Taemin's Fight

Protect Taemin

Your POV

We were still on vacation and Eun Hye was still here visiting in South Korea.


A day at SM Entertainment was fun, meeting the rest of the EXO members and watching them sing and dance. I was also able to see Jong In Oppa and Lu Han dance as well!! They danced to some parts of a song called "Time Control." Which was exciting... I think I fell in love seeing Lu Han dance for the first time. WAIT. DOES THIS MEAN I HAVE FEELINGS FOR HIM?...




I shook my head. Well... Maybe just a LITTLE bit. After seeing how talented and nice he was, he's not that bad of a person.


"What are you thinking about?" Eun Hye asked me. We were strolling down the streets going home from the mall. She bought a lot of stuff, mostly clothes. I bought clothes, too, for myself and for Min to send to her in America for a souvenir since she wasn't able to get any herself while she was here.



It was just the two of us, alone, at night going down the noisy traffic of streets. I mean, we felt pretty safe since we were all happy and excited to get home and try on all of our outfits...


"Huh?" I asked her, snapping out of my thoughts.


"Are you paying attention?!" Eun Hye laughed and elbowed me playfully. She swung her shopping bags around her and we continued down the street past the noisy street of honks and cars driving by.


My phone suddenly rang and I groaned, because we had to stop to put our shopping bags down for me to pick up the phone. I looked at who was calling and saw Taemin's name on the caller ID.


"Oh?" I gasped, wondering why he was calling me. I answered my phone. "Yobosaeyo?"


" -ah" Taemin's sweet innocent voice rang through the phone and seemed to be beautiful music to my ears.


"Taemin-ah!" I exclaimed, glancing at Eun Hye. She smiled and nodded assuringly, setting her shopping bags down so that she could wait for me to get off the phone to start walking again. She looked up at one of the tall buildings and waved, probably to a random stranger.


"What are you doing?" Taemin asked. "It's dark out, why outside so late at night?"


"How did you know I was outside?" I asked.


I heard him chuckle softly on the other line. I blinked and waited for an answer.

Taemin's POV

I watched you and your friend Eun Hye from the building's 9th floor window that SHINee was currently at downtown and held my phone to my ear, smiling at the sight of you at this time of night. Eun Hye saw me and I waved to her. She waved back. (I was that random stranger ;D )



"What are you looking at?" Key asked, walking next to me. He looked down where you were and laughed. "Ohhhh, that girl,"


I smiled and placed a finger over my lips for him to be quiet since I was on the phone.


"You're on the phone with her?" he whispered, then laughed again. "Ya, confess to her soon. Lu Han already did,"


I pursed my lips and ignored what he said, looking over at the other SHINee members at the other side of the room.


"Taemin? Are you still there?" you asked over the phone.


"Yeah," I said. I turned and sat on the window so my back was towards the outside scene.


"How did you---" she was cut off suddenly and I looked at my phone in confusion, then down at where she was still standing.


A group of people had walked up to you and Eun Hye, ending your call with me... I peered and recgonized a couple of girls from school and raced out of the room quickly.


"Ya! Taeminnie!" Onew hyung called.


"I'll explain later!" I yelled, shutting the door behind me and making my way downstairs.


Your POV

I blinked as I waited for Taemin to answer my question. "Taemin? Are you still there?"


"Yeah," he replied.


"How did you---" I was suddenly cut off by this girl who walked up to me and ended my call. Oh...no.


"Hello to you, too." Boseok said. I remembered Kyoung's sister from school who liked Taemin. A couple of her friends stood behind her and glared.


"Who are they?" Eun Hye asked me in a whisper.


"Bullies." I whispered to her quickly and took my phone back from Boseok. "What do you want?" I asked.


"Were you talking to Taemin on the phone just now?" she asked and crossed her arms.


I nodded. "He called me first."


"That couldn't be," one of her friends laughed, "She probably called him first,"


I shook my head. "Nope,"


"Shut up, liar!" Boseok jerked forward and threatened to strike me in the face. I flinched, but she pulled back and laughed. "You're such a fraidy-cat,"


"Why are you messing with Taemin???" another one of friends asked.


"Why are you?" I asked, "I'm already friends with him... I don't know what you girls are doing, being creepers and stalking him like that."


"'Stalkers'? 'Creepers'?" Boseok scoffed and poked me hard in the head. "This girl doesn't know what she's talking about." she glanced at Eun Hye. "Who's that? Haven't seen her before,"


"My friend," I replied. "She's visiting me from another country,"


"Please take her back with you," Boseok's friend said to Eun Hye, "So that she can leave Taemin alone and he will be ours~~"


I made a face and glanced at Eun Hye, shaking my head and rolling my eyes.


"And you had the guts to stand up to that girl who liked Jin," Boseok said. "Why would you do that? She liked him, and because of you she's ruined and injured."


"So?" I shrugged. "She injured me, too. And she started it,"


"You were the one who smacked Jin!" a girl said.


"He KISSED me!!" I stomped. "I had a reason to smack him! That girl didn't have to add any more problems!"


"I hate you," Boseok shook her head and crossed her arms. "Jin thinks you're cute... Kyoung likes you... The guys are always talking about how 'tough' you are to 'protect' Taemin. You have a good-looking brother and he has his good-looking friends. Why does the world think you're special for you to know so many perfect guys?"


"Yeah," one of her friends agreed. "Why do you even protect Taemin anyway? We're here for him." I scoffed and laughed at that. Doesn't look like it.


"I want to have a brother like Kai," another girl said.


"A girl like you shouldn't have a brother or friends like that!" someone whined. "Can't you be our friends and, like, stop hanging out with them??"


I made a face. "Why? Jong In is my brother... I can't leave him or stop hanging out with him because I live with him."


"You're just jealous." Eun Hye spoke. I sharply flashed her a look of warning and shook my head quickly, telling her not to say anything else.


"Jealous!" the girls laughed and giggled. "Who would be jealous of you?!"


Boseok suddenly stopped laughing and tried to smack me right side of my head, but I reacted and grabbed her arm. "YAA!!" she screamed. "Let go!!!"


I thought about it for a couple of seconds, thinking I should twist her arm or something but I released my grip. "You tried to hit me,"


"You think you're so special!" Boseok shrieked and cringed away from me. "Aishh... You act like a hero or something."


"Noona, what are you doing?" Kyoung walked up from behind her and his eyes widened when he recgonized me. "What are you doing here at this time of the night?" he asked me.


"Oh, great." I mumbled. Eun Hye furrowed her eyebrows at me and glanced at him.


"Who is that?" she mouthed.


"Later," I said, meaning that I'll explain later. I turned to Kyoung and smiled. "We did a bit of shopping... You're sister is giving me a hard time getting home,"


"Noona, stop bothering her," Kyoung told Boseok. "Ga-ja, let's go home before Jin sees them---"


"Well, look who it is!" Jin paraded through Boseok and her friends and stepped closer to me and Eun Hye. "Hello!"


"OHHH, NO." I threw my head up and groaned.


He smirked at Eun Hye. "Who's this? Your friend?"


"Obviously," I said.


Eun Hye giggled. "Hello,"


I made a face at her. "Stop flirting. Let's go," I started to pull her arm but Jin split our hands apart.


"Let her stay, I want to get to know her more," he said, placing an arm around Eun Hye's shoulder. I rolled my eyes and shook my head in shame at Eun Hye.


"Get away from her," I told Jin.


"Wae?" he asked. "Are you afraid that I'll kiss her, too?" I clenched my fists as I remembered what he did to me that day to make Jong In mad.


"Jong In's still going to get his revenge on you another way," I said. "And it's not fighting you,"


"Huh? You kissed ???" Eun Hye asked him.


I rolled my eyes. "Don't bring it up,"


"Oh gosh, tell me about it later!" she said.


"I will if he gets off of you!!!" I yelled.


"Shut up, you're noisy." Boseok said.


"We should go now." Kyoung suggested. "Jin, come on, we don't want to start anything."


"Leave us alone, all of you." I said. "Don't bother Taemin or any of my friends."


"Who said that you have a right to say that?" Boseok's friend asked. "And we're not bothering Taemin, you are!"


"No, I'm not!" I said. "I'm defending him from all your annoyingness of creepiness and bullying!"


"Poor girl," Jin laughed and took his arm off of Eun Hye to put it around me but I pulled away quickly.


Man up~~ Jong In and Se Hun's words randomly rang into my head.


"I'll show them I'm not easy!" I mumbled to myself.


Jin smirked and crossed his arms. "You're doing all of this for Taemin, but he won't return you the favor? You're a girl. He's the one supposed to be protecting you. Or are you a guy protecting him? I mean her,"


"What?! Are you calling him a girl?! He's not a girl!!!!" I jerked towards him, threatening to hit him in the face but Boseok's friends warned me.


"Don't you dare hit him again," they said. "Or else we'll hurt you,"


I laughed and glared at them. "Okay, bring it on."


"Are you asking to fight and get yourself hurt?!" Eun Hye asked me.


She's right... What am I thinking? I straightened, picked up my shopping bag, and turned. "Eun Hye, let's go."


"You're walking away??" Boseok asked. "You're running from a fight!"


"You poor little girl," Jin snatched my arm and pulled me into his arms for a hug.



"Ah!" I yelped, dropping my shopping bags onto the ground in front of me. "Jin! Let go!"


He hugged me tighter and I felt him grin wider. He was being really creepy... " , you need someone to protect you, too," Jin said. "Let me be your protector..." he whispered into my ear. "Leave Taemin and come to me,"


"Sorry, she's taken." a figure ran past us quickly from out of no where and punched Jin in the face, causing him to release his tight grip around me.


I ran up to Eun Hye and we took our shopping bags, about to make our escape. But when I turned to see who it was that punched Jin in the face, I dropped the bags again.


"Taemin!!!!" Eun Hye and I exclaimed at the same time.



"Sorry, I'm late," he said. "The elevator was being stupid... So I took the stairs."


"Did you come all the way from up there?" Eun Hye looked up at the building where she was looking before.


"Huh? You were watching us from there?" I asked Taemin, "Eun Hye, is that who you waved to?"


She and Taemin laughed.


Jin wiped his face and grabbed Taemin's collar. "YA! What was that for?!"


"Get off of him!" I shrieked and ran inbetween, but Kyoung pulled me away from them.



"I'm her protector," Taemin said, glancing at me. "You can't take her away, you player. Go find someone else to protect... Like, your girlfriend."


"He has a girlfriend?!" Eun Hye and I exchanged glances with each other. The heck? But Jin has been flirting with so many girls and so many girls like him...


"Tch, this guy. My girlfriend is in another country so she doesn't know what I'm doing," Jin tightened his grip on Taemin's collar and brought him closer to his face. "So what are you going to do? Let her save you again? Come on! Fight for yourself, little girl!"


"Oh no, he didn't," some of Boseok's friends giggled and I turned to look at them shamelessly.


"What are you all doing? I thought you liked Taemin." I said, crossing my arms.


"Boseok unnie and I are the only ones here who like Taemin," a girl said. "The other three like Jin,"


"So do something about this!" I pointed at Jin and Taemin. "If you like him, why don't you do anything instead of laughing and giggling?"


"I'm not getting involved in that," another girl said. "My nails will get ruined,"


I groaned and headed towards Jin and Taemin again, but Kyoung kept pulling me back. "Kyoung, let go!"


"This is their fight." he said, "Don't get yourself involved,"


"Plus, he's doing this for you, !" Eun Hye said. "Just watch him beat him up,"


"Depends on who you're talking about that will be "beaten up." I sighed, then whined, "I can't just sit here! I'M protector of Taemin!"


"And he's your protector, too--- !!!" Eun Hye yelled as I shrugged off Kyoung's grip on my arm and headed for Jin.


"Why don't you fight back, little girl?!" Jin yelled at Taemin. I grabbed his arms and pulled them off of Taemin. Taemin relaxed, fixing his collar.


"Get out of here," Jin said to me, he was turning back to Taemin but suddenly an idea popped into his head. He grinned and turned back to me, taking my face into my hands.


"What now?!" I asked, pulling away from him. "I'm getting out of here,"


"You're going to leave the one you're protecting?" Jin asked, pulling me back towards him. "Come here,"


He tried to go for my lips (AGAIN) but I reacted and tried to smack him hard in the face. He chuckled and caught my arm before it hit his face. I leaned back to avoid his face getting any closer to mine, almost falling back.


I fell onto the ground and sat there as Taemin pulled Jin back towards him and shoved him in the shoulder.


"You can't keep your hands off of girls, can you?" Taemin asked.


I just sat there quietly, an expression on my face frightened and worried as Taemin and Jin started a physical fight in the middle of downtown city lights at night.


O__O ooooooooooh Taemin got into a fighttttt....In PUBLIC, too! Oh well. He got his revenge on Jin for touching you so much ;O aha aawww you guys are protecting each other <3 Isn't that sweet ^o^

TWO UPDATES IN A ROW (IN A WEEK) !! :D Surprise!! Hehe it's the second to last day before Spring break and I am excited. ^w^ I will probably update again before I leave for New York next Thursday. Wait patiently for Chapter 20 ;D I wonder what will happen (:

Sorry for such a short chapter...I didn't have any homework to do today, but I'm drawing pictures & coloring it for my friends..(it's alot xD) hehe ;D Okay, see you next chapter <3 Thanks for reading; suscribe; comment !



Btw I drew this (like a while ago) ^o^ Just wanted to share.... hehe. It was a birthday drawing for my friend~~

...Forgive my bad Korean spelling/grammar :p

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying