Chapter 26

Looking for Love

It felt like we were driving through the country side in New Jersey. I felt like I had just came to the village.

As a New Yorker, everything in New Jersey looked rural except for Newark and Hoboken. That looked pretty city like and similar to New York City to me.

As we approached his town, a sign called Norristown came into view. Wow, so this was his hometown.

I get a flashback of the time when after I moved, he facetimes me and he asks me where I am. The place I am sitting in looks so different.

"Um we moved."

"You moved?"

"Yeah, its a long story. Our landlord sold their house so we had to move out"

"Oh okay."

He starts telling me how he lives in a rich neighborhood.

"Yeah apparently, this neighborhood is kind of rich. This is where doctors and nurses live" I tell him.

"Oh really. I live in a rich neighborhood. Norristown is rich. How does it feel?"

"It feels whatever. I miss living in the hood honestly."

"Oh you are not used to the rich life?"

"No idk, it was just more convinient where I used to live. I used to be able to walk to college."

"How long does it take you to get to class?"

"it  used to take me like 12 minutes back where I used to live" I tell him. 

"Wow that's great".

"Yeah, but it was a lot of walking".

"You are acting like walking is a bad thing" he says.

"How long does it take you to get to school?"

"It takes me half an hour to drive to school."

"Oh that's not bad!" I tell him.


"But now I gotta take the bus and it takes like 20 minutes"

"Oh thats not bad!"

Anyways, we keep driving through and before we know it, we are approaching his house.  

"That's his house" he tells me and points to his house.

"Oh okay."

I am impressed. I was honestly taking everything in.

"It is big" I tell him.

He seems so proud of his house and so eager to point it out.

We walk in through the garage and it is full of cars. Wow where did he get all these cars from?

Then we enter their house through the garage and it feels surreal.

So this was his house from Facetime and his videos. I am mesmerized taking everything in. Their place is really big. There is a big tabel and a living area and a nice kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" he asks me. "You want any pancakes or anything?"

"No" I say out of politeness but I was actually hungry.

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