Meet My American Friends

Protect Taemin

Your POV


After that day, I never saw the mysterious angel on top of the building again. According to Chanyeol, though, I WILL see him again and find out who he is.


The solar and lunar eclipses have been happening A LOT recently. I wonder what they mean...


Chanyeol also mentioned that I'll be seeing my friends pretty soon...


So about my friends back in America. I shall introduce them~


Sooyoung was my best friend for life and universe. She was very pretty with her long brown hair and big gorgeous eyes.



Her personality was nice, friendly, and flirty. We've been through so much drama and events together that I could never forget whether they were good or bad. Many negative events happened over guys we liked, and the positive (but bad) events happened with family members that I didn't want to remember ever again. Of course, I have to remember it since it already happened. Anyway, I missed Sooyoung very much. One day she and l will see each other again. We made a promise that we would. (:


Eun Hye was the next close friend I had next to Sooyoung. She had adorable eyes and shoulder-lengthed black wavy hair. She was also nice, friendly, and a little flirty. Sometimes I would compare her and Sooyoung's flirty ways of talking to guys back in school in America...But she would always say that Sooyoung was more flirty than she was. ;)

So, of course, their flirty actions with guys made them not so close to each other... Hopefully they aren't causing any problems with each other over guys.



Eun Hye was also very loud and outgoing. She and I had more things in common than I did with Sooyoung. We were both short, and had short hair. Our styles in clothes were almost the same, and our tastes in guys were even the same. Sometimes I'd get jealous when she would flirt with the guys I like... She always liked to flirt with Jong In as well.

Through the many things we've been through, though, she's never really gotten mad at me or fought or got into an arguement with me. Even if I was mad at her, we'd still be close friends. Nothing would get in the way of our friendship. I hope one day we will see each other again, because I missed her loud and friendly personality so much. Did I mention that she was the friend I was with when we were apparently talking about K-pop in my room?

She was a fan of a lot of Korean groups, I heard. Or, at least, Jong In reminded me. I remembered that I wasn't fully paying attention to her since I was texting this guy I liked. ;) He'll be mentioned later.


Min was another one of my friends who liked K-pop. On the outside, she looked a bit tough and mean, but she was really a nice person on the inside. She's a huge fan of Jay Park. I remembered because whenever she would come to my house she would blast his music on my radio and turn it up so loud the neighbors would get annoyed. I met her through Eun Hye when we all had the same class together back in the states.



Sa Rang also liked K-pop. She was in college already, studying really hard in computer science and also learning Korean. I also met her through Eun Hye. We didn't talk or hang as much through out the school year when I lived in America, but we still kept in contact after she went to college.

But, after I moved to Korea, I haven't contacted her. I haven't kept in contact with any of my friends, actually...


Jin Hee was my sporty and competitive friend. We weren't as close as I was with Sooyoung or Eun Hye, but we were friends. She liked K-pop, too, but wasn't as much of a fangirl as Min, Eun Hye, or Sa Rang was.


Jaesun was a guy friend of mine that I used to like a LONG time ago, but now we were just really close friends. I met him when Eun Hye pushed me into him as a tease for liking him. I was really glad we were friends, though. We've been through so much when I lived in America. Like Tao, he was into martial arts.


En was the guy I liked currently when we lived in America. He was Jaesun's friend, so that's how I met him. His hair, his style of clothes, and smile and eyes were what attracted me. And, he always carried around a black and grey checkered backpack, which was similar to the backpack I bought the other day at the department store.


(Note: Only about four out of seven, mostly the ones with pictures, will have sort of a main part through out the story so you don't have to remember every one of them^^ Meaning... You won't see En for a while :/ sorry...)



It was still the continuation of the weekend and we were on vacation for the next week. 


I sighed, staring at the item in my hand I bought for Taemin a couple weeks ago. I still haven't given it to him yet...


Jong In paraded into my room again with his loud music, dancing gracefully and freely.


I sat up, placing Taemin's item carefully next to me, and watched him dance with a smile on my face. "Aishhh, Oppa. One day, Omma and Appa will walk in and go like 'OMO, OMO, MY SON DANCES! YOU SHOULD AUDITION FOR A COMPANY OR SOMETHING'... Oh wait, you already did!"


He stopped and threw me a warning look to quiet down. I spoke too loudly....



Thankfully, no one but Ahn Jil heard. Which is still bad... She could tell Hee Na, and Hee Na could tell Omma and Appa.


"Jong In Oppa, I want to dance, too!" Ahn Jil whined, running into my room and taking Jong In's arms. She swung them around and danced to the music from Jong In's phone.


Jong In chuckled and sighed in relief, playing it cool and dancing along with her.


I sighed in relief as well. She only thinks he's dancing randomly... But he's just practicing for the company.


"Unnie, come dance with us!" Ahn Jil held her hand out to me and I laughed, sliding off of my bed and prancing across my room towards her.


We had a little dancing moment and laughed at the end when the song from Jong In's phone ended.


"Alright, now go brag to Hee Na that you just danced with your Unnie and Oppa," Jong In gestured Ahn Jil out the door.


"Ne!" she squealed and danced on her tiptoes, spinning a little bit towards the door.


When the door closed, Jong In smacked me hard on the side of my head. "Ya!! You're so loud!"


"Huh??" I looked at him with a shocked expression and threatened to hit him when he smacked me. "What are you talking about?? You're the one always parading into my room..." I stopped myself when I didn't know what else to say about him dancing since I loved watching him dance. "...It was a joke!"


"Well, keep your jokes to yourself," he said, walking towards my window and opening it so that the gentle breeze flew in along with the warm-loving sunlight. "It's such a nice weather out,"


I glared at him as I rubbed the side of my head to make the pain where he smacked me hurt less. I should be careful what I say around the house now... Jong In will kill me for not keeping his secret O_O which is why he kept it to himself before.


"We should go to the beach!" the door slammed open and Se Hun ran in, crashing into me for a hug. "Annyeong, Dongseng! Annyeong, Kai!"


I shrieked as I felt myself almost fall but Se Hun held onto me. "SE HUN! How did you get in here?!" He laughed out loud as I clutched him tightly to keep me from falling.


Hee Na poked her head into the room before she made her way to the kitchen. "I opened the door for them," she said. She continued to the kitchen and left.


"Oh, Se Hun, Lu Han," Jong In turned from the window and looked at Se Hun and Lu Han walked in. "You two are always together, huh,"


"Hello to you, too, Kai," Lu Han said. "We're next door neighbors, remember?" he laughed then looked at me clutching onto Se Hun and said, "Se Hun, you're crazy, get off of her,"


Se Hun laughed, then smirked and tossed me gently towards him. "Catch her, Lu Han!"


I shrieked again as I fell into Lu Han's arms and held onto him tightly. "I'm not some kind of ball to be tossed around, guys!" I laughed a little bit as I saw Jong In watch and laugh in amusement.



Lu Han pulled me into a hug and smiled. "Are you okay?"


I looked up at him. "Of course, Oppa..."


"...Now that she's in your arms," Se Hun teased.


"Ya!" Lu Han blushed and released out of our hug.


"Why so awkward, Se Hun?" I asked him with sarcasm in my voice, "Teasing Lu Han like that,"


"Ah, nothing big," he smiled and glanced at Lu Han, winking at him. "If you know what I mean, by BIG,"


"Huh??" I widened my eyes and shifted back. "What the heck are you talking about!"


Jong In's POV

He's talking about his feelings for you, Dongseng. His feelings for you aren't that big. I shook my head as I watched Se Hun innocently tease Lu Han about my Dongseng who was SO BLIND to NOT SEE how OBVIOUS Lu Han feels about her!


I sighed. "Dongseng, don't think dirty. He wasn't talking about that,"


She looked at me nervously and laughed. "Pshh. I knew that,"


"So are we off to the beach today??" Se Hun asked. "The weather is so nice out,"


"Why the beach though?" you asked.


"You haven't been to South Korea's beaches yet!" he exclaimed. "You HAVE to go!"


"Ahh," she nodded, looking at me. "What about him?"


"I already went," I said. She glared at me and shook her head. I've already been to Korea several times when we lived back in America.


"So are we going?" Lu Han asked.


"Where are the others?" Dongseng looked at the door for the rest of my friends.


"What? You don't want to go alone with just us?" Se Hun asked. "What if I tag along with Kai and leave you and Lu Han alone, will you two be okay?"


"Why are so like this---" Lu Han growled and threatened to hit him jokingly. "Aishhhhh."


Your POV

Se Hun keeps teasing Lu Han... I thought.


"Anyway, it's only us three," Se Hun said. "The others, except for Chanyeol, wanted to practice at the company. Tao is at his house, though, probably at his martial arts again."


I smiled. Tao reminded me so much of Jaesun back in America...


"What about Lay?" Jong In asked.


"He's at the company, too," Lu Han said.


"Why aren't you guys at the company?" he asked.


"To hang out with you and Dongseng," Se Hun patted him in the back and smiled. "Plus Lu Han wants to do something special when we get there," he winked at me.


I blinked. Huh? Was that wink to me?...


"Se Hun, why can't you just shut up..." Lu Han groaned and blushed again.


"She's stupid, anyway," Jong In said. "She's not getting the message,"


Wait, what?... I blinked again, SO confused. Did Jong In call me stupid just now?


I tilted my head, remembering similar scenes that happened with my friends back in America. I would always not pay attention for some reason and think about something else... And when I realized that they were talking about something important, they would call me stupid.


"Hello?? ! Are you there??" Eun Hye waved into my face.


"Wha? Sorry, I doze off," I apologized.


"You're not paying attention!" Min said. "Did you listen to Jay Park's new album?"


I nodded. "Yeah, a little bit of it,"


"Stop thinking about En," Sa Rang laughed. "I can see you're staring at him and Jaesun over there,"


I laughed shyly and smacked her playfully.


Man... I missed those girls. I sighed and pursed my lips.


"She's stuck in a daze," Jong In sighed and waved his hand in front of my face, interrupting my thoughts about my friends in America. "Dongseng, what are you thinking about? Let's get to the beach already,"


"Did I mention that SHINee was coming with us, too?" Se Hun added. "Since the other EXO members couldn't make it..."


My face lit up and I jumped excitedly. "That means Taemin is coming, too??" I squealed.


"Aishhhhhh such a fangirl," Jong In rolled his eyes and elbowed Lu Han softly. "Isn't she?"


"She doesn't know SHINee that well," Lu Han said and looked off elsewhere with a disappointed expression on his face.


I made a face. I wonder what's wrong with Lu Han lately...


"Ah," Se Hun said, "Another thing, Chanyeol said something to you, didn't he?"


"About what?" I asked.


"About an 'angelic figure'... The eclipses... Most of all, your friends," he said. My heart jumped as I remembered each of my friends back in America, especially En.


I stammered. "Wh-what about them?"


"I mentioned that Chanyeol wasn't at the company, right?" he asked. I nodded slowly, remembering that Chanyeol and Tao were the only ones not at the company.


"He's on his way here," Lu Han waved his phone with a text message on the screen and looked out the window. "Looks like he brought someone,"


I cocked my head in confusion and looked out the window next to him. "Lu Han, this is the back of our house..."


"I was reading it off of my phone, not watching them." Lu Han said flatly. It was meant to be a joke, but the tone of his voice revelaed that he was still disappointed about something.


"Chill, man," Se Hun patted him in the shoulder comfortably. "Dongseng, get ready for the beach, araseo?"


"Ne," I nodded. "Jong In, you too,"


He and Lu Han were making their way towards the door when all of a sudden it slammed open again and a girl came running in, crashing into me for a hug.


"What's with all the hug crashes today?!" I shrieked, grabbing the girl's arms tightly and falling back towards the ground. Thankfully, Jong In was still behind me and caught us in his arms.


"!!!!" the girl I was hugging shrieked.


I looked at her, and blinked, not believing that this was real.


"Eun...Eun Hye?..." I whispered.


"Hi!" she squealed, grasping me tightly. "How are you?"



My mouth dropped in disbelief. "It can't be you... NOOOO WAY."


"Yes way," she grinned.


A few more people walked into my room.


"Hello, again, Dongseng," Chanyeol waved to me and stepped off to the side next to Lu Han and Se Hun as another person walked in. "I brought you something,"


"They're people..." Lu Han said.


Min walked in, smiling and waving to me. "Annyeonghaseyo, !"



I dropped my mouth wider and ran up to her for a hug. "OHHHHH, MY GOSH, MIN!!"


Hee Na poked her head into my room again. "I opened the door for them, Unnie. Your friends from America are here," she continued down the hall and left.


Eun Hye joined our hug and the three of us hugged each other tightly and whined and cried how much we missed each other. This lasted for a couple of minutes until Jong In stepped inbetween us, breaking our hug and ruining our moment.


"Can we go to the beach now?" he asked.


"Hello to you, too, Jong In," Eun Hye poked him in the nose and smiled sweetly, spreading her arms around him for a hug. "How have you been?"


He laughed a little and hugged her back. "Just fine,"


"Where is Sa Rang?" I asked Min. "And Jin Hee? And...Jaesun and En..."


There was an awkward silence among the room after I whispered the last few names.


"Why aren't you looking for Sooyoung?" Eun Hye asked, breaking the silence.


"You all aren't that close to her, so why would I ask about her?" I laughed uneasily, still thinking about En.


"Who is En?" Se Hun suddenly asked. My heart jumped at his name. He and Lu Han were whispering questions to each other just now.


"Ah!" I exclaimed, running up to them and Chanyeol, trying to take my mind off of En. "This is Se Hun, Lu Han, and Chanyeol."


"Yeah, Chanyeol picked us up from the airport... He apparently knew that we were coming to visit you," Min said. "Lu Han is adorable!" she exclaimed.


"Did you come here alone?" I asked them.


Min nodded. "We can stay in here, right? There's a lot of space in your room for our sleeping bags..." she examined the wide empty space of floor in the middle of my room. "Why is there so much space?"


I glanced at Jong In nervously.


"Yeah, you can stay here," he said and smiled assuringly at me.


I smiled and nodded, Ok, he was fine with his dancing space being taken over for a while.^^


"Se Hun, you're pretty hot," flirty Eun Hye and her loud voice.


Another awkward silence.


I smacked Eun Hye playfully in the shoulder. "Way to go, loud one,"


"But he is!" she giggled. "Lu Han, too, he's so cute!"


"And your welcome, Dongseng." Chanyeol said to me with a smile on his face.


I smiled back and bowed. "Thank you SO much... Kahamsahmnida! I'm very glad to see my friends again..."


"It's not all of them, though," Jong In said.


I straightened from my bow and turned to Eun Hye. "That's right, where is Sa Rang and Jin Hee and... the others?..."


"Sa Rang is busy in college so she couldn't make it," she said. "Jin Hee's parents didn't want her leaving the country, and..."


I waited for an answer on Jaesun and En, leaning forward closer to her face anxiously. "....And??"


She laughed and pushed me back for her personal bubble space. "And Sooyoung will probably be a little mad that we visited you and she couldn't,"


I sighed and laughed nervously. "Well, I'll probably see Sooyoung again, but... What about Jaesun and En?"


"Jaesun didn't want to come," Eun Hye said. "He was lazy, I guess."


I scoffed. "Thanks alot, best friend Jaesun..." I mumbled. "And En? What about him?"


"The guy you like?" Min asked. I shot her a look of warning and looked nervously at the guys who were still in my room. "Do you still like him, ??"


"Oh, look, you have a backpack like his!" Eun Hye trotted to my bed and examined the black and grey checkered backpack next to it. She glanced at the item on my bed, the item I bought for Taemin.


I went for it quickly and hid it in my hands. "Yeah, isn't the bag cool?"


She nodded. "Add some badges or keychains and it will look even cooler!" (*wink wink ;D)


"En? Is he that guy?..." Chanyeol thought out loud. He was probably remembering something he interpreted the other day about my friends. "Oh, you won't be seeing him anytime soon..."


"How do you know that?" Min asked him.


"He knows," I said, sighing with disappointment. So I won't be seeing En ever again... Unless he was willing to visit me here in Korea :( But I know that wouldn't happen...


It was quiet again after that.


"Are we still going to the beach?" Jong In asked.


Eun Hye, Min, and I nodded excitedly. "Ne!~~"




After Jong In told Omma and Appa where we were going, we made our way to the car, Chanyeol's car, with our luggage and baggages for the beach. Min and Eun Hye left the rest of their bags in my room.


"Dongseng, will it be alright if I leave my car here since we will be using SHINee's limo to get there?" Chanyeol asked me.


I nodded. "Yeah, that's fine...But a limo to the beach?"


"That's a bit too fancy..." Eun Hye said.


"They should just take their van, not their limo..." Min said. "Omo, SHINee is coming?!"


"What's wrong with riding a limo into a beach?" Lu Han asked.


"Do you know how big of an entrance a limo at a beach would be?" Se Hun asked him sarcastically.


"Okay, guys, chill, it's only their van," Jong In said as a big van made its way across the street and stopped in front of my house.


The window rolled open and Taemin smiled, waving to me. ", annyeong!"


I smiled excitedly and waved back.


"Omo, you know SHINee's Taemin?" Eun Hye asked me. "How??"


I grinned, remembering that I was 'Protector of Taemin'. "Long story,"


"We can wait till bedtime tonight," Min said as we walked towards the van.


"Gurae," Jong In smirked and patted me on the back. "I would love to hear your story as well, Dongseng."


I made a face. "You're a guy, and you'll be uninvited to our sleepover in my room tonight!"


"Little girl, I listened to your conversations about K-pop back in America." he laughed, "I can listen to them hear, too."


I scoffed. "Oh, oh, alright then. I guess you won't mind me telling them about you're little secre---"


"About him dancing?" Eun Hye asked.


"How is that a secret?" Min asked.


I dropped my mouth and looked at Jong In. "You told them, too, but not me?!?!?!!?!?"


He shrugged and smirked. I shook my head in shame at him.


We stepped into SHINee's van, Min sitting next to Minho who was her favorite in SHINee. Eun Hye sat next to Key who was her favorite in SHINee. Lu Han and Se Hun sat next to her, and Jong In, Chanyeol, and I sat next to Taemin and Onew on the other side.


"Gaja! Off to the beach!" Taemin cheered.


I smiled and cheered with him, "Gaja!"


"Mind introducing your friends to SHINee, Dongseng?" Jong In elbowed me softly.


"SHINee, these are some of my best friends from America, Min and Eun Hye," I gestured to Min and Eun Hye. "They'll be staying here for a while until we go back to school,"


Min smiled at Minho who gave her an interested look. Eun Hye had already started a conversation with Key.


The van drove away from my house and we were off.


I felt for the item in my pocket that I planned to give to Taemin later. I WILL give it to him later, for sure. (:


He glanced at the bracelet he gave me around my wrist. "You're wearing it again,"


I laughed and nodded, "Of course I would! You gave it to me,"


"Don't lose it at the beach..." he warned.


"I know, I won't," I said. "And, I have something to give to you later,"


"Jongmal?" Taemin smiled.


I nodded. "At the beach, though. Don't get your hopes up, it's not such an amazing gift..."


"Ah, whatever you give to me I will love it," he hugged me. "Because it's from you,"


"Aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwww," Eun Hye and Min stared in awe at the two of us, "That's adorable!~"


I gave them a look and laughed awkwardly as I hugged Taemin back.


"These two love birds next to me..." Jong In groaned and pushed me a little closer to Taemin away from him.


My face was so close to Taemin's now. I only looked at his eyes, though. Now that I look at him again more closely this time, he doesn't really look like Jong In Oppa anymore. 


I smiled at him. He held me in his arms for a while as Jong In kept shoving me closer to him. The two guys, Jong In and Taemin, had their own unique looks and talents and shouldn't even be compared with each other.




The van continued its way to the beach. Everyone comfortably had their own conversations going. Eun Hye and Key were still talking, Min and Minho were getting to know each other, and Se Hun and Lu Han had their own gossip conversation about others in the limo. I looked over at them sometimes when I knew they were talking about me. When I did, they changed the subject quickly.


Next to me, Jong In took up all the space where he sat and only shoved me closer to Taemin when I tried to make space. I was already in Taemin's arms though... How much physically closer could we get?!


"Aishhhh, is it just me or is your so big, Jong In?!" I sighed, trying to push him back. He was falling asleep, his elbow against the window and his hand holding his chin up. He shoved me back quietly and went back to sleep.



He was sitting next to the window. Next to him, was me, then Taemin, then Chanyeol, then Onew.


On the other side from the window seat on Jong In's side, was Jonghyun, Eun Hye, Key, Min, Minho, then Lu Han and Se Hun. But even on their side, they had more space than we did on our side.


I shoved Jong In again. "You're taking up so much space, Oppa..."


He shoved me again carelessly in his sleep and this time elbowed my head as well.


My head flung towards Taemin's chest hard, my head almost hitting his chin. But he acted quickly and moved his chin out of the way by looking down at me. I looked up at him as Jong In shoved me AGAIN, closer to him.


The first thing I looked at when I was so close to him was his eyes, and then his lips. I looked away quickly and blushed.


Aishhh, Jong In. You're going to make this ride awkward, with me having to get shoved into Taemin's arms and stay like this for the whole ride, because of your big- !!!!


In Jong In's mind (he knows what he's doing to his Dongseng XD):



Note: I found random pictures of k-pop celebs and ulzzangs on google to use for some of my "American friends"... And for some of the friends I didn't use pictures for because they will only be mentioned through out the story, but you won't see them. So that means... You really will get to see Sooyoung one day again. (: I wonder when.... ;O *hint *hint

Ahahaha alright just kidding I wasn't going to wait until the middle of March to update. I couldn't stay away from typing my fanfic TT TT hehe...Soo surprise? :D I hope this chapter was okay! It introduced a bit of your life back in America^^ Stay tuned for next chapter where you, Eun Hye, Min, and Jong In are off to the beach with Lu Han, Se Hun, Chanyeol, and the SHINee members! ... And you're slowly starting to realize your feelings for Taemin... @_@ ^^


Have you seen the recent EXO teasers?! I love them! I can't wait until they debut!! It's coming close!!!

I have "Baby Don't Cry" song stuck in my head <3 I love it ^^

I love this song, too! And I love the dance with all the members!^^

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying