Under the Cherry Blossoms

Protect Taemin

Your POV

Taemin came to our house with the rest of the SHINee members to bring me and Jong In to school. We picked up the rest of Jong In's friends along with Sooyoung.


I didn't realize that I was silent the whole ride until Lay Oppa asked me, ", Is there something wrong?"


"Gwenchana?" Chen asked.


Sooyoung and Lu Han looked up from their conversation with Se Hun. Chanyeol shifted uncomfortably in his seat and Jong In sighed loudly.


"Hm? Oh, ani...." I shook my head and laughed shyly. "Nothing is wrong."


Seems like Jong In didn't tell some of his friends yet about me leaving... It was only Chanyeol and Lu Han who knew. Jong In will probably tell the rest in school later.


Taemin sitting next to me patted my hands in my lap and smiled. I smiled back weakly, but looked down quickly when I remembered that I would be leaving him soon. I need to tell him that I will... I never did.


There were some tears building up in my eyes. I tried to hold them back.



I sighed. I shouldn't have even gone to school today... But after the decision that my parents made, I didn't want to see them at all. So I decided to go to school no matter if I felt like it or not.


"We need to head to the company after school," Xiu Min said after getting off the phone. "Kris called, and so did Su Ho."


Jong In nodded and glanced at me. I stared back at him and continued to hold in the tears. Hearing about the company again made more tears build up.


I'm not allowed back at the company... I sighed. Where will I go after school? Surely not home to face those parents of mine again. 


I continued to be silent as we made our way in front of the school where the van dropped us off. Taemin and I hopped out first, followed by Sooyoung and Lu Han. Taemin and I kept our normal friendship distance but it seems that we were already attracting stares from many people we passed by.


"Kai, no one knows yet, right?" Lu Han whispered to Jong In. "About Taemin's relationship."


Jong In shrugged. "I'm not sure. Chanyeol?" he asked for an interpretation.


"Not many know, but there are some," Sooyoung jumped in. "Be careful, ..." she said to me.


"Guys, we need to stop by her classroom during study hall and breaktime..." Chanyeol said, referring to me, meaning that something will happen during that time.


I stared ahead and continued to walk as if I didn't give a about who knew about me and Taemin. We're happy, and they should be happy for us, too. If there were more fights, I'm just going to have to put up with it.


After all, the fight at the park was the cause of me going back to America. I told myself that I wouldn't get into any more of them.


Taemin patted me in the head. "Ya, smile."


I looked up at him next to me and forced a small smile.


He chuckled and shook his head. "Bigger, ,"


I gave up on smiling and just looked down before entering the school building.




I couldn't focus at all during class. I shook my head in frustration and placed my head on my desk.


This was depression getting to me. I can't act like this all day... I thought. I'm leaving soon. I should make the best of my last week here in South Korea.


Taemin next to me sighed and nudged me softly, probably thinking that I was asleep. I really need to tell him about me moving away soon... I'm always waiting until the freaking last minute to tell him things, huh. I think that goes for everyone; telling them things at the last minute.


When study hall came, I stood up quickly with Taemin to go outside with him into the hallway. We were heading out of the door when suddenly he was pulled back inside by a group of students.


"Ya!" he exclaimedin literally screamed. " !" he called for me.


I looked back at him and tried to grab his hand but these girls pushed me away, very forcefully, causing me to land on my bottom in the middle of the hallway in front of our classroom.


I groaned in a bit of pain and looked up at the group of girls in front of me who blocked the door, more than five or six of them. Taemin was trapped inside of the classroom by the rest of the students.




"You!" a girl pointed at my face. I recognized her as one of Boseok's friends who was there that night when Taemin got in a fight with Jin. "Is it true?!"


"You're going out with Taemin now?!?" another girl screamed and stomped on the floor in front of me. She looked like she was about to cry. "Why?! Why are you trying to take him away from us??"


I rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance, not speaking. I stood up from the ground and brushed the dust off of my uniform.


"Answer me!" the girl demanded. "Are you going out with Taemin?!"


I stared at her with a hint of darkness in my eyes as if I was glaring, but I wasn't. I didn't speak.


She took one of her hands and prepared to aim a huge smack in my face.


I shut my eyes tightly and took the blow, resisting the stinging and burning of my cheek as I felt it turn red. My face jerked to the side from the force of the hit. I just stood there and took the pain.


"I knew this was coming!" her friend shrieked. "You weren't only protecting him, you probably seduced him, too!"


I shook my head at them in shame. "What makes you think I did that?" I scoffed under my breath. My voice was low and scratchy, because I hadn't talked all day.


"Speak louder and tell the truth," Boseok said and walked up to her friends coming from her class. "Why Taemin? Couldn't you have chosen my brother? Why are you going out with the one you were supposed to be protecting?"


"I don't like your brother in that way," I told her. "Kyoung and I are just friends,"


She shoved me in the shoulder and scoffed. "Didn't we warn you to stay away from Taemin? You said you were protecting him but in the end you date him?! What are you trying to do??"


"Nothing," I said. "All I did was protect him."


Boseok crossed her arms and looked at her friends. I looked in the classroom behind them to hopefully look for the top of Taemin's head.


But one of her friends decided to take one of my legs and pull them forward, making me trip and fall onto the ground again. I looked up at her. "YA!"


Another girl decided to throw the first kick at my side and leave dirt prints. The rest joined- my surroundings just turned into an air of dust where their shoes were throwing from the dirt of the floor. Each one screamed and shrieked, some even started to cry.


"Why are you taking Taemin away?!" "You !" "You !" "Seducer! You never protected him! Only seduced!" "Give my Taemin back!" "Coward!" "Scaredy cat!" "Fight back, will you?!" "What are you doing on the floor??"


I cringed on the floor and covered my face like a normal coward would. I kept the dirt from coming into my face and let myself get beat up by these girls, taking the pain I knew I didn't deserve.


I was only getting hurt for being Taemin's girlfriend.


I decided to do something and started to flail my legs everywhere around me, kicking the girls in the legs that caused every one of them to shriek in surprise. They continued to kick me, though.


I sat up quickly and stood up to face Boseok, who apparently was the one behind this plan of a fight against me. The girls stopped kicking me then. "What's your problem?" I yelled at her over the yells and chants that came from many classrooms who were watching the fight.



"What's YOUR problem?" she asked. "First you move in and pretend you're all tough, then you protect Taemin, and now you're dating him. Don't you know how many fans of Taemin will try to kill you now?"


"I'd rather die being Taemin's girlfriend than have to face this kind of stupid situation, ESPECIALLY with someone like you!!" I spat, covering my mouth in shock at what I said. Wait.. I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT ASDFGHJKL.


Boseok widened her eyes at me. "You'd rather die than deal with all of the Taemints out there?"


I shrugged it off and tried to play it cool. I stared back at her and stood where I was.


"She just admitted they were dating, Boseok unnnie," her friend said to her.


Boseok smirked. "If you'd rather die, we could help you with that right now,"


A tinge of fright struck me in the chest. My legs acted by itself and tried to run and escape the group of girls that surrounded me.


Another one of Boseok's friends grabbed me by the arm, pulling out a pocket knife. "Don't you dare run away now!"


"What the hell is that thing doing in your pocket?!" I shrieked, pulling at her grasp on my arm. All the other girls grabbed ahold of my arms and legs to keep me in place as she held the knife against my neck.


"NO!! !!!" I heard Taemin scream from inside of the classroom.


What is this?! I felt tears running down my cheeks. Whining sounds were escaping my throat at the sight of the sharp object at my neck. Are fans really this bad?!?!


"Boseok noona! What are you doing?!?!" Kyoung broke through the group of girls and shoved his sister in the back. "Let her go! Are you trying to make a criminal out of yourself?!?" he saw the knife at my neck and shot a glare at the girl who held it. "Put that down,"



I sighed in relief when the knife withdrew from my neck. I was still held in place, though, trapped in the middle of Boseok's friends.


"Kyoung! Go away," Boseok told him.


"Why are you doing this?!" he shrieked. "Just because your idol has a girlfriend doesn't mean you have to hunt them down and kill them! CHILL OUT, Taemin would never like you anyway!"


"WHAT!!" Boseok screamed and pushed her brother out of the group. "Shut up! You don't know anything, Kyoung!!!"


The girl placed the knife back at my throat again.


Why are they doing this... the tears ran down my cheeks. I'm moving away anyway. They shouldn't have to worry anymore when I'm gone...


Remembering the fact that I was moving made the tears rush out even faster. Would I rather die than go back to America? If that's so...


I'm done for.


















(loud noises of yelling/screaming can be heard)



















"DONGSENG!!!!!" Jong In (FINALLY) arrived with his friends and ran up to the group of girls. 


I gasped loudly and sighed in relief, the tears continued to rush out. "Jong In Oppa!" I started to sob.


The girl who held the knife at my neck was hesitant now. She pulled the knife away after seeing Jong In. "Omo, it's Kai of EXO-K!"


Jong In pushed his way through and tried to go up to me, but Boseok held him back.


"Oppa, please stay out of this... We're busy," she said, blinking her eyes innocently. She shot a glare at her friend with the knife and whispered, "Put the knife back to her neck!!"


The girl with the knife was hesitant, though, so Boseok took the knife and tried to hold it to my neck.


Jong In acted quickly and grabbed her arm before the knife touched my neck again. I pulled out of her friends' grasps and ran towards him.


"Jong In!" I threw my arms around him and hid my face in his shirt and sobbed quietly. He took the knife away from Boseok and held me close to him.



"Get rid of this," he turned to Lu Han next to him and handed him the pocket knife. Lu Han nodded and patted me in the head before he left.


"Dongseng, gwenchana?" Jong In asked me.


"Clear out, go back to whatever you're doing," Se Hun announced to everyone around us.


"Except for you, stay here," Lay said to Boseok.


"Bwo?!?" she scoffed and crossed her arms but stood where she was as the other students left to go back to their classrooms, some looking back at us curiously. 


Kyoung stood next to his sister in shame and bowed. "Jesong hamnida..."


Taemin was able to get through the crowd and pulled Kyoung by the collar towards his face. "You---!!!"


"Taemin, let him go," Tao said.


"Control your sister better!" Taemin said to Kyoung.


"Jesong hamnida! We're very sorry!!!" Kyoung tried to pull away from Taemin. "Boseok noona, apologize, too!"


"Why should I?!" Boseok rolled her eyes and glared at me. "There's nothing to apologize about when she's the one who has done wrong," 



I clenched Jong In's shirt as I stared back at her with frightened eyes, wet with tears.


"Noona!" Kyoung groaned and tried to bow to us again, but struggled against Taemin's grip on his collar. "Jesong hamnida.. I'm very sorry for my sister..."


"She's done nothing wrong!" Taemin said to her, releasing Kyoung. "Just because she is now my girlfriend doesn't mean you have to go this far into killing her!" 


"Taemin! She seduced you instead of trying to protect you!" Boseok whined. "Why out of all the girls must you choose her?!


"Why would Dongseng do that??" Se Hun asked.


"She really did protect him," Chen said.


Taemin growled furiously and took my hand, pulling me away from Jong In to the exit of the school building.


"She did no seducing of any sort," he muttered through his clenched teeth.


"Taemin..." I whispered through choking tears as we were on our way to the school gate. Where are we going?? School hours are still on!


Jong In's POV

I sighed as I watched you and Taemin exit the school building.


"Taemin's taking her on a date..." Chanyeol tilted his head.


"In the middle of school?" Sooyoung popped up next to him.


"Oh, YAH!" Se Hun yelled at her, "Where were you when your best friend almost got killed??"


"I'm sorry, I was studying..." she bowed apologetically.


"I said that we needed to go to her during study hall, though..." Chanyeol peered his eyes at her and sighed. "Ah, it's fine. We got her, anyway,"


"Anyway, how are they going to get over the school gate without getting caught?" Xiu Min asked.


"I think they'll open the gate for SHINee's LEE TAEMIN..." Se Hun mumbled. "No wonder so many people in school hate him because of his popularity status..."


Lu Han came up behind him and smacked the back of his head. "Don't say that, Se Hun."


"OW," Se Hun flinched. "Aishhh, Lu Han..." he rubbed the back of his head.


"I turned the pocket knife into the front office," Lu Han said to me. "Those girls are in huge trouble,"


I nodded. "Gomawo, Lu Han."


"Kai, your Dongseng is usually the type to fight back..." Tao said. "Was she that sad because she is moving??"


Everyone looked down in sadness after he mentioned that.


"Sorry.." he apologized with hands over his face.


"There's not much time left before she leaves..." Lu Han sighed. "Same with Sooyoung..."


Sooyoung wrapped her arms around him in comfort and they stood like that in silence.


"We're running out of time, man," Se Hun said.


Sooyoung and Chanyeol exchanged derp faces before Sooyoung started to rap Key's English part in EXO's song "Two Moons."


"Selected VIP wouldn't be mindblowingly awesome~~" Sooyoung rapped while Chanyeol beat box a little and said 'awesome' at the same time she did. "We on a rock rock rocket just gotta keep your seatbelts fastened!"


"Oneureun dugaeui dari, dugae---"


"I wonder where Taemin will take her for her last date," I thought out loud, interrupting Chanyeol's part.


"Yaaa..." Chanyeol pouted.


We laughed and started to head back to our classrooms. Sooyoung went to hers.


"Wait, what about me?!" Boseok whined loudly and stomped. We looked back at her. She had been standing next to us the whole time we were talking.


"I'll take her," Lu Han said.


She squealed in delight. "Oppa, where are you taking me??"


"Pshh, to the main office," Chanyeol scoffed. Se Hun high fived him as they chuckled and headed back to their seats.


Boseok left with a pout on her face, along with Lu Han. Welp. We won't be seeing Boseok or her friends for a while.


I sat down at my desk in the classroom and looked out the window where the school gate was already closing behind two figures who had run out.


Dongseng and Taemin had already just left.


I smirked and sat back in my seat in relief, knowing that Dongseng's last date with her first boyfriend will be a good one.




Your POV

My tears had dried up and I was calming down a bit from the Boseok fight. I really needed something to get my mind off of it, though... Knowing that I wasn't going to see her and her friends again cheered me up a little, but then I also wouldn't be able to see Taemin and Jong In or his friends again.


Taemin had called for SHINee's van, where their manager drove us back to SHINee's dorm for Taemin to get something and come back quickly.


"Where are we going?" I asked him. We had left school in the middle of study hall, meaning that we were skipping the next hours of it. 


He shushed me before sighing in frustration and headed back inside the dorm again. When he came back, he had a picnic basket and a blanket in his hands.


"Take care! Have fun!!" Key waved from the entrance of their dorm. 


"Ne, Omma!" Taemin smiled and waved back to him. "Gomawo!"



I blinked at him as the van drove away and headed off to a location I was unknown of.


"Taemin.." I decided to ask again. "Where are we going?"




When we arrived at our destination and hopped off of the van, Taemin took my hand and smiled. He carried the picnic basket and the blanket in the other hand. I smiled back and looked around in curiousity. Where is this place...


He pulled me through the grass under the pink trees that looked like...


I tilted my head and peered at them closely, passing by a low branch with the pink flowers on them. I gasped when I realized what they were...

Cherry blossoms.



My mouth dropped open in amazament as I looked around at the beautiful sight. Taemin saw my reaction and clenched my hand tightly.


"Taemin, it's beautiful..." I said.


"You like it?" he smiled.


"Of course I do!" I jumped excitedly and ran through the open field, pulling Taemin along with me. The wind started to blow, causing the cherry blossom petals to fly around.


We both laughed and jumped around the field in happiness. Taemin set the picnic basket and blanket down while we did.


I clumsily tripped over my feet and fell forward onto the grass, pulling Taemin along with me. "Ai!" I yelped, rolling through the field of cherry blossom petals that were sprinkled all over. I laughed out loud and yelled out, "WE'RE ROLLING LIKE BUFFALOES!!~~" 


We got some pink petals on our clothes and laughed, stopping and laying down where we were after a couple of minutes when we got tired. There were a few older people around the park staring at two kids who were supposed to be in school. They smiled at our happiness, though.


"Omo, shouldn't they be in school?" "Aigoo, but they are such a cute couple..." "How sweet,"


I blushed and smiled at what I heard. Taemin smiled as well and took my hand in his again.


"What's with you??" Taemin asked me, laughing loudly. "You've got my hyung's condition if you're tripping over your own feet!"


I laughed with him. "Onew condition??" 


(A/N: You called? ;O)


Taemin stood up to get the picnic basket and blanket we left back where we started before rolling halfway across the field. He set it out and took the food out from the picnic basket that Key prepared for him.


We sat on the blanket. I looked over everything that was in the basket. Watermelon... Kimbap... Sandwiches... Chocolate...


There was a baby bottle which caught my attention. I took it in my hands and stared at it, then looked at Taemin. "What is this??"


Taemin blinked at the object in my hand and tilted his head. "Baby bottle? Hmm.. Did Yoogeun leave it at our dorm?..."


"I don't think Yoogeun drinks out of baby bottles anymore..." I said, looking around the bottle's outer shell.


"There's something under..." Taemin pointed.


There was a small note attached to the bottom of the bottle. I read it out loud. "'Taemin Dongseng, you're a father!'






"..... WHAT?!?!?!" I shrieked and dropped the note in front of me but held the baby bottle tightly.


"Bwo?!?!" Taemin took the note and read it. "But we never did anything to make a ba----" He stopped himself and sighed in relief when he got to the bottom of the note. "Aishhhh, Key..."


I stared at him in silence, still shocked at the note. He held it up to me and pointed to the bottom where Key wrote very small, "'Just kidding.^^ , feed baby Tae his banana milk, ne???^^'" I dropped my mouth and stared at the note dumbfoundedly. "Key...." He scared me to death.


Taemin put the note back down and blushed. "You don't have to---"


I grinned and slid closer to him on the picnic blanket. "Say ah, baby Tae!!" I held the bottle of banana milk to his mouth.


He laughed. "Aishhh, !" He whined, shyly opening his mouth around the mouth piece of the bottle. I blushed at this scene for some reason, but tried to hold it in as I held the bottle.


"Is it good?...." I decided to ask while he drank half of the milk in the bottle. 


Taemin choked a little and laughed before withdrawing his mouth from the bottle to speak. "Ne, it's good..."


There was some silence before he took the bottle from my hands and poked my mouth with the mouth piece. "Aaaah~"


I laughed for a couple of seconds and was hesitant, but he forced it through my lips so I had no choice but to drink and.... it all out. O_O...


I took it the bottle from my mouth when there wasn't much left, and set it next to us. "Alright, enough banana milk for now... Let's eat!"


Taemin smiled and took a piece of kimbap, placing it in front of my lips to feed me. I ate it, and did the same to him until we were full and finished with all of our snacks.



When we were done, I helped Taemin clean up and stretched. "What an awesome picnic~" I sighed loudly in relaxation and laid on my back to look up at the cherry blossom trees above us. "Going to a cherry blossom park with the one I love is just magnificent~"


Taemin laid on his back next to me. "Do you have cherry blossom trees in America?"


I froze and literally stopped breathing when he mentioned America. Oh yeah.. I'm moving back. I frowned sadly. And I still haven't told him yet.


"Yeah, we have some," I said. "But I was never able to go to any of them and enjoy the scenery like this..."


He nodded and rolled onto his stomach onto his elbows, resting his chin on the palms of his hands.



"Taemin," I started. "I have something to tell you..."


"You're moving, I know." he smiled, looking at me with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Kai hyung told me."


I blinked and looked down at the ground. "Yeah..."


"I have something to tell you, too, ..." he said. ", you don't have to be sad anymore."


I looked up at him and tilted my head. "Bwo?"



Taemin's shoulders drooped sadly as he dropped his elbows next to him. He forced a small smile as his body rolled onto me and pulled me into a hug. "I'm transferring schools."




Err...Okay so the Kai spam apparently didn't make anyone feel better last chapter... O_O I'M SORRYYYY ABOUT THE BAD NEWS TT TT The chapters are going to get sadder and sadder....BUT IT WON'T END SAD OKAY THERE I SAID IT. >< It will have a good ending just like all other stories c:  

Ehehe... did you think the main was going to die..O_O 

.....Anywaaay comments are appreciated hehe ^^ Hopefully they won't be screaming like last time O_O scaryyy... Well if you do decide to scream in all caps....I'll be prepared. 8O *hides behind Taemin....

Stay tuned for the next chapter......;) Thank you for reading!! See you! <3 I PROMISE THE ENDING WILL BE  HAPPY ONE T T




Next chapter.......is RATED. (:

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying