Chapter 16: The secret of the Butterfly Wings

Legend of the Butterfly Pavilion

[Somi's pov]

I wore a normal hanbok to Yewon's old house which caught fire for investigation. I came out from the carriage as Lady Park and Aeri followed behind when another Royal guard approached.

"Consort Jeon." He bowed, "What brings you here?"

I smiled, "Just here to check for more evidence."

"My Lady, how can we-"

"You have been checking for days yet nothing came out."

The guard bowed again, "My Lady, forgive us!"

I walked past the guard with Lady Park and Aeri following behind. Many guards were around the house, checking for evidence and writing it down. I walked around when I suddenly stepped on something.

"My Lady, be careful!"

I looked down to see a pendant with burnt marks, picking it up.

"My Lady, could this be evidence?"

"Could be."

I turned the pendant to check on it, "Son Clan.."

"My Lady! This is-"

I held my hand up, "Don't say a word."

Lady Park and Aeri nodded as I took out a handkerchief and placed the pendant inside.

"Let's go."

I walked towards my carriage as the same guard approached me, "My Lady, have you found anything?"

"Not much."

The guard nodded, "Yes, My Lady."

"Keep looking and work hard."

The guard bowed, "I obey your command."

I gave him a slight glance and entered the carriage.

[Yewon's pov]

"Finally a breakthrough.."

"Your Highness!"

I looked up to see Lady Kim.

"What is it?"

"Consort Son has been capture."

I did not expect things to proceed so fast.

"Any clue why?"

"The maid who set the prince's pavilion on fire yesterday had been queried, she threw out that Consort Son was the one who ordered it and Consort Hwang found the burnt pendant at the house where we stayed and gave it to the King. The King had ordered Seungwan's entire pavilion be caught and now they are being questioned. The King also caught Consort Son's entire clan."

Yeebin rushed in, "Your Highness! Your Highness!"

"What is it?"

"Your Highness, this is bad! Crown Prince Ilmin has fainted."

I stood up immediately and ran to Ilmin's pavilion with Lady Kim, Yeebin and other courtladies chasing me.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!"

I rushed in to see the courtlady serving Ilmin, Lady Ahn came out.

"Your Highness!"

Lady Kim caught up, "Speak! What's going on!"

The courtladies came forward and kneeled in front of me.

"Your Highness, it is all our fault!"


"The Prince heard that his mother may be executed and fainted due to exhaustion after kneeling in front of the King's study for a long time."

Yeebin stepped forward, "Who told you to spout nonsense?"

"Yeebin, cut it out."

"Your Highness.." Lady Kim pulled Yeebin back.

I turned to them, "Stand up then"

"Thank you, Your Highness."

They stood up and bowed.

"Take care of the Prince."

"Yes, Your Highness."

I sighed and turned as my court ladies made a path for me to walk. Lady Kim and Yeebin followed me as the court ladies followed. I walked to the King's study.

"My Lord!"

I entered to see him with Somi.

Somi came forward and bowed, "Sister."

I bowed to Yoongi, "My Lord, let Consort Son off this time."

Somi approached me, "Sister, what-"

"Prince Ilmin has collasped hearing about his mother. If we sentence her to death, it will only cause chaos and if our country were to lose a prince during this. It will only cause much grief."

"Why are you pleading for her? She tried to hurt Yeon."

"My Lord, if she did not love you, she would not be jealous of me neither would she plot all these schemes. She loved you and the crown, therefore she was blinded by love."

"Love? Yewon, she tried to harm you."

I smiled, "My Lord."

Yoongi sighed, "Yewon.. Let's."

"My Lord, why not exile her instead? Give Ilmin face as the Crown Prince."

Somi nodded, "Sister is right.."

"Alright then.."

I left the King's study with Somi, she followed me as I walked to my pavilion with our court ladies following behind.

"Sister, why did you plead for Seungwan?"

I turned to Somi as we stopped halfway, "Ilmin fainted when he heard his mother would be executed. He kneeled in front of the King's study. Can you imagine what would happen if his mother dies? We might lose another prince."

I turned to walk as Somi followed me, we walked past Seungwan's pavilion, there were nobody but guards there.


"Let's go."

I was about to walk when Yeebin stopped me, "Your Highness!"

"Your Highness, what if-"

I smiled, "Alright no worries now."

I walked to Seungwan's pavilion as the guards bowed, "Your Highness."

"Stand up then."

I entered the pavilion as with Lady Kim following while Somi waited outside. We see Seungwan wearing black hanbok and a white dress while sitting in the dim-lit room. She looked up with angry tears and a slight glare.

"Why are you here."

Lady Kim stepped forward but I held my hand up to stop her as Lady Kim stepped back again.

"The state you are in now.."

"Kim Yewon, you caused it all."

"Right, you were jealous and you caused a fire that almost took the life of both the Queen and Crown Prince of Joseon, hoping if you killed us you can take over the crown and Ilmin will be safe. Would the King spare you even if he loves you?"

"I had to protect my child."

I smiled, "You know I will never harm the innocent.. I'm not you."

She looked at me, "I want Ilmin to shine, it's fate that brought us here."

"Fate? No, there is no fate in this world, everything was your own choice. You forced yourself to this state."

Seungwan remained silent.

"You know, after the King seemed to have thoughts of killing you along with the rumors, Ilmin went to kneel in front of the King's study to plead for mercy for you and the clan. He fainted from exhaustion and is still unconsious."

Seungwan burst into tears, "My baby.."

I stepped forward, "The King has also caught your clan members and were ready to execute them, including your beloved mother and brother."


I sighed and turned around, leaving the pavilion. The only sounds that I heard was Seungwan's cries.

[Seungwan's pov]

I stayed in my pavilion after Yewon left. I sighed as I recalled all the memories in the palace, the first time when I met Yewon, Yoongi. When Yewon was crowned Queen and I was just a mere 1st-rank Concubine, back then the King still loved me so much and soon after, Somi was also made 1st-rank concubine. I was always alone within the palace and I wanted to become Queen, because I want to be high above thousands but below one, my husband. However, these led to a series of events, the desire to reach the Crown made me blind.

I glanced at the mirror in front of me, "If I knew this was the ending, why did I even fight? This is so boring.."

Touching the reflection, "If there is reincarnation, if there is another life waiting for me, I hope.. You won't have to live this difficult life again."


I looked up to see Yoongi and stood up, bowing, "My Lord."

We sat down.

"Seungwan, tell me-"

I cut him off, "My Lord, it was all my doing, I set the Queen's house and the Crown Prince's house on fire. I admit to those mistakes."

He looked at me, "Seungwan, tell me, these are lies. You didn't do it, this isn't you."

"It is me."

"How did you become like this?"

I held back my tears, "My Lord, it was you. You caused me to become like this. If I didn't fall in love with you or gave you my heart, prehaps I could still be friends with Somi and Yewon."

He remained silent.

"Prehaps the mistake was not the fire, but falling in love with you. If I did not give you my heart from the start, prehaps I would not become in this state."

He looked at me with tears in his eyes, "Seungwan.."

I smiled, "My Lord, thank you for seeing me off."

"I won't stain my hands with your blood, Wan.."

"My Lord, I will use poison to repay my sins. It won't stain your hands for sure."

Yoongi looked at me as tears rolled down his cheeks while I held back my tears.


I broke eye contact with him, "I choose death by poison. At least I wouldn't live disgracefully then."


"My Lord, please."

He nods, "If this is your wish then I will fulfill it."

He got up and left.

"My Lord.."

I finally let out the tears I held back as I held onto the pendant Yoongi gifted me when I was a Concubine.

"My Lord, I'm sorry.. Seungwan disappointed you."

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Hii everyone, I know I haven't been posting or updating frequently!! I apologise for that, my exams just ended and holidays are starting soon so I'll be updating during that period.. I hope you guys will continue reading my stories and also sharing them (jkjk) Love you all luvlies~


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Chapter 29: <3
t_bear #2
Chapter 18: Yewon is a wise queen...she will fight to her death. Don't underestimate her graceful and soft appearance
t_bear #3
Chapter 17: Oh did you made a mistake by writing attempted murder on *Ilmin* ?
I got teary eyed while seeing Seungwan beg for Ilmin's wellbeing...and I'm reading this as I'm at work rn. Had to go to the back a bit to recover xD

I love how graceful Seungwan ended. She left without leaving us hating on her..amazing ?
t_bear #4
Chapter 16: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1328056/16'>Chapter 16</a></span>
Woooaaah what? That was one hell of an event and damn Seungwan...very insightful! Also...I don't know much about that time of Era, but wow the woman are woke/powerful and Queen Yewon is a wise one ?
t_bear #5
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Chapter 14: How could they think of attacking a child hmpf!!
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Chapter 12: could they do this!? ??
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