The Mysterious Angel

Protect Taemin

Your POV

"You need to man up, Taemin!" I yelled at him. He stood there looking at the ground, starting to cry a little.



What?... I thought. I'm so mean... Why am I telling him to do that, I'm making him cry!


"Mianhae, ..." he said quietly. "I'm sorry... I'm so weak.... I can't defend myself..."


I scoffed and flicked him in the head. "Don't cry like a baby. You're a guy, so act like one!"


WHAT THE HECK, !! I felt hatred in my chest for myself, and I knew this wasn't me saying all that to him. Too harsh... Taemin is so small and thin... I KNOW he can't defend himself... So why am I criticizing him like this?!


"I'm not strong or manly like a real man," Taemin said, walking closer to me slowly. "Mianhae... Please accept my feelings..."


What feelings? I thought. I found myself saying, "No way!" and walked off... I left him behind and his sad and gloomy figure was drifting away like a ghost... I tried to turn around and go back to him, but I couldn't. Wait, Taemin! I'm sorry! I didn't mean anything that I said!!!



I woke up to the sound of Jong In parading into my room with loud music blasting from his phone. "Ya!" I yelled, stretching and yawing at the same time. "What's with your happiness this weekend..."


Yep, it's the weekend again... School passed by quickly.


After the fight with that girl, more people have been bullying and vandalizing my stuff. I had to get a new backpack this weekend since my other one ripped. There weren't any more fights, though, thank goodness. There was writing all over my desk and I had to bring my own cleaning tools to wash it off. Of course, I didn't mind washing it off during class but it annoyed the heck out of me when the same words were written all over it again the next day.


The words were like "Go away, ." or "Go back to America!" or "Stay away from Jin and Taemin." or "Your brother is not your brother!" I laughed a little at that comment. What the heck? They're probably just jealous or something because Jong In and his friends are 'good-looking'... As people say. There were more bad comments, about Taemin, too, but I'd rather not say.


I've been ignoring Jin and the other guys ever since, trying to avoid even running into them. If people got in our way in the hallway, I'd just push them aside and pull Taemin along with me. I'd feel the pressured stares and glares at us, though, but I ignored it.


Speaking of Taemin... That was a dream where I was being so harsh on him, telling him to man up and all that stuff... I'm glad it wasn't real. I wonder what feelings Taemin wanted me to accept, though? Curious....


I sat up and got out of bed. I walked slowly to get clothes out of my drawer for going out. My bruises and injuries from the fight were getting a bit better. I could walk right again, but my arm and part of my leg still hurt a bit. My burning hands were okay, and the scratches and injury marks on my face were disappearing.


"I'm going to get a new backpack," I said to Jong In who was dancing around the empty space in my room. He's been dancing more comfortably and happily ever since he confessed that he was a trainee for SM Entertainment.


The night of the fight, he revealed his secret that he had auditioned for SM Entertainment without Omma or Appa's permission, and is now a trainee of an upcoming new group "EXO". But, when they debut, what is he going to do when our parents see him on television or something? I wondered. He didn't tell anyone but his friends that he did this, because he thought I might tell them and he would get in trouble.


I scoffed. So much for trusting me, Jong In. I watched him finish his little dance and smirk at me.




"What?" he asked. "Did you say something?"


"Yeah," I said. "Get out of my room so I can change,"


"Where are you going?" he started for the door.


"I just said I was going to get a new backpack at the store," I pushed him through the rest of the way out of my room. "You were busy dancing that you couldn't hear me!"


He laughed. "Araso, mianhae," he started for the door but then looked down at me. "Man up, and don't be easy if guys talk to you~~"


I smacked him in the arm. "I'm not easy, Oppa!" I laughed, "Wasn't I already 'man' enough to fight that girl back a few days ago?"


"Oh, don't mention that..." Jong In groaned and stepped out of my room.


"You were the one who told me to man up, so I did!" I said before he shut my door.  I sighed. He's still a bit upset that I got myself into another fight... A worser one this time. He knows (thanks to Chanyeol) that I'm going to get into even worser ones next time. So I better be careful...


I locked my door after he stepped out and started to change.


Anyway, Jong In was a trainee for SM Entertainment and our parents didn't know. It all started right when we moved to Korea. Apparently Jong In already knew Lu Han and Lay and Tao and all of his friends in school before he even started school, which explains why me made so many friends on the first day of school.


Jong In, Lu Han, Se Hun, Lay, Tao, Chen, Xiu Min, and Chanyeol had all met at SM Entertainment with a couple others to form the group EXO. Apparently, they've been training for the past few years now, which confused me. How did Jong In Oppa get to Korea all those times when we lived in the states?



I remembered his week-long sleepovers with some of his friends and I guessed that he traveled without permission then.


I sighed and slid on a pair of socks, walking out of my bedroom into the kitchen.


"Ah, ttal!" Omma walked up quickly to me with a list in her hand. "I need you to run some errands,"


"Huh?" I looked at the long list in her hand. "Okay, sure. Can I eat breakfast first?"


"No, just go without eating." Jong In said jokingly from the kitchen table next to me. I stuck my tongue at him and looked at Omma.


"I'll eat on the way, then?" I asked her.


"Ani, eat here!" she said, gesturing me to sit at the table next to Jong In. I was resisting though, reaching out for a piece of toast and then going towards to the front door.


"Omma, I'll eat on the way, araso?" I told her. "I'll be fine,"


She sighed and glanced at Jong In. "You better be back home by lunch,"


"Keep your phone on and put it on high," Appa walked out from the bedrooms in his pajamas and started to make his coffee. "Don't talk to strangers or weird people or do anything bad---"


"Araso, araso," I laughed, "I know, Appa. I'll be fine,"


"And be home by lunch," he added. I nodded and took a bite out of my toast, slipping my shoes on and opening the door to step outside. I stepped back inside and asked Omma for money for the groceries, then stepped back out.


"Thanks, Omma! Saranghae!" I called.



I looked at Omma's list in my hand. Most were groceries, so that'll be easy to get at the grocery store along with finding a new backpack. I had my own money for that.


Strolling down the street past a couple of stores, I was looking at a lot of the ones that sold clothes and accessories.


Maybe some jewelry or accessories or whatever might be cool too... But I can't waste my money.


I suddenly remembered Taemin's bracelet that I slipped on this morning while changing. I also remembered that I had something to give to Taemin the other day, but was so busy with the fight and defending him and my shock of Jong In Oppa's secret that I forgot. So I decided that I'd maybe stop by---


Wait, I don't know where Taemin lives...  I laughed and smacked myself in the head. Although we're friends, I don't even know where he lives. I don't think he knows where I live either...


I sighed and felt for the item in my pocket. I'll give it to him some other day, then....


From the corner of my eye, I suddenly noticed that on top of a tall building, a figure was standing there. They were just standing there, staring at the sky. I blinked, staring at the guy with curiousity.


I hope he isn't commiting suicide or anything... my only thought about the figure as I entered the grocery store.


I went through Omma's list and got everything she needed. After paying for it, I took the grocery bags and made my way to the mini department store across from the grocery store where they sold some cool backpacks.


I struggled trying to carry the grocery bags into the department store. Aishhh... I should've bought the backpack first. I should've brought a car...I wish I could drive so that I wouldn't have to carry all of this with me into the store.


"Excuse me, please do not bring food in here," a security guard said to me when I walked into the store. I sighed and glanced at the bags in my hands.


"I need a backpack, though..." I said kindly to him. "Is there a place where I can leave these things so I can quickly search for one?"



The kind security guard allowed me to leave the grocery bags next to his feet while I rushed to find a backpack that I wanted. I searched through the backpacks, finding a style that I liked. I eyed a grey and white checkered yak pak backpack one decided to pick it out.



I rushed to pay for it at the cashier, then threw it on my back to run back to the security guard with my groceries. I bowed and thanked him, taking the grocery bags back. I started exiting the store until a familiar guy who was walking in almost bumped into me. I bumped into him, though....


"Oh! Sorry," he apologized, catching the grocery bags that almost fell out of my hands.


I smiled in response, taking the bags back. "No, I'm sorry... And thanks," I looked up at the guy, recgonizing the figure who was standing on the building earlier.



He bowed, smiling gently, and slid past me into the store.


I was still staring at him as he browsed through the department store. The way he's dressed in all white... and standing on the building earlier with this brownish lightish blondish hair... Made him look like an angel. I was amazed at this person's figure of an angel... He was almost beautiful.


I realized that I was still standing in front of the store's entrance when someone else walked in and almost bumped into me.


"Ai!" I yelped quickly, "I'm sorry! I'll move out of the way.."


"Oh, Dongseng..." this familiar voice... He poked me gently in the head and smiled.


"Chanyeol!" I exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"


He glanced into the store as if he were looking for someone, then looked back at me. "Nothing, you?"


I glanced at the grocery bags in my hands. "Just running errands for my mom," I turned my back towards him to show him my new bag, "And to get a new backpack,"


He nodded. "Ah, that's right, you had to get a new one..."


I nodded slowly, pursing my lips. When the subject of me getting into a fight is brought up it always becomes this awkward. =.=


"Are you okay? You're injuries?" Chanyeol asked, taking one of the grocery bags from my hands.


"Ah, you don't need to.." I tried to take it back but he shifted away from me as we walked out of the store. "Aigooo, Chanyeol, don't you have rocks to hold??"


"You're alright now, right?" he ignored my reach for the grocery bags he had. I ended up carrying one out of the four I was carrying before. (Not including my backpack on my back)


"Of course I am," I said. "The injuries healed quickly. They weren't that bad,"


He scoffed, looking up at the sky. I looked up at it, too, remembering the angelic guy from earlier.


"That guy earlier..." I started.


"Huh? Who?" he said quickly. I made a face and looked at him with a puzzled expression. He caught himself panicking and said, "Ah, I mean...What guy?"


What was that? I thought to myself. Suspicious...


"He was dressed in all white, sort of... And he was standing on a building earlier." I glanced at a nearby building which had been the department store we had just left earlier. "That guy!"


Chanyeol turned and saw who I was pointing at, suddenly relaxing. "Ah, him..."


"Who is he? Do you know?" I asked him.  



He looked back at the sky and watched the sun. The angelic guy on top of the department store building suddenly raised his arms and spread them out.

My expression became speechless and puzzled when I realized that a solar eclipse was occuring as this angelic figure spread his arms out and looked up at the sky. What the heck is happening??... And isn't it too early for a solar eclipse? O_o



Chanyeol walked with me back home with the four grocery bags in his hands. After the solar eclipse occured, we've both been silent the whole time. 


"Uhh.." I mumbled, trying to come up with something to talk about. "Wasn't that solar eclipse cool?..." I asked him.


He sighed. "There's going to be a lunar eclipse soon, too..."


I blinked, looking up at the sky. "Is that guy doing that?"


"The one standing on top of the building?" Chanyeol laughed a little, but went back to being serious.


It was quiet again.


I made a face at this awkwardness and suspicion. Who exactly is that guy on top of the buiilding?...


When we arrived at my house, Omma let Chanyeol in and we helped put away the groceries.


Appa asked about my new backpack and I showed it to him. Ahn Jil and Hee Na said they wanted a cool backpack like mine, so I told them that I would get some for them one day... If Jong In comes with me (and his wallet). He was peering at me sarcastically but I could tell he didn't have a problem with it...Like always.


"Get a job," Chanyeol jokingly said to me. "Then you can use your own money to buy stuff,"


"I'll use my money for my own stuff," I said, "Not for my little sisters...Pshhh."


"Chanyeol, did you see that solar eclipse earlier?" Jong In asked Chanyeol. "I heard there was going to be a lunar eclipse soon, too..."


"Yeah, what's with the eclipses?" I asked. "Speaking of eclipses, Jong In, we saw this guy earlier---"


"I wonder what the eclipses are for," Chanyeol said. I heard sarcasm in his voice and peered at him, then looked at Jong In.


Aigooo. Another secret, huh?


"Chanyeol Oppa, did you bring your rocks?" Hee Na asked him.


He smiled and nodded, taking out the box I got for him at the mall last weekend for his rocks. "Yeah, I have it. Wae?"


"Interpret something for me!" she said.


"Me too!" Ahn Jil whined.


I told my sisters about how Chanyeol could interpret rocks and tell the future, and they thought it was cool so they were really curious about their future.


"Stop bothering him," I told them. We finished putting the rest of the groceries away so Chanyeol decided that he would interpret something from his rocks. Apparently he found some new interesting ones earlier today.


"Gwenchana, I can do it," Chanyeol insisted. We headed to the bedrooms into Ahn Jil and Hee Na's room. "We can go in here, right?"


Hee Na nodded. "Ne, Oppa~"


"Don't touch my toys, though!" Ahn Jil warned.


While he told their future and interpreted his rocks or whatever, I went into my room across from theirs and set my new backpack onto my bed. I sat down next to it, studying it's pattern and style.This pattern of the backpack reminded me of my friends back in America, and I realized that I haven't contacted them ever since we moved here.


I sighed, tracing the checkers pattern along the edges. The pattern also reminded me of a guy I used to like back in the states... Bogoshipeu~ TT TT


"Nice bag," Jong In walked into my room and started dancing a little. Since my room had more space than his room, he liked dancing in here. "Why'd you choose that pattern?"


I glared at him, reminding him about back in America.


He spun and spotted, doing his 'ballerina turns' while focusing his gaze on me. When he remembered and understood, he stopped and exclaimed silently. "OH."


I rolled my eyes and looked back at my new backpack to stare at it.


"And we haven't even kept in contact with anyone back in America ever since we moved here..." Jong In mumbled, walked over to me slowly and patting me on the back. "Do you miss your friends, Dongseng?"


"Of course I do..." I said. "Do you think we'll be able to talk to them again?"


"For me? Nah. You? Maybe," he said.


Jong In didn't have that many friends in the states as much as he did here in Korea. Aishh, I'm so dumb... No wonder he got along so quickly here when we moved to Korea. HE ALREADY HAD FRIENDS HERE.


"Annyeong~" Chanyeol walked in and held a rock out in front of him. "I have things to interpret for you, too, Dongseng. Listen well~~"


I blinked and stood up, listening carefully.


"First of all, you'll be getting into more fights....More vicious ones," he said.


"Aishh." Jong In groaned.


I nodded. "He told me that already..."


"And," Chanyeol continued. "You'll find out who that 'angelic figure' guy from earlier is. You'll find out who he is for sure,"


I widened my eyes in excitement. Yes, for some reason, I was excited to know who that guy is.


"You miss your friends, right?" he asked. I nodded. "Don't worry, you'll see them again pretty soon," he smiled with a confirmed nod. "And I mean, PRETTY soon."


Jong In and I exchanged glances. "Mwo???"





Hey guys! Sorryy haven't updated for a while... (Homework again =.=) This chapter is a bit short, so I'm sorry for that, too... But it leaves some mystery about that 'angelic figure', right? :D So after this chapter I'm going to take a break for a few weeks and focus on school and other stuff...aha but I will update chapter 16 next month in the middle of March! Promise! I hope you will wait patiently ^^ Thanks for subscribing and all the comments! I really appreciate them and they mean A LOT to me! :D Thanks so much! See you next month, hopefully when EXO debuts?? ^^ Okay <3 Annyeong~~


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying