*BONUS: I Only Heard Her Name

Protect Taemin


Chanyeol's POV

We were in America for EXO's concert along with SHINee who also had theirs here.


The EXO members were backstage in our dressing room. I stepped out into the hallway for some fresh air.


and Taemin were nearby, next to our dressing room, engaged in a very long emotional hug. Just as I had interpreted; they would see eachother again. (: 


I smiled, walking off to leave them to their privacy. I went over to a vending machine for a drink. 


"Hey, Chanyeol!" a familiar voice spoke. I looked up at Eun Hye and Min, along with another friend.

"Eun Hye! Annyeong~" I greeted her and her friends. "It's been a while! You got backstage passes?"


She nodded. "Mind telling us where SHINee's dressing room is? My friend, Sa Rang would like to meet Onew."


"Sa Rang? The one that he talked on the phone with?" I smiled, remembering our times at the beach in South Korea when you had lived there.


"Ne!" Sa Rang jumped excitedly. "That's me!" 


I pointed them towards SHINee's dressing room, said goodbye to the three of them, and continued to get my refreshments from the vending machine.


There were some fangirls nearby, screaming in front of EXO's dressing room. I tried to ignore the loud screams of excitement as I popped open my soda and drank it. I leaned next to the vending machine and waited until the screaming was gone. 


Unfortunately, their screams were getting closer. I looked up at Kai who had a few girls, about 4 or 5, behind him. What? Only this many people can make so much noise? Aishhh... Crazy fangirls love us so much. I smirked and continued to sip from my soda.


"Yo~" Kai fist-punched me. "Some of these girls want your autograph."


I looked at him and then my soda, and then looked back up at him. "I need a pen."


"Here, Oppa!" one of the girls behind him handed me a pen and paper. I smiled politely while I signed for her and the rest of her 3 friends, shoving my soda can into Kai's hands for him to hold.


"Hurry up," Kai whispered. "I want to see my Dongseng,"


I nodded as I quickly finished signing for all the girls. However, there was one girl who didn't hand me anything. She just stood there patiently waiting for her friends to be done with getting EXO's autographs.


I stared at her curiously and decided to ask. "Would you like an autograph, -shhi?"


She blinked a few times and stared back at me, not knowing whether to answer. She turned to one of her friends. "Is he talking to me?" 


I chuckled and nodded. "Ne, I'm talking to you." Some of her friends started shrieking in excitement under their breaths. 


"Ah, aniyo," she waved her hand. "I'm only with my friends... I didn't want to come since I'm not a big fan of Korean music..."


"Aishhhh, so rude, Sukie!" her friend elbowed her. "Don't say that in front of him!"


The girl, named Sukie, apologized and walked away with some of her friends in embarassment.


I stared after her. Sukie... Where have I heard her name before?


"I apologize for my friend's rudeness," her friend bowed before walking away to catch up with them. "Kahmsahmnida for the autographs!"


I couldn't take my eyes off of the group as they walked to SHINee's dressing room.


Kai nudged me softly to snap me out of it. "Are you alright?" he asked.


I nodded, taking my soda can from his hands and heading back to the dressing room. I needed to talk to Baek Hyun or Se Hun about this... and read my rocks again.


"I'll see you later, too!" Kai called. I waved before turning the corner to step into EXO's dressing room.


When I found Se Hun, I pulled him and Baek Hyun into the corner of the room and we spoke in low voices.


"Did you see those girls who walked in earlier?" I asked them.


"Which ones? The loud ones?" Baek Hyun asked.


I nodded. "One of them, the one who didn't get an autograph... What's her name?"


The door of EXO's dressing room suddenly opened but I didn't pay any attention to who walked in. 


"Wae?" Se Hun asked. "Did you interpret about something again?"


"Aniyo, her name---"


"Annyeonghaseyo," the person who just walked in announced loudly. "Mianhae, but it seems I dropped my wallet while I was in here... Has anyone seen it?"


It was Sukie.


"What does it look like?" Su Ho hyung asked her.


"It's a Hello Kitty pink wallet," she answered. 




"Ya, is that her?" Se Hun nudged me. "That girl who didn't get an autograph?" 


I nodded. "Sukie... Could it be her?"


"You interpreted about your future lover a long time ago, Chanyeol," Baek Hyun said. "How do you know it's her?"


"I only heard her name," I said. "If that girl's surname is 'Kim,' it has to be her."


"How will you find out?" Se Hun asked. 


I thought for a second and looked down at the ground. Suddenly, my eye caught the color of a pink Hello Kitty wallet next to my feet. 


I bent down to pick it up the same time the girl bent down to pick it up. At that, our hands touched and we looked up at each other into our eyes. 


"Ah, hello, again.." she shyly greeted. I smiled in response and felt myself blush. 


She had beautiful eyes... Her hair was perfect... Her lips were cherry reddish pink... What else was there to describe how beautiful and gorgeous she was?


We stood up and I handed her back her wallet. 


"Kahamsahmnida," she bowed and turned to make her way out the door.


"Wait," I reached for her arm to pull her back. My sudden movement made her jump a little. I think I frightened her... I pulled my arm away from her slowly as she stood to wait for what I had to say. "Oh, mianhae... But..."


I looked down at the ground and rubbed the back of my neck nervously. Aishh... Say something!  I looked up at her, into those beautiful eyes again. I dropped my mouth like a dumb loser. So mesmerizing...


Her sparkly beautiful eyes twinkled in curiousity. "Excuse me... I have to go,"


"Ah, hold on," I searched for a pen and paper. Both of them suddenly poked out from behind my shoulders, and I looked back at Baek Hyun and Se Hun to smile and nod gratefully. "Ah, kahamsahmnida."


Sukie looked down at the paper as I wrote out my signature. "Are you sure you don't want my autograph?" I asked her, looking up at her again with a smile on my face.


She blushed and laughed shyly. "I guess I'll just accept it since you're already giving one to me..."


"What's your name?" I asked.


"Sukie Kim."


I paused inbetween my writing and looked up at her. "Sukie....Kim?"


Sukie Kim smiled and nodded. "Ne!"


I stared at her for a while, my body couldn't move because I was just so shocked. This girl...


While I stared, I unknowingly scribbled my number onto the paper and handed it to her quickly. "Here you go, Sukie-shhi. I hope you enjoy it...and don't show it to your friends."


Sukie giggled and nodded. "Araseo. Kahamsahmnida~ I will go now."


...is my future lover.


I watched her as she stepped out of EXO's dressing room. 


"Well, well, well, look who's finally came into my buffalo's life," Se Hun patted me in the back. "His future lover!"


I smiled at him and nodded. 


"You gave her your number?" Baek Hyun asked. "You shouldn't give out your number like that, Chanyeol-ah,"


"Gwenchana," I said. "I can trust her. She won't give it out, but she'll call me later tonight."


"Owh~ You're gonna get it tonight, aren't you?" Se Hun chuckled. "Good luck! Have fun!"


So from that day, Sukie and I have been calling each other and have become close friends. I trusted her not to tell her friends about her contact with a celebrity, and she never did. We met in person once in a while, where I would always get excited to see her over and over again.


Thanks to the interpretation of my rocks a long time ago, this all started when I only heard her name.


Sequel linkhttp://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/182196/i-only-heard-your-name-drama-romance-shinee-you-exo-chanyeol-chanyeolromance

This fanfic will be updated soon ^^ **Credits to KookieMonster for the main character's name :D


Double update?... Sorta. XD Aawww man, SM didn't release Super Junior's music video yet.. TT TT bleah. Okay more bonus chapters coming soon! Sorry about Taemin's forgetfulness last chapter but that will be a transition to what will happen in the last bonus chapter! ;D

Thank you for suscribing; reading; commenting, and stay tuned! ^^


Credits to Skull_doll for the simple poster <3 Thank you so much :) 

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying