
Our Crown



























     I'm fine babe. It's just a bruise   . 


Mister you aren't going anywhere. 


    But maybe I'm seriously fine  . 


How can you be fine. You look like one pitiful guy. Oh my gawd im so gonna punch Soobin if i ever see him


     Babe seriously. I am fine. Now I'm with you. I won't be hurt anymore   . 




     Nuna here is your pack of ice and ointment. Oh man, I never knew that bruises are getting worse  .


If he listened to me last night I am sure he will be better today but no. He decided to just be okay with it when I knew he was still in pain. 


    Ayee nuna. Beomgyu hyung is strong. Your love is his healing method  . 


You boys really.


     What he said is true babe. I am fine whenever I'm with you   . 


     Nuna trusts me. He will be wild soon   . 


Urgh fine. Well you mister better not to get into trouble starting from now onwards  


    Aww babe. You were hurt too right  .


Yes I am. She pulled my hair so tight that i'm paranoid already  


     Aigoo let me heal those   . 


Are you guys done. I ain't got time to wait at the car while you guys are still dragging time  




Hurry pack. I will wait at the carpark. 


    DAEBAK A TRIP    . 


Relax guys i already packed for you last night. It's just a small trip.


    Daebak. But Beomgyu hyung won't have as much fun as we could     .  


    It's okay guys. I can still enjoy the trip while recovering    . 


    Hyung are you still mad about Soobin hyung    . 


   Nahh. He is a victim as well. There's nothing much to be mad at him    . 


    Great so we don't need to be sad anymore   . 


Go and get ready. Naryeong doesn't really like waiting    .


    Right. Let's go    . 


Huening Kai and Taehyun ran towards their room to get ready while Beomgyu looked at Saejung who was packing the ointment stuff. 


Beomgyu. You need to get ready. 


   Will it be okay if you stick right by my side for the whole trip   .



What's wrong babe. You look concerned. 


     Well it's just that I don't know how to act when Soobin hyung is around    . 


Trust me he will change. You will be fine. He will be the Soobin that you know. 


    But isn't this too early  .


Beomgyu. Naryeong is doing this because she wants Yeonjun oppa to talk to Soobin oppa. You guys can't ghost each other because your brotherly bond is strong. Remember that. Now you go and get ready. I wont leave your side when you really need me. Is that okay? 


     Thank you so much love.....




Yah i heard that Naryeong is bringing the young ones on a trip. 


Yeah. She just wants to let everyone be good to each other and not having any fights but fun. 


She sure has the most kind hearted one. 


Kang Naryeong is who she is. She never fails to make her loved ones happy no matter what happened in the past. 


Well she is one of a kind. I just hope everything will be fine. 


Suga hyung what happened to Hyomin. 


Oh she is grounded and was sent to LA to her step mom. She won't be back for good I guess. 


That's a good step. It should have happened way earlier than this. 


Yah she is more than a psycho. I don't know what her next plan is after that. 


It's weird that only you can handle her well. 


That is what we call discipline. 


Hyung what if one day you became an uncle. 


What do you mean? 


I mean like Reika has the possibility to be pregnant with Yeonjun since they are already reaching adulthood. 


You and your imaginations. That won't happen so quickly. They are still young. 


Still what would you do when it happened. 


We are going to babysit the babies then. 


Wow bold answer. I like that  


Well that depends because by that time we might have our own other half. 


Well I can't deny that. Now for these few months you are letting Yeonjun be responsible for Naryeong. 


I might ask that. Naryeong wont mind. 


Oh my gawd i just can't wait to be an uncle  


Stop imagining things jimin. We need to practice. We have a schedule to clear. 


Oh right






Well guys, it's just something small from my parents. Besides, it is a break from all the stuff that has been happening. 


Yah this is the place that you have been talking about. Like this huge place  


Yes my darling. I never lie when it comes to vacation. Plus... All of you are the first one to be here aside from my brothers and the boys. 


    Aww babe. This place is as amazing as you    . 


Thanks. Well let's go. We need to buy groceries for the few days. 


Okay let's go. But the room. We are at odds. 


Ahh. I just remember. My cousin will join us. She will meet us tomorrow. For tonight the boys will be in the bigger room while we girls will be in the smaller ones. Because we ain't gonna stick with our boys for this trip. I'm sorry Beomgyu it's part of the plan. 


    That's fine...


Now let's head to that building. It's been awhile since I have been here. 


     Yeonjun hyung you will be fine with us   . 


      Aish jinjja just walk will you......


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pinkypn #1
Chapter 21: Im glad they are finally together. Im so disappointed in soobin, no matter what he should never hit a girl. How is it that he is the only one who didnt see/hear what hyomin did when he came together with the other boys. They boys all saw and heard what hyomin did/say. Why is everyone letting this get so out of hand when they can just get the cctv and turn it in as evidence when they report hyomin.
Chanbaek641 #2
This is really good!!