even more furious if we don't..."

No sooner had Key gotten the words from his mouth, Minho ducked under the doorway, motioning for the two of them to come with an impatient wave of his hand.

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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!