
My Hyung
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"Hyung....."  I choked out.

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd still be sleeping in your room?"

"She came out to meet me," Yoongi answered for me.

My mouth had run dry and I couldn't speak.

Did he see Yoongi kiss my cheek? I hope he didn't misunderstand that there is anything going on between Yoongi and me.

"Hyung, I-"

"Hani and I were just about to leave."

Yoongi moved from behind me to stand next to me while he pulled me closer to him by my waist.


"Play along before I kiss you right here," he whispered in my ear.

I froze as my eyes widen and flutter while staring back at Yoongi.

My lips had never been kissed before and I sure as hell didn't want Yoongi to be my first. I didn't want Jimin Hyung to see either. I immediately shut up while closing my lips tightly again.

Yoongi grinned and waved towards Hyung before grabbing hold of my hand and dragging me away. We brush pass Hyung, but he grabbed my free hand by the wrist and started to pull me away from Yoongi. Yoongi only held on tighter. Both holding on to me and neither one was planning on letting go. It was a scene straight out of a Kdrama, only I never thought it would ever happen to me. They were both pulling and it was starting to hurt. I was afraid my hand and wrist were going to break off.

"Guys! Let go of me! You're hurting me!"

They both immediately let go at the same time which caused me to lose my balance. I started falling but Hyung was quick to grab hold of me.

"Are you okay?" He asked me while he held onto my waist.

I nodded and broke free from Hyung's embrace.

"Let's go home. It's too late for you to go anywhere. Your parents wouldn't be too happy if they found out."

"You can cover for her. Hani's mine now so run along to your little girlfriend," Yoongi answered again for me.

I turned to look at the mint hair boy who seems to be having fun while playing around with my feelings. He knew how much I liked Hyung, what my plan was, and the reason behind my plan. I had begged him and asked him for help and yet, here he was poking at my already aching heart.

How could he easily just say that I was his in front of Hyung?

I didn't want Hyung to misunderstand, but Yoongi was purposely making him misunderstand us. Before I knew it, my eyes welled up with tears as I looked deep into Yoongi's eyes. He was enjoying me being hurt. This must be his revenge on me for the other day when I kicked him. I took the medicine from Yoongi's hand while my shaky voice replied to him.

"L-let's hangout another time Yoongi. Thanks for the medicine. I won't forget our deal."

Before I could turn away from Yoongi, my tears left my eyes as they streamed down my face. Yoongi seemed to notice them too because he grabbed my shoulders and turned me around to face him again with what looked like worry in his eyes. My moist eyes stared back. My lips were trembling and I couldn't stop the tears from silently falling. I was glad that he turned me to face him because Hyung didn't see me cry.

"Stay with me for just a while then. Let me walk you home," Yoongi said with his hands still tightly on my shoulder. It was as if Yoongi read my mind. I didn't want Hyung to worry so I called out as happily as I could to him without turning away from Yoongi.

"Jimin Hyung, you can go first. We'll be on our way home shortly. Yoongi will walk me home."


Jimin's POV

I gave Hani the last of the medicine earlier so I decided to go to the nearby drugstore for some more medicine. When I was about 10 feet away from the store, I noticed a girl who looked familiar rushing out of the store.


I opened my mouth to call out her name but stopped when I notice a man following behind Hani. He grabbed her wrist and has turned her around to face him. I furrowed my eyebrows to see clearer who the man was. It was the same guy from earlier that had met with Mi-Young and me.

How does she know him? Mi-Young said that she never even told Hani about Hoseok and Yoongi.

He made eye contact with me and he had a smirk on his face

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 47: Yay for Happy ending :3
Chapter 47: I couldn’t stop reading!!! It’s so good & I really did ship her with Yoongi. Yes, I always have second male lead syndrome but the ending is so good!
shuting2863 #3
Chapter 47: Thank you for the Great Story! Thumbs Up! Im awaiting for the update for Blind Love! :)
Chapter 47: Thank you authornim...great story...I saw 'Blind Love' but have not started reading it....I'm not into 'gay' love story....but not sure if it is one.....
Chapter 45: Uuhhhuu...I m crying my heart out for Yoongi...but Jiminie deserves Hani more cause she's the love of his life all the time.....
Chapter 44: Finally!....the untold truth is revealed....I'm happy for Jimin n Hani.....but what about my Poor Yoongi... ???
Chapter 43: What!!??Hani you are ed up!....
shuting2863 #8
Chapter 41: Im eager to know the ending!!!
Chapter 39: I don't care if mi young hate Hani.... just curious what's gonna happen to Jiminie n Yoongi.....
Chapter 39: Updated!! Yeayy.. ^^
Omg.. I hope hoseok didnt break up with mi young.. Please.. Someone save hani, she must be hurt if mi young going to hate her.. Poor hani..