Chapter 20

What’s wrong with Kim Jaejoong
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The smell of eggs and bacon reminded her of home…and sharing breakfast in the morning with her mother. With her eyes closed the girl’s lips curved in a bittersweet smile. She wished she could see her mom; it has been such a long time since she last visited her mother. The young girl sniffed the air wondering if she was dreaming or if someone was really frying eggs and bacon. She slowly stretched her legs and lowered the blanket from her face. The alarm started beeping and the girl reached over and knocked it off the nightstand. She yawned and decided to sleep in… just five more minutes! She promised herself, snuggling her warm blanket.

The young man knocked on the door softly but did not hear any response. He frowned and checked his watch, it was almost seven o’clock. He knocked louder but still no response. The young man turned the door knob and was surprised to find it unlock. He hesitantly poked his head inside the room and saw the girl sprawled across her bed, the blanket wrapped around her like a mummy.

He tiptoed inside the room and gently shook her shoulder.

“Jaejoong…” he whispered, not wanting to alarm her. The girl stirred but did not open her eyes.

“Jaejoong…” He called again, a little louder. The girl grabbed his hand and held it in hers, eyes still closed.


“Jaejoong…breakfast’s ready.” He said trying to pull his hand out of her grasp gently not wanting to scare her. The girl stirred and slowly opened her eyes.

“Yunho!... What are you doing in my room?” Jaejoong asked. She saw her hand covering his and immediately let go.

“Breakfast’s ready.” He said with a grin, her hair after a long night looked more like Frankenstein’s wife’s hair, it was all sticking up in the air, Yunho coughed and glanced away hiding his smile.

“We’re eating breakfast…you and me?” She asked surprise.

This would be their first breakfast together…actually it would be their first meal in the apartment together. They moved in two months ago but have never sat down to eat at the same table.

“Come on let’s eat, I visited your mom a few days ago and she said you love bacon and eggs in the morning.” Yunho said opening the door for Jaejoong. She felt a lump rose in and tears welled up in her eyes, silently she nodded her head and followed Yunho to the dining table.

“Bacon and eggs is what we eat every morning…actually I…don’t really like bacon and eggs.” Jaejoong said as she sat down opposite from Yunho. Yunho paused midway as he held the plate of food in front of her.

“You don’t like bacon and eggs?” He asked glancing at the plate and the girl. Jaejoong took the plate and

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Hey guys i am starting with my new fic and the first 2 chapters are out already. Please show some support.


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NinePlusOne #1
Chapter 46: Thanks for the nice ending!
Shubha #2
Chapter 46: Thank you you didnt made max villan here
B3rvbo #3
Chapter 46: Love the ending ?