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About Me

I just wanna say the me back then was adorable and I am still adorable. (lols XD)


Hi guys! It's TamTamlovesChanYeol ^o^

00' liner who's deeply in love with the moon, and a Pisces!
I'm not sure whether i can still live up to my username as I'm currently infatuated with Jung Jae Hyun from NCT so Yeol shall be my first love kinda thing? Doesn't mean i don't support him and i'm not rooting for Yeol though ;) 

University student pursuing her Bachelor's Degree of Psychology
Trust me it ain't all fun

Emotional crybaby who appears to be fragile and quiet but has the wit and energy of a Lucas.
There's a lot more to say about me but i'll let you discover the depths of me yourself. (disclaimer: not in that kinda way)

Phase: Rebuilding