
Our Crown



























Omo did he really do that to you. 


Yes Saejung. Its like a miracle. 


So you are saying that Yeonjun is staying with you till that witch is out of this school. 


I dont know. My uncle didnt say anything. 


Thats weird. 


Its been two weeks already. Soobin and Yeonjun oppa didnt talk to each other. 


Well thats even more weird. I mean they are old enough to settled things straight. What else is preventing them. 


     Hyomin is preventing Soobin hyung to move on   . 




   I miss you too Saejung ah    . 


Yah he bullied me every practical class. 


    More like she bullied me during dance lesson. Babe just dont listen to her  .


Yah why you do this to me. You rude  


    Who is rude to my girl   . 


Babe finally. Well basically Beomgyu suffered from the dance lesson that he have with me. Then the next day he ditch me for the practical lesson. Just to have a date with Saejung. Then he bullied me just because i look stupid on doing my stuff. 


     Yah why you do that to my baby. Are you okay baby. You want me to beat this guy up  .. 


Nope. I want him to treat me food that he owes me when Saejung is not around. 




That's once. The times where you failed on the deals. There's no running away mister. 


    Aish jinjja. Babe help me   . 


I'm sorry Beomgyu. Once you owe her something. Just pay her back she will be good. Now she is just a little on the bad side. I wonder did Yeonjun oppa did something to her. 


    We are to young to be naughty. Its just her having her mood swings lately. Once you came back she is like the happiest girl   . 


Oh i see. So tell me who took the step first. 


    Oh she did. In a cute way. I wish i could record what she did   . 


Oppa stop it


   Okay okay i will stop. So what should we do  . 


Oppa lets go to my brother's house. I will let this lovebirds enjoy their own time. Its been so long since they have their own moment. 


Thanks Naryeong.


    Yeah thanks Rei   . 


No problem. Babe lets go. 


    To where   .


You rolled your eyes and drag him out of the place. Straight went to where your brother is. Along your journey you were enjoying your surroundings. Yeonjun chuckled and intertwined his hands with yours. 


      You seem to enjoy your time  . 


With you. Absolutely. Who wouldn't be happy with their love ones. Besides i just want them to have their own time. 


    Naryeong ah  . 




     Thank you   . 


For. Is there something wrong. Oppa don't scare me. 


    Thank you for accepting my love for you   . 


Awww. You are always my first and last Yeonjun ahh


    It's cute how you firstly reject me then we didn't talk for a long time. Then we are back friends. After months finally you are mine   . 


Well the wait is worth am i right. 


    Yeah. Worth it all for only you babe   . 


Well that's great. Now you will face hell as my brother will sure ask you a lot of things that sometimes you can't answered


    Is it that worst...


I don't know. Might be. Might not be. I'm not sure myself. 


    That we will see soon. Now you are you okay having the same school schedule as Hyomin   . 


Im fine. Now Saejung is back. Daena will be back. Theres Beomgyu that can took over you for some time. Plus we have the same lunch time am i right. 


   Im worried about you baby  . 


Dont worry. I will be fine. You mister tell me when are you gonna talk with Soobin oppa. 


    After what he did to you. Its not easy to reconcile babe. Time is what he needs   . 


Same goes to you idiot. If you never have that physical fight. I would punch you in the face for hurting yourself. 


    Alright im sorry babe. Please forgive me  .


I will if you treat me snacks. 


     Aigoo. My girlfriend is sure a foodie. Hmm should we get seafo-   OCUH BABE WHAT IS THAT FOR   . 


Are you trying to get back on me by picking the food that I can't eat. 


   Okay okay im sorry babe. We can get your favourite snacks on our way to your brother home okay   . 


I love you so much. 


   Love you too   . 




Kyaaa Seokjin hyung always cook the best food ever. 


Yah i'm the chef in this house. Of course the best cook in this house. 


Hyung where should i put this tissues at. 


Just put aside. Come on lets eat.


Where is Taehyung. 


I'm right here. Oh nice food. 


Yah is your sister coming here with Yeonjun. 


She said she wanted to come. Plus she left her things here. 


Taehyung ah. Are you happy that finally Naryeong is with Yeonjun. 


Yeah. She needs someone that can protect her when im not around. Bam he did protect her. She is happy. I will be happy. 


What a true siblings here. 


Well we all want Naryeong to be in a better place am i right. 


Happiness. Hyung are you saying that we didn't bring happiness to her even before she met TXT. 


Guys that's not what I meant. 


Ouch hyung. You hurt my pride. My soul. My hardwork to just make Naryeong not to hate me


Yah i feel the hurt too. 


Let's all be hurt together.


Ouch my heart. 




You guys are dramatic. Why would i hate you guys  




Jin, Jhope, Jimin and Jungkook run towards you and hug you tightly. Yeonjun were confused while the rest just shook their head and stare at the for guys who is making you out of breath. Taehyung walk towards you and pulled them away from you so you can catch your breath. 


You guys. Please do not do that. I have difficulties when you guys do that. 


Sorry Rei i can't stop them. They are just them. 


Its okay oppa. Well guys i brought food. You guys hungry. 


Well of course. But Jin hyung cook us something too. 


Dont worry both of us are foodies. Right babe. 


    Huh... oh yeah....


Someone is shy i see. 


Yah let them be. Its their first time here as a couple. Make them comfortable here. 


I hope no more cats and dogs. I'm tired of seeing the same channel. 


    No hyung there won't be one we promise. Well Jin hyung let me help you prepare the other food  . 


Aigoo thanks so much. Make yourself at home. Naryeong ah. You better get a punch on Jimin. He has been playing with your stuff. Non stop. 




Here we go again....


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pinkypn #1
Chapter 21: Im glad they are finally together. Im so disappointed in soobin, no matter what he should never hit a girl. How is it that he is the only one who didnt see/hear what hyomin did when he came together with the other boys. They boys all saw and heard what hyomin did/say. Why is everyone letting this get so out of hand when they can just get the cctv and turn it in as evidence when they report hyomin.
Chanbaek641 #2
This is really good!!