During Those Many Hours

Protect Taemin

Your POV

When the 100000000th piece of trash hit me in the head, I slammed my desk and stood up, facing towards everyone in the classroom. My expression was glaring at each and very one of these cold-hearted jealous and stupid students.


"Excuse me, please sit down," the teacher said to me.


I faced her afterwards, my glare becoming sharper and my eye twitching. "How could you teachers NOT do anything about this?!"


The teacher sighed assuringly and said, "Please just ignore it,"


"I OBSVIOUSLY am trying!" I whined. I could NOT take this any longer, especially when the teachers aren't doing anything.


"Student, it's either ignore it or the principal's office," the teacher was focused on writing something on the chalkboard. Everyone in class were staring at me. Some were snickering, probably the girls since it was so high-pitched.


"But I'm not---!"


Taemin turned his head towards me and smiled, patting my clenched fists on my desk to calm me down. He looked back down at the floor beneath his desk. Once again a quiet student who ignored all the bullying and stalking him in school.


I sighed and sat back down in my seat, swearing under my breath. I was so mad... This bullying is SO annoying.



During break, I stood up again and hurried to the bathroom. Because I had to go that bad.


I left Taemin back there... So I should hurry. I was speed-walking down the hallway, looking for the bathroom when I accidentally bumped into someone.


I looked up to see a boy who looked about one year older than me with medium-length light brown hair. He looked down at me and I bowed, apologizing quickly. I slid past him and continued searching for the bathroom so I didn't get to see his face very clearly.


After using the bathroom, I washed my hands and reached for a paper towel. Realizing there weren't any left, I started to shake my hands dry.


"Out of towels, are we?" a girl walked in. It was her from earlier outside under the tree...


I nodded slowly, eyeing her suspiciously. "Just air dry,"


Three more girls walked in and stepped out from behind her. "Boseok-unnie, is she in here?"


The Boseok girl nodded and smirked at me. I blinked a few times before they made their way towards the sink and forcefully pulled the faucet on, shooting the water towards me.


My mouth dropped as the upper part of my uniform got soaked with freezing water. When they turned it off, I just stood there dumbfounded and shocked.


They laughed and left. They left me all alone in the girls' bathroom SOAKED, with cold water. The water was dripping to my skirt and started to soak it as well.


I stomped and growled loudly. "WAE?!?!?!?!?"


This is one event that happened during those many hours.


I combed through my half-soaked hair and ran out of the bathroom, searching for Jong In Oppa's classroom. I felt my eyes watering, and pretty soon the tears just came out. Oppa... I can do this... Just a bit more, right??  This bullying is being taken way too far... It's much worse than the bullying in America. As I ran through the hallways, everyone was staring.


I was half-soaked so I'm pretty sure the tears weren't that noticeable... Wrong.


I was running with my head down so I bumped into someone again.


"Dongseng?" this familiar voice... I looked up at Lu Han Oppa.


I blinked and wiped my tears quickly. "Oppa..."


"Why are you soaking wet?" he asked.


I looked down at the floor beneath me. I changed the subject by asking, "Do you know if they have extra uniforms anywhere?..."


He took my chin and lifted it up, causing me to look straight at him. I looked into his eyes... They were so pretty... And his hair looked so perfect and fluffy... I shook my head at the thought and looked away from him.


"Did someone do this to you?" Lu Han Oppa whispered. I shrugged and started slipping past him to find Jong In but he pulled me back.


I looked back at him. And this is another one of the events that happened during those many hours.


"Follow me," he said.


Lu Han Oppa got me an extra uniform from the office. I had to return it later (washed) or else I'd have to pay for it.


"Gomawo..." I thanked him. He smiled and patted me on the head.


"Anytime, Dongseng," he smiled.


"Lu Han, breaktime is almost over... What are you doing here?"


I looked at the person who walked up next to Lu Han. He looked at me and blinked. I blinked, too, because he looked really familiar.


"You're the girl that I bumped into earlier..." he tilted his head and smiled softly. "Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Chanyeol."


I smiled and bowed. "Annyeong,"


"This is Kai's dongseng," Lu Han said. 


"Oh, _______-ah!" Chanyeol nodded, "I remember now,"


"Jong In Oppa talks about me?" I asked, laughing a little.


"We all do," Lu Han Oppa laughed. "Anyway, we should go back now. Do you want us to walk you to your classroom?"


"Is that alright?" we started walking down the hall.


"It's fine with me," Chanyeol smiled.


"Of course, Dongseng-ah," Lu Han pinched my cheeks and rested his elbow on my shoulder as we walked.


When we got closer to the classroom, there were a few people standing in front that seemed to be watching carefully at what was happening inside. I thought about Taemin and gasped, hurrying quickly.


"Ah!" Lu Han exclaimed when his arm suddenly dropped from my shoulder. He was putting force onto it so he was literally leaning on my shoulder as we walked... until now. He fell to his side a little bit and wobbled.


I paused and turned, walking back to him and Chanyeol. I bowed quickly, "Mianhae, Lu Han Oppa!"


"What's going on in there?" Chanyeol asked. "Let's hurry,"


I nodded and took Lu Han's arm, pulling him towards my classroom. Chanyeol followed.


"Oh? ______-ah!" Se Hun Oppa ran up to us from the group in front of the classroom. "Kai... He's with Taemin..."


My eyes widened. "What is he doing??" I hurried into the classroom.



Taemin's POV (While you were in the bathroom)

She left the classroom... I watched as _________ ran out of the classroom quickly. She probably needed to use the bathroom.


I sighed and sat there in my seat, looking down at the ground again. A couple of girls came over, squealing and giggling. They were taking out their phones and cameras to take pictures of me.


Then a couple of guys walked over and stood in front of my desk. I didn't dare to look up at their faces.


"Hey, put your head up," one of them said. I recgonized the voice from this morning who tried getting close to _______-ah.


Kyoung... I thought.


"You think you can get away with what you did this morning?" he asked. "New student made a bad impression on me, but that's a first. No girl has ever had the guts to do that ESPECIALLY on their first day in school,"


"Maybe it's an American thing," a girl said. "Come one, she's not that special, Kyoung."


I kept my head down and continued listening to their conversation.


"Anyway, I'm going to take her," Kyoung said. "Taemin, you don't like her, right?"


"My Oppa would never like a foreign student like her!" another girl said. "What if she's a fan of SHINee and 'protects' him on purpose just to get close to him??"


The thought suddenly hit me and I literally stopped breathing. My fists were clenched and I froze in place. What if she really is doing that just to get close to me...


"My dongseng has no interest in music here in Korea," someone had walked into the classroom. I looked up a little and recgonized _______'s oppa. "So, of course, she has no knowledge of any music groups like SHINee."


"Oh my gosh, he looks A LOT like Taemin Oppa!" the girls were squealing.


He really does look a lot like me... I thought. Then I sighed in relief at what he said. If _______ has no interest in K-pop, then she wouldn't be protecting me to get close to me. Then why is she doing this?... By the way, what is her oppa's name?


"Annyeong," Kyoung said to him. "New student is your sister? She poured stuff down my shirt on her first day,"


"Oh, so you're the one trying to flirt with her this morning," _______'s oppa said. "Kyoung? Is that your name?"


"So what?" he said. "Don't be like your sister and get involved with people's businesses,"


"I'm not trying to," ______'s oppa looked at me. I was staring at him and lowered my head quickly. "Taemin-ah, where is my dongseng?"


I didn't want to speak, so I sat there silently.


"Is she in the bathroom?" he asked. I nodded. Thank goodness I didn't have to speak.


One of his friends walked into the room. "Lu Han is wandering around the school, Kai. Maybe he'll run into her,"


"Kai?? Is that your name??" the girls asked.


"It's my nickname, but sure you can call me that." Kai said. I looked up at him and caught him smiling at the girls. That flirt...


"Taemin-ah, I'm Se Hun," Kai's friend who walked in said to me. He ruffled my hair and I smiled a little, remembering that someone had did the same thing to _________-ah this morning.


"Taemin smiled!" the girls squealed and giggled again. "That is SO cute!"


"Why don't you pick up girls somewhere else, Kai?" Kyoung said to him. "All of you and your friends,"


"Calm down, I was only looking for my dongseng." Kai said and looked at me again. "And to check on Taemin here,"


"What? Are you protecting him, too?" a guy asked. "Is that a thing in America?"


"Aniyo, I promised my dongseng to help her," he smiled. He was still looking at me, so I smiled back.


"Ehh, you didn't tell us anything about that, Kai!" Se Hun said, "We'll help, too!"


"If that's the case, then everyone in this classroom are all of your enemies." Kyoung said to him.


"Andwe!" the girls shouted in unison. I flinched at their sudden reaction towards what Kyoung said.


"I'm on Taemin's side, but I dislike the girl," one of them said. "Her Oppa is HOT, though! I am not going to be enemies with this HOT guy!"


The rest of the girls agreed and nodded.


"His friends are good-looking, too," another girl added. "Girls, we should so be friends with the new student. I want to get closer to her brother and her friends," she looked at Kai and smiled. "Ah, Oppa, you're so handsome <3,"


I scoffed and looked away. They just want to become friends with _______-ah for her brother.


"Mianhae, but I only like girls who my sister truelly approves," Kai smiled, "And the way you all act towards Taemin she doesn't approve of."


"Oppa, we girls aren't doing anything," they said.


"You're stalking him, though, right?" Se Hun asked.


"He's a celebrity," Kyoung said. "Of course he would get stalked."


"Why is my dongseng taking so long?" Kai looked towards the classroom door and sighed impatiently.


A guy standing by Kyoung suddenly went up to Kai and yanked his collar, pulling him closer to his face.


"Jin!" Kyoung exclaimed. Kai's face was of shock and tried pulling away.


"I couldn't help just watching," Jin said, holding Kai's collar tight. I sat there and stared with concern and worry, wanting to do something but I didn't want to ruin my image as a celebrity with all the cameras around. Please, Kai Hyung... Be brave...


"Jin...." Kai shoved his hand away from his collar and straightened. "I remember you, the leader of that group last night who blocked Taemin's way to the exit,"


"That's right," Jin smiled. "Now I have something to say since Kyoung here doesn't know how to handle those who won't stay out of people's businesses,"


"Go ahead," Kai said.


"Stay out of this," his voice lowered and became threatening, "Both of you, or else."


"Or else what?" Kai asked. "Look, I don't know what's so fun about hurting people but you shouldn't. Just because he's famous doesn't mean you all have to gang up on him and bullying him. Same for my dongseng, just because she's trying to protect him and make at least one friend here in Korea doesn't mean everyone has to bully her along with Taemin,"


While he said that, Jin moved closer and tried to throw a punch towards his face. "Here in Korea, it does!!"


I reacted quickly and stood up, catching his arm before it him Kai Hyung in the face.


"Taemin Oppa!" all the girls exclaimed.


I looked at Kai Hyung with nervous and fear in my expression. Jin snatched his arm away from my grasp and looked at me. I sat down quickly and looked back down at the floor beneath me.


"You dare to step inbetween this?!" Jin yelled and flicked me in the head. I flinched but my head was kept down. "I HATE when people get in the way of situations!"


"Obviously," Se Hun whispered.


"Se Hun, find Dongseng quickly," Kai said. With that, Se Hun raced out of the classroom. Kai stepped inbetween my desk and Jin.


"Jin, stop," Kyoung said, "It doesn't need to be taken this far. We should just leave them alone,"


"Things could get bad..." the girls were whispering to each other.


"You're asking for a fight, aren't you, Taemin-look-alike?!" Jin yelled.


Pretty soon the whole classroom was gathering around us and murmured, placing bets on Kai and Jin.


"Jin is buff, so I think he's going to win," "The Taemin-look-alike dude is taller, so he might win," "I say Jin will win," "I say Kai,"


It's not like a fight is going to start... right?! I looked up at Kai Hyung worriedly and tugged on the back of his shirt. "Hyung..."


He smiled reassuringly as if everything was going to be alright. I was still worried though. I slumped on my desks and ruffled my hair out of place.


AISHHH. Why are you like this?!


"Jong In Oppa!" her voice came from the door of the classroom. I looked up and saw _________-ah shoving and pushing people out of the way to get to us.


Your POV


Taemin's point of view was another one of the events that happened during those many hours.


"Dongseng, you're back," Jong In Oppa sighed in relief. "You took a while,"


"Mianhae," I said. "Some stuff happened,"


Chanyeol, Se Hun, and Lu Han pushed their way to the crowd, too, and stood behind me.


"Kai!" Lu Han exclaimed.


"Jin, come on, stop." Kyoung tugged on the guy who was standing in front of Jong In.


"What are you trying to do??" I asked them.


The guy, whose name was apparently Jin, smirked and walked up to me. "You're the famous girl who likes to step inbetween situations and ruin everything, aren't you? The sister of the brother who also wants to ruin everyone's fun as well."


I shrugged, "Maybe."


"Jin," Kyoung continued to tug on him, staring at me.


Jin leaned into my face. "As I said to your brother, stay out of this."


"I can't help it though," I leaned back and shifted away from him. "You're all hurting and stalking Taemin and I can't just stand there and watch,"


"Where's the fight..." "What's going on?" "Come on, Jin, start a fight already!"


I looked around at the crowd surrounding us. "Why is everyone talking about a fight?"


"I wanted to start one with your brother," he said, "But he probably won't fight back."


"Of course he wouldn't," I said, "He's too nice,"


"Then I'll have to make him hate me for him to fight me," Jin smirked and pulled me closer to him.


"Huh?! How??" I turned my face away from him, glancing at Taemin and Jong In behind him. I started to mouth the words, "Help me."


"Ya!!" they said. Taemin stood up from his seat. Jong In hurried over to us, but he wasn't fast enough.


"He should hate me after I do this," Jin smiled, taking the back of my head and pushing it into his face. Our lips touched, his pushing into mine.


And this is the final event that happened during those many hours.




By the way, I didn't describe them in the story, but Jin has short flippy black hair and his body is a little buff. He's a little shorter than Kai and Taemin's height, and same with Kyoung. Kyoung has short black hair that he puts up so that it spikes... Sorta like these ullzang guys I found on google... Note: They are ulzzangs with different names, so these photos are not mine. I am just using the pictures to describe Jin and Kyoung in the story.




Jin (Ulzzang Won Jong Jin)

OMG. They're really cute ulzzangs! <3

(Ulzzang Park Tae Jun) Kyoung



Uh-oh. That was random of Jin to do that... Well, Kyoung wanted to do that, too, so it's not that surprising, right? LOL. Jin just wants a reason for Kai to start a fight with him. Kyoung actually likes you ;) Oh gosh, this drama I'm including. XD

I thought that gif of Taemin up there was adorable<33 he's so stressed and so fed up with all this bullying, and so are you ]; it's alright, it's only the second to last year of High school! For senior year? Oh, you both won't be going to Shinhwa anymore ;) that is all I will say. Chapter 8, here we go!!~~ 

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying