A Kiss from Oppa

Protect Taemin

Your POV

"Bye! Thank you so much!" Yoogeun's mom waved to us as we left her house.


"No problem! Call us anytime Yoogeun needs to be watched over!" I said. Taemin and I smiled to her and we continued down the sidewalk back to my house.


The sun was just about to set, so the neighborhood was a faint dark yellow of the sun's final rays as Taemin walked me home.


"BYE!!" Yoogeun called out to us. "Omma and Appa!"


We laughed and waved back to him. "Bye, Yoogeun!"



"I'm going to miss him," I sighed. "It was really nice meeting the little boy you and the other SHINee members took care of on Hello Baby,"


"We'll see him again," Taemin said. "You live in the same neighborhood,"


I nodded and smiled. "True,"


Yoogeun and I had fallen asleep on the couch of Yoogeun's house, and I woke up to his voice calling for Taemin who was also asleep next to me. I was surprised at first, but I let him continue to dream in his sleep. Yoogeun was about to wake him up though, so I quickly pretended to be asleep.


When Taemin woke up, the front door opened and it was Yoogeun's mom. I woke up from my 'sleep' and walked with little Yoogeun up to her. She had thanked us, giving us something to eat before we left. Such a nice lady. :3 And she also asked Taemin if I was his girlfriend... Sadly I denied it but Taemin didn't say anything.


So now we walking back to my house in the middle of sunset, which meant that it was evening. 



There was a bit of silence during our walk until Taemin shyly asked, "So...we're not a couple anymore..."


I tilted my head at him. "It was only a day, right? We were a married couple just for a day..."


He smiled a little and nodded. "Yeah, just today..."


I looked up at the sunsetting yellowish orange sky and pursed my lips. "The day isn't over yet, you know..." I peeked at Taemin next to me from the corner of my eyes to see his smile get wider with excitement.


"Jinjja?? So you're still my wife??" he hugged me, pulling my face close to his and jumped with happiness.


I laughed. "Our son isn't with us though,"


"Yoogeun's at a 'daycare' right now, wifey," Taemin smiled and chuckled.


I smiled. Taemin, what's with you? Do you really want to be a couple that much...


I looked into his eyes next to me. That would be nice....


I shook my head and shrugged him off of me. "Aniyo..." I whispered. "We're only friends..."


Taemin stared at my change of mood. "Are you okay?" he asked.


I looked at him. "We're only friends, right?"


He looked around nervously and then at the ground. "Um, ne... Just friends..."


There was silence again as we slowed our walking. We both wanted to make a conversation about different things...


Taemin obviously wanted us to keep being a couple until the day ends.


I, on the other hand, could not handle my feelings and my beating heart any longer and wanted to confess to the one I was supposed to be protecting. But I thought of Lu Han and how he confessed to me first, and that I should tell him that I can't return his feelings before confessing to someone else.


When we arrived at my house, Hee Na nad Ahn Jil ran up to Taemin excitedly.


"Taemin Oppa! How are you??" Hee Na asked.


"Come to my room to look at my toys!" Ahn Jil squealed.


"You can come in," I told him before going to my room.


Taemin nodded and stepped into my house, greeting my parents in the kitchen.


"Did you all eat?" Omma asked us. "Taemin, have dinner with us!"


"Omma!" I whined. "We ate already... Plus he's a celebrity, he is probably really busy---"


"Is that okay?" Taemin interrupted. "Kahamsahmnida...Omma," he smirked at me and I blushed, rushing to my room.


I sighed and changed into new clothes, more comfortable ones, for dinner.


" ! What do you all want to eat??" Omma asked from the kitchen.


"Anything, I don't care.." I mumbled. "Ask Hee Na and Ahn Jil! It doesn't matter as long as you cook it, omma!" I called back for her to hear.


She laughed and I heard sizzling from the stove, meaning that she's frying something. Yep, she was a really good cook. I'll like any kind of food as long as she makes it.



We ended up having steamed broccolli with fried fish. After dinner where it was quiet between me and Taemin but noisy between my sisters and him, I invited him into my room to chill for a bit before he left.


"Taemin, good night!" Ahn Jil and Hee Na peeked into my room and squealed before going to bed.


"Goodnight," he smiled at them and they closed my door.


It was night time now, so it was dark out. The lights were off, so when the door shut from the lights in the hallway it was literally pitch black in my room.


I growled and yelled at the door. "YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO SHUT MY DOOR!"


"Gwenchana, it's alright," Taemin said and I heard him get up from my bed that he was sitting on. I heard him chuckle softly and step closer to me. The moonlight from my window revealed his shadowy figure.



I blinked and my heart started to beat. "What are you planning to do?"


A song started to play, probably from his ipod or phone or something.


"...It'll be tomorrow in a little... I feel bad for letting the day pass by so fast...You've always been there to protect me... You've taken the critiscm that I should receive... I will hold you... If my joy can become your happiness I'll be thankful." 


His shadowy figure started to dance towards me and I felt him take my hands.


When I realized that he wanted me to dance with him, I hesitated. "Wait, I can't dance, Taemin.."


"Wifey, the day is almost over and we won't be husband and wife anymore," he said. "Let's end it with something special..."


I felt myself heat up immediately and almost fainted again. "Taemin, you make me so crazy for youu..." I blurted out.


I paused and froze where I was when I realized what just I said. Oh no. What will happen now...


He laughed. "What are you talking about? We're only dancing---"


My clumsy self just had to trip over his feet onto my bed next to us. We ended up next to it while dancing awkwardly to the music in his ipod/phone, and then fell onto it because of me. I yelped and fell first, holding on to him for balance but pulling him along with me.


...So his body ended up on top of mine. Our faces were so close to each other. 


I blinked and stared into his eyes. My heart was beating like crazy now. Both of our breathing got heavier, and I could feel his warming up my face. The moonlight from my window only showed a glimpse of his pretty face, enough to think about my feelings for him again. "Taemin..."


My erted eyes glanced at his luscious lips... I looked away quickly and heard him gulp.


"Umm..." he hesitated.


Why won't he get off of me... I looked back at him and tried to make a casual conversation to get out of this awkward moment. "Where are the other SHINee members? Why were you alone today?"


"Ah.." Taemin laughed a little. "I snuck out of the dorm."


My eyes widened in shock. "Taemin!"


"They kept me in our bedroom and wouldn't let me out!" he pouted. "After that fight with Jin, Key took my phone away and didn't give me banana milk for days now... Onew said not to let me out of the room unless I'm going to school. Minho hyung would always go with me to school in case I didn't try to skip or whatever... The only person who's letting me have my freedom is Jjongie hyung." 



"So he let you out," I guessed. "Bad boy Jonghyun. -___-"


"It's fine," Taemin said. "I was able to see you again..."


I smiled sluggishly and blushed. I could feel his body heating up as well.


He was leaning closer to my face now. Our noses brushed against each other, and my body automatically responded by closing my eyes and preparing for a kiss.


WAIT A SEC. What are we doing?! my eyes shot open and Taemin's lips were only centimeters closer to mine. 


Before he got even millimeters closer, he whispered. " ... You know I want to protect you as well, right?"




I sat there in silence and stared at him. "But I'm supposed protecting you..."


Taemin pinched my cheeks softly and leaned even closer. His lips were now millimeters away. "Why do I like my own protector..." his warm breath brushed my lips, "You're allowed to fall in love with the one you protect, right?"


I blinked and clutched my chest as I felt it burning and beating like 100000 beats a minute. OHMYGOSH, calm down, !!


Wait. He said he wants to protect me... And asked if you're allowed to fall in love with the one you protect... Was he referring to me or him? And did he just confess?!


"Taemin??" I whispered, accidentally leaning a bit closer so now our lips were just brushing softly against each other. "Did...Did you just confess?" 


He smiled. "I like you, . Is that okay?"


I gasped and felt my heart explode with happiness and I was about ready to faint. Oh, Taemin! I like you, too!





...Until the doorbell rang from the front door.


Taemin and I flinched, backing off of each other. He got off of me quickly and scratched the back of his head nervously. "Uh...Sorry..." he apologized.


"What...No..." I whispered, a bit disappointed. "Don't apologize..."


He smirked a little and went for my room door to see who had rung the doorbell.


My door opened by itself and Jong In came parading in and shouted with enthusiasm and excitement.




"DONGSENG-AH!!" Jong In threw his arms around Taemin and hugged him tightly, petting through his hair. "I'm back! Aigoooo, your hair is so soft... What did you do to it? You smell nice... Did you lose weight? Why are you so skinny..." he took Taemin's face into his hands and KISSED HIM ON THE LIPS....passionately. "I missed you so muchh, my dongseng..."


I dropped my mouth and screamed in horror, slapping and flailing my arms over my bedsheets like crazy. "JONG IN OPPA YOU DUMB- !@)$^)%SON OF A ^@^$%@%$)WHAT THE^!@#%^&&&*(%&)(^@_)(()$%) BROTHER!!!"


Jong In flinched when he looked over at my figure on the bed and looked down at who he had hugged and kissed.


"Hyung......." Taemin stood there stiffly and could not move. I smacked my head and covered my face in embarassment.


Taemin and I almost had a moment tonight.... He confessed, we almost kissed, until the damn doorbell rang. My Oppa is back.... He was going to surprise me with an emotional hug and a passionate kiss on the lips....an odd thing for siblings to do...............


I should be happy.... But that kiss from Jong In was supposed to be MINE!!!! TTOTT I wailed and slammed myself onto the bed.


Lu Han stepped into my room behind Jong In and saw me screaming into my bed covers. "What happened?..." he looked at Jong In who was still shocked and embarassed that neither him or Taemin could move and chuckled. He walked closer to me on my bed. "What is Taemin doing in your room, ? Your room is dark and it was only the two of you in here..."


I screamed louder and kicked my bedsheets out of place and threw my pillows everywhere, trying to hide from the embarassing scene and let out my anger for Taemin stealing my kiss from Jong In, and for Jong In who ruined my moment with Taemin.


I didn't even get to confess to Taemin yet... 





Song from Taemin's phone/ipod: Honesty by SHINee The 4th Mini Album Sherlock


Translated by: Kimchi Hana @ shineee.net 

Credits: pop!gasa  




....Even I was embarassed typing this up... I kept giggling and blushing to myself and my sisters thought I was crazy weird. LOL ..... Jong In's kiss for his dongseng...stolen by Taemin......... Hehe. O_O ....enough said. Stay tuned for next chapter... 8D

And I apologize for the overuse of gifs and images. I just love Kai and Taemin...<3 hehe



EXO's MAMA Music Video <3 = EPICNESS















I'm out. <3

Stay tuned for the next chapter where an new student from the states arrive ;O

Little did you know that you and her have met somewhere before....

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying