
Legend of the Butterfly Pavilion

Kim Yewon, Queen of the Joseon Dynasty: Daughter of the current Emperor of Qing. She was married to King Yoongi and came back to the Qing with her Shizi before she returned again as Queen to Joseon. She was in love with Yoongi all her life, however her death was a tragic one. Throughout her reign, she was a wise and weak Queen, she loved butterflies and the King renamed her pavilion as the Butterfly Pavilion. She moved out of the palace because she was sick in her later years but was abandoned by Yoongi and died alone. Before her death, she cut off a part of her hair in her deathbed with a letter to the King. She was heartbroken and thought she was abandoned by Yoongi as he loved Consort Jieun better whom gave him a better son, Yoonhi the future King of Joseon. She severed her ties with Yoongi by cutting off her hair that was once used to tie both her and Yoongi together. She was cared for by Yerin and Namjoon when she was sick. Her son, Yeon went back to the Qing instead with his uncle. She also had a daughter, Yeji and was the foster mother to Ilmin, who was the son of Lady Seungwan. When she died, the butterflies from her pavilion flocked around the palaces around Yewon's favourite plum tree that had died but Yewon still cared for it, watering it regularly she even brought it with her out of the palace. Her pavilion was sealed after her death under the order of Consort Eunbi. Consort Jennie protected Yeon along with the Queen Mother, mother of King Yoongi as per Yewon's wish before she left the palace. She's buried next to Consort Seungwan of the Son Clan. She is posthumously restored by the Qing as Heshuo Renhui Keli CiJia Gongju 和硕任慧恪丽慈嘉公主)She was only given the title of Empress by Joseon and all her history was burned by Yoongi's orders. However, some of her servants managed to compile things that Yewon had and saved them from burning, those unburnt items were brought back by Yerin, who was Yewon's Friend to the Qing for the Kim's Clan.

Min Yoongi: King of Joseon and husband to Yewon. He abandoned Yewon and favoured Consort Jieun whom he wanted to name Empress. Before Consort Jieun came, he was deeply in love with Yewon. He never read Yewon's letters because the cover was from Namjoon, he thought Namjoon was pleading for Yewon. Only when Yewon died, he opened those letters and read them carefully. Lady Kim gifted Yewon's final letter to Yoongi and then stabbed herself in the heart to make Yoongi guilty. He regretted what he did to Yewon for the remaining of His Life. He kept all of Yewon's letter and the hair that Yewon cut off in her death for the next fourty years in a golden box with the handkerchief Yewon made for him before she was sickly. He cut off his hair and placed it in the box and later died holding onto it. As Yewon's dead blossom tree sprouts again in 60 years.

Min Yeon: Son of Yoongi and Yewon. He was Yewon's most loved person in her life, protected by Yewon while she reign. When Yewon became sick and weak, the Queen Mother stepped in as per Yewon's wishes. Later returns to Qing with his uncle and sets up a manor there. He was given the title of Shizi as his mother is a princess. His sister was posthumously given title of Heshuo Gege by the Next Emperor, his Half-Uncle Daehyun. He remained in Qing all his life and refused to step foot into Joseon until his father passed on. He returned to his mother's pavilion and looked at the butterflies which welcomed him, also looked for his aunt, Consort Dowager Jennie whom protected him when his mother was sickly. He was posthumously given the title of Qinwang and named Desheng Fuhuo Qinwang(德胜福霍亲王)by the Qing Court.

Min Yeji: Daughter of Yoongi and Yewon. Posthumously given name of Heshuo Heji Gongju 和硕赫芰公主)by the Qing Court

Consort Jieun: Plotted to tear apart Yoongi and Yewon. She became the most favoured Consort. However, she was desposed after her secret affair with guard Jiyong was found out by Consort Eunbi who visited Jiyong when he was in the royal prison. She plotted the murder of Ilmin and caused Yewon to take the blame but Ilmin was saved by Yerin and protected within Yerin's palace. She also tried to poison Yeon so her son could take the throne.

Min Yoonhi: Future King of Joseon. Son of Yoongi and Consort Jieun.

Consort Jennie: Friends with Yewon and Somi. Worked together with Eunbi to expose Consort Jieun and her evil deeds. Later becomes the foster mother of Yoonhi and becomes Queen Mother.

Consort Somi(Previously named Consort Eunbi): Great friends with Yewon and visited Jiyong in jail to get evidence of a secret affair by Jieun and Him. She had a daughter with Yoongi named Yeri whom was great friends with Yeji at childhood.

Min Yeri: Daughter of Yoongi and Consort Eunbi. Later marries Prince Yugyeom of Qing.

Min Ilmin: Son of Consort Seungwan and Yoongi. Marries a noblewomen later in his life and remains close with Yeon.

Consort Seungwan: Mother of Ilmin. Conspired many evil plans to harm Yewon but in the end begged Yewon to protect Ilmin before she was executed. Later given the title of Great Royal Noble Consort Huijing after her death.

Grand Princess Jisoo: Yoongi's sister. She is close with her mother, the current Queen Mother Wei. She helped save Ilmin with Yerin and protected Yeon when Yewon left the palace.

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Hii everyone, I know I haven't been posting or updating frequently!! I apologise for that, my exams just ended and holidays are starting soon so I'll be updating during that period.. I hope you guys will continue reading my stories and also sharing them (jkjk) Love you all luvlies~


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Chapter 29: <3
t_bear #2
Chapter 18: Yewon is a wise queen...she will fight to her death. Don't underestimate her graceful and soft appearance
t_bear #3
Chapter 17: Oh did you made a mistake by writing attempted murder on *Ilmin* ?
I got teary eyed while seeing Seungwan beg for Ilmin's wellbeing...and I'm reading this as I'm at work rn. Had to go to the back a bit to recover xD

I love how graceful Seungwan ended. She left without leaving us hating on her..amazing ?
t_bear #4
Chapter 16: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1328056/16'>Chapter 16</a></span>
Woooaaah what? That was one hell of an event and damn Seungwan...very insightful! Also...I don't know much about that time of Era, but wow the woman are woke/powerful and Queen Yewon is a wise one ?
t_bear #5
Chapter 15: Ok...I'm a lil slow, but who is Taemin? Also Yewon is so onto sth!! I'm living ?
t_bear #6
Chapter 14: How could they think of attacking a child hmpf!!
t_bear #7
Chapter 12: could they do this!? ??
t_bear #8
Chapter 11: Suddenly you care, what, Yoongi?
t_bear #9
Chapter 10: The feels in this chap are strong!!
t_bear #10
Chapter 9: What?? ??