Chapter 20


Jonghyun wandered the streets of Seoul with a happy smile, pleased that he was able to have this type of freedom again. It was nice to feel the breeze, to smell the street food and know that you were able to get as much as you wanted, and to surrounded by other people who didn't know him or didn't care. All the children that were fans of SHINee were in school, so he didn't have to worry much about many people recognizing him, though he did take a hat from his old room and put on some sunglasses - just to be sure.

He felt a little bad though, just walking out of his parent's home with much of a goodbye. He had written a note to tell them that he had left and not to worry to much, but he still felt guilty over it.

I haven't seen them in years and I only stayed a couple of hours...what a great son.

He had to though; he knew that his dad would call someone and tell them where he was to drag him back, kicking and screaming the whole way. It wasn't because his dad was a horrible parent - no, far from that - but he hated the words "give up" or "I quit." 

Jonghyun ran his fingers through his hair with a sigh, looking around for the apartment building that he had struggled to find for over an hour now - even with the help of his cell phone and fellow passer-bys. It was pretty pathetic when you've lived in Seoul all your live and hadn't ever set foot in this part of the city.



The sun had almost disappeared behind the horizon when Jonghyun finally found an apartment building suitable enough for him to live in. 

It hadn't been the one he was looking for, (he had found out that he had been in the completely wrong area, much to his utter humiliation, by a store clerk) but it had been too expensive for him to afford anyway.

He stared up at the building. He hopefully would be spending the rest of the year here until he earned enough cash to upgrade to better living quarters.

It was exciting to say the least and he felt a knot tense up in his stomach, but a smile made it's way to his face.

"This is it..."

He clenched his fists and, taking a calming breathe and praying that he would be able to stay here, he pushed foreword.

The morning after Leeteuk had gotten a phone call from Minho, he called a group meeting. He would have done it earlier, but the group was scattered all across Seoul running through their schedules until so late at night that he didn't feel right keeping them awake. 

The twelve members, minus Kangin who had left a couple weeks before for military service, sat in a large circle, their breakfasts left untouched in front of them. Feeling the heavy atmosphere, none of them felt like eating.

It was silent, and it rarely was in the Super Junior dorm, for a long time before Eunhyuk broke the silence.

"Hyung? What's wrong?"

Leeteuk hesitated before saying what was on his mind.

"...You guys have to promise not to tell anyone, especially the company if they haven't found out already. Please, I don't want him in any more trouble than he's already in."

"Is Minho in some sort of trouble, hyung?" Ryeowook asked fearfully, his eyes wide.

There were some gasps of surprise and a little bit of whispering between the members, but Leeteuk hurriedly shook his head.

"No, no. Of course not..." He glanced at all of them. "Please, promise you'll keep this a secret between our selves."

Everyone nodded, eager to hear what he was going to say. Leeteuk smiled.

"Thanks guys..." He took another deep breathe, clenching his fists tightly. "Minho called me yesterday. He said that - that Jonghyun ran away."


"Are you serious?!"

"Why would he do that?"

"Like...ran ran away? Like...not come back ever again ran away? Or like...went to visit his family for a couple days without permission, ran away?"

"Um..." Leeteuk tried to find who it was that had asked the last question, but couldn't find him because everyone had stopped talking and screaming things to look at their leader. 'I-I think it was the "Like...not come back ever again'."

The group broke out into shouting matches again, demanding answers as to why Jonghyun would do such a thing.

"SHUT UP!" Someone screamed in English and it took a second for Leeteuk to figure out it was Kyuhyun, who must have learned the phrase from Henry. It worked though, even if half the group had no idea what the two words meant, they all quieted down and stared at their maknae with wide eyes.

"Kyuhyun," Leeteuk frowned. "No need to yell...but thank you though."

Kyuhyun grinned a little and nodded his head, a serious look on his face once again.

"Well...what can we do to get him back?" Donghae asked, concern on his face. 

"Is anyone close with him that could maybe convince him to come back?" Yesung asked.

"But how are we even going to find him? He could be out of the city by now! It would be stupid to stay in Seoul while the company is out looking for him!" Heechul cried, throwing his hands up in the air.

"I agree with Yesung. Who is close with Jonghyun, raise your hands!"

Donghae, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, and Heechul raised their hands.

Jonghyun slowly turned the key in the lock, his heart pumping fast. 

This was it...

The lock clicked open and he twisted the handle, frowning when the door took a little more force than normal to push it open. 

The room was pitch-black dark and he took a step inside, fumbling to find the lights.

When he found them, he switched it on, but nothing happened for a couple seconds. A hum filled the room before the lights came on one by one and revealed a small room. The walls where gray, the floors were hardwood lamanent, and the whole apartment consisted of four rooms in total: the bedroom, the kitchen, the dining/living room, and the bathroom.

It didn't look to be in the best of shape...the floors looked as though they hadn't been cleaned in a while, there was a large hole in the side of the wall where someone must have kicked it, and some of the light bulbs in the kitchen were burnt out - but it was livable and affordable, so he was happy for the time being.

He closed the front door behind him as he explored more of the interior, walking into the kitchen and opening up all the appliances and cupboards and running the water in the sink to make sure it worked, walking into the bedroom and making sure the lights worked and that the bed was good, and then, lastly, walking into the bathroom and making sure everything worked.

Nothing was out of place. There was one light burnt out in the bathroom,  but it wasn't very important, so he didn't really mind. And then the toilet was really gross looking - the inside hadn't been cleaned out in a long time, making Jonghyun grimace and decide that he would have to find cleaner for it. The shower was also a little moldy, but cleaner would fix that too. The only thing wrong with the kitchen was that one of the cabinets was missing a door and another one didn't close properly. And then the bedroom, thankfully, seemed to be in the best shape out of all the other rooms. It had a large stain on the floor, but that was fine too, as long as the bed was something good he could sleep on.

He smiled to himself and, after setting down his bag by the door, leapt onto the bed with a shout of joy and stared up at the ceiling. 

I did it. I finally have my own place.

Now tomorrow, I just need to get a few groceries and look for a job.

Hello everyone :D I've put up another chapter for you all, but I'm going on a camping trip for the rest of today until tomorrow (which is my birthday! Whoohoo!) so I won't be able to update for those two days...or respond to any questions/comments you guys may or may not have left me ._. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and I promise that I'll try and update soon for you all :3 I love you guys~

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Chapter 39: why did you leave me on this chapter with a cliffhanger omg ;^; update soon!
Chapter 39: Please hurry up and update. I really want to know if Jonghyun goes back to SHINee. I really hope that he does.
jade098 #3
Please update soon again!!
It's a really great story,and i'm dying to know how will they react D:
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 39: Update soon please the story is really good ^^
xyaaar #5
Chapter 39: This is so good!
so good
i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 39: new reader!!
i just finished reading all 39 chapters...
and i seriously want more!!
so...update 'kay?
Chapter 39: ahhh whats next!!
Chapter 39: Ah Minho saw him! Please update soon! I really really REALLY want to see what happens next! I love this story so much!