I Will Always Love You

Protect Taemin



(A/N: for people confused from the previous chapter where I wrote my first chapter..that I failed.. I have some confirmations. XD  The main decides to give Taemin a Bj when she's sad because she wants to forget that she's leaving and just...enjoy. Bahaha. SHINee didn't mind hearing the noises coming from the bedroom...heheh but jonghyun cluelessly didn't know what they were doing and therefore walked in one them :pp ah and the tv was turned up loud so key and jonghyun couldn't hear anything (Key knew what they were doing XD). Onew came home late with the manager AFTER they were done... Minho was still eating.  And finally....I DIDNT KNOW HOW BIG TAEMIN'S WAS OKAY. O.O IM SORRY FOR THE...wrong size...err...lol. Anyway back to the story.










R.I.P. Whitney Houston <3


This is it.



Your POV


I sighed and tossed the last handful of clothes into my fifth suitcase. 


Then I went over to my drawer and took my jewelry box off of the top. I froze when I picked up the blue and white bracelet that Taemin had given me. 


I looked at the blue shell necklace that Lu Han had given to me next to it.


Frowning with tears coming out, I set them back on the table quickly and sat down on my bed, sighing loudly.


I'm going to miss everything and everyone here in South Korea... ALOT...







When everything was packed into all of our suitcases and boxes, we made our way through the airport to our boarding gate.


All of EXO were here, with Jong In Oppa, to see us off. All five of the SHINee members were here as well, all disguised under sunglasses and masks in case of any fans.


"Take care of yourself, son," Appa said to Jong In.


"Ne, aboeji, omoni... Take care." Jong In smiled softly and looked down at Hee Na and Ahn Jil, ruffling their hair out of place before pulling them into a hug.


I pursed my lips and held my breath at this sight to keep myself from crying.


Sooyoung came up behind me and patted me in the back assuringly. I looked back at her and forced a small smile.


"Ttal, come on," Omma beckoned to us to go to our boarding gate. "Our flight is soon, girls."


I rolled my eyes and my eye twitched in annoyance. "Mom," I spoke in English now, saying 'mom' instead of 'omma'. "It's in 30 minutes. We still have time to say bye to everyone."


"We'll be at the boarding gate, then," Appa said. Sooyoung and I nodded and turned to the 12 members of EXO and 5 members of SHINee. 


Jonghyun sniffled and frowned. It looked like he was really going to cry. "Sooyoung!" he wailed, throwing his arms around my best friend. "I'm going to miss you so much!!"


"You didn't even talk to each other," Key scoffed.


Jonghyun only wailed louder and held Sooyoung tighter. Lu Han came over and pulled her out of his grasp with many "ya's."



"Well, anyway, it was nice knowing you, guys." Key said to me and Sooyoung.


I smiled. "It was great knowing you too, Key Omma. And goodbye to you, too, Jonghyun."


Minho and Onew walked up to us, giving a high five.


"Say hi to Min for me, Araseo?" Minho said with a smile.


I grinned and nodded. "Will do,"


"Bring some chicken back if you ever do come back," Onew said.


I laughed. "Oh, Onew.. Meeting you for the first time when you ate my chicken leg... You owe me one yourself."


"And me a new phone, man!!" Jong In pouted. "After touching my old one with your greasy hands when you talked to Sa Rang," (Chapter 17).


"Ah, about your friend, Sa Rang..." Onew said to me. "You need to introduce her to me one day because she seems really interesting."


I raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Really? Alright, then. One day!" I glanced at Taemin, the last of the SHINee members, but looked away quickly. 


Lu Han smiled softly next to Se Hun as he walked up to me and Sooyoung. 


"Lu Han Oppa..." I sighed, small tears escaped my eyes. "Se Hun Oppa..."


Lu Han pulled me into a tight hug while Se Hun talked to Sooyoung. "Dongseng... Not every story has a happy ending, you know."


I closed my eyes and smiled. "Like you always say..." I sighed. I'll miss you, Lu Han.....


He pulled away and looked at the blue shell necklace I was wearing, smiling. "You're still wearing it?"


"Of course," I said. "You gave it to me,"


"Yes, but as a confession gift..." Lu Han spoke softly.


I pursed my lips and sighed at that. And yet I chose Taemin instead...


"Ah anyway, see you later, araseo?" he patted me in the head and bent forward to kiss me on the forehead. "By the way, thank you for the sunglasses,"    


"Lu Han.." I smiled up at him and cupped his angelic baby face with one of my hands. "You're a really great person." I'm sorry I rejected you for Taemin... "See you...'See you'?" I tilted my head in confusion.


"Ne," he smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist. "We'll see each other again,"



"Jinjja?" I blinked. When?


"Dongseng!" Se Hun took me in his arms away from Lu Han and spun me around in the air. 


I laughed. "Se Hun!" I exclaimed. Lu Han smiled and went over to Sooyoung for her farewell.


"Dongseng-ah, I'll miss you!" he pulled me off of the ground and shook me like crazy. "You were like the little sister I never had!"


"You don't have siblings, Se Hun Oppa?" I asked him as he put me down.


"I have an older sister," he smiled. "She lives alone by herself now, probably has her own family,"


"Ah," I nodded, understanding.


"I was always the youngest," Se Hun said, "You made me feel like I had to take care of you, so I didn't feel like I was the youngest anymore,"


I laughed. "That's a good thing, right?"


"Of course!" Se Hun ruffled my hair out of place. "We'll see you again, ne??"


I nodded. "Ne, Se Hun Oppa,"


He smiled. "Thanks again for the shirt,"


Chanyeol stepped forward then, he and Se Hun had a little handshake as if they were changing players in a partner wrestling match.


"Go ahead with your farewell, Buffalo~" Se Hun smirked, waving to me. "Annyeong, ,"


I bowed to him slightly and smiled.


Chanyeol walked up closer to me, a weird expression on his face.



"Chanyeol?" I blinked, tilting my head in confusion. "You alright there? You look like a lost puppy..."


"He misses Baek Hyun," Jong In stepped next to me and whispered into my ear.


"I'm right here," Baekhyun said with a pout on his face. "He's just going to miss her,"


I laughed and tiptoed to try to reach Chanyeol's head, but could only reach his shoulder so that's what I patted. "Keep rolling like a buffalo with interpreting those interesting rocks, araseo?" I smiled.


His weird frowning expression turned into a small smile and he pulled me into a hug, off of the ground again. "Goodbye, protector of Taemin. Thank you for everything..." 


"I hope you find your future lover soon," I said to him. "Keep it up with your rapping skills!"


"Kahamsahmnida, ," he hugged me tighter. "Ani... Gomawo,"


I turned to Baekhyun next to him when he put me down and smiled. "You have a beautiful voice, Bacon,"


"Bacon?" he crinkled his nose. "Ya, just because your friend said my name sounds like that American food doesn't mean you can call me that,"


I smiled, remembering that Eun Hye said that. "Anyway, hwaiting! Take good care of that lovely voice!" Giving him and Chanyeol a thumbs up, I grinned. "And, I totally ship the breakfast couple~" I nodded with confirmation.


"'Breakfast couple'?!" he and Chanyeol asked at the same time.


"Yeah!" I cheered. "Bacon and Eggyeol~" I laughed.


"I told you we're only really close friends!" Chanyeol pouted. "Not a couple!" (Chapter 28)


D.O. laughed and stepped forward to high five me, getting the joke. I jumped to reach his hand.


Chanyeol blinked in confusion but walked over to D.O. and held out his hand next to him, forming half of a heart.




"Dongseng~ Saranghaeyo~~" Chanyeol smiled while D.O. smiled awkwardly next to him and formed the other half of the heart.


I laughed at his expression. "D.O. Oppa, you have a beautiful voice, too! Take good care of it like Baek Hyun,"


"Ne," he and Baekhyun nodded. "Take care of yourself as well,"


"I never really knew you guys, or the leaders Kris and Su Ho," I said. "But I hope you all do well,"


"Ne," Su Ho smiled. "Kahamsamnida, shhi,"


"I won't forget your milky white skin, Leader Oppa," I smiled at him, patting him on the shoulder. "And just call me next time you see me!"


He laughed. "Araseo, araseo."


"Will we really see you again??" Tao asked.


"Hey, hey, I didn't even get to say bye yet," Kris stepped in front of Tao, leaving him pouting.


Chanyeol laughed aloud and pointed at EXO-M's maknae.




"Aaaww, don't be mean to him," Sooyoung said to Chanyeol.


Chanyeol patted her in the shoulders. "Good luck with your shell interpreting, Sooyoung," he smiled.


Kris smiled and pulled Tao with him to walk up and tower over me.


"Hello," I said, looking up at the tall figures.


"What hello?" Kris laughed. "This is goodbye,"





"Goodbye?" Jong In scoffed. "We'll all see her again, you know."


"When?" I asked him.


"Have you forgotten that I'm your brother?" he chuckled, patting me in the head. "We have to see each other again as siblings."


"Ah, ne ne," I nodded, turning away from him to face Kris and Tao. "Bye bye, Tao Oppa~ Gomawo for scaring those kids when we first met,"


"And when you protected Taemin for the first time," Jong In added.


Tao smiled softly and patted my shoulder, reminding me of how Jaesun back in America greeted or said goodbye to me.


"See you later, Dongseng," Tao said. "Thanks for the keychain,"


"Ne, see you later," Kris smiled.


"See you, mysterious angel whom I thought was commiting suicide on the top of that building~" I smiled. "I shall always admire your cool expressions and good looks," I faced him and Tao, holding a thumbs up to them. "I also shall ship TaoRis~"


"Where are you learning these couple names??" Lay asked me.


"Yeah, I thought you weren't into K-pop," Taemin said. I smiled at him softly and ignored him.


"I told her about the 2min couple," Se Hun said. "Minho told her about JongKey," he nudged Minho in the elbow.


"And you researched from there?" Xiu Min blinked.


I laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I guess,"


"'TaoRis'?!" Chanyeol pouted. "Tao and Kris as a couple?? Not EVEN!"


"But but.." Sooyoung held up her phone that had a tumblr picture of this:




Tao dropped his mouth and literally screamed. "It's not what it looks like!"


Kris chuckled next to him.


"ANYWAY," Lay sighed and stepped up to me. "See you around, Dongseng."


"See you, Lay," I smiled at Jong In's friend whom I met after Lu Han. "Lay Oppa, thanks for telling me about Shinhwa high and its gossiping...and all that stuff,"


He laughed and patted me in the head. "Until then, ,"


Chen and Xiu Min walked up to me next.


"Ah, the two guys who live in the same area whom I don't hang around much," I smiled.


"What are you talking about?" Xiu Min laughed. "We're always around,"


"Ne," Chen smiled and ruffled my hair out of place. "You just don't see us among all of Jong In's friends,"


I laughed and fixed my hair. "I don't usually talk to you guys, I guess that's it... You live in a different neighborhood from the others,"


"Gwenchana, we're still friends," Xiu Min smiled.


I nodded in agreement. "We're all friends! You guys were all my first friends when I moved here to South Korea,"


He and Chen laughed. "Yep,"


"You know, ," Chen said. "I've always thought you were really cute and persistent,"


Jong In, Taemin, Lu Han, and everyone else's faces including mine were all the same; eyes bugging out and mouths dropping open. 


"Uhh.." Taemin shifted closer to me and held my hand. "She's..she's taken,"


I giggled nervously. "Chen.."


"It's ever since we've met," he smiled. "When I patted your head."


If I didn't have a boyfriend, my heart would be beating right now. I smiled shyly and looked at the ground. But Taemin's the only one for me now.


"It's alright now, though." Chen said, "I know she is yours, Taemin,"


Taemin smiled in satisfaction and pulled me closer to him. I smirked and shrugged him off. He pouted in confusion.


Taemin-ah, I'm saving the best for last.


I smiled at Chen. "See you later,"


"Ne, see you, protector of Taemin," he smiled back.


"Aigooo, we'll all see each other again," Jong In chuckled and pulled me into his arms. "I just said that,"


"Which is why we're all saying 'see you later'," Chanyeol said.


"Yeah, like a be right back!" Sooyoung smiled.


I pursed my lips before looking up at Jong In with teary eyes next to me. "Jong In..."


He smiled and ruffled my hair out of place and bent down to kiss me on the forehead. "We'll see each other again in a couple of years, alright?"


I nodded, tears starting to come out of my eyes. "You'll come visit, right?"


"Uh.." he cringed and tilted his head. "I'm not sure. I'll call, but I'm not sure I have the time to visit..."


"Ne, he'll be busy." Sooyoung said. "EXO's going to be one of top idol groups in South Korea,"


"Ah," I nodded. "That's right... And your schedule will be filled with so many performances and stuff,"


Jong In lifted my face and pecked a soft kiss on my lips. "I would do the same thing I was trying to do that one night, but I might kiss him on accident again." he glared at Taemin nearby.


I laughed and ruffled his fluffy dark hair out of place. "Oppa, see you later, araseo? Don't forget to call!"


"Ttal!" Appa called over a large group of people that passed by inbetween us. "Come here and get your ticket. We'll be leaving soon,"


I sighed, picking up my luggage to walk over to him. Jong In helped by taking a few of them from me.


"Our flight isn't in 30 minutes, Unnie!" Hee Na ran up to me through all these people and pouted. "You liar!"


"That's probably because it's past 30 minutes," I rolled my eyes. "Where's your luggage?" I asked her. "What time is our flight?"


"RIGHT NOW!" she yelled over top the speaker that announced our flight. She handed me my ticket and took one of my suitcases to take over to our family who was already boarding the plane with their tickets.


At that I felt my heart sink and the tears automatically burst from my eyes.


Sooyoung went ahead of me with her luggage, turning to look at me with a reassuring smile on her face. ", let's go..."


Jong In patted me on the back. "Dongseng-ah... I'll walk you with your luggage."


I nodded and started slowly towards our boarding gate through many people rushing through the airport.


It had suddenly become a huge crowd of them all around us, separating me and Jong In from the twelve EXO members and the five SHINee members. The SHINee members...


"Taemin..." I stopped where I was and turned to look for my boyfriend in the crowd. I gave the rest of my suitcases to Jong In and pushed through some of the rushing people. He went ahead to turn in my luggage onto the plane."Taemin!" I called out.


Because of my height, I wasn't able to get through the crowd of rushing people very easily so I was searching frantically for him.


"Taemin! Taemin!!" I kept calling and yelling. "Where are you?!"


The announcement kept repeating over and over again announcing our flight, causing a tight knot in my throat and a sick feeling to my stomach.


The tears were falling quickly from my eyes. "Taemin!" I sobbed, clenching the ticket tightly in my hand. "I'm about to rip this thing..." I really didn't want to go back to America. What if I didn't see Taemin ever again?  


A hand came out from the rushing crowd, stopping my 'ripping' action and pulled me to the side where it was clear and empty of people.


Taemin chuckled softly and pulled his arms around me for a long and tight hug.


I shut my eyes and buried my face into his crying chest and held him tightly. "Taemin... I thought I would never see you again.."


"That's what you get for ignoring me while you were busy saying bye to all the others," he smiled. 


"I was saving the best for last!" I pouted, laughing shakily because of my tears.


"I'll protect you in my heart, ..." he smiled as he looked down at me.


"And I will do the same." I forced a smile and cupped his face in my hands. "Together we'll make a promise and see each other once again... right?"



(A/N: LOVE this song! <3)


"Of course, my protector," Taemin pulled my chin up closer to him and we shared a long passionate kiss.


This lasted for a while before the stupid speaker announced a last call for our flight and that if we didn't board it we'd be left behind.


And my reaction to this annoying speaker?



" ... See you later," Taemin smiled and laughed at my reaction.


I pulled him down to my height and whispered into his ear. "Don't forget your child in 9 months."


Taemin's eyes widened. "YOU'RE PREGN---?!??!?!"


I slapped his mouth shut and kissed him quickly, whispering into his ear, "I'm just kidding. Wear a next time." I laughed and turned to catch up with my family. "Farewell, hubby~"






















Yep. That was my goodbye to him.


















Just kidding.


















"WHERE HAS YOUR INNOCENCE GONE, DONGSENG?!?!" Jong In Oppa yelled, looking down at me and Taemin.


I pursed my lips and smiled slightly, glancing at Taemin. "Jong In..."


Uhh... Last night was...dark. And noisy. And dirty. And not so innocent. Jong In somehow found out about what we did when Taemin dropped me home.


"Your welcome, !" Key snickered loudly from SHINee's van. All five of them came to drop me off at my house the next morning. Taemin and I stood in front of Jong In on our lawn.


Key... I growled. Of course he would be the one who spilled and told him.


"Were you protected?" Jong In asked Taemin.


"Uh.." Taemin stammered and tried to speak but seem to could not. I elbowed him softly and widened my eyes. Tell him you were!


"Taemin," Jong In raised an eyebrow and sighed. "You---"


"Ne, I was protected...." he said quickly then grinned. "By my protector!"


"Aishhh!" I rolled my eyes and growled.


"I'm talking about the condoms, Taemin!" Jong In sighed frustratingly and started to pull me down the sidewalk.


"Where are we going??" I asked him.


"Taemin!!" Onew called back from their van.


"I need to go..." Taemin said to Jong In. "Kai Hyung,"


I pulled away from Jong In's grasp and ran to Taemin, wrapping my arms tightly around him. "Bye..." I tiptoed to kiss him lightly on the cheek before catching up to Jong In.  


"Bye, ..." Taemin's voice called out softly but I could still hear him.


I turned my head slightly to return a smile.


A smile that revealed that what happened last night was real.



In the pharmacy, Jong in paid for something at the cashier and pushed me into the girls' bathroom with them.


"Just to make sure!" he shut the door in front of my face and waited outside.


"Why do I need ten of these things, though?!?!" I asked through the door, my hands full of pregnancy testers. This was a single use bathroom so Jong In didn't even bother to knock before I rudely entered in on someone.


The lady stood there speechlessly, just finished washing her hands in the sink, staring with shock at my hands.


I froze and widened my eyes, staring back at her.


"Ah, I'm sorry I didn't lock it.." she bowed quickly and ran out without even drying her hands.


"Wait, I'm sorry I didn't knoc---" I tried to apologize but she was already gone.


As the door started to close by itself, I saw Jong In's figure standing by the door with his arms crossed. He widened his eyes and blinked in confusion at the running lady, looking at me.


"Jong In.." I growled and shook my head at him before the door shut between us into our faces.


~End of flashback~



I sighed in relief. EVERY ONE OF THOSE TEN TESTERS were ALL negative. Thank goodness.


"Get back here!" Taemin caught my arm and pulled me around to face him. He took my face in between his hands and kissed me again for a good long minute, not giving me a chance to catch my breath.


"Taemin," I mumbled through the corner of my lips, pulling away from him.


"Say your goodbye properly without trying to give me a heart attack," he smiled, brushing my bangs out of my face. "Kai hyung took you to test if you were pregnant or not, is that right?"


I nodded. "And they were all negative, Taemin."


He pouted jokingly. "Aww, man,"


"WHAT!" I shrieked and laughed at the same time, smacking him in the arm. "You wanted one?!"


"Wanted one what?" he smirked.


"A chil-- nevermind!" I groaned and turned to the boarding gate with the ticket in my hand.


"Yaa!" Taemin turned me back around again and chuckled. "Why aren't you saying goodbye to me?"


I blinked innocently and looked up at him. "Because we'll be seeing each other again. There's no need to say goodbye."


Taemin stood there with a blank face and then smiled, pulling me into another hug. "Then at least tell me 'see you later' like you did for the others,"


I smiled and released from our hug. "See you later, Taemin,"











I looked down from the airplane window at the airport below as we took off of the ground.


Sooyoung next to me looked down with me and sighed. "We're really going back, huh.."


I shrugged sadly. "Yeah, I guess."


"Aren't you happy?" she asked. "You'll be seeing En again. And Jaesun and everyone else." 


I shook my head at her and scoffed. "Sooyoung, my life here in south Korea had a huge impact on me." I looked down at the diminishing airport below and started to cry.


I mean, of course I'll be happy to see everyone in America again. I pursed my lips and sighed. But seeing them again won't make me as happy as I was when I was protecting Taemin here.


"I know, I'm sorry." she whispered, hugging me a little. "You got into fights... You didn't make any friends except for Jong In's friends... You were known as 'Protector of Taemin,' your grades went down because of your title...."


"Sooyoung." I rolled my eyes at her which made more tears fall down my cheek. She was naming all the bad things that happened to me here...


"...You got your first boyfriend," she continued, onto the good things. "You proved yourself to be brave by protecting him at first... You attracted many guys including Kyoung and Lu Han...and Chen..." 


I laughed a little, turning away from her to look out the window at the clouds we were already flying above.


Jong In Oppa... Lu Han... Chen... Chanyeol... Se Hun... Baekhyun... Lay... Tao... D.O... Kris... Su Ho... Xiu Min... I'll see you all later, Araseo?^^




I smiled and sighed deeply at the sight of the heavenly looking fluffy white clouds outside. I wiped my tears away, remembering the day Taemin and I baby-sat Yoogeun when the weather was like this. (chapter 22)









Taemin... For sure, I'll protect you in my heart. And I will always love you.









It's not the end yet. XD See you next chapter ^^ Thanks for all the suscribers, and thank you for commenting! ^^ Bear with me as this story nears an end!~~


This is the shortest author's note in my story I think. O_O Kaybye. ^^


**Sorryy. Doing some editing here aha...I will update...LATER. O_O

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying