The Unbeatable

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Eunbi grabs hold of the joystick and expertly manuevours it as she changes gears. She releases the pedal and steps on it after turning her steering wheel.


“Oh oh oh!!!” Minsang screams out in excitement as he tries to skid before stepping on the accelerator. “I am catching up with you! Be scared!” He shouts but he misses the right time to release his pedal causing his car to bump slightly against the railing.


The two of them are in the arcade taking over, very loudly, the racing section.


“You are a wimp for using automatic gear to try to race me. You wouldn’t win!” Eunbi shouts back in response. The arcade has loud music blasting through its speakers to arouse excitement for its visitors.


“I DON’T KNOW HOW TO DRIVE! YOU HAVE A DRIVER’S LICENSE!” He retorts while keeping his eye on the screen.


“I drove manual gear WAY BEFORE I GOT THE LICENSE!” Eunbi screams back. Their adrenaline is clearly kicking in, both determined to win.


“Oh! OH! OHHHH!!!!” They both shout out loud as they are racing in the final stretch before Eunbi lets out, “I WON!!!” Her competitive does not even want to let a fourteen year old boy win.


Minsang grumpily slams his palm on the steering wheel.


“So I see this is how you spend your free time, Eunbi unnie.”


Eunbi was just laughing at the deflated boy when she turns to the source of the voice. Minjoo and Sakura are standing closest to her with Chaewon, Yena, Lighting and Yujin behind them.


“Minjoo ah! Oh you guys too!” Eunbi stands up in surprise.


“Wow unnie, hanging out in the arcade instead of planning the gala dinner I see.” Yena cheekily provokes the older girl. This is a rare moment to see Eunbi in a position of a prey having just caught her outside during working hours.


“I took an official day off today, Choi Yena.” Eunbi narrows her eyes at the aforementioned girl before glancing over to the girl beside Minjoo. Sakura avoids eye contact with Eunbi by pretending to be distracted with the other arcade games. She didn’t want to come into the arcade but she had no choice since Minjoo instinctively headed in that direction. Sakura however did manage to get a quick scan of the casual wear Eunbi is wearing today; the agent is dressed in a cute red striped dress, giving off a completely different vibe from what Sakura is used to seeing Eunbi put on for work. I would say she is pretty... in a dress… ish. But, nah.


Sakura’s internal monologue gets interrupted by Eunbi as the agent adds onto her earlier reply to Yena; her eyes likewise didn’t linger long on Sakura because Eunbi is not feeling pleased seeing her annoying principal on her rare day off. Eunbi addresses her junior agents, “I will head back to work tomorrow to begin preparations for the gala dinner. Happy?”


“Your days are now more flexible right? So you can’t say no to hanging out more!” Minjoo jumps in.


Eunbi can only giggle at Minjoo’s remark before Minjoo turns her attention to the boy beside Eunbi. “Who is this, unnie? I don’t remember you having a younger brother. Min…?” Minjoo is trying hard to recall the boy’s name which Yujin shouted out earlier. Thankfully, the younger girl jumps in again.


“Minsang! The boy from the game store!” Yujin exclaims excitedly. She is just really ecstatic to see familiar faces.


Minsang registers Yujin and Sakura’s faces and points at them. “OH! I remember these two noonas, they were with you the other time!”


Eunbi immediately pushes Minsang’s pointed hand down and moves her hand behind his back to get him to bow. “Where are your manners. Introduce yourself.”


Minsang bows albeit forced. “Hello. My name is Minsang.”


Minjoo looks confusedly at Eunbi waiting for more explanation. The older girl gets the hint so she explains. “He’s a friend? A boy I met the other time when we,” Eunbi glances briefly at Sakura who happens to also be looking at her, resulting in their first eye contact. Eunbi continues after glancing away, “when we were at the game shop.”


Minsang pokes Eunbi. “Can I have the game card? I want to play another round so I can win you.”


Eunbi raises her brows and waits.


Minsang huffs. “Please?”


Eunbi sticks her hand into her pocket and pulls out the card. Minsang takes it and immediately hops onto the driving chair. As the bystanders watch while he starts his game, Yujin asks something Sakura is also very curious about. But obviously Sakura was never going to ask, in fact she’s hoping to get through this whole interaction without speaking once.


“Unnie you kept in contact with him?”


“I gave him my number remember?”


“Isn’t he too young for you to give your number to?” Minjoo is jealous at Eunbi’s obvious likeness for the boy. Coupled with the fact that she doesn’t know what their relationship is like, Minjoo is not liking it even more.


Eunbi chuckles again and moves forward to wrap one arm around the girl’s shoulder. “Are you jealous Minjoonie?” Eunbi purposely teases her using the cutesy nickname.


Minjoo says nothing in Eunbi’s hold but her expression shows otherwise.


Eunbi continues. “I gave him my number so we can keep in contact-” She pauses mid-sentence because of Minjoo’s glaring look at her with her big eyes.


“Keep in contact so I can make sure he doesn’t steal again.”


“Steal?” Yena interrupts to ask the question Minjoo was going to.


“He tried to steal but Eunbi unnie caught him and helped so he wouldn’t get caught by the game shop staff.” Yujin answers on behalf on Eunbi.


“I suspected that teenage kids like him usually resort to stealing because they seek attention. And… I was right.” Eunbi casts her eyes back on the excited boy speeding through the race course. “He called me a couple of times on pretense of asking me to feed him because he doesn’t have money. Obviously I know that’s not true because he tried to load the arcade game card with $50.” She turns back to Minjoo. “He’s just another kid with no adults around to love him.”


Eunbi’s last line hits hard at Minjoo as the younger girl now looks empathetically at the boy. Eunbi notices that thoughtful gaze and wraps her arm tighter around Minjoo. She leans in to the younger girl and whispers, “But you are always my favourite dongsaeng Minjoo ah.”


Minjoo giggles at Eunbi’s words as a blush returns to her cheeks. This unnie always has her way with her and that’s why she has a crush on her in the first place. Other than her mother, nobody has been so open with their affection with her and that tickles her soft spot.


Eunbi smiles at Minjoo’s clearly relaxed self, now relieved that she appeased the girl. Thus she directs her attention to her fellow agents. “So what brings you all here in the first place?” Eunbi has been meaning to ask as she’s only been gone for half a day and Minjoo and Sakura are seen together? Outside school and the mansion?


“They are here to collect Hitomi’s present while we are here because Sakura unnie wants to buy some clothes.” Yujin dutifully answers her Captain. Barely awhile without her and Yujin misses Eunbi terribly.


Their conversation is abruptly stopped by Minsang who suddenly shouts. “Yes!!! I beat your earlier timing!!! You can’t say you are unbeatable now noona!” Minsang is thrilled that he finally has a chance to beat the older girl.


Eunbi snickers and pats the boy’s hair. “I am pretty sure I am still unbeatable Minsang ah.”


“Yeah right.”


Everybody is shocked at the comment from the most unexpected person, Sakura. Sakura has been silent since they stepped into the arcade. However, she could not resist adding in that snark comment when she heard what Eunbi said. Gaming is Sakura’s specialty and on top of that, it’s Eunbi, which means anything from that girl is refutable for Sakura.


Eunbi meets Sakura’s eyes. She arches her brows.


Sakura senses the growing awkwardness among

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the story is finally finished! to all new readers who only are reading this after its done, i would love hear what you guys think! drop your comments below, i will reply~


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reigngrey #1
Chapter 51: I hope you can have a time for an epilogue. ✌🏽☺️
Chapter 51: wow after reading it for two days i finished the story. it is very beautiful to be honest especially the relationship of kkubi at first.
Chapter 51: I finish reading this in one day. That's how great this story was. I was soo hooked! 2kim was my fav part
I really love the development on minju and chaewon's characters here especially how chaewon cares for minju. This is reallyca great read eventhough it's too long. Definitely worth the time :)
Pach18 #5
Chapter 1: 1st chapter and i'm hooked already.
Chapter 51: finally i finished read this story again, and for the second time i read it, it still so good (honestly i still remember most part of the story, even the deleted chapter lol). i hope one day we can get another epilogue so we can see yujin reaction when she know that kkubi and 2kim are dating... thank you so much for writing this story, it such a fun story to read. Can't wait to read another story from you...
Chapter 1: i miss this story so much, i think i will re-read this story again from chap 1 when i have free time. i hope you will post your new story when the time is right...
MinjuYa #8
Chapter 1: It’s soooo good I am in love with it. Keep going on
hitomi to minju; stop! You could have dropped my croissant