Protecting You

Protect Taemin






Years later...



Your POV

I turned the TV off after SHINee's performance on the SBS channel.


Because of my brother being in EXO and my boyfriend being in SHINee, I have gotten into K-pop.
I sighed and ruffled my own hair, remembering Taemin's figure as he danced to the music; his body flowing so smoothly along with it.


It's been years... So much has happened...I still remember my boyfriend. And I really missed him a lot.



~Flashback, after arriving and settling in America~


The next day, I walked quickly by myself to my next class, clutching my books tightly in my arms.


As I pushed through the people of the crowding halls, I was pulled to the side where there was lesser people. 


I looked up and then wandered my eyes carelessly around me, a small smirk escaped my mouth when I saw who pulled me. "What do you want, Jaesun?"


"Is that any way to greet me after being gone for so long?" he chuckled, punching me in the shoulder like he always does. "You're back. I missed you, sis,"


"Aishh, keeping me from class," I shook my head but smiled back at him. "I missed you too."


"Where are you going?" he asked.


"I'm obviously getting to class now," I shook my head and shrugged, making a gesture to leave since I didn't want to be late for class. 


"Alright, alright," he didn't have to worry since we were already right in front of his classroom. "Let's all hang out after school today." Jaesun grinned, patting me in the shoulder. "Is that okay? We need to catch up." 


I smiled and nodded. "That would be great, Tao--- I mean Jaesun."


"'Tao'?" Jaesun laughed. "Is that my foreign name or something?


I shook my head nervously. "Ah, nothing. Sorry," I apologized quickly.
Crap...he reminded me so much of Tao when he patted me on the shoulder like usual. "I'll go to class now,"


He nodded and I literally ran down the nearly empty hallway to my class. 


I sighed to myself. And Tao's goodbye to me was a pat in the shoulder, too, so of course I would accidentally mix them up.




I was studying in the library, skipping out on lunch peacefully when the empty chair next to me shuffled.


"You're back?" a deep voice whispered next to me. I looked up and turned to be face to face with that someone I hadn't seen for a while.


My eyes widened in surprise. "En..."


He blinked innocently and looked down at the books in my hands. 


I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and shut them closed. "What brings you to the library?" I asked him. 


"Hm?" En looked at me innocently as if he just woke up or something.


I scoffed. "Can I help you with anything, En?"


He smiled and laughed softly.


"What?" I asked. 


He suddenly reached his hand out and ruffled my hair out of place. Then he pinched one of my cheeks. 


"You come back after a few months absent from school and that's what you ask me?" En shook his head and withdrew his hand. "You've been gone for so long. I thought you'd never come back,"


I froze where I was, shocked at what just happened. What the heck? That was random.


Wait. I still have a boyfriend... One that I had lost my ity to. I thought, secretly smiling at the memory of that night. I shouldn't think too much of what my former crush just did.


En looked back at me and chuckled at my frozen reaction. Then he stood up and started to leave. 


Before he did, he bent down into my ear and whispered...


"I missed you."



~End of Flashback~


I shook my head at the memory and scoffed. Why now does En talk more than usual than before I moved to south Korea?


I tilted my head in thought. Did he really miss me while I was gone?...


 I groaned and slumped onto the couch. Noooo. You have a boyfriend, . Stop thinking about what your former crush did years ago when you moved back. You've graduated and it's been almost a year since we finished high school.


I sat back up and thought more. We never broke up... Why hadn't Taemin broken up our relationship before I left? I wondered. Its been so many years and we haven't even contacted each other or anything.


I frowned. What if Taemin forgot about having a girlfriend... What if he totally forgot about me?...



Suddenly our phone started to ring. Mom rushed in the kitchen behind me, washing her hands from cooking to pick it up.


"Hello?" she answered. "Oh, Jong In! How are you??"


I turned to her quickly at the sound of my brother's name. It had been a while since he last called. (Which was a few weeks ago)


I pursed my lips and shook my head. So many calls from Jong In Oppa but no calls from my own boyfriend...


", Jong In wants to talk to you," mom handed me the phone and went back to cooking in the kitchen. 


I took the phone from her and held it to my ear. "Hello?"


"Dongseng-ah~~," his deep voice sang through the line. "How have you been?"


"Good, Jong In." I smiled, "Why haven't you called?"


"Well, I'm calling now," he chuckled. "Ani, just kidding. We were busy, mianhae..."


"Speak in English," I laughed. "I'm in America,"


"So am I," Jong In said. "Well, in a few weeks I will be,"


I blinked. "Huh? You're coming to America?? When??


"EXO is holding a concert there so you better come," he said half joking and half threatening, and there was a voice in the background calling for him. "I'll call you later, Dongseng. I gotta go,"


"Alright," I nodded, rushing to a nearby computer. "Bye, Oppa..."


He laughed. "I thought you're in America. Just call me Jong In,"


I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Bye, Jong In,"


"Saranghae," he whispered quickly before I ended the call. I pursed my lips and cringed in frustration when I accidentally cut him off.


Oops... I sighed. Oh well. He knows I heard.


I dialed a number on the phone and started to search the Internet for concert tickets. "Hey, Mom," I spoke while dialing and searching the Internet at the same time.


"Yes, ?" she called from the kitchen.


"Can I get tickets to Jong In's concert?" I asked. 


"How much is it?" 


I couldn't answer her because Eunhye had picked up on the other line. I was dialing her number to talk about going to the concert.


"!!" she exclaimed. "Good timing. We were just about to call you!"


"'We'?" I asked. 


"Yeah! Sa Rang and I!" Eunhye said, another voice was heard in the background calling my name. 


I laughed. "Hey, Sa Rang!"


", have you heard about EXO's concert in a few weeks?" Eunhye asked me.


"Yeah, that's what I was calling you for," I said.


"Really?? Why?" she asked. "Don't worry about tickets. We got them!"


My mouth dropped in shock and I stopped my ticket searching on the web. "H-h-huh?"


"Yeah!" Eunhye laughed cheerfully. "And, Sa Rang got us backstage passes!"


"No way!" I gasped in excitement. We can all see the EXO members again! Well, me and Eunhye. Sa Rang can finally meet them in person!


"Well, we didn't get one for you.." Sa Rang spoke. 


"Wait, what?" I blinked.


"You already have a family pass to see Jong In, so you don't need a backstage pass!" Eunhye said.


"Ahh," I nodded in understanding, sighing in relief. "I thought you were just going to leave me behind or something,"


"Of course not, !" Eunhye laughed. "So we have four tickets for me, Sa Rang, you, and Min."


"We're not taking Sooyoung?" I asked.


"Why would we take her?" Eunhye's tone changed into a snotty one.


"Oh okay okay don't get all hyped up because I brought her up," I shook my head and laughed a little. I forgot those two don't get along...


"... And we have three backstage passes," she continued with her list. "Plus your family pass to see your brother."


I nodded. "Alright!"


", do you still want to get tickets?" Mom entered the living room from the kitchen and walked up behind me when I was still on the computer. "Who are you on the phone with?"


"Eunhye, Mom," I told her. "She already got us tickets so never mind," 


"Oh, that's good, then," she said and started to walk away. "Do you want your family pass?"


"Later," I said. "I don't want to lose it,"


"You're going to see Jong In?" Hee Na walked into the room from the bedrooms and walked up to me on the computer. "Can I use the computer, ?"


"Yeah," I nodded, standing up from the computer. "Yes, I'm going to see Jong In,"


"Why can't we go?" she asked and sat down on the computer seat. 


I shrugged. "You never asked Mom,"


"Mom," Hee Na turned to her, "Can we go?"


"We'll see," she said as she walked into the laundry room. "Yeah, maybe."




I sat on my bed in my quiet room peacefully listening to music and going through random things around my room.


I decided to pick an outfit early to wear to the EXO concert and had it set on my bed. Now to pair it with accessories.


The casual outfit could match with the blue shell necklace that Lu Han gave me, so I placed that with the outfit.


Then, I took Taemin's blue and white bracelet and also set it next to it. I took a couple other bracelets to put with it as well.


I sighed and smiled in excitement for the concert day. 


If only it was a SHINee concert as well so I can see Taemin again... I thought with a shrug. Oh well, I guess it's fine. I'm finally going to see my brother again.


I sighed again. Taemin probably had fun during his last year of high school at a performing arts school...without his protector.


I wonder if he really has forgotten his own girlfriend...




A few days before the concert, Sooyoung and I were hanging out since she wasn't able to attend the concert with us.


The weather was cloudy and dark. It looked like it was going to rain but we didn't mind it since it was the only day we could hang out together.


Sooyoung and I were out of high school and now attending different universities. I attended one in New York. I forgot where she attended.


We never had time to hang out together. In fact, we never had much time to see each other at all since our schools are in different states.


Therefore today was the only time we could hang out before I went to the EXO concert with Eun Hye and Min and Sa Rang in a few days.


We were strolling through a park with pink leafed trees, admiring the weather and the pink color surrounding us.



Yes, we were in a cherry blossom park.


I looked up at the trees and sighed to myself. Last time I went to one like this was in South Korea with Taemin...


Sooyoung nudged me in the arm. "How have you been? What's wrong?"


"I've been good," I simply replied. "Why? Do I not sound okay?"


She shrugged. "You seem like you still miss everyone,"


I blinked and looked at her innocently. "Like who?" I asked.


"Your boyfriend," she said.


I froze in place and looked down at the ground in front of me, thinking about Taemin. Then I replied, "....Yeah."


"He hasn't even called or anything.." Sooyoung shook her head. "Such a busy boy."


"Well, he's famous," I shrugged. "Of course he would be busy,"


"Yeah," she said. 


We talked more about our lives and what we missed for the next few hours.


Sooyoung says she met this guy that she really likes who also likes her back. She said he reminded her of Lu Han.


She mentioned that they were close enough to even get married, and that I would be her bridesmaid.


I laughed. "Sooyoung, aren't you too young for marriage? It hasn't been that long since we just got out of high school..."


"It's just an engagement, ," she laughed. 


"He proposed to you already?!" I asked, surprised.


"Yes, but we're not planning on getting married soon so don't worry," Sooyoung said.


"Ah, okay," I nodded. "Then I have more time to plan your wedding,"


"Who said you could??" she asked with another laugh.


"I'll do it for my best friend if I had to!" I smiled. "With a little help, of course."


So we did more talking about her future wedding for another hour until the clouds in the sky got darker than before and it started to rain. 




She took my hand and tried to run for shelter, but I stood where I was and looked up at the sky.


!" she said to me. "Come on, you'll get soaked!"


I just stood there and let myself get drenched by the rain which only got heavier by the second.


Everything just came back to me and struck me in the chest, all of the memories. I started to whimper and sob silently as I remembered everything from South Korea.


There was thunderstorms and lightening now. The rain continued to pour down continuously as if the clouds were crying along with me.


I fell on my knees and looked down at the ground in front of me. 


"Ya! Hey, !!" Sooyoung rushed over and bent down next to me. "Whats wrong with you? Are you okay??" 


I remembered everything from that rainy day; my kiss in the rain with Taemin. It had been our first date and my last time at SM Entertainment.


I remembered that naughty night where Taemin and I "got it" (Gonna Get it Tonight)......-free. Thankfully I wasn't pregnant.


I remembered the date with Taemin at the cherry blossom park and our picnic with the banana milk. This had happened the same day that Boseok almost tried to kill me but Jong In and his friends came to the rescue.


I remembered how Jong In left for EXO activities and came back with a surprise kiss only to kiss Taemin who had confessed to me that night. 


I remembered when Lu Han confessed to me at the beach, way before Taemin did. 


I remembered Kyoung and his sister, Boseok.....and Jin.... And the other bullies in Shinhwa High. 


I remembered how I met Taemin on the first day of school when I moved to South Korea. 'Popular boy' seemed very isolated from everyone else.


And I remembered how I had become his protector, where Jin and his friends along with a couple of girls were bullying him, and that I assigned to myself that I would protect Taemin.


Everything, all of our memories, that happened in South Korea just came back to me. 


"Taemin...." I spoke and coughed, choking through my tears as the raindrops fell on my face and blended with my own tears. I continued to get drenched all around. 


Sooyoung was bent down next to me silently, a sad and soft expression on her face while she watched me cry.


"I miss him..." I said. "It's been years... Why won't he call?"


I wiped my tears and stood up to look up at the falling rain from the dark skies again, Sooyoung standing with me. 


"TAEMIN!!!" I cried out and shrieked as loud as I could to the clouds above. "Where are you, pabo?!?!? How long has it been since we've talked?!"


I laughed at the same time more tears came out. I forced a smile which only turned into a deep frown. 


I shut my eyes and opened them to squeeze out more tears. I sobbed even more when I cried out.


"Taemin... Did you forget about me?"







Eun Hye held my hand and pulled me through the crowd of fangirls to find our seats. Min and Sa Rang followed behind us.


We were in a huge coliseum where the concert was held. 


"Crazy fangirls..." I murmured under my breath and made a face at one when I was elbowed in the shoulder.


"OPPA!!" "KAI!" "KRIS!" "CHANYEOL!" "BAEKYEOL!" "TAO!" *more screaming*


Everyone was screaming their bias' names. But what caught my attention was that there were people calling members who weren't in EXO.




What?... I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why are people calling the SHINee members?


Eun Hye looked back at me and smiled assuringly. We found our seats at the very front where the stage was right in front of our eyes. 


I looked up at the concert title, widening my eyes in shock at why I saw a banner of.


["EXO As ONE"]~["SHINee World"]


There were more banners around.


["EXO Planet in America"] and ["SHINee World in America"]


(A/N: random banner sayings I thought of my mind.... I know there aren't such kind of banners hanging at a concert :P)


My mouth dropped in shock and I looked over at Eun Hye. 


"HEY," I yelled over the top of all the screams, "I NEVER SAW WHICH KIND OF TICKETS YOU GOT, EUN HYE."


"WE GOT EXO ONES OF COURSE," she yelled back, then she smiled. "WHY?" 


"EUN HYE, I THINK SHE KNOWS THAT WE'RE IN A SHINEE CONCERT AS WELL," Sa Rang yelled and joined our loud conversation over the fan screams.


"WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!?!" I shrieked but I was so happy. I grinned widely and pulled Sa Rang and Eun Hye into a hug. "OHMYGOSH, GUYS I LOVE YOU SO MUCH."


"YES, IT'S AN EXO CONCERT AND A SHINEE CONCERT," Min yelled and rolled her eyes, but smiled at my happiness. "THEY'RE AT THE SAME CONCERT WE'RE ATTENDING."


I pulled her into the hug as well. "I LOVE YOU GUYS!"


"ARASEO WE GET IT, !" Sa Rang laughed.


I released them and jumped excitedly with Eun Hye when all of the lights turned off. It was dark in the coliseum except for the light-up fansigns in the audience.


I smiled widely when the 12 EXO members ran out on stage, followed by the five SHINee members.


I'm going to see Taemin again!






I was roaming around backstage with Eun Hye, Min, and Sa Rang. 


We were searching for EXO's dressing room so that I could see my Jong In Oppa again. ^^


Why wasn't I searching for my boyfriend, Taemin?


Well, that's because...






Taemin's POV


I walked with manager hyung. We were headed to SHINee's dressing room. 


There were a couple of fans who held VIP backstage passes. I greeted every one of them that passed by and signed autographs for them, chuckling softly at their fan crazed reactions.


There was another small group of fans ahead who seemed lost just roaming around. One of them caught my attention.


I furrowed my eyebrows and blinked, peering in recognition at the girl.


Manager Hyung went ahead to the dressing room as he spoke into the phone. 


My body acted by itself and I hid behind one of the corners nearby to get a closer look at the group.


I realized what I was doing and smacked myself in the head. Aishhh, Taemin what are you doing? You're Lee Taemin. It's not weird for celebrities to approach a group of fans.


"Excuse me," one of the girls asked manager hyung who was still on the phone when he passed them. "Where is EXO's dressing room?"


I tilted my head in thought, still hiding. Ah, they're EXO fans...


"Wait, I wanted to see SHINee first..." another girl pouted. 


"We'll see them after sees her brother again!" the girl who looked like Tiffany from SNSD said (Didn't I know someone who looked a lot like her before?...), and she and her friends headed towards the direction manager Hyung pointed them towards to...


...Which was the direction where I was hiding.


I jumped and tried to find another spot to hide but continue to stay close to the group. I hid behind a vending machine and peeked from behind to watch them closely.


Then I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. ?... I thought. Where have I heard that name before?? Could it be...


"Wasn't that SHINee's manager back there, though?" the girls continued to talk. "We could've followed him to see them!"


"Chill, Sa Rang..." the familiar girl spoke. "You'll meet your chicken lover soon,"


Sa Rang... I tilted my head in thought again. Where am I hearing these names before?! Sounds so familiar!!


"Oh look a vending machine," they walked closer to where I was.


I flinched and cringed into my hiding spot next to it, hoping not to be recognized. 


They obviously saw someone standing next to the vending machine, but seemed to ignore me while they bought some refreshments. 


Either that or they didn't recognize me as I hid my face with the palms of my hands and avoided eye contact.


When they left to continue to find EXO's dressing room, I tried my best to blend in with their group and walked silently behind them.


Is she really...the one who protected me back in High school?... I thought. ...Before I attended a performing arts school for my last year of high school that is.


I sighed quietly and tilted my head in thought. It's been a while.. I don't remember what exactly happened in high school before I left Shinhwa high...


They continued to talk and chat about different things until the familiar girl....... turned around slightly as if she sensed something suspicious.


Her friends continued to walk ahead of her when she stopped to look up at me.


I widened my eyes in shock as I looked down at her.  It IS her!! The girl from Shinhwa high school!


Her eyes started to water. She forced a small smile and bowed slightly. 


I smiled back. 



Your POV


I looked up at Taemin into his eyes which I haven't gazed into so deeply for a while, my eyes watering as I smiled.


"I feel like I've known you from somewhere...." he said to me with a smile.


My heart burst in happiness and I felt like fainting right here.


Not because I was a huge fan of SHINee's Lee Taemin.


But because I was seeing my very first boyfriend in front of my eyes again.


I wanted to run into his arms and just die in them, to have that feeling of love with him again.


But I resisted and held my breath to calm my speeding heart beat.


I looked up at him and pursed my lips, continuing to smile. "Maybe you have..."


He blinked innocently and furrowed his eyebrows, pinching his forehead in the middle of his eyebrows and looked deep in thought.


I slumped and frowned sadly in disbelief. He...he doesn't remember... It's been too long... And he's always so busy as a celebrity....


I pouted. But still.. He should at least remember the important things in life.


Then I frowned. Maybe those times I was his protector wasn't that important to him...


After a couple more minutes he looked back up at me and at the blue shell necklace around my neck, the one Lu Han had given me.


His eyes widened, and he suddenly took one of my arms and held it up to his face. I gasped softly at this sudden action.


Taemin pulled the sleeve of my hoodie down to reveal all of my bracelets.


I saw the blue and white bracelet that he had given me, and it seemed like his eye caught it as well.


He put my wrist down from his face and stared deeply into my eyes. His eyes were wide with shock and disbelief. 



"You..." he spoke. "?..."


I nodded. "You don't remember exactly who I am, do you.." There was a tinge of sadness that pierced me softly in the heart. I held the incoming tears in.


He shook his head slowly but smiled. "I'm not sure... I do recognize your name from somewhere, though..." 


I frowned. "Oh," I started to turn away and catch up to my friends before my tears started to get any harder.


Taemin laughed and hugged me from behind. "Wifey...My protector, I finally see you again,"


A/N: **MY DRAWING: REINA MARIE MELGAR GUZMAN... I drew this... I should've written my signature closer to them haha. lol um don't mind the bad grammar of Korean Kbye.^^


I blinked. "Huh? You remember me?" 


"Of course I do," he chuckled but there was a hint of hesitation in his voice. 


I rolled my eyes. Psh, no you didn't... You had to remember the blue shell necklace that Lu Han gave me and the blue and white bracelet that you gave me. "Pabo..." I whispered.


"I'm serious, I do remember you," Taemin said, hugging me tighter. "I just don't exactly remember everything that happened in Shinhwa high school before I transferred."


I shrugged myself out of his arms to turn around and face him. "Be honest, protector,"


He laughed, and there was silence between us as he pulled me into his arms again.


I rolled my eyes but wrapped my arms around him as well and held him tightly.


"All these years..." I said, "I've been protecting you in my heart, Taemin. You haven't been doing the same..."


"Mianhae," his arms trailed up and down my back slowly. I made a face at his action. "I'm always so busy as a famous idol..."


I rolled my eyes again. What's your excuse? If all those times I protected you were important, you should've remembered---


"Oh, what the heck." I mumbled under my breath and laughed. He's a busy person. Everything's fine, I guess...


"Saranghae, baby..." he whispered.


I froze, then burst out laughing loudly into Taemin's chest. Baby?! I used my arms that were wrapped behind him and smacked his back playfully.


"What?" he laughed.


Aishhh, I shouldn't ruin the moment. I shook my head and rolled my eyes. 


"I'll always love you, Taemin."


"And protect me in your heart?" 


"Of course, for the past years I have." I added in a whisper, "Although you haven't..."


"Aisshhhh Araseo Araseo I'm sorry, " Taemin kissed the top of my forehead and petted through my hair. 



Taemin's POV


Although we won't be seeing eachother as much anymore... And even if I don't exactly remember my protector... I hope you continue to protect me in your heart and just remember me the way you have been these past years.


I lifted your chin up and pecked a light kiss on your lips. 


"Thank you for protecting me, ."


Poster by nikatsu'Versute' Graphics Shop (Thank you so much^^)


UPDATED~~! Sorry it's been a while since I updated but I wanted it to feel like it has been years ahaha.. Hope this chapter was okay! This concludes the main story of Protect Taemin! ^^ Hope it was good!~

Now for some bonus chapters ;D ! Coming soon~~ ^^ <3


Who's excited for Super Junior's music video in a few hours???? (ME!)



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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying