Chapter 15

Legend of the Butterfly Pavilion

[Yewon's pov]

I woke up to see Lady Kim and Yeebin sleeping while they kneeled.

"Lady Kim.."

Lady Kim and Yeebin opened their eyes, "Your highness."

I nod as Lady Kim got my dress and accessories.

Lady Kim helped to dress me as Yeebin came in.

"Your Highness!"

"Come in." 

 "Your Highness, after you were back. The Crown Prince's maid was seen leaving the pavilion of Consort Son."

"Keep an eye on her."

Lady Kim nodded, "Your Highness, it seems that they want to attack the Crown Prince.."

I wore my hair accessories, "Does brother know about this?" 

Lady Kim nodded, "Yes.."

"Bring Yeon to my pavilion secretly at night.. then make it seem like he slept."

"Yes, Your Highness."

A group of servants entered with my breakfast that was on a small table. I ate my breakfast while Yeebin brought in the papers of the Harem Affairs. I read them after breakfast while Lady Kim brought in Inspector Jang came in with a paper tray. She sat opposite me and helped me review them.

"Lady Jang, send word to the Royal House and request they build a porridge house to ensure that the poor have enough."

"Yes, Your Highness." Lady Jang nodded.

I look through the documents, "There are many extra items in the warehouse now, get the Royal Warehouse to prepare those items for sale. We can sell those and change some taels for the porridge house."

"Yes Your Highness."

I smiled, "That would be all, go down then."

Lady Jang bowed and took the paper tray, leaving the pavilion.

"Lady Kim!"

"Yes Your Highness?"

I took out my purple butterfly norigae and hung it on my dangui. "Prepare the ladies, I'll be taking a walk."

I stood up with Lady Kim's help, retreating my hands under my dangui and walked out, wore my shoes at the entrance and walked with Lady Kim following behind and Yeebin who joined her, followed by six other court ladies who stood behind them while another group of six stood by the entrance of my pavilion to guard it. I walked around the palace and the memories of me then.

"Your Highness.." I glanced at Yeebin.

Yeebin looked at something, "It's Consort Son."

I glanced at the direction Yeebin looked at and saw Seungwan who met eyes with me. I smirked slightly and kept a straight face as she approached me with her hands under the dangui. I walked towards her and stopped as she bowed with her court ladies and my court ladies bowed slightly.

"Your Highness." She smiled.

"Right.. It's been a while."

She looked at me with a slight glare in her eyes, "I heard you were almost caught in a fire."

I smiled, "Yea, I'm not sure who wanted to set my house on fire but the King has sent people to investigate the fire. I'm sure we'll find the culprit soon."

"Right.. Harming the Queen is a huge sin." Her eyes quivered.

I looked at her, "Right. Some know it is a crime yet they still do it to get closer to the crown for their own benefit."

She looked at me and I looked back at her for a long time it was silence and we just looked at each other.

"Yea.. those people are selfish."

"Right, selfish but they don't know their mistakes will cost their child." I looked at her again.

She nods frantically, "Yes Your Highness."

I smiled at her, "Right. I heard you have a Prince. I'll go visit him some time."

Seungwan bowed to me, "Yes. He will be happy to see you."

"Right, he is your hope in the palace anyway."

"Yes.." Seungwan smiled, "Your Highness, I have to go. It's time for Ilmin's nap time."

I nod as she bowed to me with her court Ladies and mine bowed as she left. I watched as she leaves.

[Seungwan's pov]

"What did she mean..?"

"My Lady?" Lady Han kneeled in front of me as I sat down in my pavilion.

"The Queen.. she might know something."

"No, My Lady.."

"But she mentioned the crown and then son. She mentioned Ilmin.. Prehaps she know something."

"No, My Lady. You're thinking too much."

I looked at Lady Han and calmed down a little, "Really?"

"My Lady, there are so many people in this world who want the Crown."

I nodded, "Right..."

Lady Han helped pour me a cup of water which I drank.

I looked at Lady Kim, "Are they ready?"

"Yes, My Lady. At your orders we will attack Prince Yeon."

I nod, "Send word. We'll proceed tonight."

Lady Han bowed and left the pavilion.

[Yewon's pov]

"Your Highness.."

I watched as Seungwan left in a hurry and then turned to Lady Kim and Yeebin.

"Your Highness."

I nod, "You are right, there is something not quite right about Seungwan."

"Your Highness, prehaps?"

I turned to look at the view, "She is suspicious. everyone knows how her supporters were preventing Yeon from being Crown Prince."

Yeebin glanced at me, "What's your plan then Your Highness?"

I smiled, "We'll let her plan roll then."

I looked at the garden view and smiled.

"You're here."

I turned to see Yoongi.

"My Lord." I bowed with my court ladies.

He smiled and held out his hand, I lifted my right hand from under my dangui and held his hand.

"Let's go!"

We walked first and the servants rearranged themselves. I smiled as he held my hand tightly. He lead to my garden where there was a feast. He brought me to sit down and he sat next to me. We ate as the Royal Musicians played music in the middle of the garden.

"Thank you for this, My Lord!"

He nod and pat my hand.

"Mother!" I smiled as Yeon came over.

"Father! Mother!" Yeon bowed.

I signalled the servants to grab a chair for Yeon. He sat next to me and ate. The feast ended later and Yoongi left for state affairs while I sent Yeon back.

Lady Kim and Yeebin came over, "Your Highness."

"Right, is everything ready?"

"Yes. Everything is ready according to your orders."

I nod, "Get Yeon from the back entrance."

"Yes Your Highness." Yeebin bowed and went off with two other servants.

I sat in my pavilion as Yeon entered.

"Stay quiet okay?"

"Yes, Mother."

Lady Kim came in with Yeebin and moved the screen panel that was behind my sitting area and revealed a hidden room.

"Yeon.. Stay here for a while okay? Mother will be outside."


I smiled, "Yeebin will be here with you, call me if you need anything."

Yeon nodded as Lady Kim and Yeebin closed the panel before closing the door.

"Get the prince prepared for bed."

I walked out to Yeon's empty pavilion with Lady Kim and six other court ladies following behind. I walked in and pretended to put him to sleep, getting Yeon's cap and placing it on the pillow, then placing a bolster on the bed and covered it with a blanket. I left the pavilion as Lady Kim approached with a lantern.

"Take care of the prince well." 

The servants bowed, "Yes Your Highness."

I glanced at them one last time and left with Lady Kim holding the lantern and the other court ladies.

"Lady Kim, tell brother it's time."

"Yes, Your Highness."

I tapped my fingers as I waited.


Yeebin came out from the secret room and kneeled next to me as I sat down on my cushion.

"Your Highness."

I smiled, "Get the prince out and prepare some snacks.

"Yes Your Highness." Yeebin brought Taemin out and got some snacks and tea.

"Taemin-ah, we'll stay here for a while. Later we'd go out okay?"

"Yes Mother." I smiled as he sat next to me.

[Author's pov]

The rest of the servants at Yeon's Pavilion were dismissed. One maid was sneaking around, checking that there was no one around. She started pouring oil around the pavilion. She took out a candle and lit the oil then blew the candle out and ran off.

"Fire! Fire!" She screamed as she ran away but she was caught by guards.

"Prince! Prince!" The servants were scrambling to get water to put out the fire.

The King came over with Consort Jeon.

"What is going on here?"

"Sire! Sire! The Prince's Pavilion caught on fire.."

The King looked around frantically, "Where's the prince?"

"W-we can't find him."

"What..?" The King was about to rush inside but he was stopped by the Consort and Eunuch.

"My Lord! I'm sure the Prince is safe."

"My Lord!"

Consort Son came over with her court ladies and bowed to the King while Consort Jeon bowed to her with her court ladies.

"My Lord, what's going on?"

"The prince's pavilion caught on fire.."

"Where's the Queen?"

A servant came over, "The Queen is here!"

The Queen, Yewon came over and bowed to the King with her court ladies.

"My Lord! Why did Yeon's pavilion caught on fire."

The King sighed, "I hope they find Yeon."

"My Lord, Yeon is resting well in my pavilion."

The King smiled, "Really?"

The Queen nodded, "He came over because he couldn't sleep well."

"How can it be? Nobody saw the prince leave."

"Consort Son, are you saying that the Queen is lying?" Lady Kim asked.


[Seungwan's pov]

'How can it be.. Yeon cannot be outside the pavilion.'

"Get the Prince." Her servant bowed and came back with the prince.

I almost fell back in shock but Lady Han supported me.

"Consort Son? Are you okay?"

"Yes.. just didn't sleep well last night."

Yewon smiled, "Go and rest then."

I bowed with my court ladies and returned to my pavilion.

"My Lady."

"How can it be? He should be dead..."

"My Lady.."

"Right, I have other chances."

[Yewon's pov]

Yoongi checked on Yeon and smiled.

"My Lord.."

He smiled and held my hand, "I thought I'd lose you again."

"I promised you to protect Yeon."

"I'd chose you over anything.." He kissed my hands.

I smiled, "I'll bring Yeon back to my pavilion."


I smiled and bowed to Yoongi with Yeon, I turned and held Yoongi's hand, walking back to my pavilion. I entered my pavilion with Yeon and helped clean him up.

"Yeon, let's sleep."

Yeon slept next to me and I pat him to sleep.

'Yeon, I will protect you with my life..'

I smiled and fell asleep with him in my arms,

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Hii everyone, I know I haven't been posting or updating frequently!! I apologise for that, my exams just ended and holidays are starting soon so I'll be updating during that period.. I hope you guys will continue reading my stories and also sharing them (jkjk) Love you all luvlies~


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Chapter 29: <3
t_bear #2
Chapter 18: Yewon is a wise queen...she will fight to her death. Don't underestimate her graceful and soft appearance
t_bear #3
Chapter 17: Oh did you made a mistake by writing attempted murder on *Ilmin* ?
I got teary eyed while seeing Seungwan beg for Ilmin's wellbeing...and I'm reading this as I'm at work rn. Had to go to the back a bit to recover xD

I love how graceful Seungwan ended. She left without leaving us hating on her..amazing ?
t_bear #4
Chapter 16: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1328056/16'>Chapter 16</a></span>
Woooaaah what? That was one hell of an event and damn Seungwan...very insightful! Also...I don't know much about that time of Era, but wow the woman are woke/powerful and Queen Yewon is a wise one ?
t_bear #5
Chapter 15: Ok...I'm a lil slow, but who is Taemin? Also Yewon is so onto sth!! I'm living ?
t_bear #6
Chapter 14: How could they think of attacking a child hmpf!!
t_bear #7
Chapter 12: could they do this!? ??
t_bear #8
Chapter 11: Suddenly you care, what, Yoongi?
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Chapter 10: The feels in this chap are strong!!
t_bear #10
Chapter 9: What?? ??