HyunJin: I Close My Eyes But I Still Think Of You

LOOΠΔ: Looped & Lined


HyunJin couldn't help, but remember the fight. The fight that she and her former best friends, HeeJin and HaSeul got into about finding YeoJin and helping Vivi. HyunJin wanted to help Vivi, but HaSeul wanted to find YeoJin. She never knew what HaSeul wanted was never going to help ViVi. ViVi would see the happiness that she knew she couldn't have as an adroid. 

And that's how the girl's story ended with Love&Evil. 

That's why ViVi ran away. 


Even after the girls arguement, they all attended school the next day after they came back from Prague hours before. They slipped into their uniforms and ran to school before the late bell could ring. However, they were immediately pulled out for track practice. 

"HyunJin", a small voice whispered. "Are you okay? You wouldn't say anything to HeeJin. You know she loves you"

HyunJin held her breath. "I'm not mad...I'm just worried about you. What happens when YeoJin is found? You'll see all those things. Things you experienced back in your old life with...SooYoung, the girl from your old home. I don't want you to feel as if you don't have anyone"

"I have you", ViVi said, confidently. "I have HeeJin. I have HaSeul. That's all I need right now because I know that SooYoung will come soon for me and then we can be together and live happily here with you guys"

"You seem so confident", HyunJin breathed. She turned to HeeJin and HaSeul again. "Come on, let's go and be with our friends"

ViVi nodded, but winced at the statement. Her secrets were out there now that they knew she was an android. 


HeeJin gave the batone to HyunJin, allowing her to begin running. Looking back, she could see HeeJin out of breath, but she gave HyunJin a reassuring look. "Go HyunJin!", she cheered. 

HyunJin began going faster, but she took caution as she didn't want to get hurt like HaSeul did two weeks ago. She went right up to HaSeul, handing her the batone. She collasped to her knees and watched as the older girl ran to ViVi without any problems. She was perfect. 

ViVi took the batone and began running. She wasn't sweating or anything like the other girls. She wasn't like the other girls. 

HyunJin looked up. ViVi was no longer on the path, instead she ran off. Right off the school property. 

"ViVi!", she cried. 


"Oh ViVi", HyunJin sighed. She looked down at her postcards. None from HaSeul. None from ViVi. None from HeeJin. However, there was one. One from a special friend. 


HyunJin opened up the letter and began to read it. Her eyes scanned the only sentence that was there. 


Come back, HyunJin. 

-Choi Yerim

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Also coming soon is LOOΠΔ: You're Somewhere. The sequel to LOOΠΔ: Looped & Lined.


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kuganatsuki #1
Chapter 2: haseul is always the mom friend haha
kuganatsuki #2
Chapter 1: i’m intrigued already!
Chapter 17: Why did Olivia smirked at the end?
Tom_Jerry_line #4
Chapter 12: Oof the main ships are messed up 2Vijin HyeWonSoo and then Jiwoo just being lonely slsjfkaak
Chapter 7: I binged read this and I love how you're tying all the stories, keep up the work!