Chapter 6 - Zayan

Looking for Love

For the past few weeks I could not stop wondering where things went wrong with Zack. I kept analyzing everything during the date and wondered that maybe it was the hickey that Jong Up gave me that made him realize that he does not want to try things out with me anymore. Maybe he thought I was too naive and vulnerable and easy, like I was easy prey and he can not trust me around other guys to not be taken advantage of. But then why would he tell me that he that he actually likes that I got a hickey and did stuff with another guy. Is it because he wanted to do stuff with me? Weird. I could not stop staring at his pictures on Facebook or Instagram but now that I look back on them he is sooo ugly. 

I was trying to forget about him so even though I said I would not go back on Minder, I did.

I was swiping through Minder when I came across a cute guy with a drink in his hand in one of his pictures. I kept swiping and saw another picture of him together with his family. They looked like a cute family. Two of the girls were wear wearing hijab awe.

He is too cute for me I figured, not expecting  him to match with me.

I swiped for a a few more mintues then put my phone away. When I picked it back up a few hours later, it turned out Zayan had swiped right on me. A few hours later, I got a message and it was from him saying, "Hey hows it going?".  I was honestly surprised. 

I noticed that his bio said "I don't break hearts. I fix them" so I ended up spilling my guts out to him. This guy ghosted me and I have not been able to stop thinking about him for the past few weeks. He responded with a sweet message "Awe a girl deserves to be treated right!" and a whole rant of how that it was wrong. I was surprised he was being so sweet. I ended up stalking him. I found his Youtube channel through his instagram which he posted on his profile I thinkk I can not remember exactly. I watched a video and found him cute! He was a cute Youtuber!  And it said he was actually Guyanese to my dissapointment I was really hoping that he was actually Bengali.

I ended up confessing to him that I stalked his Youtube Channel and know that he's guyanese and that I could hook him up with my Guyanese friend. He laughed "lol Guyanese friend. What about you though? Your so cute" and then asked me for my snapchat.

On snapchat he sent me a snap and then asked me why I was not sending him any. So I decided to send him a snap even though I looked weird. And that is how it all started.

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