The concert

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Ryeowook started playing the intro of 'The First Impression', and her fingers seemed to act on their own, finding the right keys and in a correct tempo.

The fans cheered loudly when Kyuhyun started singing, and screamed when they realised Kyuhyun was so near to them, from the audience door!

Two security officers were in front of Kyuhyun, ensuring that the fans didn't flock to the aisle steps where Kyuhyun was singing and slowly stepping down, and Manager Won and one more security officer were behind Kyuhyun, to make sure nobody tried to grab him.

Kyuhyun wore a double-ed beige suit, looking so handsome carrying a bouquet of flowers with his right hand, which was also holding his mike, stepping down towards the stage, all along singing and waving to his fans with his left hand. 

Ryeowook's sitting position was facing the stage, so the fans could only see her back, with white satin long off-white dress,  neatly bunned up hair, and playing the piano with grace and confidence. Everybody must have thought that she was part of the concert orchestra team!

Kyuhyun felt so proud of his girl, feeling excited as he walked towards her and reminded himself not to kiss her!

When he stepped nearer to the grand piano, he smile at her, put the flowers on the piano ledge, face his fans and sat on a high chair next to the piano, and continued singing.

Ryeowook looked up at him and they both smile at each other, and she knew that he was actually singing to her. How she loved him and his voice... ohhhh... it sound so beautiful to her ears..! 

She felt utmost grateful that she was able to play the piano for her beloved idol and be with him on this stage, where previously, she was only at the audience section, sitting and watching her idol singing on the stage. Never in her wildest dream would she ever imagined that one day, she could be with him on the same stage!

The fans cheered loudly once the song ended and Kyuhyun gave the flowers to his beloved fiance, restraining himself not to kiss her! She looked so beautiful and dazzling to him, with the stage lights shining from her back.

Smiling widely and giving a slight bow, Ryeowook accepted the flowers and placed it on the left side of the piano.

Kyuhyun refrained from taking her hand too, to kiss it, because it was dangerous,  the media and fans must not know that Ryeowook was the woman that he would be marrying soon.

Kyuhyun started talking to his fans "Thank you" he smile, and continued "... erm...if you noticed, I changed the lyrics a bit.. haha.. but I did seek permission from Iwalyzy-ssi" Kyuhyun laughed,  and the fans cheered. "I personally like the song a lot, and... I hope that you do like my version" he chuckled when the fans clapped their hands. 

"Anyway, the next song is 'WIND', and this beautiful lady here will play the piano again, for me. Everyone.., please sing along with me, okay?!!" Kyuhyun said the last part louder, to his fans, who cheered and answered "Deyy..!"

Kyuhyun looked at Ryeowook, smiling and whispered "Ready?" and she nodded, smiling back at him, and started playing the intro.

And Kyuhyun's voice was so mesmerisingly beautiful, and Ryeowook felt shy because he kept glancing at her while singing!

The song ended with loud clapping and cheering from the fans, and Ryeowook bowed at him, got up gracefully and took the flowers. 

The light went dim, so Ryeowook walked out to the side of the stage, and at the same time, the stage light focused back to Kyuhyun, who, after ensuring that his beloved girl has reached the side stage safely, started talking to his fans again.

Backstage, everybody clapped and cheered at Ryeowook and some male dancers whistled at her, for a job well done! They congratulated her, especially Henry, who gave her a congratulatory hug saying that she was excellent on stage.

"You really played the piano like a pro!! Well done Wook!!" Henry patted her shoulder and was so happy for her!

"Thank you, Henry, thank you everyone! I was so nervous actually, but Kyuhyun's voice and presence really helped me a lot and I felt better and got more confidence to p

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duckj0471 #1
Chapter 25: Wow new couple? ☺️
And Kyuwook is still so sweet 😆
Chapter 23: This is so cute and amazing 🥰
Chapter 22: loved it
Chapter 21: I can not wait
Chapter 16: Aaa... The wedding is nearr :))))
Nana2605 #6
Chapter 13: This is every fangirls's dream: dating with the idol....
can't wait for the next chapter....
Chapter 5: Just found your new story.
Its good. Can't wait for the next chap :))