"Don't Make Any Friends"... Instead Enemies??

Protect Taemin

Your POV

When class FINALLY ended around 10pm, I packed up my stuff and stood up from my desk. The class was halfway empty by the time I finished packing. Man, school here in South Korea is SO LONG. Jong In Oppa was waiting for me with Lu Han and someone else by our classroom door. I heard people whispering about them.


"Oh, my gosh. Isn't he hot??" "Which one?" "Does it matter?? They all do!!" "I think they're a year ahead of us," "One of them is probably the new kid's brother." "Aishh, she's so lucky!" "He looks a lot like Taemin, doesn't he..." "I like the third one." "I like the one with his hair up... I think it looks cute." "We should wait for Taemin!" "I don't think he's going to get up for a while..."


I tilted my head at some of the comments. Jong In Oppa? Looking like the celebrity sitting next to me? I looked down at Taemin. His head was still facing down and he was still looking at the floor. I can't see his face very well so I can't compare... Isn't he going to go home? Why isn't he getting up?


"Hurry, Dongseng." Jong In Oppa said to me. I nodded to him, seeing Lu Han Oppa whisper something to him and point at Taemin. I pulled my bag over my shoulder and looked at Taemin one last time for the day. I hope he'll be okay...


"Ready to go?" Lu Han Oppa asked me as I walked up to them. I smiled and nodded, then I saw the third person that was waiting with them. "Oh, this is Lay. Kai-yah made a whole bunch of friends today."


I bowed as a greeting, "Annyeong, Lay."


He smiled in reply and we started walking through the hallways to leave.


"What did you whisper to Jong In back there?" I asked Lu Han Oppa.


"Oh, the celebrity that looks like him sits next to you," he said. "Have you seen his face?"


"He kept looking down so I couldn't," I said. "Why does everyone bully him? Because he's famous?"


"That's part of it," Lay said. "And he's being called names and teased for... unneccessary reasons about why he's so famous."


"Like what?" I asked.


"Dongseng, why do you care?" Jong In asked sarcastically. I pouted jokingly with peering eyes at him and waited for Lay to answer.


"Just comments that sort of 'protest' against his looks of being famous..." he said. "Such as his height... And being 'untalented'---"


"Yo! Yo!" someone came up to us and patted Jong In Oppa in the shoulder. "Kai! This is your dongseng??" he looked down at me and ruffled my hair out of place. I laughed and fixed it.


"Geez, Jong In, you did make a lot of friends." I said. "Who is this?"


"Call me Se Hun," the boy smiled. He looked a lot like Lu Han, but their eyes and the shape of their face were a bit different. "And add Oppa to it if you please,"


I laughed. "Okay, how about I call everyone of Jong In's friends 'Oppa'?"


"Stop bothering her," Jong In laughed. "Anyway, I still want to meet that celebrity. 'Lee Taemin'? Is that his name?"


Lay Oppa suddenly shushed us and changed the subject. "So what's everyone doing this weekend? We should all hang out."


"What? Me too?" I asked. "I'm the only girl, man..."


"We were talking about Taemin, Lay." Se Hun Oppa said, "What's wrong?"


I looked up at Lay Oppa's face and his expression was of warning. His head cocked to one side and his eyes moved to the side suspiciously.


"Someone's behind us." I whispered, getting the sign. I tried to see who it was.


I caught the sight of Taemin walking very quickly and quietly behind us. His head was bent down towards the floor again so I still couldn't see his face. A couple of girls were following him, trying to talk to him.


I eyed him carefully, walking backwards in front of Jong In Oppa.


"Stop staring," Jong In said to me. "And walk forward. You're about to run into people."


I turned around quickly when Jong In grabbed my hand and spun me forward. I had almost run into someone...one out of a couple guys by the corner who seemed to be waiting for someone. There were about five or six guys in total.


"Sorry. Excuse me," the boy said when I almost bumped into him. Well... At least he didn't say 'Watch where you're going' or anything mean. I smiled at him in response.


"Is he coming?" one of the guys by the corner asked him. Jong In and his friends and I were just about to walk past him when another one of the guys called out Oppa.


"I thought that was Taemin..." the guy laughed to his friend next to him. "Sorry about that, man." he told Jong In, "You look a lot like him."


"Why are you waiting for him?" I asked.


"Dongseng," Jong In pulled me quickly but I shrugged him off gently.


"I'm curious," I said.


The guys looked at each other and smirked. "You're the new student, right?" one of them asked. "Once you get used to this school, you'll find out why."


"Isn't she the one who poured that crap down your shirt, Kyoung?" another guy laughed. Kyoung nodded and smirked at me and I made a face. You're supposed to hate me for doing that to you...


"You did what?" Lu Han asked me, laughing a little. I felt Jong In Oppa eyeing me closely.


"We've got to get out of here." Lay Oppa said, "Come on,"


"DONGSENG." Jong In Oppa's voice was serious.


"Are you going to do something to him?" suddenly slipped out of my mouth. I slapped myself in the head. 


"Why do you care?" the guy asked. "You're a new student. You just moved in. Stay out of people's businesses if you don't want to get involved with anything bad."


I scoffed and laughed a little, "All I'm doing is asking what---"


"He's coming, Jin," Kyoung interruppted me and the guys hurried past me. They went up to Taemin and blocked his way from exiting.


"Hey!---" I started towards them.


"Dongseng, stop." Jong In said, pulling me by the arm. "I thought you didn't want to get involved with anything when we moved here!"


I dropped my bag on the ground next to me and ran towards the group that blocked Taemin's way. "I can't just leave this situation alone, Oppa!" Mianhae... I'm sorry... "Just wait there, okay??"


"Did she just tell us to wait while she starts a fight with a group of guys?" Lu Han asked the others.


I jumped like a little girl behind the blocking group, trying to look over their shoulders to see Taemin being touched and bothered by these girls behind him and one of the guys started pushing him in the stomach. Taemin's face was still down and he ignored everything that was happening to him right now.


"Yo, ugly." the guy said, "Do you need to go to rehearsal now? You need it. You're so untalented and you need practice."


I made a face and tried shoving inbetween the wall of boys, but one of them elbowed me in the face.


That angered me so I stomped and smacked him in the back of his head as hard as I could. "Excuse me!"


"Ow!" he shouted and turned quickly towards me. "What do you want?!"


I slid quickly through the opened wall and stepped in front of Taemin. "You elbowed me, boy. That hurt,"


"Why didn't you go home yet??" Kyoung asked me, "We told you to stay out of people's businesses and not get involved, didn't we?? The teacher should've told you that, too."


I laughed and looked up at each of them, shaking my head in shame. They should go home. Like, now. "Yeah, the teacher told me that. The teacher also said you guys should go home." I turned to face Taemin and slapped the girls touching him. "What are you all doing? Stop touching him,"


One of the girls slapped me back (on the hand that I slapped them with). "What are you doing? Go home, newbie!"


"h, you all should be going home instead of being trying to get up all in Taemin's personal bubble," I waved my hands in wide circles in front of Taemin. "All up in his space, man!"


"Go away," one of the guys said, "Why can't you just let us do what we want?"


"You all are just jealous that he's famous," I said. "I swear... He should've been homeschooled..."


Another one of the girls shoved me in the shoulder and I fell back against the wall of guys. "Shut up! Go home!" They laughed and continued shouting stuff inbetween the yells and pushes. One of the guys pushed me back towards Taemin. I was pushed inbetween the guys and girls and sometimes Taemin like a ping pong ball. I tried to catch myself when I tripped over someone's foot.


But, I didn't have to catch myself because he had caught me. I looked up at Taemin, his face really close to mine. My eyes widened with surprise. Wow! He really does look a lot like Jong In Oppa! 


I pulled myself away from him quickly when one of the guys pushed Taemin in the shoulder. I slapped him back hard and he grabbed my arm, starting to twist it. Before I felt the pain and screamed, Jong In and his friends came up behind them and towered over their wall.


"You're blocking the hallway." Lay Oppa said. Someone new walked up next to him and smirked. He was holding a martial arts stick in his hand. It looked like he had just finished practicing because he was sweating with hard work.


"Guys, you should go home." he said. "You girls, too."


Jong In pressed himself against the boy who had my arm. "You shouldn't hurt a girl if you're a guy," he said. All the boys rolled their eyes and growled furiously like an angry pack of bulldogs. The girls stomped off with pouty faces on. When everyone left, I looked at Taemin.


He was looking up, for once, into my eyes. His face resembled Jong In Oppa so much... I smiled back in reply. "Are you okay?"


He nodded, then looked at Jong In and the others behind me. I turned quickly and smiled nervously at Jong In, rubbing my arm.


"Are you hurt?" the martial arts guy asked me. Jong In looked away with an angry look on his face. Ugh, I am so going to get in trouble tonight.


"This is Tao," Lu Han Oppa said to me. "He likes martial arts, and had just finished his class just in time to scare those guys away."


"Why did you have to do that??" Se Hun grabbed my shoulders and shook me playfully. I laughed and he sighed in relief. "At least you didn't get hurt..."


"He tried to twist your arm?" Lay took the arm the boy had grabbed and examined it.


"I'm not hurt," I said, mostly to Jong In Oppa. His arms were crossed and he was staring at the wall next to him, waiting impatiently. "I couldn't just leave the situation like that..."


"Taemin-ah, you're alright, too, right?" Lu Han asked him. I turned to look at Taemin who I found out was staring at me the whole time.


"Ne..." he nodded softly. "Kahamsahmnida..." 


I smiled and patted him gently in the shoulder. "Where do you live? We can walk you home."


"Eh??" he laughed nervously. "No, I'm fine... It's alright... I have a ride."


I nodded. "Oh, okay. Get home safely then!" I glanced at Jong In. "Ah, my Oppa wanted to meet you." I grabbed Jong In by his arm and pulled him closer to Taemin. "You guys look a lot like each other, huh??"


Jong In glared at me from the corner of his eye and I smiled innocently.


I shouldn't get into situations in front of him like that next time... I thought.


"Let's get going now." Jong In turned from Taemin and pulled my arm towards the exit of the school building.


"Be careful, Taemin!" I said as we left. He smiled in reply and looked down at the ground as he headed to the limo that was parked in front of the school gates.


I'm still wondering what he's famous for...





I found some info about Taemin being bullied in one of the comments from this video posted by SHINeeObsessions. I also learned a lot about bullying in South Korea through this video of simonandmartina. My goodness, I thought the bullying here in America was bad.


So that's the end of Chapter 4. Things are getting... bad. :( BUT you and Taemin are bonding! Isn't that great?? :D -sigh- Sorry about your goal of not getting involved with anything so that you can concentrate in school and achieve your dreams... Now you've made enemies and more people to bully BOTH you and Taemin... TT TT How are you going to concentrate in school now with everyone bullying you? People won't bully you or Taemin when Jong In and his friends are around, so that's good. But when he's not around??... :( The teachers aren't going to do anything, unfortunately... So just live through high school. It'll be alright with Taemin there to be bullied along with you, right?? :D .... Agh, no. -__- This bullying in South Korea is just messed up.
Stay tuned for Chapter 5!! I hope this story is turning out okay!

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying