Troublemaker in Love

Protect Taemin

This song is awesomely y (: Hyuna and Hyunseung~~<3 ~

Your POV

"Go to your room, " Omma shook her head and sighed in disappointment. Appa face palmed his forehead slowly and shook his head as well.


I looked down at the ground sadly as I made my way to my room and locked my door shut.


The police officers bowed and left our house. They had taken us home, so they didn't punish us or anything.


My parents were to do the punishing. Be prepared for the consequences...


The police also took Sooyoung and Lu Han and Se Hun back. Chanyeol said that they all needed to go back to the company later so he called for a van.


During the fight, Sooyoung was trying to stop it with the help of Lu Han. But it didn't seem to work since I kept putting my all into beating the crap out of that girl. Kyoung was a bit amused as he watched us fight... I don't know what was so funny about girls fighting, though. He ran home after seeing the police cars.


There were police cars because the fight caused a bit of trouble for people who just wanted to relax at the park... Which I had to bow and apologize A LOT for. Although that girl didn't...Aishhh.


Jong In and our parents were having a conversation in the kitchen while I sat quietly on my bed in my room.


I pulled my knees into my chest and pouted. Well... Sitting in my room all day won't be that bad.



Jong In's POV

I kept my head bowed towards my parents before looking them straight in the eye. That Dongseng... what a troublemaker.


"Jong In, look at me." Omoni commanded. "Gwenchana, you didn't do anything wrong." I raised my head slowly and looked at her and Abeoji nervously. They had also wanted to talk to me earlier about something...


Hee Na and Ahn Jil Dongsengs silently made their way from the living room to their bedroom to leave us in privacy.


"Ne, Omoni?" I whispered.


She shook her head and sighed. " , did she have to do this?" she asked.


I shrugged. "There was a girl who was making her mad... Dongseng couldn't take it and had to start something." I bowed again. "Mianhae, I apologize for her..."


"You shouldn't be apologizing for what she did," Abeoji said. "She'll get her punishment later, along with yours."


I straightened from my bow and looked at him, thinking that I was getting punished because my Dongseng wasn't to be punished alone; Thay's why I had to be punished as well. "What will that be?" I asked.


There was silence among the room before Omoni spoke.


"Jong In, your punishment isn't the same reason we're punishing ," she said. "In fact, we found out about your auditioning for SM Entertainment without our permission." 


My eyes widened in horror, and I looked down starting to breath nervously.


Oh no.



I took your hand as we made our way to the van with the rest of the EXO members in it. My silent treatment revealed that the talk between me and Omma and Appa didn't go too well.


"Jong In, I thought I was grounded or stuck in my room forever..." you sighed with relief. "Are you sure it's okay to be taking me with you to the company? Omma and Appa don't mind? They don't know where we're going, right?"


I nodded. It'll be your last time there, anyway.


Your POV

I skipped down the front of our lawn happy and relieved, my hand in Oppa's hand. I wonder what made my parents change their mind about my staying-in-my-room-all-day kind of punsihment... And where they think we're going with Jong In's friends.


Jong In had been silent for a while, so something must have happened between his talk with Omma and Appa. I shrugged it off, thinking that the punishment or consequence wouldn't be that bad.


Should've thought more about that.


When we stepped into the van, I high-fived the 11 members' hands that were held out in front of me as I sat down.


"Dongseng! How have you been??" Chen asked. I smiled and nodded, replying that I've been good.


"It's been a while," Kris smiled and bowed. I bowed back to the mysterious angel and smiled as well. I glanced at Tao and grinned sheepishly. It's Jaesun~ keke.


He blinked innocently and bowed; I bowed back.


"Annyeonghaseyo, protector!" Su Ho Oppa said to me, patting my head. "Good to see you again!"


I laughed and smiled, looking over at Jong In who had a concerned and worried and sad look mixed altogether as he sat down.


Sooyoung was sitting next to Lu Han on the other side of the van, so I made my way towards her and greeted her with a hug.


The van started to move, and the 14 of us in the van had our own conversations.


" , gwenchana?" Sooyoung asked. "What did your parents say?"


I shrugged. "I just had to sit in my room while they talked to Jong In... I don't know what they talked about, though."


Lu Han shifted uneasily next to her and cleared his throat. I glanced at him and tilted my head in confusion, shrugging it off. I nudged Sooyoung teasingly.


"Anything happen with---" I whispered and pointed my lips towards Lu Han and winked at her. "Anything....Special?"


Sooyoung froze and curved her lips into a cheesy smile. "Well..."



Sooyoung's POV

The police car dropped Lu Han, Se Hun, and I in front of Lu Han's house. Se Hun hurried home, patting Lu Han on the back before he left. He didn't want to be caught by his parents, getting dropped off by a police car in front of his neighbor's house who just happened to be next to his.


I was just about to turn to head back home when suddenly I stepped on something underneath my foot.


I looked down at a broken shell, my eyes widened with shock.


Lu Han rushed over, seeing my expression, and bent down with me as I picked the pieces of the shell into my hand. "Gwenchana?" he asked. "Be careful, it's sharp,"


I nodded, peering at the shell pieces carefully in my hands. I tilted my head at its aura, my eyebrows furrowing in worry. Bwo? What is this interpretation...


Lu Han looked into my eyes. "What is it?" he asked.


"..." I spoke, reading the shells. "Jong In..."


(A/N: What Sooyoung interpreted will be revealed next chapter.)


Lu Han's expression was blank as the tears started to slowly build up into my eyes. "Sooyoung-ah..."


I looked up at him and smiled apologetically, wiping my tears away. "I guess things between us won't work out after all."


His eyebrows furrowed and he tilted his head in confusion. "Bwo? What are you---"


I told him what I had interpreted, and pretty soon his eyes were starting to water as he forced a smile and brought me into a passionate hug.


"I never knew you that well, but you were a really special person." Lu Han whispered.


I hugged him back, dropping the pieces of the shell from my hands onto the ground.


The last pieces that represented the last of our memories here in South Korea.


Your POV

"Wait, so what did you read from the shells?" I asked Sooyoung curiously. She hadn't exactly told me what she read from those broken shells.


"I can't tell you," she said. "Mianhae..."


I blinked and pouted, slumping into my seat. I glanced at Chanyeol who I caught raising his eyebrows with sadness and sighed, exchanging those expressions with Sooyoung.


They know something that I don't... I thought. Aishhhh these interpreting people knowing things ahead of time!



When we arrived at SM Entertainment company, I hopped out excitedly with Sooyoung. The sky was getting a bit cloudy and dark, but I didn't mind it and kept smiling.


"That's right, make it a special day at the company..." Sooyoung said inbetween her giggling.


"Bwo?" I asked her.


"Ah, nothing~" she sang.


I rolled my eyes and smirked, skipping towards the building entrance ahead of the EXO members.


"Wait, ---!!" Chanyeol's deep voice called before I reached out to open the door.


I turned to look at him. "Huh??"


"The door! Watch out!" he warned.


I looked at the company's door in front of me and then back at him. "Why?"




Sooyoung's forceful yank on my arm was a bit too late as the door slammed open in front of me and smacked me in the head.


I fell backwards, falling on my bruised bottom. I still had some bruises from the fight earlier... I was still holding onto Sooyoung's hand who was still on her feet.


Looking up at who opened the door, my eyes widened with shock and happiness as I rubbed the pain in my head where the door smacked me.


"Oh? !" Taemin exclaimed.



My mouth dropped but soon formed into a wide smile. "Taemin!!!" I jumped onto my feet, swaying a little before crashing into his arms for a hug.


He smiled as he hugged me back, petting through my hair. "I'm back, -ah~"


"I noticed," I grinned, looking up at him from laying my head on his chest. "I missed you so much..." I whispered. The rest of the SHINee members opened the company's door behind him, the four of them stepping out.


"Hii!" Jonghyun waved, his smile wider when he caught Sooyoung next to us. She giggled and smiled back.


"Oh, annyeonghaseyo," the EXO members came up behind me and bowed to the SHINee members.


"Ya, why are they here?" Key rolled his eyes at Sooyoung and I. "No offense to dongseng-in-law."


"'Dongseng-in-law' ?!" I made a face and chuckled.


"He's talking about me and Sooyoung, pabo~" Jonghyun chuckled and winked at Sooyoung.


Lu Han's expression tensed next to Jong In who stepped up closer to Key to whisper into his ear.


"Aishhh, I'm just kidding, Lu Han!" Jonghyun laughed, catching Lu Han's scary expression at him. "Do you like Sooyoung now or something??"


"I was talking about Taemin and " Key scoffed at Jonghyun. "Plus you're older than me, ahjushhi."


"Ya, I'm not that old!" Jonghyun pouted.


"Gwenchana?" Taemin asked me. "Mianhae, I opened the door too quickly..." Taemin rubbed the part of my head where I was hit by the door, and then noticed the other bruises around my face. "Bwo? When did you get so many bruises?"


I pulled away from him and took the bangs of my hair to hopefully hide my bruises. They were from the fight with that girl...


Taemin pulled me back towards him and then examined my arm. "Your hands and arms are bruised as well... , what happened?"


"Annyeong, Taemin~~" Jong In said, turning from whispering something to Key. Probably about why Sooyoung and I were at the company with him?...


Taemin bowed to Jong In and smiled. "Annyeong hyung, you're here..."


Jong In smiled. "Ne, my Dongseng's first boyfriend is also here~" he patted me in the back where there was another bruise. I winced, but forced a smile.




"Ya, are you hurt? What did you do to get so many bruises?" Taemin asked, apparently noticing my wince.


"Oh, she got in another fight," Chanyeol stepped next to Sooyoung. "This girl at the park - she was being a bit..."


"...Annoying." I finished his sentence for him and rolled my eyes. "She was being SO STUPID and annoying and saying all this crap about Sooyoung and---"


Taemin interrupted my ranting. He frowned and pulled me into a hug, whispering into my ear. "Yaaa, don't get yourself hurt anymore, protector... My girlfriend,"


I sighed in defeat and hugged his thin body, hiding my face into his chest which I breathed in heavenly and relaxing. "Taemin..."


We released out of our hug and he smiled. "Araseo~ Let's go."


"Bwo? Where??" I asked.


"Your date," Jong In winked. The other EXO members were already making their way into the building, saying bye and good luck to me before leaving.


Before Lu Han stepped in, though, he leaned in closer to me and whispered. "Congratulations. I'm happy for you, Dongseng."


I smiled at him in gratitude; Se Hun patted him in the back assuringly as they continued into the building.


Taemin took my hand and we turned to head back to the van with the SHINee members. Sooyoung smiled and waved before going into the building with the EXO members.


"Dongseng-ah, wait!" Jong In called. I turned to him who had run up to us. He took my arm and pulled me and Taemin towards the company building.


"Jong In?!" I asked, turning to Taemin apologetically.


The other 4 SHINee members continued to the van and waved to us, saying that they'll see us later at SHINee's dorm.


"Hyung, where are we going?" Taemin asked.



Jong In's POV

This is her last time at the company. I thought. She has to at least enjoy her last time here...


Before she goes.


"Hyung, where are we going?" Taemin asked me.


"I'll explain later," I said, continuing to pull the two of them through the company hallways, catching up with the other EXO members.


"Ah, !" Sooyoung exclaimed about your reappearance. She glanced at me and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.


"It's her last time." I quickly whispered to her. She nodded, understanding immediately.


"Hey, you're back," Lay patted you and Taemin in the head. "These protector Dongsengs are coming to watch our photoshoot,"


"'Photoshoot'?!" you asked nervously, glancing at me.


I smirked. "Oh, mianhae. I forgot that my dongseng can't handle my y body~~" I .


"Oppa!" you exclaimed, hiding your flushed face behind your small hands. I chuckled in amusement while Taemin pulled you into a comforting hug. 



Your POV

Taemin and I sat patiently behind the camera with the rest of the staff members in the High Cut magazine who were here for EXO-K's photoshoot.


EXO-M members were in the dance room, practicing for upcoming concerts and performances.


I found myself giggling at some of their poses, especially Jong In's shirtless body next to Se Hun who was smirking because of his sudden body exposure next to him.


Either that or...SeKai? 8D


Taemin nudged me. "Ya, keep your erted eyes off of your brother," he chuckled.


"I'm not erted!" I pouted, "It's just that---"


I glanced over at Jong In again and sighed. "JONG IN OPPA!" I whispered raspily under my breath. HIS BODY... TT TT


(A/N: Not High Cut magazine, but Calvin Klein jeans...either way Kai's body is just so hot T T)


Taemin chuckled and stood up. "Shall we leave now?" he asked.


I nodded, standing up with him. I waved to Jong In who was still busy in the photoshoot. He didn't wave back; instead he stopped posing and walked up to me with his shirtless body. The cameras continued to take pictures of D.O. and Baek Hyun and Chanyeol.


I groaned as Jong In put his arm around me and pulled me closer to his bare chest. "Yaaa, Oppa. Go put a shirt on, aishhh!!!"


He smirked and chuckled. "You're off to your date now, Dongsengs?" he asked me and Taemin.


"Ne, Kai hyung," Taemin said.


"Araseo, have fun, okay?" Jong In rubbed my hair out of place and bent his head closer to my face.


He pecked a quick kiss on my cheek and pushed me towards Taemin. "Bye bye~"


I blushed and patted my cheeks. "Aishhhhh, Jong In!!!"


"Saranghae, Dongseng-ahhh~~~~" Kai sang before returning in front of the cameras to pose more for the High Cut magazine.



Taemin glared at him and pulled me with him out of the photoshoot room. "Ya, he's your brother... There's nothing to blush about,"


"It was his body!" I stomped and pouted. "I don't like my Oppa like that,"


He laughed shyly and rolled his eyes. "I'm jealous of how my twin can be hotter than me."


"Ah, it's okay," I pinched his cheeks and squealed softly at his little pout. "You have your own unique hotness in your cute and adorable character that you only reveal through your talented dancing!"


Taemin smiled in satisfaction and nodded. "Thank you for not calling me just an innocent little kid..."


"How can I say that after your performance of your song 'Get Up' by Korn ft. Skrillex?!" I asked, my voice was raised with a laugh inbetween. "That was such a y performance!"


"Aigooo, protector calm yourself," Taemin blushed and flipped his hair into his face to cover up the its redness. "You're embarassing me.."


"You cursed in the song..." I shrugged. "Proves that you're a man now. Was that really you singing?"


"Omma! Appa!" a small familiar voice called from a nearby room.


"Bwo? How ironic~" Taemin giggled as he bent down to Yoogeun's height and patted him on the head. He looked up at me and grinned. "Wifey, our son is here!"



Random appearance of Yoogeun... O_O I laughed and bent down with him to greet Yoogeun. "Hi, Yoogeun! Are you here for a photoshoot, too??" I noticed the room he had just come out of which had staff members from a children's magazine who were taking pictures of Yoogeun for his child model.


"How have you been?" Taemin asked him.


Yoogeun looked up at me with those big brown puppy eyes again and pouted curiously. "Is she your girlfriend yet?" he mumbled through his fingers.


I giggled and hid my mouth behind the back of my hand, blushing shyly.


"Ne, Yoogeun-ah~~" Taemin chuckled. "Remember your omma?"


He nodded, puckering his lips and leaning closer to me. "Bbo-boe~ kiseu, Ommaaaa"


I blinked, hesitantly leaning my cheek closer to him. Yoogeun kissed me on the cheek and then Taemin's, and then ran back into his photoshooting room.


We laughed and continued our way out of the building.


"Aaawww, it was nice to see him again," I said.


Taemin nodded. "I told you we'd see him again,"


"Well, we didn't see him in the neighborhood!" I laughed. "Since we live in the same one."


We passed a window and I looked up at the dark and cloudy sky. It had gotten darker than before when we had arrived at the company building.


"Ah, it's going to rain.." I frowned.


"Gwenchana, ga-ja!" Taemin pulled my hand down the hallway and opened the door to outside, stepping out.


"But what will we do on a rainy day?" I asked.


He grinned, pulling me closer to him into his arms.


We stood there as the rain started. I blinked confusingly at his mischevious expression on his face, waiting for something to possibly happen.


I looked up at the dark sky where the small drizzles of raindrops started to fall. "Taemin, it's raini---"


Taemin leaned in closer to my face and pressed his lips against mine, interrupting my worried talk about the rain ruining our date.


The rain continued to pour down, the drizzles turning into larger raindrops that seemed to just get bigger the longer Taemin and I stood in the rain.




Taemin chuckled, his hot breath soft against my lips. "Thank you for protecting me, ... My protector."


I smiled. "Same to you, Taemin."


"I'll protect you, no matter what," he pulled away to talk for a little. The rain drenched inbetween us, our faces were soaked with dewdrops now. 


"Didn't I say that?" I laughed. "I'M protecting you,"


"And I'm doing the same," he smiled and pressed his wet lips against mine again. His tongue felt warm compared to the cold rain that was still soaking the two of us.


"I love you," Taemin cut off our kiss again and whispered into my ear.



"I love you, too, Taemin."





Aishhh school work taking up my life right now... It's amost the end of school and I'm getting closer to my third year in High School...asdfghjkl. TT TT Life is just getting more complex with education, huh...pretty soon we'll be off to college and then independence and....

ANYWAY Chapter 30! O_O Uhh I think I went too back and forth with the changes in POV but I didn't want to reveal what the 'bad news' about what Sooyoung interpreted..That will be revealed next chapter.

THIS STORY IS ENDING SOON FYI. I hope it was a good story!

HEY YOU SILENT READERS...YEAH I SEE YOU. Why you no comment?? D:


haha just kidding you don't have to comment. BUT they are greatly appreciated because I love comments and feedback on my chapters least just an 'update soon' or anything, it would just be nice...hehe ^o^ I still love all my readers anddsilent readers and suscribers and commenters~~ ahaa.

ALRIGHT next chapter won't be so good, I'll update that later probably after school work has calmed down... So stay tuned!


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying