Back to School = More Drama

Protect Taemin

Your POV

"Do you like the sunglasses?" I asked Lu Han as we made our way towards the school gate. Yes, the weekend was over and we were back in school.


"Ne, kahamsahmnida, Dongseng." Lu Han said.


I pursed my lips and looked at the ground in front of me. Something has been up with him ever since we hung out this weekend...


"And I like the shirt," Se Hun said. "Gomawo, ! Did Kai tell you yet?"


I looked at him. "About what?"


"I saw the shirt you got him," he said. "Does that mean you---?"


"Aniyo." Jong In Oppa said. "I didn't tell her yet,"


"What? Your little secret about dancing, Oppa?" I asked him. "What does that have to do with the shirt I got him?"


I remembered what the shirt I got him looked like.



I tilted my head. All it had were triangles in the shape of a hexagon...It was just a hexagon. (Note: The shirt didn't have words on it....Or did it?)


"Never mind about it," Jong In said. I peered at him and scoffed.


"You'll find out later, I'm sure," Chanyeol said to me, seeing that I wanted to know what the heck was wrong with Jong In. "And thank you so much for the box that I can keep my rocks in,"


I laughed a bit. "No problem, no problem." I had bought a little box for him to keep his rocks in.


Chen and Xiu Min were the only ones who weren't walking with us since they lived in a different area. I got Chen a fedora hat (when I had accidentally bumped into Key) and Xiu Min a beanie hat.





Taemin wasn't with us either, so SHINee was probably dropping him off again.


I looked at the bracelet around my wrist that he bought for me at the mall. I smiled, admiring how cute it looked and how Taemin had bought me something. I felt for my pocket for what I bought him, determined to give it to him sometime today.


Lay was listening to new music he had purchased at the music store with Xiu Min and Chanyeol through the headphones I bought him. He walked silently next to us, enjoying the music.


I bought Tao a martial arts keychain. He attached it to his bookbag for school. I was happy that such a scary but brave and strong person liked it. ^^


SHINee's limo was passing by us as we went through the school gate. Taemin stepped out and ran to catch up with us.


"Annyeong!" he said.


"Annyeong, Taemin!" I high-fived him and patted him on the back. "How are you??"


"Good," he smiled, seeing that I was wearing the bracelet. "You're wearing it,"


I nodded happily. "Of course,"


"Take care of him!" Key yelled from the limo.


The limo drove off after I heard Jonghyun's raspy voice add, "Be strong, protector of Taemin!"


I laughed. I'll do anything to protect Taemin from the bullies and problems in school... Even if I'm not strong enough. I WILL toughen up. And, like Jong In and Lu Han said to, I will 'man up'.


At that thought, a group of guys made a loud and noisy entrance through the school gates behind us.


We all turned to look and stare at them. They stared back, quieting down for a bit. I recgonized Kyoung and Jin and the other guys who were a part of the group that blocked Taemin's way to the exit that night.


Jin smirked at me and I turned around quickly, trying to ignore him. Taemin patted me on the shoulder in comfort and smiled. I smiled back softly and we continued to the school building.


"You'll be okay today, right?" Jong In asked me.


"Of course," I said. "Don't worry. Concentrate in school,"


"I'll visit during study time, araseo?" he said.


"I'll come, too!" Se Hun said. He elbowed Lu Han softly.


"Huh? Oh, me too then." Lu Han was daydreaming just now. I giggled and patted him in the arm softly.


"There's so many of us to go and visit you..." Tao said.


"Then you can stay in the classroom, I'll go with Kai to visit her and Taemin, too." Lay said, removing his headphones from his ears. 


"For some reason, I have a feeling that something will happen," Chanyeol said. "So I'll come, too."


"But that's too many..." I said.


"Alright, we'll solve this problem later during study time," Chen ran up from behind and had caught up to us.


"Ya!" Xiu Min ran up next to him. "You left me! I was almost late,"


"But you made it," Jong In laughed and punched him in the arm playfully. "Good job,"


A couple of girls suddenly walked past us, whispering out loud.


"That girl needs more friends..." "Are those guys the only friends she has?" "Mwo?! Why is she friends with Taemin Oppa??" "She needs friends that are girls, not boys..." "That player, with all those guys around her." "Oh, my God. That girl thinks she's so special,"


I scoffed and flipped at them secretly so that Jong In wouldn't see. Lu Han saw it though, and smacked my hidden hand. I looked up at him and smirked, laughing quietly.


"Ignore them," Taemin whispered to me. I nodded and sighed.


"I know," I said.


Homeroom and class in general today wasn't that bad. Maybe because it was a Monday that everyone was so tired and laid back that they didn't bother teasing or bullying anyone today.


Taemin sat silently next to me, his head bent down towards the floor again. I sat there and tapped my pencil on the desk, listening carefully to the teacher as she taught new mathematical formulas. I took some notes in my notebook quickly, trying to understand at the same time.


I could still focus on education, but the concentration was weaker than I was expecting since I got involved with this situation of bullying... I really did plan to just focus on education and get school over with. By doing that I tried not to make any friends... But then I met this popular boy here. 


I looked at him from the corner of my eye, smiling a little. I don't mind that I met him. I don't mind that I have to protect him from the bullies and other problems of the school. I don't mind that he's my only friend that I'll be making this school year. I don't mind that people hate me because I'm friends with him...


I sighed, shutting my notebook and shoving it into my bookbag. The bell rang for study hall and breaktime so I prepared for Oppa's and his friends' visit.


I leaned closer to Taemin and tried to whisper to him, but he flinched and looked away. I blinked and stared at him.


"Ya, Taemin." I said.


"What?" he whispered under his voice raspily.


I jerked my head towards the door, saying that Jong In and the others will be coming soon. He nodded and we stood up, going for the door.


"Where do you think you're going?" this guy decides to step in front of the door and block our way out.


I rolled my eyes and looked away. Jin...


His friends gathered behind him and crossed their arms like freaking security guards. One of them was Kyoung, but he didn't stand as firm or look as tough as the others. They were all a few inches taller than us, err, Taemin I suppose. I think they were many feet taller than me.


"Move," I whispered.


"What was that, new student?" Jin asked me.


I looked up at him, raising my voice. "I said move,"


There were many murmurs and comments among the classroom when I said that in my tone of voice.


"Did she just raise her voice at Jin?" "How dare she!" "Oh, no she didn't." "What the heck is wrong with her?"


I scoffed and stomped, turning to look at the group of girls in the corner who were whispering so loud...they weren't even whispers. "What, huh?! I can't say anything when they're blocking our way out??" I yelled. "I can't raise my voice towards him?! Why, huh?? WAE?!?"


Taemin elbowed me softly, hoping that I would stop. I glanced at him, who was looking at the ground and standing there silently.


"Tch," Jin laughed and pushed Taemin in the chest. "This guy is just standing there, not even defending you."


I shrugged. "I don't mind. And don't push him,"


His expression turned into an amused one. "Really?? After everything you're doing for him, he won't even defend you! What a friend he is."


Taemin looked up quickly and tried to strike him in the face with his hand, but one of Jin's friends acted quickly and grabbed both of his arms, holding them tightly. I recgonized the same guy who tried to twist my arm that night I first defended Taemin.


Taemin's expression grimaced in pain and he looked like he wanted to yell. He quietly grunted as the guy's strong arms squeezed his skinny arms harder.


I went for the guy's hands around Taemin's arms quickly, but Jin pulled my hands away and held them tightly. "Let go!" I said. "That hurts,"


"So does your ignorance," he smiled. "After what we did last week, you're trying to ignore me?"


I widened my eyes when I remembered his sudden kiss on me because he wanted Jong In to start a fight with him. I dropped my mouth and yanked one of my arms to smack him in the face. I was successful, but the whole classroom exploded into silence at the sound of the hard slap on his cheek. I guessed that it sounded like the last tree on Earth was being cut down and its last twig snapped in half, shutting down the whole planet.


A few girls stood up and walked up to me quickly. "That's it. Time to throw down." one of them said, rolling up her sleeves. I widened, realizing that a fight was about to start between us. 


The classroom was in an uproar by then.


I pulled my other hand from Jin and used it to block her attempted punch towards my face. I dodged her next punch by running into the guy who was still gripping Taemin's arms tightly. I jumped on him, separating his hands from Taemin's arms. 


"Ah!" I tripped over someone's foot and fell onto the floor with Taemin on accident. "Mianhae, Taemin,"


The girl who punched me tried to kick me but I pulled my arms over my face and blocked it. Now there were dirty shoe prints on my uniform. I stood up quickly and shielded Taemin who was on the ground behind me. 


Should I fight back? I wondered panickly. If I did fight back though, Jong In might see and I could get in trouble...again. By him, though. Not my parents.


"YOU," the girl yelled, shoving me in the shoulder, "You DARE smack my precious Jin in the face!"


I guessed that Jin was popular among the girls and this girl was one of them who liked him. "I had a reason, didn't you see??"


"That doesn't mean you should smack him!" she said, stomping loudly and shoving me in the other shoulder. "You think you're so special because you're friends with Taemin?!"


"No!" I said, "I never even thought I was special in any way!"


"Shut up!" the girl said. "You're just saying that because you have a handsome brother and he has good-looking friends," she flicked me in the head. "You don't deserve to be around all those good looking guys!"


"When were we talking about them?" I asked, "Aren't you fighting me for Jin?!"


She flicked me in the head again, harder this time, and there was a burning feeling where she hit me. I held it in pain and grimaced. "Why don't you fight back?! Pabo. You're a fool,"


I stomped closer to her body and looked up at her, my eyes glaring into hers. "Because I'm not like those dumb- people who get in fights for stupid reasons,"


The girl laughed and pushed me away. I caught myself and straightened, remembering what Jong In told me.


'Man up, woman.'


I scoffed and shook my head. Alright, Jong In. I'm blaming you for saying that if I get in trouble later. If you and Lu Han want me to 'man up,' I'll man up. I'll a man. Sorta.


"Get out of here," the girl said flatly. "This is Korea. You don't belong here, American."


I widened my eyes and gave her a look of 'Oh-no-you-did-not-just-say-that.'


"GIRL." I said, my tone of voice as it was when I was back in the states. "That's like telling a Korean back in the states to go back to China because they're Asian." I leapt forward, without even thinking, smacking myself hard into her face and shoulders with my arms in front of me.


" YOU *&^$# )*$#^( %()$%*@(#@$*(#$&*DONGSENG%$%&%@#($$%$%^%^#(@!@#$@%%@#$!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jong In yelled, interrupting the calm and quiet dark night.


I pursed my lips and looked down at the ground as we all walked out of the school building silently while Jong In Oppa yelled at me. I gripped my bruised left arm from the girl's punches and clenched my burning hands from punching her back.


Taemin walked out with us in silence as well. The limo was waiting for him, and he headed towards it.


The limo's window rolled down.


"Guys, do you all need a ride?" Minho asked.


"It was my idea," Jonghyun yelled from his seat.


I looked at Jong In, his expression angry, pissed, and exhausted. 


We all fit into SHINee's limo and we drove away from the school in silence.


"Kahamsahmnida," Chen thanked SHINee for everyone.


"How did today go?" Onew asked. He noticed the bruises on my arm and my face, understanding. "...Oh."


I sighed and looked out the window.


"Taemin, are you okay??" worried Key Omma shook Taemin softly and examined him for any bruises or injuries. "I hope you didn't get as much injuries as that girl over there did,"




"I have a name," I said.


"I told you something was going to happen." Chanyeol said.


"We weren't quick enough..." Se Hun said.


"The bell had JUST rung, though," Lay said. "Aishhhhhh, Dongseng nappeun."


"Gwenchana?" Lu Han was sitting across from me and patted one of my hands in my lap. The other still clenched my bruised left arm.


I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess."


"No, you're not." Jong In said seriously. I glanced at him and looked back out of the window.


That night, I dressed into my pajamas slowly (due to my bruises that were painful even when I lifted my arms or even stretched them.) I reached for the light switch and turned them off.


I'm surprised we weren't even suspended. I thought. There weren't any teachers around when the fight occured...


Taemin didn't get that injured because I was cornering him into a corner while I was fighting... Jin tried to get to him but I jerked towards him, a warning to stay away. I knew that Taemin felt guilty for just sitting there and watching me get hurt, but it was my job to protect him. A job that I assigned to myself.


The fight... was a little bit fun, though. My phone buzzed suddenly as I tried to shake that violent thought out of my mind. I hadn't received any texts or calls for a while, so hearing my phone buzz was very rare.


I read the text message from Taemin. "Gwenchana? Mianhae... I just sat there,"


I laughed. I was just thinking about that, too. I replied back, "Don't worry. I'm protecting you, remember?"


I tossed my phone onto my bed and tried to check for any more bruises. Other than my face and arm, I found more on my leg and one on the heel of my foot. How did that happen? Aisshhhhhh. It hurt to walk.


Limping towards my bed, I listened for the distant footsteps in the kitchen to travel towards the bedrooms. That's when I knew that everyone had gone to bed.


A couple of footsteps were nearing my door, though. I looked quickly at the door, suddenly trying to jump into my bed but I gasped after feeling the pain in my heel. I fell to the ground at the foot of my bed, grabbing the ends of my blankets to pull me up. 


"You Pabo," Jong In walked over to me and helped me up. He shut my room door behind him and sat down next to me on my bed. "Look what you've gotten yourself into this time,"


I looked at him and rubbed the pain in my heel soflty. "Mianhae..."


He sighed. "You'll probably get into more anyway."


"Huh??" I asked. "Really??"


"I suggest you don't," he said. "Chanyeol sort of predicted that they'll be more in the future which you will get yourself into... Dongseng, are you sure you can handle all of this?"


I nodded eagerly. "Of course! These bruises will heal quickly and I'll be alright again,"


"And they'll come back." Jong In said. "Dongseng... Should we transfer to another school?"


"Aniyo!" I said quickly. Taemin was the first one that popped into my mind when Jong In mentioned 'transfer'. I didn't want to leave him...


There was silence for a couple of minutes.


"...If Omma and Appa found out, will we have to?" I asked quietly.


Jong In nodded slowly, showing some sadness in his expression. "Actually.. We could be moving back to America."


"Huh?!" I shrieked.


"Aniyo, just kidding." he quickly said. "Never mind."


I blinked, starting to be suspicious. "Are you sure?"


He didn't answer for a while. He was lucky that I didn't take notice of his subject change when he brought up what I told my parents at the dinner table.


"You explained all of your bruises..." he said. " saying that you ran into a pole?"


I smiled and shrugged, laughing at my stupid lie. "If they found out that I got into a fight, who knows what they would do."


I tried to ignore the subject about transferring or moving back to America. I wouldn't mind moving back to America, though... Since I had so many friends that I left. I missed them alot... But then there was Taemin. Did I really want to leave him? Of course not. He's my only friend, and I'm pretty sure I'm his only.....


Aniyo... He has more friends than just me. Aishhhh I'm starting to think I'm 'special' or whatever the kids in school are hating me for...


"What are you going to tell them when they notice you limping around?" Jong In asked me.


"I was running," I said, "And I sprained my foot and then ran into a pole,"


He laughed. "Araso then."


I sighed and looked down sadly, starting to regret hurting myself in the fight. My phone buzzed and I read Taemin's text to me.


"You're too nice..."  he had messaged. "Please don't protect me all the time though,"


I replied, "That's my job that I assigned to myself," I texted. "I can protect you if I want to,"


"You really don't have to," Jong In said, reading my texts.


"I want to," I said.


He stood up and went to the middle of my room where there was a bit of empty space between my bed and the wall. He walked over to my radio and turned it on to a Korean tune. It was a catchy beat, and it sort of sounded familiar to me. Jong In made his way back to the middle of the room, took a deep breath, and started moving to the music.


It took me a while to realize that he was dancing to the music, as a solo dancer, right here in my room, in front of own eyes. I widened my eyes as his dance moves flowed right with the beat of the music, his perfect dancing amazing me.




"I lost my mind~ noreul choeumunasseulte

No~ hanapego modeun guesso get in slow motion

Naega malhaejwo ige sarangiramyun..."

Note: I spelled the Korean words through my pronounciation or memory of how to spell them... Sorry for misspelling!


When the music stopped, Jong In walked closer to me. I was still sitting at the foot of my bed, watching him. He bent down towards my face to reach my height of me sitting on the bed. 


He smiled, looking deep into my eyes. "Dongseng..." he started. What he said after that, put me into a surprised shock.


"I'm a trainee of SM Entertainment's new group, EXO, and I auditioned without our parents' permission." Jong In smiled wider. "I suggest that, after I finally tell you this, that you don't mention it to them. At all." 






Here's Chanyeol's teaser!!

Ahh FINALLY his teaser came out! I've been waiting ^^ aha now for like 1000000x more EXO teasers from SMTown = =... Can't wait till EXO debuts though! ;3


Chapter 14- UPDATED! I'm still busy in school TT TT I apologize again for very late updates... Today I didn't have that much homework so I decided to type up this chapter^^ So for this chapter there's drama again when you all return to school... But now you know Jong In's secret about why he was avoiding the subject of dancing :) I hope it all makes sense now! XD If not, I will explain in the next chapter^^ Okay! Next chapter on the way returning home from the store doing errands for your parents, you see a stranger at the top of a building... I wonder who it is :) Hint: EXO 'angel'.... Well to me he looked like one. XD Alright, stay tuned!





Who are your biases of EXO? ^^ Mine are Chanyeol, Kai, and Lu Han. <3 hehe





EXO, debut soon! (Hopefully in March!) ^^

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying