New Student

Protect Taemin

Your POV

I grabbed my bag quickly and shot out of the house, yelling my goodbyes to my sisters and parents, and running as fast as I could to the Shinhwa High school building 10-15 minutes away by foot. Because there was only exactly 10 minutes until the gate closed, I had to hurry.


If only I had looked at the schedule for the gate closing time... I thought to myself, It's my first day and I am going to be SO LATE.


I moved from the United States to South Korea. I had three siblings, one older brother (Jong In) and two younger sisters (Hee Na and Ahn Jil). My brother is just a year older and we go to the same school. He didn't bother to wake me up or tell me the school schedule, though, so he left without me.


"That jerk, Jong In." I shook my head and laughed, seeing him up ahead. He was already 5 minutes away, nearing Shinhwa's gate. Only a few more minutes left before the gates closed. I sprinted quickly, making it through the last few seconds as the gate closed behind me.


Quickly catching my breath, I ran up to Jong In. "Oppa, where do we go?" I asked him.


"I don't know. The teachers will tell us." he said. He looked like he didn't want to be here at this humongous school. Our schools in the States were big but not as big and elegant as this one.


I made a face at his reply with an attitude and it was quiet for a bit as we got closer to the school building. It seemed like we were the last students to arrive because the whole outside seemed empty. We stepped into the building and walked down the hallway.


"Are you going to make friends at school, oppa?" I asked Jong In.


"You aren't?" he was smiling and waving to the girls who stared through the classroom windows as we passed by.


"Well, I just want to focus on education and school." I said, "People would just get in the way, wouldn't they?"


Jong In stopped where he was in the hallway and knelt down to my height and looked at me. "At least make some friends okay? Life isn't all about education."


"My only friends are in the United States." I said. He patted me on the head, about to say something but a teacher walked over to us.


"Annyeonghaseyo," she greeted us. "Are you the new students?"


Jong In stood up and we bowed to her in reply. "Ne,"


She led us to our homeroom classes then, taking Jong In to his first. He smiled softly as a goodbye. I waved to him before I left, catching the attention of some of his friends that he already made. I smiled a little, continuing to follow the teacher.


"I have a warning for you since you're in this homeroom." she said as we walked.


"Ne? What is it?" I asked.


"The kids are a bit... Problematic." she paused for a bit, "I hope you will ignore them and stay out of people's businesses."


I laughed under my breath. "I was planning to anyway." I entered the classroom and all I thought about was this: Don't make any friends.



That is the end of Chapter 1 ^_^ So you don't want to get involved into anything, huh? Let's see how you handle this bullying, eh? :) And how do you like "Jong In" being your brother ;D ahaha do you recgonize the name as EXO's Kai??(: I hope you liked the chapter! I'll type up and post chapter 2 later on today :D

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 46: My reaction after reading this was like "urghhhhhh omg omo the feels urgh this sadness that it's over but urghhhhh this was so good *unrecognizable dying sounds*" I basically binge read this fanfic and it really was amazing. It was written very well and it just seems like everything actually happened and that I lived like 2 years of my life in this story. Also made me realize that I really wish I had an oppa like Jongin ;-; tbh I find the kissing each other on the lips thing to be very cute and meaningful :) Although I'm sad that it's over, thank you so much for writing this <3 I'll probably end up reading it again in a few months and feeling all that ^^^ again aha >~< Anyways thanks again <3
Chapter 46: Awwwwww was so so so beautiful story!!!!
Chapter 40: I see you mentioned me here :) Thanks! :D
haha i like your writing style,hwaiting! ^-^
TicyaM #4
Chapter 24: argggg hahahah was LMFAO with this chapter :) I just found this story and I only can say that I'm loving it ^^
NoonaYeppo #5
asianhiphopdancer #6
Chapter 46: Hey yo wassup? Whoa E-X-O-T-I-C and I have the same thoughts!!! Coincidence? Hahahaha XD
Well im just gonna say for myself overall that this is the first fanfic i ever read.even before i had an account and stuff. And thanks to you, ive gotten into it and everything! So thank you :) you could say that i was one if your silent readers that looked up to you :3 hehe ^^" (cheesiness right there LOL!)
Chapter 46: omg ! I cant belive i found this :') this is actually the first story i read here in asianfanfic
i think it was early 2012 when i was searching up "taemin bullied in his school" (since i was curios) and i click on this one. For a second i thought this story was true that theirs actually a girl who help him back then and i relise this was just a fiction story. And yh i actually remember skipping the first chapter you wrote XD this story actually brings back memory :D
Chapter 46: Owww!! I love the Story! =) ~ <3
SoulCandy0807 #9
awww poor taemin ~!! :))
Says about the forward:
Taetae got BULLIED in SCHOOL???!!!!!!!
/ugly crying