Protect Taemin

More than 10 years ago....

Your POV
"Big brother! Wait for me!" I pedaled my four wheel bicycle quickly to catch up with Jong In and his friend who were walking off somewhere.
"," he sighed. "Can't you play by yourself?"
The 8-year old me pouted and looked down at the ground sadly. "But I want to play with big brother..."
"Just let her come, Jong In," his friend nudged him. "You'll make her cry,"
Ten year old Jong In rolled his eyes and sighed, but finally agreed. "Fine, but don't tell anyone about our secret hiding place okay?"
My face lit up happily and I nodded quickly. "Okay!"
He and his friend crossed the road and turned many corners until they finally entered a forest by an open meadow. 
It was early in the bright sunny afternoon when Jong In and I played outside, he with his friend and me on my four wheel bicycle. 
My baby sister Hee Na stayed at home with my mommy and daddy fast asleep in her crib. 
I kept up with their walking on my pink bicycle behind and made sure I didn't lose track of my brother.
But then my bicycle stopped in its place trying to cross over a thick tree branch on the ground. I pushed it harder so that it will give way, but I was stuck where I was.
When I looked up into the forest, my brother and his friend were no where to be seen.
"Big brother??" I called out, hoping he was still close.
When there was no response, I began to frown and whimper nervously. "Jong In? Where are you?"
I glanced down at my bicycle and pushed it again over the branch, but it still wouldn't budge. 
I groaned in frustration and jumped off my four wheel bicycle, then kicked it to its side onto the ground. "Why did I bring this thing anyway?!"
I looked around at the empty forest around me for any sign of Jong In. But I only heard tweeting birds and other noises coming from every direction. 
It frightened me to be so alone in the middle of nowhere, let alone a thick forest that I had no idea how to get through.
"Jong In!!" I called out for my brother again. 
No response. 
Then I screamed and started crying, shouting for anyone to come find me in the middle of this forest. 
"Mommy!! Daddy!!" I cried out through my tears, standing where I was next to my bicycle on its side on the ground. 
Pretty soon I saw figures ahead in the forest through my eyes that were blurred with my own tears. 
I sobbed loudly and kept crying and crying, hoping that someone had found me.
"!" Jong In exclaimed, jumping over twigs and branches of the green forest and running up closer to me. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me into his chest where I continued to cry. 
My big brother chuckled softly. "I told you to play by yourself... Now you've almost got lost trying to follow me."
"I-- I was-- Stuck--" I hiccuped and wailed through my crying, "The-- tree branch---...."
"Shhh..." he comforted me and petted through my hair. "It's okay, I'm here now..."
"I-- wanted to-- play with my-- big brother--" I continued to hiccup and cry.
I slowly stopped crying when I buried myself into my big brother's shirt long enough to be comforted. 
Jong In laughed. "Why did you bring that bicycle? I should've told you to leave it at home,"
I wiped away my tears and looked down at it on the ground next to me. I sniffed and wiped my nose, then looked up at my big brother.
He held his hand out to me. "Come on, you still need to see our hiding place,"
I blinked a few times, then smiled and took his hand. "Yeah!"
He and his friend walked back down through the forest, my hand in Jong In's. 
I looked back at my bicycle that still lay on its side on the ground. 
When we arrived at a huge tree, I looked up at its beautiful green leaves where in the middle of it settled a small house made out of tree bark and string and a few screws that held its place together. 
"A tree house?" I wondered out loud and stared at it in awe.
"We found it here a while ago," Jong In's friend said. 
Jong In nodded. "We've decided to call it our new hiding place, where we would go if we had our troubles or anything like that... Or to just sit around and think,"
I continued to stare up at it in awe.
My brother smiled and looked down at me. "Come on, let's climb~" 
He carried me on his back and he and his friend started to climb the big tree with it's tree vines which we swung from. 
I laughed everytime we were swinging slightly, feeling like a monkey in a jungle.
When we reached the top, I looked around in amazement. "Waah!! I feel like a princess in her tower!"
Jong In's friend laughed in amusement. "Who's your prince, I wonder?"
I blushed, thinking about it for a while. Since I've never had a boyfriend before, or even liked anyone, there was no guy in my life (yet) that I saw as my prince, my protector. 
Then I smiled when I thought of one. "Jong In is my prince!"
His friend burst out laughing. "PUAHAHAHAHA!!! What!!"
Jong In blushed and I blinked, wondering if I said anything wrong. 
", you can't like your own broth---"
"No, it's fine," Jong In said to his friend and chuckled softly, patting my head. "She's still a child."
"I mean, I'm right here, though..." he said. "Couldn't it have been me?"
Jong In glared at his friend. "You and my sister? No."
His friend smirked and rolled his eyes. "Are you just being an overprotective big brother or something? Fine fine, go kiss your princess, prince."
My eyes went from each one of them as they spoke about a subject too quickly for me to understand. 
Can't I love my own brother? I wondered. What's wrong with calling him my prince when he's the one who I always look up to and depend on?
Jong In walked up to me from the corner of the small treehouse. 
I looked up at him with a blank expression and, thinking we should kiss on the cheeks, he suddenly pecked me on the lips.
This time his friend was rolling all over the treehouse floor laughing like crazy. 
Jong In rolled his eyes at his friend. "You're going to break this treehouse you fat buffalo!!"
He kept laughing and couldn't even close his mouth from doing so, and he started rolling towards the exit. 
Big brother sighed and ran towards his friend to rescue him from falling. 
They both slid down the tree vines from the treehouse where his friend continued his laughing and rolling all over the forest floor. 
As for me, I stayed up in the treehouse and looked down at them from the window.
I blushed at the fact that my big brother kissed me. He was my first one~
I sighed and smiled, looking up into the bright green beautiful bushel of tree leaves above me where the sky was just above them. 
I love my big brother~
(His grown up self...not 10-years old in this picture hahaha.)
 Double update! Sorry, but please wait a little longer for the last chapter because I'm still working on it!!
Heh random little childhood story of you and your older brother :3 Hope you all thought it was as cute as I did hahahah ^^...with a hint of weird. Maybe this is why Jong In isn't afraid to kiss his own Donseng now?~ LOL.
This setting took place in the states, by the way.
See you next chapter! 
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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying