4. School Days

Magic Shinhwa

A few weeks passed since the fall formal. Hyesung still couldn't believe that Eric crowned him to be his partner for the night. While the others get ready for class, he gets ready for his training session. 

"Wow, you're so lucky, hyung." (Junjin)

"Why? What for?" (Hyesung)

"You don't go to classes. You go with the headmaster and train with him. Only the advanced train with him and you're new." (Junjin)

"Yeah... Just lucky." (Hyesung)

Then, the leave the dorms.

"See you later, Hyesung." (Minwoo)

"See you later." (Hyesung)

He went to the gym to train his powers. There, headmaster Magia was waiting for him.

"So, shall we begin?" (Mister Magia)

"Yes. What should we start with?" (Hyesung)

"How about we start with how to dodge other's attacks." (Mister Magia)

"Okay." (Hyesung)

That went smoothly. Thanks to the attack from the Darkness Trio from the night of the fall formal. That made him wonder. (Does Mister Magia know abou them?)

"Mister Magia. Do you know about the Darkness Trio?" (Hyesung)

"The Darkness Trio? Yes. Be careful around them. They're from the witches and warlocks school, Night Tower." (Mister Magia)

"Night Tower. Are all of them evil?" (Hyesung)

"No. They're all very nice. Only them are dangerous." (Mister Magia)


After learning a bit about the Darkness Trio, at least he had an idea of what they're about. He had to get ready in case they attack again. After school, he meets up with Shinhwa. They have been looking forward to spend the reset of the day with him. 

"So, what do you want to do." (Dongwan)

"What I want to do? How about we go watch a movie." (Hyesung)

"What's a movie?" (Junjin)

"It's like a moving images, right?" (Andy)

"Yeah. You don't have them here?" (Hyesung)

"I think so." (Minwoo)

"Actually, I have some movies." (Eric)

"Really? How?" (Dongwan)

"My father brought some back when he went to Earth." (Eric)

"Really? How come you didn't tell us?" (Minwoo)

"I just thought you guys won't be interested." (Eric)

So they watched an action movie together. The others were surprised about how people on Earth could do such things but Eric doesn't seem that surprised. Maybe he already saw this movie a bunch of times?


The next day, the headmaster let him go back home for a week. He was happy to see his parents again. He went back home and lived like he did before he transfered to Aira Academy.

"Mom, Dad. I'm back." (Hyesung)

"Welcome back, son." (Mrs. Jung)

"How long are you here for?" (Mr. Jung)

"Umm... a week." (Hyesung)

"That's not very long." (Mrs. Jung)

"I know but it's better than nothing." (Hyesung)

"Well, I hope you have a good break. What do want to do?" (Mr. Jung)

"I have schedules on Wednesday so it's not that much of a break." (Hyesung)


He took his bike and went to his company. Then, he meets Kanghan for the first time in weeks.

"Well, well. Look who it is." (Kanghan)

"What are doing here, Kanghan?" (Hyesung)

"Well, it depends. Why didn't you show up for school?" (Kanghan)

"I switched schools. And before you say anything, it's not because Seoul Arts University is hard. I went there because of my special needs." (Hyesung)

"Special needs? What make you special, huh?" Kanghan said sarcastically.

"Nothing that you need to know about. Goodbye." Hyesung rode off.


He reached the company building and puts on his glasses. He always puts on glasses everytime he's in the company and wears a mask every time he's performing on stage. No one ever saw his actually face. Except for the CEO because he needed to see his face one time.

"Hello, Hyesung. You're back. How's your new school?" (CEO)

"It's fine, thank you sir." (Hyesung)

"Okay, you know what we say." (CEO)

"Work hard and the result will be grand." They both say at the same time.

"Oppa, you're back." (Taeyeon)

"Yeah, I have a week off of school." (Hyesung)

"A week off. That must be great." (Yuri)

"Yeah... I need to get going." (Hyesung)

"Okay. See you around." (Sunny)

That was first time he saw Girls' Generation in months. They were always busy with their schedules due to their popularity. They never saw his actually face mainly because his glasses and mask cover the upper half of his face. He only not wears his glasses at home or at his mother's shop, mainly due to the fact that they never seen his face before.

"I wonder what it's like to be in a group?" Hyesung wonders. He thought about being in a group with Shinhwa a few times. But they're from the magic dimension and he's from Earth. They would need a lot of teaching to get to know the entertainment industry. 

"Maybe I can ask them?" 


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missstery #1
Chapter 31: Thank you for the update, was interesting. Happy New Year! the best wishes for you and your beloved ones. Take care
missstery #2
Chapter 26: Interesting twist, I never imagined that the earth also has magicians, is also good to see new characters from other groups. Thanks for the updates. Take care.
missstery #3
Chapter 20: It's getting more and more interesting, and the fusion's names suit them very well. I was surprised by Hyesung, he is really powerful. I wait for more. Greetings and thanks
missstery #4
Chapter 18: OMG, there are already so many chapters, the story is entertaining and I already understood what happened with Hyesung and Eric. Now seeing Jin and Andy is interesting. Great job. Greetings and take care
Chapter 18: Go Andy and Junjin for both Andy earning his powers but their fusion also, so cool!!!!!

Reading this last few days has definitely made mornings much better 😀
missstery #6
Chapter 8: Many chapters again, thanks for this. I hope Hyesung's brother is still alive and they can raise their kingdom together. Now I know what Eric hides and how he met Hyesung. But I have a question, what really came out of his embrace, was really a living being and what happened to it? I think I didn't understand. It disappeared as soon as they separated? Anyway, I just hope Hyesung remembers Eric soon, because he is suffering and I don't like to see him like that. I wait for more chapters, because is interesting how the story transpires in two different worlds. Greetings and take care.
Chapter 7: Ahhhhh can imagine being pushed like that would do damage. But wow him and Eric.....please regain your memories soon Hyesung
missstery #8
Chapter 5: It was nice to find this story, is interesting to see the Shinhwa members being magicians. I just read all the chapters and you caught me, it's really interesting. Now I want to know the story behind Hyesung. Also why Eric crowned Hyesung at the dance and the answers to the last few questions. Thanks for the story, take care.