My Best Friend For Life And Universe

Protect Taemin

Jong In's POV

"SOOYOUNG!"  exclaimed. "What the heck are you doing here in South Korea?!"


"My dad had orders to move here and left our family in the states, but I remembered you were here and begged him to move with him!" Sooyoung said.


Those two girls were chatting on and on about how we've been, what's been happening, and all that stuff about life as we walked home from school that night.


"Who knew we would go to the same school!" shrieked. So loud... But happy to see her best friend again.


I smiled at your happiness as Lu Han, Se Hun, Lay, Chanyeol, Tao, and I silently walked behind the two of you.


Chen and Xiu Min had gone the other way home.


Se Hun leaned in closer to me and whispered. "Is she another one of your sister's friends from America?" I nodded.


"A lot of pretty ones, too..." Lu Han added. I eyed him suspiciously before looking away at you two again.


"She has a lot of friends!" Taemin said.


I looked at him. "Why are you still here?"


He shrugged. "The limo wasn't at the school yet. Is it alright if I stop by your house for a while, hyung?? Please??"



"Sure, just don't sneak into Dongseng's room with the lights off again," I said.


"Or kiss anyone," Lu Han elbowed me teasingly. "Kaiii."


I rolled my eyes and shoved him back. "Yaaa."


That night. I shouldn't have barged into Dongseng's room like that... I shouldn't have even tried to kiss her. -_____- We're siblings. It's wrong to do that... Unless we were in some kind of an anime where siblings fall in love with each other. O__o


Oh well. I kissed Taemin instead.



"Ehhh, Taemin!" you exclaimed. "At least call Key or something! You'll get in trouble again!"


Taemin smiled. "Don't worry, I didn't get in trouble last time thanks to Jonghyun...again."


You sighed and smiled a little. "What? Did he bring you back?"


"Aniyo," he said. "I walked to the dorm, he snuck me in."


"You walked?!" you frowned worriedly. "Taemin, you could've at least asked us to give you a ride so you wouldn't have to walk back that whole night..."


"It was already awkward for Kai," Lu Han said. "It's good that he just left in silence."


I glanced at Lu Han thankfully. We released from that awkward hug and he left in silence. Lu Han left after learning that Taemin confessed to her, they tried to kiss, I ruined it, and kissed Taemin.


Yeah, I told Lu Han everything before Dongseng did.


I sighed. That's why this morning he wanted to clarify with you... And finally end his feelings for you for good.


I glanced at Sooyoung and pursed my lips. Hmm. He and Sooyoung would make a good couple. He was showing her around school earlier.


Sooyoung blinked when she noticed my glance. "How have you been, Jong In?"


"Just good, Sooyoung," I said. "How is it in America?"


"Ahh, everyone misses you guys!" she said. " , did Eun Hye and Min visit you? I heard they did," 




You nodded. "They came during your break... Wait, how are you here? Don't you have school---"


"I moved here, remember??" she laughed. "My sisters and mom are still in the states, though, so I can move back anytime I want."


"Aniyooooo~~!" you whined. "Don't leave me again!"


"Araseo, araseo," Sooyoung pinched one of your cheeks. "Since your here, I guess I'll be in South Korea for a while!"


"Why didn't I see that she was coming?" Chanyeol mumbled to one of his rocks in his hands. I glanced at him and made a face. This weird kid. I laughed a little. Just kidding, Chanyeol, you're cool. But why DIDN'T you see Sooyoung moving here? Maybe he wasn't reading the right rock?...


"Whoa, you made a lot of good-looking guys friends..." Sooyoung said to you, eyeing my friends around me. "Why don't you have friends that are girls?"


You glanced at Taemin and looked down shyly. I noticed you blushing, even in this darkness at this time of night.


I smirked in amusement. "Dongseng, 'Protector of Taemin,'"


She looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah!"


Sooyoung blinked and looked at us. "You, ? Protecting Taemin? Taemin..." she paused for a second.


Taemin stared back at her and tilted his head in confusion.


Then Sooyoung widened her eyes. "OH! You're the guy from SHINee!" she exclaimed.


You and Taemin laughed. "That's right!"


"And how and why are you protecting him?" she asked you.


You blinked and pursed your lips. We were in the neighborhood now.


"Hey, I'm off. See you all tomorrow," Chanyeol said.



(A/N: Cute :D)


"See you, Chanyeol!" you said. As we all said bye to him, I caught you quickly leaning towards Sooyoung to whisper, "I'll tell you later about Taemin, araseo??"


I smirked and looked at Tao who was also going home. "See you, man," I said, fist-punching him in the shoulders.


"Annyeong~~" Tao waved. "See everyone tomorrow!"



We kept on walking, you and Sooyoung were talking and talking and talking and talking nonstop since you guys were so excited to see each other.


"A whole bunch of stuff happened here," you said. "I'll tell you everything but you go first!"


"Well, Jaesun's wondering how you're doing," Sooyoung giggled. "En has been really quiet lately. He was much talkative when you were there,"


"Huh? Really?" smiled. "That's weird... He should talk more and make new friends." I'm surprised, Dongseng... You've gotten over him already. Maybe because Taemin is your new love life now? I smirked.


"He has Jaesun to talk to but that's it," Sooyoung said.


"How is Jin Hee?" you asked.


"She's good, all into sports and competition in school," Sooyoung nodded. "That girl, she's a cool one,"


"We haven't talked for a while..." you said. "It sounds like she's doing fine,"


We were walking very slowly because of you two. Walking like two girls who didn't care about anything but catching up with life.


"They talk," Se Hun started. "SO much,"


"They're girls," Lu Han chuckled.


You and Sooyoung heard and turned to us.


"Ya, guys talk a lot, too," Sooyoung joked.


"Not as much as you girls do," Lu Han said back. They stuck their tongues at each other before Sooyoung gave up with a smile and turned back to talk to you.


I nudged him. "Lu Haaaaan," I whispered.


He cocked his eyebrows at me. "What?"


Se Hun smiled and caught what I was nudging him about. "Don't you think Sooyoung is pretty? You said so before about Dongseng's friends,"


Lu Han laughed nervously. "What are you talking about?"


"What? You still haven't given up on  yet?" Se Hun asked.


"Umm.." Taemin coughed next to me.


I turned my head to him quickly and jumped. "MY GO--- You're still here?!" He scared me. I forgot he was still here.


Lay had to go home at this point then. "See you, Dongseng, new student Sooyoung!" Lay smiled. He waved to me, Taemin, Se Hun, and Lu Han. "Bye, guys,"


"Bye, Lay Oppa!" you and Sooyoung said.


"Aishhhh, she calls him 'Oppa', too?" Taemin whispered next to me.  



"See you, Lay," I punched him playfully in the shoulder before he left.


"Kai hyung, you said I could stay at your house for a while..." Taemin said.


"Ah," I nodded, remembering. "I forgot you were here since you're so quiet. Mianhae,"


We didn't realize we were walking Se Hun and Lu Han all the way to their houses until I brought it up.


"Didn't we pass by our house a few blocks ago?" I asked you.


 stared at me and looked back at the houses nervously. "Aishhhhh I was so caught into the conversation with Sooyoung that I forgot about going home..."


I sighed and shook my head. "Sooyoung, just stop by our house," I suggested. "You can talk there. You live around here, right?"


She nodded. "Yeah, just down there, I think,"


"That's around where they live," I gestured to Lu Han and Se Hun. "They live right next to each other,"


(A/N: HunHan <3)


"It's late, though..." you said, taking Taemin's arm. "Sooyoung, let's talk on the phone tonight??"


"Araseo~" she smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow then!"



I took Dongseng's free hand that didn't hold Taemin's arm and smiled at her. "Alright. Until then, Sooyoung,"


"Ya!" you pouted. "I'm not a little kid, Jong In Oppaa. Bye, Sooyoung! See you tomorrow!"

Sooyoung's POV

Jong In and Taemin turned with to go back home.  I walked with Lu Han and his friend to their houses, where my house was also around.


I had met Lu Han earlier today in school. He seemed a bit down when I ran into him.


"Hello," I had said first.


He glanced at me and said only a small hi before walkingg off.


"Wait," I stopped him so that he could show me the way to my homeroom class.


I didn't know that it was because he had been rejected by until she told me in a whisper as we walked.


It was something about Lu Han liking you, but you couldn't like him back because you liked Taemin. Taemin had confessed to you recently, I heard.


We talked about all of this right in front of them... I hope they didn't hear.


Lu Han had showed me around the school. He was my first friend there. Who knew you and I would go to the same school, though! The way we reunited in front of Jong In's friends when we saw each other, <3


"You and are really close friends, huh?" Lu Han asked.


I nodded. "Best friends for life and universe, as we call each other."


Se Hun walked next to Lu Han quietly as we talked.


"Do you still like her?" I decided to ask Lu Han.


"Huh? She told you about that already?..." he pursed his lips and sighed when I nodded.


The rest of the walk home was silent. I walked home by myself as Lu Han and Se Hun went to theirs.


That night, I called you where you explained how you became protector of Taemin and couldn't make any friends, and about Jin and Kyoung, Lu Han's confession, Taemin's confession, the kiss that night between Jong In and Taemin when EXO had left for a while, how Jong In ruined your moment with Taemin, how Taemin stole Jong In's kiss for you, Eun Hye and Min's visit, Jong In's secret about auditioning and becoming an EXO member...


And all that stuff.


O_O I think this is the first time I haven't used "Your POV" in one of my chapters... hehe. Alright that was chapter 25 ^^ Welcome to South Korea, best friend Sooyoung! :D This chapter just introduced her and caught her up with some stuff in your life. Ooo~ I sense love between her and Lu Han..8D *hint hint...

I think it's also the first time including the other EXO members' images/gifs.. Well it's been a while since I actually mentioned them :D Aha~~

I ship HunHan <3 Did I mention that? I think I have. 8D

Guys I'm so stressed TT TT parents are bugging me about college; scholarships and grants and stuff. I'm only in my second year of high school, but I know I should start appyling for stuff soon. I don't know if I will update for a while.. I might, but I'm not sure :/ just letting you all know ahead of time.


Sorry if the chapter was a bit confusing... My parents were bugging me in the middle of typing ><


....Okay see you in the next chapter where something happens...FINALLY! ;)


"My dongseng and Taemin= <3"


(A/N: Cute :3 *NOT MINE*)


See you next chapter!

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying