Baby-sitting (Guest-Starring Yoogeun)

Protect Taemin

Your POV

I walked down the sidewalk and let the soft cool breeze hit my face on this sunny Saturday morning. I sighed and looked up at the vast blue sky behind the puffy white clouds.



Hee Na and Ahn Jil rode their bicycles a few feet ahead of me, laughing like the little kids they were.


Jong In and the other EXO members still haven't returned yet. Not even a text from any of them. They must be so busy..



Appa and Omma think that Jong In is just at a friend's house and is too lazy to come back home. Aishh... The day he gets caught will be the day our family will get many more problems. He should just tell them the truth already.


After Eun Hye left, my life has gotten more quieter. It was lonesome when she wasn't around. Same with Jong In Oppa... I miss them so much.




I continued to walk down the neighborhood after Hee Na and Ahn Jil ran back inside the house, probably for snacks.


I felt for Lu Han's blue necklace around my neck and Taemin's bracelet around my wrist. These are so special... I randomly thought.


Maybe I should visit Taemin or something... I thought. I was SO bored.


But SHINee could also be busy... And I don't know Taemin's whereabouts.


I was lost in thought with nothing to do today until a lady ran up to me. She took my hands and spoke quickly, looking into my eyes pleadingly.


"Please watch over my son while I rush to the store! Please!" she said.


I responded without thinking and immediately, with no hesitation, "Ok, ne, yes maam! Ne, ajhumma!" I bowed and she bowed quickly multiple times gratefully.


Crap... What am I doing? I thought. I don't know her... But she seems to be in a rush. And she's a neighbor, so it would be alright to help her. Baby-sitting shouldn't be that bad...


"Kahamsahmnida! Kahamsahmnida!" she spoke all in one breath and ran to her car on the way to the marketplace.


When her car disappeared down the street, I looked at the house that I was just about to walk past. It was opened, where the lady had run out.


A little boy stepped out shyly and looked around. He had soft-looking short dark brown hair. He reminded me of a SHINee member. "Omma..." he cried out softly.



I ran up to him and bent down to his height. "Ah, gwenchana... You're Omma will be back. She's buying stuff at the store for you. She will be back, araseo?" I tried to comfort him.


The boy stared at me with his round baby brown eyes. He said nothing but look down at his baby fingers and fiddle with them.


I watched him and sat where I was as he ventured his front lawn in silence, waiting for his omma to come back. I noticed him stealing curious glances at me so I decided to speak out.


"What's your name?" I asked him.


He stared at me, his baby fat cheeks poking out in curiousity. He probably wants to know who I am first...


"I'm noona," I said slowly for him to be able to actually pronounce my name. "Just call me noona?"


He looked down at his fingers and again and continued walking baby steps around the grass of the front lawn.


I blinked. He didn't say his name... What do I do? Should I just sit here and watch? But he's going to be bored... I have to find something for him to do! Who knows how long his omma will take...


"Appa!" the boy suddenly exclaimed. I looked up at him and ran quickly to keep him from running off elsewhere, but stopped when I saw who he had called out to. 


"Taemin!" I gasped, my heart starting to beat quickly. Oh, no calm down. Take a deep breath. 


"Taemin appa!" the boy reached out for him with his small arms.


"Yoogeun-ah!" Taemin smiled and bent down to hug the little boy. "How have you been?" he looked up at me and a surprised expression took over his face. "Oh? ! What are you doing here?"


"I should ask you the same thing..." I mumbled. "His mother had to rush somewhere and asked me to watch over him," I explained.


"Ah," Taemin nodded, understanding. "Do you need help? You don't seem to be doing a good job taking care of little Yoogeun here..."


"Ya," I said, a bit insulted. "Aren't you busy with SHINee? Why are you slacking off like this, walking around out in the open for anyone to recgonize you... And what am I supposed to do?" I whined. "He won't even tell me his name... Yoogin?"


"Yoogeun," Taemin corrected me.


"Alright, alright," I laughed a little bit and patted Yoogeun on the head. "Nice to meet you, Yoogeun."


Yoogeun pouted and scrunched his face, pushing my hand away with his small hands. He looked up at Taemin and said something quietly in baby gibberish I couldn't understand. It made Taemin laugh shyly and blush a little.



"What's he saying?" I asked.


"He's asking if you're my girlfriend..." he chuckled, shaking his head. My heart skipped a beat. "Aniyo, Yoogeun. We're only friends."


Yoogeun looked up at me with his big brown puppy eyes again. He was such an adorable little boy! But my image of him dropped when this adorable little boy stuck his tongue out at me and stepped closer to Taemin. "Merong~"


I blinked and glanced at Taemin. "Does..does he not like me?"


Taemin laughed and picked Yoogeun up in his arms. "Yoogeun-ah, she will be your omma for today araseo?"


The little boy shook his head and pouted. I frowned worriedly.


"Maybe he just misses his real omma.." I guessed.


Taemin patted me on the shoulder. "It's okay, you'll get along with him if you give him a lot of attention and bond with him. Let's go inside, shall we?" he smiled at Yoogeun he held next to his shoulder and made his way inside the open house.


I followed behind him hesitantly, wondering if it's alright to step into someone else's house.


Taemin turned to me. "Are you coming?"


"Are we allowed to?" I asked shyly.


He smiled. "Don't be afraid. His mother asked you to watch over him, right?" I nodded. "So come on, we need to make him something to eat."


My phone rang then and I answered the call from my parents, saying that I was baby-sitting over at a neighbor's and that I'll be back in the evening maybe. Taemin went ahead into the house.


"Are you alone?" Appa asked.


"Aniyo, Taemin is with me," I said. "He's also helping me baby-sit."


"Good luck!" Omma told me. "Fighting! And have fun!"


"Depends on what you mean by that, omma..." I laughed softly. "Gomawo. Fighting!"


I hung up and stepped inside Yoogeun's house, removing my shoes. I shut the door behind me and searched for the kitchen, finding Taemin already cooking something up.


Yoogeun was making his way up the stairs so I followed him carefully to make sure he didn't fall back or anything.


" , he's old enough to climb the stairs by himself," Taemin said from the kitchen. "It's alright,"


I sighed. Then what am I supposed to do around here?... I still kept an eye on Yoogeun as he made his way up the final top of the stairs. I was surprised when his little hands shyly beckoned me to follow him up.


I ran up quickly and followed him curiously and carefully. He showed me around his room, which had many toys scattered all over the floor and his room was mostly power ranger themed.


"You like Power Rangers?" I asked him. He nodded and continued down the long hallway past his bedroom. His house was a two-floor house, not like mine where it was only one floor. And it was much bigger than my house.



Yoogeun just showed me around upstairs the different rooms he always played in. There was a separate playing room, a gaming room, and even a movie theater. Geez... Such a huge house. I thought all those toys in his room were the only ones... The playroom was messy with the floor covered with toys as well.


While Yoogeun played a little bit in the playroom, I cleaned up and picked up all the toys in the playroom and set them in an empty toy box. I assumed the toys went there.


"Yoogeun-ah, you have to clean up after yourself next time," I told him. He just nodded and continued to play with a little stuffed animal.


"Are you guys up there?" Taemin called from downstairs.


"Ne!" I responded.


"The food's ready. Yoogeun, come down and eat!" he said. "I made you some food~~"


Yoogeun nodded and took my fingers with his small hands, leading me down the hallway and down the stairs slowly. Taemin watched us with a soft smile as we stepped closer to him.


When Yoogeun got to the bottom of the stairs first, his hand still clenching my fingers, he held it to Taemin and motioned for him to take it. "Taemin Appa, let's go eat!"


I giggled and blushed along with Taemin who also blushed. He took my hand slowly and the three of us made our way into the the kitchen.


We sat at the table and watched Yoogeun feed himself from his little blue bowl. 


"So how do you know Yoogeun?" I asked Taemin.


"Huh? Really?" Taemin had a surprised expression on his face. "You didn't watch our show Hello Baby?"


"I'm not a fan of K-pop or anything like that..." I reminded him with a little laugh. "Remember?"


"Oh yeah," he said, remembering. "Well, all the SHINee members became appas on this show and had to take care of him,"


"Was it hard?" I asked. "Baby-sitting?"


"At first, yes," Taemin set his elbow on the table and rested his cheek on the palm of his hand, watching Yoogeun eat. "He barely knew us, so we just had to bond and get along with him. After a while, we got into our 'appa-figure' modes and had lots of fun of fun, making memorable events we will never forget."



I nodded, smiling and watching Yoogeun as well. "Will he call me 'Omma'?"


"You have to be my wife first," he smirked and chuckled. He didn't realize what he said until he caught the surprised expression I gave him.


"Huh? Me?" I asked, my heart skipping a beat.


"Oh, no..." he laughed nervously. "Nevermind. I didn't mean that..."


There was an awkward silence in the kitchen, only the sounds of a spoon clinking on Yoogeun's bowl as he ate. 


My body was heating up and I could tell that I was blushing again. I stammered in a whisper, "I mean...If it's just for today,"


Taemin heard and his face lit up. "Jinjja?? Then ne! Only today!"


I laughed shyly and pursed my lips, not wanting to speak after becoming Taemin's wife. O_o


"What are you going to call me?" Taemin asked quickly and excitedly. "'Hubby'? 'Yobo'? 'Appa'? 'Oppa'?"


"aaah, do I have to call you something?" I whined, laughing a little.


"Ne, wifey <3 " he said jokingly. I blushed, shy to call him something else other than 'Taemin.'


"Taemin appa," Yoogeun said, "Is Omma coming back?"


"Ne, Yoogeun," Taemin said to him. "But noona will be your omma for today, araso? Is that okay? Can you call her omma?"


The little boy looked at me and puffed out his cheeks.


"He's shy..." I guessed. "It's fine, just call me noona,"


"Araseo!" Taemin stood up and pulled Yoogeun out of his seat. "Yoogeun-ah, what should we do today?"


"Yaa, let him finish eating," I told him.


"I'm finished," Yoogeun told me, pushing his empty bowl towards me.


I laughed. "Okay, I'll go do the dishes." I took his bowl and placed it in the sink to wash it.


Taemin and Yoogeun went off to another room while I cleaned up around the kitchen.


Aishhh... I sighed. Am I really a housewife now? Well, for today at least.


As I washed the remaining dishes, my phone suddenly buzzed saying that I received a text. I turned the sink off and dried my hands.


The text I received was from an unknown number. "I'm calling now," it read.


I blinked, and, without warning, my phone rang out loud receiving a call from the unknown number. I answered it slowly and hesitantly. "Uhh... Yobosaeyo?"


"Dongseng! Annyeong!" a familiar voice spoke. I flinched at his sudden enthusiastic greeting.


"Ya! Give me my phone!" another voice next to him said. "Hello? ?"


I tilted my head, trying to remember this sweet and kind voice. "Lu Han?"



"How are you?" Lu Han asked. Se Hun next to him, who had greeted me first, was making a ruckus.


"Hurry up and tell her you love her already so that I can talk to her!" he said.


I laughed as Lu Han yelled at him to shut up and continued to talk to me.


"Mianhae, Se Hun is a pabo," he said.


(A/N: HunHan <3)


"How did you get my number?" I asked. "And aren't you busy?"


"Aniyo, we're on break right now from our performance," he explained. "Kai gave me your number. You should save my number on your phone, Dongseng-ah~"


I laughed a little and nodded. "Araseo, Oppa,"


"Oh, look, she called you 'Oppa' again!" Se Hun's loud teasing voice next to Lu Han. "Now can I talk to her?"


"Wait!" Lu Han whined. "Aishhhh, you---Se Hun!" then he asked me. "What are you doing?"


"Baby-sitting," I said.


"Alone?" he asked. I pursed my lips and said nothing, deciding whether to say Taemin's name or not. I should really tell Lu Han that I can't return his feelings if he's going to get jealous over me being with Taemin...


"Will you hurry!" Se Hun impatiently said. I heard him take the phone away and Lu Han yelled in the background.


"Ya! Break is almost over..." he whined.


"So let me talk to her!" Se Hun said to him.


"Hiii, Se Hun," I giggled.



"Annyeong! LU HAN LOVES YOU!" he suddenly yelled before someone else took the phone away. 


I blushed and laughed nervously. Se Hun... =.= Teasing poor Lu Han. Mianhae, Lu Han... I'm sorry that I can't return your feelings.


I should tell him that. Before I asked to speak to Lu Han, a third voice spoke into the phone.


"Dongseng," Jong In's deep voice whispered.




My heart sank in excitement at the sound of his voice. "Jong In Oppa... I miss you so much... Niga neomu bogoshipeu~" my chest ached for some reason, probably because I missed him so much. "Come back soon, Oppa..."


He chuckled softly. "We'll be back soon, Dongseng."


Someone's voice in the background called him, Lu Han, and Se Hun.


"Kai, Su Ho hyung says that break is over," Lu Han's voice said to Jong In. "Come on,"


"Oppa..." I whispered, not wanting him to go.


"What are you doing?" he asked me, pretending that he didn't even have to go.



I smiled in appreciation for wanting to talk to his dongseng over going back to performance immediately. "I'm helping the neighbors baby-sit," I said. "This lady was in a rush and asked me to look after her son... Jong In Oppa, don't get in trouble now."


"Are you alright with doing that?" Jong In asked, avoiding the last thing I said. He laughed a little. "You're not alone, are you?"


"She said she wasn't," Lu Han's voice in the background spoke.


"Wait, then who is she with?" Se Hun asked.


"Taemin," I answered Se Hun's question.


"You're with Taemin, baby-sitting?" Jong In asked. "Wait, who is the little boy?"


"His name is Yoogeun," I said. "Taemin says he took care of him with the other SHINee membesr on a show called---"


"---Hello Baby." Taemin stepped out from the wall he was hiding behind in the kitchen, listening to my whole conversation with Jong In.


"Taemin!" I gasped. "What are you doing?? Eavesdropping??"


He smiled and took the phone from my hands and put it on speaker. "Kai Hyung, how are you?"


"Taemin? Oh, annyeong," Jong In said. 'You two are baby-sitting Yoogeun, huh?"


"Ne," Taemin said. "She's my wife,"


I looked at him quickly and my eyes bugged out in surprise. "Ya!"


"Really?" Jong In laughed. "Dongseng, and you already have a son?"


"We're only baby-sitting!" I tried to defend myself.


"Ooooh, they're moving along fast!" Se Hun said, ignoring what I said. "Kai, I think we're uncles now!"


"HEY!!" I yelled in embarassment and felt myself blush again.


"Brother-in-law Taemin, have fun," Jong In said to Taemin and laughed.


"Ne, hyung," Taemin laughed, too.


"Jong In Oppa!" I pouted.


"Kai, come on. You talked too much already," Lu Han said. I could hear a bit of tension in his voice.


"I'll talk to you later, Dongseng," Jong In said to me. "See you later, araseo?"


"Ah, ne..." I sighed in disappointment. I haven't seen him for a while now. I really miss my Oppa...


"Um." Jong In was still on the phone.


"Hurry up!" Se Hun warned. "Su Ho has been stalling for us!" I heard him and Lu Han leave the room.


"Bye?" I said to Jong In. I waited for him to hang up but it took him a few seconds. "Jong In Oppa, you have to go..."


"Saranghae," he quickly said and hung up.


I felt my heart skip a beat AGAIN. I stared at my phone for a while before smiling softly and whispering, "I love you, too, brother."


I put my phone away and looked up at Taemin who had his arms crossed and stared at me.


"What?" I asked him. "Go take care of Yoogeun," I continued to do the dishes.


"You call Lu Han 'Oppa', why not me?" he asked.



I made a face and laughed nervously, puffing my cheeks. "You're... I... We're friends..." I glanced at him to see if he bought it.


"So?" he smirked. I rolled my eyes and pursed my lips.


It's because I really like you...and it would be really awkward for me to call you something that would make me like you even more. TT TT


I shrugged and turned the water on to rinse off the last dish in the sink.


Taemin came up behind me and hugged my waist. My eyes widened in shock and I froze, but continued to rinse the dish under the running water.


"Wifeyy~" he cooed softly into my ear.


(A/N: Hehe...)


I felt myself heat up and I almost fainted at the fact that he was so close to me. "TAEMIN." I managed to choke through my shaky voice.


"You're getting warm, ..." he whispered. I could feel him breathing against my neck. That's how close he was.


I shrugged him off quickly. "What are you doing, Taemin?! What's with you??" I gasped quickly, panting as if I had just finished running a marathon. I turned the water off and set the last dish into the dishwasher.


He looked down at the floor in shame. "At least call me 'Oppa,' too..." he shyly said.


I glanced at him nervously before leaving the kitchen to find Yoogeun. "You're acting really weird..."


Seriously.. Is he okay?


Taemin's POV

AISHHHH, TAEMIN!! I groaned and ruffled my own hair out of place after you left the kitchen. What was I thinking?! How could I just make a sudden move on her like that and ask her to call me all those embarassing things she obviously doesn't want to call me...


I slammed the kitchen table furiously and sighed. Asking her to be my pretend wife... Aishhh, jinjja. What a pabo, Taemin.


I sat down in front of the table and sighed. I just like you so much... I'm so sorry if I scared you.



"Taemin appa?" Yoogeun's voice called for me.


Your POV

I sat on the floor next to Yoogeun who was playing with toy race cars.


I sighed. Taemin, what's wrong? You scared me like crazy back there... You made me so nervous...


Yoogeun stared at his toy cars and drove them back in forth in silence as I was thinking about what happened with Taemin in the kitchen after Jong In Oppa hung up on me.


Maybe Taemin was just playing husband... And I should've played along as a wife... I thought. I pursed my lips, deciding to play along if he was. Alright then, Taemin hubby. I'll show you what a wife I can be! Your protector, your wife!


I stood up quickly and whispered. "Aja, fighting! Wife of Taemin!"


"Taemin Appa?" Yoogeun called.


I took his little hand and made our way to the kitchen. "Alright, son, let's go to Taemin appa!"


We were just about to exit the living room until Taemin stepped in.


"You called?" he asked Yoogeun.


Yoogeun nodded and pulled Taemin into the living room where his toy cars were scattered over the floor. I sat on the couch and watched them. 


Alright, , I took a deep breath. Wife of Taemin!


"Taemin hubby.." I whispered.


Taemin looked up at me, his eyes widened. "Huh? Say that again?"



I cringed, speaking a little louder. "Taemin....Hubby..."


He grinned excitedly and stood up quickly, sitting next to me on the couch. "Again! Again!"


I dropped my mouth and then giggled at his childish act. "I said Taemin hubby!"


"Whaaat? I can't hear you!" he threw his arms around me and laughed out loud. "Say it again!"


"TAEMIN HUBBY~~" I yelled, hugging him back. I felt more comfortable thinking we were just playing around as husband and wife, so I tried not to think about my feelings for him.


He laughed again and then kissed me on the cheek before releasing me to go back on the floor with Yoogeun and his toy cars. Of course, I blushed again.


"Too noisy," Yoogeun whined and pointed to Taemin. "Taemin Appa,"


He laughed. "Mianhae, Yoogeun, Omma was making me feel happy,"


I blushed. Yoogeun looked over at me, his brown eyes brightening. He stood up and walked over to me.


I smiled and took him into my arms when he held out his towards me. "What's up, son?" I laughed.


He yawned and cuddled into my chest. "Ommaa..." he said softly before drifting to sleep.



I blinked. Yoogeun fell asleep quickly... I grinned. He finally called me 'Omma'...


Taemin smiled and started to pick up the toy cars that Yoogeun left scattered. I smiled back and cradled Yoogeun in my arms. "Ahh, such a big boy..." I giggled softly.


Before I knew it, I was falling asleep as well.


Taemin's POV

In the middle of cleaning up the living room, I looked over at you to find you asleep with Yoogeun in your arms. I smiled again and finished cleaning up quickly to find a blanket to put over the two of you. 


I spread the dark blue woolen blanket over you and Yoogeun, tucking it in. I bent down closer to your face slowly, careful that you wouldn't wake up.


"Yaa... Why am I in love with my own protector?" I whispered and laughed to myself. "It had to be you, huh..."


I sat next to you on the couch and leaned on your shoulder. Pretty soon I noticed that I was falling asleep next to you and Yoogeun on the couch, my eyelids slowly closed and drifting into darkness that would pretty soon turn into a dream.


Lu Han's POV

I smiled and waved to the audience as the EXO members walked off the stage, heading backstage to finally conclude our busy work with debuts and performances, ready to return to our dorm.


Then pretty soon we would go back to school and see you again, ...


Kai patted me on the shoulder. "We're going back, are you excited?"


Se Hun ran up next to me and hugged me. "Of course he is! He gets to see his love again!"


I looked at Kai when I noticed some disappointment in his expression. "Kai?"


He shook his head. "I warned you not to fall for my dongseng. Yet you still confessed?"


I looked away and didn't say anything. Kai sighed and we changed out of our stage clothing in silence.


... I have a feeling you won't return my feelings because you like Taemin.


(A/N: EXO's "MAMA" <3)




Hi guys I'm back. :3 New York was FUN omg ^o^ So I got the Sherlock album in a store in Koreatown called Koryo Books...BEST STORE EVER; it sold a whole bunch of K-pop albums :O So here are some pictures of my album hehe ^^


This is my photocard :3 All five members! <3


Ahaha so yep I really like my Sherlock album. I love the songs, like Stranger. ^^ Pretty good.

I just returned Monday night XD, but I never had the time to update so here I am...updating... Aha hope Chapter 22 was good :3 You and Taemin are on the right to confess to each other ;O and for you to reject Lu Han..later );

Sorry if I made any mistakes or typos writing... I'm currently watching the four parts of the EXO showcase on SMTOWN's channel at the same time hehe :3

I hope you look forward to your precious brother and EXO's return next chapter ;) Stay tuned!

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying