The Mall (Guest-starring Super Junior's Eunhyuk and Leeteuk)

Protect Taemin

Your POV

"Lu Han-ah! Let's go here!" Se Hun was trying to pull Lu Han Oppa into a music store that we were just about to pass.


Lu Han shrugged his grasp off. "You can go alone, I'm staying with the group," he said.


"Aishhh," Se Hun complained, then took Chen's arm. "Chen! Let's go!"


"Me too," Lay said.


"Meet us at the food court later," Jong In told them. They nodded and Se Hun hurried excitedely into the music store.


I looked up at Lu Han as we continued through the mall. "Why didn't you go with Se Hun Oppa?"


He shrugged and glanced at disguised Taemin next to me.


We were soon passing a martial arts store and Tao decided to check it out with Chanyeol and Xiu Min.


"Food court," Jong In reminded them.



With the group split up again, it was only me, Taemin, Jong In, and Lu Han.


"We're supposed to all hang out together and get to know each other..." I muttered.


"Well, you know that Se Hun and Chen like music," Jong In said, "So does Lay, along with his dancing. Tao likes martial arts, and Xiu likes basketball and music as well."


"And Chanyeol with interpreting rocks," I added with a giggle.


Taemin and Jong In made confused faces at me and I smiled, shrugging.


"What about Lu Han?" Taemin asked quickly and quietly. I had to ask him to repeat what he said until a couple of voices called his name from behind a door nearby, the janitor's room.


"Taemin Dongseng!" one of them beckoned him to come to them.


"Mwo? Who is that?" Jong In asked Taemin.


"Oh? Sunbaenims!" Taemin said, running up to the two strangers who were disguised with sunglasses and masks in casual clothing. We followed, and were led into the janitor's room behind them.


The room was dark when the door shut closed behind us, and I realized that we weren't in the mall anymore.


"Leeteuk sunbae, are you here?" Taemin's voice called out.


I felt for someone's hand next to me and grabbed it, unaware of what was around me and where everyone was.


"Gwenchana, Dongseng?" Lu Han's voice whispered next to me. I felt him clench my hand pull me closer to him for comfort.


Suddenly, a few lights from below us and revelealed a dance floor beneath us.


"What is this?" Jong In and I gasped in surprised.


The two strangers who called out to Taemin earlier stepped in from the darkness into the light-up dance floor.



"Eunhyuk, Leeteuk, what's going on?..." Taemin asked them.


There was an awkward pause as we all just stood there silently looking at each other. I released Lu Han's hand and looked up at Taemin, unsure of what to do.


One of the guys, called Leeteuk, suddenly laughed.

(Hehe....cute <3)


I blinked in surprise at the hysterical sound of it. His laugh was ADORABLE!


"Mianhae, we just wanted to make a dramatic entrance," Eunhyuk, the other guy, said. "Mianhae," he bowed to all of us apologetically with a laugh.


"How are you, Taemin?" Leeteuk asked him, walking up to him and patting him on the shoulder.


"I've been good, how about you, hyung?" Taemin smiled and glanced at me. 


"Just good." Leeteuk said. "Are these your friends?" he glanced at Lu Han and Jong In Oppa. "Oh, I remember them. Annyeong, Kai and Lu Han."


"Ne~ the trai---"


"Nice to see you again, sunbaenim," Jong In interrupted Taemin and bowed to Leeteuk. I looked at him and made a face. 


Just now... Taemin was going to say something.... But Oppa interruppted.



"Do you want to dance, Kai?" Eunhyuk asked him. I widened my eyes in excitement.


"Eh???" I squealed. "Jong In Oppa, hwaiting!"


"Aisshhhhhhhhhhh," he groaned. "Araseo, araseo. Dongseng... You're finally going to see me dance." Jong In smiled and walked with Taemin and Eunhyuk to the middle of the dance floor. Leeteuk, Lu Han, and I backed up for them to have space.


"I've heard about you," Leeteuk whispered to me as they set up the floor and music. "Protector of Taemin?"


I laughed. "Everyone is calling me that..."


"It's just your Oppa telling everyone about you using that term," Lu Han said, crossing his arms.


"I'm the leader of Super Junior," Leeteuk said. "Nice to meet you, protector." he smiled and held out his hand for me to shake it. I smiled back and shook it.


"Nice to meet you, too, Super Junior's leader..." I paused for a second. "Is that another Korean Pop music group?"


"Ne," he said. "You aren't familiar with our music?"


"My friend might have mentioned it to me before..." I thought out loud, trying to remember. I bowed apologetically. "Mianhae, I don't know the music here..."


"The dancer with Kai and Taemin is Super Junior's dance machine and rapper." Leeteuk introduced the dancer on the dance floor with Oppa and Taemin. "You came from the States, right?" he asked.


I nodded.


"Your friends from there know K-pop? We can hold a concert there, if they would like," he said with another smile.


"Jongmal?" I giggled. "I'm sure they would like that. Kahamsahmnida,"


I turned to face the dance floor and watched as Jong In and Taemin stretched to prepare.


I'm finally going to see Jong In Oppa dance! I was excited. I'm also going to see Taemin dance, too!



Taemin stood up from stretching and they all began to get in their places.


The music began to play and the three of them started off with walking forward.


Then they started dancing.


(SBS Gayo Orchestra 111229)

Full link here:

I stared with awe and amazement as I watched them dance sometimes in unison and in patterns.


Lu Han's POV

I crossed my arms as I stood there in the corner next to you, , as we watched the three of them dance.


I could've danced, too... I thought. I should've. Dongseng looks so amazed at them dancing... Especially seeing her own Oppa dance for the first time.


I sighed and looked at the time on my cellphone. After this, I wonder where we'll go....


The weekend, so far, has still been awkward for me.


Your POV

The dance ended and I clapped and cheered as loud as I could. Leeteuk cheered, too.


"That was awesome!" I said. "Jong In Oppa! How could you have not told me about your dancing before?!"



"Let's go now," Jong In slid past me and headed towards the door.

I made a face and slumped my shoulders as his arm brushed me at the side. Still avoiding the subject about dancing, huh?


Taemin walked up to me, Eunhyuk behind him. He smiled, wiping the sweat off of his forehead.


I blinked when I felt my heart jump a little. He looks attractive... Seeing him sweat and work his hardest while he danced... He danced so powerfully... (So did Oppa and Eunhyuk)... Taemin was a really good dancer O_o To be honest, I was surprised. He and Jong In looked like brothers dancing next to each other.


"..., we're leaving." Lu Han said and followed Jong In to the door back out to the mall.


"Are you okay?" Taemin asked me. "How were we?"


"I loved it!" I told him and Eunhyuk. "It was amazing, seeing the three of you dance altogether... And seeing my Oppa dance for the first time was just..."


I smiled and looked down. I couldn't explain how happy I was to finally see Jong In dance.


Taemin suddenly pulled me into a hug and my expression turned into a confusing, nervous, puzzled one. "I'm glad you loved it,"


I glanced at Lu Han who was still next to us. His face... was a sad expression... and he continued to follow Jong In to the door.


I blinked. What's wrong with him?... and Taemin!!


I pulled away from Taemin quickly. "Taemin, gwenchana? Did you dance too excitedly? Do you need some water?..."


"He's fine," Eunhyuk smiled, patting Taemin on the shoulder. "See you later, man."


"Aja, hwaiting!" Leeteuk said.


"Aishh, sunbaenim," Taemin laughed shyly, the back of his hand covering his mouth to hide his smile.



I walked in silence, thinking about the sudden hug and Lu Han's sad face and Jong In's avoiding of dancing.


"Where to?" Jong In said. "We still need to meet the others at the food court,"


"Let's go shop for a bit," Eunhyuk said.


I looked up at him and Leeteuk. "What are you doing out here? Weren't you janitors before?"


"Aigoo," Leeteuk laughed. "We were hiding, Dongseng. We're celebrities, remember?"


"Our group, Super Junior, is the largest boy band in the world," Eunhyuk bragged. "We were even nominated in the Guinness Book of World Records!"


"Anyway, you're not in disguises?" Lu Han asked them.


"We can allow the fans to chase after us," Taemin smiled.


"I'm not running." Jong In said.


"I'll carry you," I grinned, joking.

"Yeah, like you could carry Hee Na in a piggy back ride," he joked back. He's saying I can't even carry my younger sisters...Calling me WEAK.


I pouted and shoved him in the arm. "You can't either,"


He scoffed and pulled me into his arms. "I can carry the three of you at once," he suddenly lifted me up, one arm supporting my back and the other supporting the back of my legs.


"Ya! Oppa!" I squirmed and laughed, trying to get down.


"If you keep moving, you'll fall," Taemin laughed and motioned with his arms to catch me next to Jong In if he dropped me.


Jong In Oppa set me down on the ground. We were passing a store of accessories and clothing. I looked up at it in interest, tilting my head at all the pretty colors inside.


"Let's go here," Lu Han said. He pulled me gently by the arm into the store. I looked up at him, seeing that his expression was still sad and depressing.


"Oppa, is everything okay?" I decided to ask him.


Taemin, Jong In, Eunhyuk, and Leeteuk followed behind us. Taemin was eyeing us, and Jong In was eyeing him. Eunhyuk and Leeteuk were having their own conversation.


"Yeah, it's good." Lu Han said flatly. I sighed, knowing that something WAS wrong and we started to browse the store.


I was trying on fedora hats which was right next to the scarf section of the store and backed up, accidentally bumping into someone.


"Excuse you," a diva voice retorted. "Watch where you're going,"


I blinked in amusement and confusion as I turned to see a guy trying on accessories such as gloves and sunglasses.



(Guess who! ;D )


...Short chapter. But, as you probably already figured it out... I'm in the middle of homework...again... XD I will finish it later... >< But ANYWAYS sorry about the short chapter D; I hope the guest starr of the two Super Junior members were cool though^^ ahehehe~~ Lol did you notice what Taemin was going to say before Kai interuppted him? o.o .... (:

Lu Han's planning something in that corner ;) I wonder what it is.... The next chapter is the continuation of shopping and meeting Key of SHINee! Ahehe, your first impression of Key: He really is a diva. O_O ..... ;D Okay.. Back to homework and studying. Stay tuned for chapter 13! And I'm so sorry for very late updates!

I plan to use the the "you" tag thing, after learning it from Saranglasts and 4dalyfe. Credits to them for that ^^

Read 4dalyfe's fanfic here! I LOVE it, it's really good :3 a little painful and sad, but that's what makes the story so good T T;;


OMG check this website out with the Mob videos in Russia!!! I thought it was pretty cool and wanted to show it to you guys :D And credits to the person who made the website and posted the videos^^ I hope you don't mind me sharing it in my fanfic >w<


THIS ALBUM. <3 (For Se Hun and Kai lovers^^)


Have you seen EXO's new teasers?? One is of Tao's and the other is D.O. and new member Su Ho! ^^ They will appear in my fanfic along with Kris and Baek Hyun later on ;D so wait patiently^^

Kris' teaser is here, too ^^ hehe (Tao) (D.O. and Su Ho) (Kris)

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying