On the Way to the Mall

Protect Taemin

Your POV

"Yeah, I couldn't make it." I slumped as the basketball bounced off of the edge of the hoop and roll towards Taemin and Jong In. Taemin smiled and stood up quickly to grab the ball and dribble it back next to me. He made his way towards the basket and shot a hoop.


Taemin smirked at me and high-fived Minho. I rolled my eyes and laughed.


"You show-off," I said. Chanyeol clutched his rock again and sat next to Jong In silently.


"Dongseng-ah," Jong In called to me. I looked at him and blinked, walking over to where he, Lu Han, Se Hun, and Chanyeol were sitting.



"Ne, Oppa?" I asked him, sitting inbetween him and silent Chanyeol with his rock. We watched Taemin, Xiu Min, and Minho shoot another round of hoops.


"You at shooting." he said with amusement in his voice.


"Ya," I smacked him playfully in the leg.


He smiled and pulled me into a bear hug. "I'm kidding,"


"Can we leave now?" Lu Han asked.


I looked at him and laughed, "You're bored, aren't you?" I pulled out of Jong In's arms and stood up. "Taemin! We're leaving,"


He looked at me and nodded, high-fiving Xiu Min and Minho. Xiu Min walked back to us while Taemin and Minho talked more.


"Oh, we can leave without them." Lu Han said with some sarcasm in his voice. "When Xiu Min comes back, at least."


"We're waiting for Taemin, too." I told him. We looked at them as they laughed and talked about something.



"That's 2min right there," Se Hun laughed under his breath.


I blinked at him as he and Lu Han stood up from sitting. "2min?"


"A couple name the fans gave them," Lu Han explained.


I nodded, pretending to understand. Actually, I don't really know the celebrities or understand fan group names or couple names or whatever here in Korea...


Jong In stood up afterwards and started back to the park behind the trees where we came from. "Where to next?" he asked.


"To the mall!" Se Hun jumped and followed after him. Xiu Min and Chanyeol followed after them, too. I stood where I was and looked back at '2min', waiting for Taemin.



I sighed suddenly. Today is going good so far... Taemin is the only friend I made here in Korea, along with Jong In Oppa's friends. But Taemin is the only one in my class that is my friend. Other than that, I'm alone. If it hadn't been for Jong In being my brother or me being so nice to protect Taemin from those bullies, I would have more friends than this.


But, these guys are cool, too. I smiled as Taemin and Minho hugged and departed from each other, Minho going the opposite way to another exit of the basketball park and Taemin walking towards me. Minho waved to me before he disappeared and I waved back. I don't mind Taemin being my only friend, along with Jong In Oppa's friends.


I blinked and crossed my arms. I was so excited to see him this morning...because we were hanging out today as friends! ...Right? It's not like I have any feelings for him or anything. I watched him as he walked closer. It's not like he'd have any feelings for me either. All I'm doing is protecting him, nothing else. We're just friends. No deeper feelings.


I looked back at Jong In and sighed again. Maybe it's because he looks like Oppa that I got excited this morning.


"Are you coming?" Lu Han asked me. I didn't realize he was still next to me when I was deep in thought about Taemin.


I nodded. "Go ahead, I'll catch up. I'm waiting for Taemin."


He stood there for a while after I said that, so I looked at him and tilted my head.


"What's wrong?" I asked.


Taemin was in front of me by the time Lu Han answered and I smiled at him.


"Tell me later, Lu Han Oppa." I told him. I turned to Taemin and we walked to catch up with Jong In, Xiu Min, and Se Hun.


Lu Han's POV

I pursed my lips and stood where I was as I watched you wait for Taemin who was across the basketball court with Minho.


I don't think you realized that I was still next to you because you suddenly jumped when I asked you, "Are you coming?"


You nodded. "Go ahead, I'll catch up. I'm waiting for Taemin."


Taemin...Again...I sighed. Does she like him? No... They're just friends. WAIT! My feelings aren't that big for her, I forgot. I shouldn't have any concern towards her feelings for anyone.


"What's wrong?" you asked me.


Do you like Taemin?... Mianhae, but I really like you, ________-ah.... I wanted to say that but Taemin was next to us before I spoke.


"Tell me later," she said and we started to catch up to Kai and the others.


Taemin looked back at me with a sad look on his face, almost as if he knew my feelings.


I stared back at him with a blank expression on my face. Taemin-ah... I know you like her, too.


Taemin's POV


Yes, I know that Lu Han Hyung likes you, _________-ah. It's obvious, no offense. I don't know why she isn't getting the hint. I glanced at you as we walked to catch up with the others. I hope he doesn't know that I like her a little bit as well.


I sighed as the wind blew my soft hair into my face. I didn't want to admit to Kai Hyung that I do like you... But you wouldn't have feelings for me. I look like your Oppa! It would be odd for you to like someone who looks like your own Oppa.



Your POV


We met Chen, Lay, and Tao under the tree they said to meet at.


"How was your walk?" Chen asked.


"It was good," I said. "We saw Minho!"


"SHINee's rapper?" Lay asked.


Taemin and I nodded enthusiastically.


"How was it meeting another on of SHINee's group members?" Tao laughed. We started down the path of the park, off to the mall.


"Jong In Oppa already met SHINee, apparently." I looked up at Jong In and elbowed him softly. "But meeting Minho was cool, I guess."


Jong In met all these celebrities... And didn't bother telling me! This communication between us is just... -______-


He hasn't told me a lot of things since we arrived in South Korea. First, there was the closing time for Shinhwa's school gate in the morning, then there was his dancing, and then meeting celebrities and even getting dance practice with them. 


I shrugged. It's not like I wanted to know he was friends with celebrities anyway... But him dancing?! How long has he had that talent!


"I'm hungry," Chanyeol suddenly said. "Let's stop by somewhere,"


"When we see a food stand, we can stop," Se Hun said. "What's with the rock?" he looked at the rock with the design that Chanyeol found earlier in the basketball court.


Chanyeol smiled and looked at me. I smiled back and giggled, wondering why he won't tell them.


We were soon exiting the park and walking down the streets, heading to the mall.


"Oh? Taemin-ah," Jong In said. "You didn't put your disguise back on?"


Taemin blinked for a second and gasped, reaching into his pocket for his mask and hat. He slid them on along with the sunglasses that were clipped to his shirt. 


A few people had already recgonized him, though. A guy, a few inches shorter than Taemin, was running up to him. 


I tilted my head when I recgonized him as the one who waved to me from SHINee's limo the other day.


"Oh? Jjongie Hyung," Taemin said. "Why aren't you under cover?"


"Why are you? There's not that much people around to recgonize us," Jonghyun laughed, bowing to Jong In and his friends. "Annyeonghaseyo, nice to see you all again. How are your dancing?"


"Will you come after school again this week along with the rest to teach us?" Se Hun asked.


"Ne, ne," Jonghyun nodded once with a confirmed yes. He looked at Jong In Oppa, "Hwaiting, man, keep dancing well,"


Jong In smiled and looked down. I peered at him.


"This is Jonghyun, aka Bling Bling, aka vocal of SHINee." Taemin introduced him to me. He was just about to introduce me to him but I looked at Jonghyun when he waved in front of my face.



"You're the protector of Taemin in school, huh?" he smirked. "Taemin told us about you. Good to see you again, too."


I laughed. "I remember you waving from the limo the other, day. Nice to see you again,"


"Dongseng-ah, SHINee recgonizes you as the 'protector of Taemin'," Se Hun said, "Thanks to Jong In who mentioned you in dance practice,"


I laughed and glanced at Jong In. We're on the subject of dancing... and he is avoiding it again. I rolled my eyes and looked away from him. Seriously, what is up with him and dancing? He seems like he's really good...


"Hyung, what are you doing out here without a disguise or something from the fangirls?" Taemin asked Jonghyun.


"Just seeing how many people realize that the 'Bling-bling' is in the house," he danced a little on his feet and jumped cheerfully. "And checking out girls,"


"Boy," I laughed. Such a player, I see...


He smiled and pinched one of my cheeks. "I'll see you guys later. Where are you off to?"


"Mall," Taemin said.


He nodded. "I think Key is there, you'll probably see him."



Jonghyun left and we continued our way to the mall.


"Is Key another member?" I asked Taemin. He nodded.


"Watch out, though." Lay warned. "He's a diva sometimes,"


I nodded, a bit confused. A diva... huh... Interesting.


"When are we going to stop to eat?" Chanyeol whined and rubbed his tummy with his free hand. He still had the rock in his other hand.


"We can stop there," Xiu Min pointed to a food stand where they were selling chicken drumsticks for only a few dollars.


"'Chicken'?" I heard my stomach growl suddenly, then turned to Jong In Oppa. "Ya, we didn't eat breakfast."


"Weren't we supposed to eat before going to the park?" he asked and shrugged. "I ate already. We can get you and Chanyeol some chicken."


I dropped my mouth. ANOTHER thing he didn't tell me! He ate breakfast without me knowing!! And I said we were going to eat out so that we wouldn't make his friends wait. =__= He probably ate while I was changing or something.


"Well, do you want to eat or not?" Jong In pulled me by the arm towards the food stand.


"I'm hungry, too, Kai," Se Hun said. "Buy me and Lu Han-ah chicken, too,"


"Ooh, me too, hyung!" Taemin jumped excitedely and held his arms out in front of Jong In for chicken.


Jong In stared at us with a glaring expression, but ended up getting everyone a drumstick.



We were standing by the chicken stand eating our chicken legs that Oppa bought for each and every one of us.


"Thanks, Kai," Xiu Min said.


"Yeah, thanks," Chanyeol looked satisfyingly happy again as he ate and clutched his rock.


"Ne, kahamsahmnida, Kai hyung," Taemin smiled and bowed a little.


"You don't have to be so formal, Taemin-ah," Jong In smiled at him.


"I thought you ate already," I stuck my tongue at Oppa as he chewed on his chicken.


He laughed and stuck it into my face and got some of the meat on my clothes. "Ya!" I laughed and pointed my drumstick towards his face as well. It dropped out of my hands and I tried to catch it, but someone from nearby quickly caught it.


"Don't waste such precious chicken!" he said. I blinked in surprise as he cradled the chicken leg like a baby.


"Onew hyung!" Taemin exclaimed. I looked at him and then at Onew.


"Another member?" I asked.


"The leader," Xiu Min said. "And vocal, of SHINee."



"Annyeonghaseyo," Onew bowed to all of us. "Good to see you again,"


"Hyung, this is ________," Taemin said, gesturing to me. "Remember her??"


"Oh!" Onew exclaimed. "That one girl you always talk about!"


"Am I that special for you to talk about, Taemin?" I giggled and looked up at him. He blushed and looked away at Onew.


"We're off to the mall," Lu Han said. "Do you want to finish the rest of our chicken, hyung, so that we can hurry up and leave?"


I made a face at Lu Han. Why does he suddenly want to leave so quickly?


Onew's eyes widened and he looked excited, "Ne! Ne!"


"Wait, I want my chicken back.." I reached for it but he gobbled it down under seconds and took Lu Han's. "Oh, okay then...."



Jong In laughed out loud and slapped his knee. "Too bad for you, Dongseng."


I pouted and took his drumstick away from him and ate it as fast as I could until I reached the bone. "Too bad for you as well,"


He made a face and shoved me into Lu Han behind me. "Oh, mian, Lu Han."


Lu Han caught me in his arms and set me back up on my feet. I smiled at him apologetically then glared at Jong In.


"Well, ga-ja!" Taemin cheered after he finished his drumstick, "Off to the mall, araso?? Onew hyung, enjoy your chicken,"


"Ne, see you all later!" Onew waved as we left.


"He took my chicken," I muttered under my breath. "Does he love chicken that much?"


"It's his condition," Lu Han explained, "Onew Condition,"


I looked up at him and made a face, "Is it contagious?"


"Yes, but it's not bad," Se Hun said. "Look it up when you get home,"


I slumped and pursed my lips into a smile. 



LOL, I can't believe it's an urbandictionary definition... It seems pretty true. Poor Onew TT TT

"Mwolhae do Onew sangtae~"


Lu Han's POV


"You seem awfully awkward today, Lu Han," Tao whispered to me as we walked.


I shrugged. "It's nothing big,"


"Your feelings for her, you mean?" he asked.


I looked at him quicky. "How did you know?"


"Kai," he said.


I sighed and glanced at you and Taemin laughing with Kai as we were on the way to the mall, where we'll probably shop and meet the last SHINee member, Key.







So if you haven't seen EXO's recent teaser of Kai and Se Hun for "What is Love"... Here it is!


Hmm... What do you think of it? O_o I sensed some in it. Ahehe <3 Kai dancing with Se Hun's clothes... And the lip biting in the mirror while he's brushing on his clothes ... Interesting ;D and his little ballet arm dance gesture thing at the end when Se Hun passes by... Cute ^_^I don't know why they released a teaser when the mv is already out though. ><

I take Dance class in school, and we're learning some ballet excersises... I'm willing to work my hardest now that I know that Kai knows ballet!!! :D


Have you seen Taemin in this drama THJ? I've only seen the cuts, but he is SO CUTE in them <3 !!! I'm going to find myself saying "Oop~" the way the mom does because of how funny she says it XD


Okay! That was Chapter 11. It's a little short, I'm sorry TT TT I'm in the middle of doing homework but I don't wanna do it >< (procrastination....again.) Soooo I typed this whole thing up real quick :D Who do you think you'll meet next in SHINee? ;) So far you've met Minho, Jonghyun, Onew... Ah it's probably Key^^ Well DUH he's the only one left! Alright!~ Off to the mall we go, ne?? See you next chapter!

I apologize for not updating as much D; SOOO much procrastinating on SOOO much homework in High School. I hope you will keep reading and wait patiently for updates! <3

"Nali nali nalinaa~ nali nali nalina~ nali nali nalinaa~~ we rock rockin rockin noww~~" XD Got Block B's song and gorilla dance stuck in my head....RIGHT. Back to homework. @_@


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying