Angel's Journey

A Game of Chaos

Leeteuk swore profusely as he traveled through the world of light, he could feel one of his babies’ presence fading. He pulled out, landing in the middle of a desert and swore, the throbbing in his head had made it difficult for him to pinpoint HeeChul’s location; that and the ever changing landscape of the game provided constant interference. Leeteuk looked around, trying to see if he’d gotten lucky and the slightly younger man was nearby; no such luck, there wasn’t so much as a figure in the distance. He was met with nothing but dunes of sand and sweltering heat, the latter did nothing to help his pounding headache. He sat down in the warm sand and tried to concentrate; focusing on finding the person whose life force was steadily draining. He entered a world of void, not much different than Loki’s, and his astral projection was met with manifestations of everyone’s powers. He looked around; a few elements seemed distressed, such as Yesung’s tornado and EunHyuk’s water bubble but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. That is until he laid eyes on the small black flame, representative of none other than the snarky gamer.

“Kyuhyun…” Leeteuk gasped.


The flame that had once burned pure and calmly had begun to turn erratic, growing in size and then decreasing rapidly as a dark shadow began to creep into it. Leeteuk swore heavily and tried to focus, get a lock on Kyuhyun’s position; maybe he could save him before it was too late, before Loki took him. Before he could do so the flame extinguished, Leeteuk’s eyes widened in shock; tears pricked at the angel’s eyes. He swore profusely and glanced over at Yesung’s element, knowing that if the second youngest player had died the former singer would be the most distressed; however the condition of the third oldest’s element had not changed. Out of the corner of Leeteuk’s eyes he saw the fire light once more, a sense of relief flooded through Leeteuk; however when he turned to meet the image he was met with the sight of a black flame.

“…Loki took him.”


Leeteuk let his concentration slip, returning him to the game and the desert; he stood up slowly. The hot sand scorched his palm, but he barely noticed; his mind and heart were a mess. Loki had taken the pyrokinetic, the only reason Loki would “corrupt” a player instead of just killing them would be to get to Leeteuk, and the angel knew it well. The guilt of letting one of his dongsaengs get taken by the evil man weighed heavy on his heart; it also lit a fire within him. Loki needed to be stop and this infernal game needed to draw to a close; Leeteuk knew that the only way this would happen would be if one of them was killed. More accurately, the game would only end when one killed the other; the blood of the loser painting the hands of the victor. Leeteuk took a deep breath and gazed up at the harsh sun briefly, the perils in the desert were many; the sun only one of them. The angel started walking knowing that he needed to try and find the remaining players before Loki took them, that he needed to band the rest of them together; that would be the only way to keep the rest of them safe. Leeteuk vowed that he wouldn’t let anymore of the players become Loki’s pawns; he’d rather die than see them in that state.


He hiked up one of the sand dunes, still lost in thought; he needed to figure out how to get Kyuhyun back. Loki’s powers were strong and Kyuhyun was one of the “weaker” of the players; meaning that he would be one of the easiest to corrupt. Leeteuk sighed, his heart and head aching at the thought of Kyuhyun and the psychological torture he’d endured to have been broken. As he walked Leeteuk became near oblivious to his surroundings, too lost in thought to notice the danger lurking behind him. Something slithered in the sands behind him, quietly stalking him as he walked; the sand barely shifted as the thing moved. Leeteuk continued walking, tripping over a rock and stumbling before he managed to catch himself; the stumble brought him out of his thoughts. The angel sensed something was off, realizing that he wasn’t alone anymore he looked behind him; he saw nothing but sand stretching as far out as he could see. With an eyebrow raised he turned back around and started walking once more, following the sense of HeeChul being nearby; the sand behind him began moving once more. Leeteuk continued to walk, chiding himself for being paranoid; he took a step forward and the creature launched itself out of the sand below him. Leeteuk jumped out of the way, sailing through the air calmly; back flipping as a giant black claw emerged from the sand. He landed as the creature emerged fully, a giant black scorpion blinked at him with its eight eyes; pincers clicking angrily.

“Aish really? Damn bugs…” Leeteuk grumbled under his breath, standing up fully.


The scorpion stared at him as he rose to full height; power flowing through him. The scorpion moved forward quickly, rushing at him to see if it could grab him with a pincer; Leeteuk flipped over it, sailing over its tail. He landed on his feet, calmly watching the scorpion as it turned to face him again. A small smile tugged at Leeteuk’s lips, causing the dimples to appear; as the scorpion stepped towards him it was met with a wall of power. White hot power coursed through Leeteuk, materializing as lightning surrounding him; the scorpion charged again. It reached Leeteuk, prepared to grab him and break the angel’s body in half with its vice grip; Leeteuk watched the creature unmoving. Once it reached him and went to deal the death blow, it split in half; the two halves falling to either side of Leeteuk. The angel shook his head lightly and turned away from the dead arachnid, walking away and returning on the path that would theoretically lead to HeeChul.

“Loki-ah! If you really wanted to kill me you shouldn’t have sent a bug!” Leeteuk yelled, taunting the man he knew could hear him.

“I didn’t want the bug to kill you Teukkie, only I will have that pleasure.” Came the response.


Leeteuk smiled sardonically.

“You wish .” He muttered under his breath.


HeeChul’s life force was getting closer, Leeteuk broke out into a run at the feeling; he needed to reach the man soon. He ran, ignoring his throbbing headache and the sweltering heat coupled with the dull throb of power running through his veins. He could see two figures in the distance and he sped up; calling out as he recognized HeeChul’s and HanGeng’s life forces. He took another step forward, foot falling through the sand; he sunk deep into the ground with a startled yell. He fell through the darkness landing on what felt like a boulder; a loud crack echoing through the darkness. Leeteuk groaned and rolled off the boulder, struggling to breathe as he had landed on his front. He wheezed in pain, tears prickling at his eyes as he cursed himself for being so stupid.

“Now now Teukkie, you didn’t think I would let it be that easy did you?” Loki’s voice taunted.

“Bastard.” Leeteuk wheezed in reply.


Loki’s laugh echoed out over head, Leeteuk’s eyes began to close against his will; the pain becoming too much for him to take.

Hey guys! This is the first update during when I’m gone! I hope you like it and I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful comments when I get back! ^ ^ So y’all got to see some of Leeteukie’s power, not a whole lot though but still, ummmm what else. Loki’s a bastard as usual yeah. Not much going on in this chapter next chapter is a EunWook chapter! ^ ^ Hope you guys like it!
Ps. Be nice to Dobu, after all if you’re seeing this it means she loves me enough to upload these for me while I’m gone! ^ ^

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Soo.. sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I lost my notebook I had written the plan out in.. BUT I'M BACK AND WRITING THE NEW CHAPPIE. It'll be out by 20th


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Kimgaram123 #1
Chapter 51: Please update, 2023 is just to be end and i'm still waiting, i really wonder what happened to Siwon
Prom15e-to-13elieve #2
Chapter 51: I am seriously loving this story so damn much ohmygod your waiting is flawless! Are you planning to continue this story? (Please say Yes!!) Cause it's got me hooked and gahhh the suspense!
loveSungmin #3
Chapter 51: I love it please update I want to know what happened to sungmin
MeinAltire2 #4
Chapter 50: what happen next??? looking forward
Chapter 51: This story is so amazing. Like I kept putting off reading it but now that I have, I'm mindblown.

I seriously spent all night reading this. I you have any plans to update this story at all?
Kpopcrazy92 #6
Chapter 51: This makes me angry...
The fact that I have to wait for an new chapter of this freaking amazing story. Why? Just why??
But this story is amazing. Plain amazing.
257471 #7
Chapter 51: woahhh this is good, thanks please continue :)
Chapter 51: I just got an account for AFF very recently and this story makes me log on pretty much everyday in hope of seeing an update! You're an amazIng writer! :) I'm always on the edge of my seat while reading! (Even though I'm pretty much always laying down when I read...but that's beside the point! XD) Keep up the good work!! Hwaiting! ^ ^
cynicallynnlove #10
Chapter 51: soo, in a weird way, it's kinda funny that people are dropping like flies, but still... D: and asjkldgh! snap out of it kyu! go protect ming ;^; omg teukie where are youuu~? thanks for the update ^^ I know reality can get pretty hectic and I really appreciate your effort to update c: