
A Game of Chaos


Suddenly he hit the ground, the grip of the tentacle was gone; DongHae’s eyes shot open in time to see a flash of a bow staff being twirled, shielding him as he hit the ground. DongHae groaned as he felt his back burn as he dropped to the ground; he looked over at his savior. A man smaller than himself stood in front of him, blocking the beast’s tentacles with the staff. The man turned his head toward him briefly before returning his focus to the attacking monstrosity. The creature growled at them, bearing it’s fangs at the pair threateningly. The creature flicked its tongue and shot it at the smaller man who blocked it with the bow staff. A flurry of attacks followed, with each hit of the tongue the bow staff melted at the point of contact. The slightly smaller man backed up, attempting to avoid the splashes of acidic saliva that sloshed towards him with each hit.

“Hurry up and get the swords; help me out here moron! Do you WANT to die?!” The man yelled.

                DongHae scrambled to his feet and picked up the swords just in time; the acidic saliva had eaten away at the bow staff. The other man swore like a long-shore man as the staff snapped in half; sensing the uselessness of the now broken bow staff threw the pieces to the floor before assuming a fighting stance. He backed up a tad as the beast approached, before launching into a series of attacks on the creature. The smaller man attacked almost ruthlessly punching and kicking between counterattacking the beast’s wild swings; the beast shot his tongue out at the man, and he dodged seamlessly. DongHae merely watched in awe as the man dodged easily before launching another flurry of punches and kicks at the beast. However he did not notice a few of the tentacles making their way behind him.

“Look out!” DongHae yelled.     

                His body moved automatically in ways he didn’t know he was capable of; he twisted and gracefully swung the swords in an arc, severing the tentacles in the process. The creature howled in pain and lashed out at him, this time with its tongue; DongHae turned in a circle, the blades spinning in a deadly and intricate figure eight as he did. His left blade came in contact with the acidic tongue and severed the dangerous appendage; the downward of his right hand shifted seamlessly into an upward curve, carving a slash in the beast’s front. The attack cut through one of the purple markings, and the beast’s remaining clawed paw flew out at him; DongHae flipped out of the way. The young man was amazed at himself as he flipped through the air, dodging the blows. The man landed his back flip near perfectly; the other man had grabbed one of the broken pieces of his staff while the beast was preoccupied with DongHae. The man kicked the beast’s legs out from underneath it with a textbook leg sweep; the creature fell to its knees and the man immediately jammed the broken and sharp end of the broken staff through its eye socket. Black blood oozed from the wound and it fell forward, the solid end of the staff hitting the ground. The staff slid further into its skull with the added weight of the creature with a wet “shlick”; the creature let out a final, weak growl before it ceased to move. DongHae let out a sign of relief and sheathed the swords. The adrenaline rush had begun to wear off and he dropped to the ground; landing on his . He ran an unsteady as he tried to make sense of what had just transpired. The other man walked over to him and knelt in front of him; looking into DongHae’s face, searching for any signs of injury and weakness.

“You okay?” The man asked.

                DongHae nodded weakly, the sudden loss of adrenaline had left him unstable and panting.

“Thank you.” DongHae said softly.          

                The man smiled and offered him a hand which DongHae took gratefully; this man had just saved his life, he trusted him. The man helped DongHae to his feet before shooting a glance back at the dead beast.

“C’mon, we should keep moving.” The man said,

                DongHae nodded and followed the man out of the room through the door the beast had come through. The corridor was more illuminated than the room had been, candelabras lined the stone walls. DongHae and the man walked in silence; their footsteps echoing off of the stone wall.

“My name’s SungMin by the way.” The man spoke up.

“DongHae.” DongHae replied.

“Nice to meet you, sorry bout the circumstances though.” SungMin said with a smile.

                Unbeknownst to the two walking pair they were being watched; KangIn laughed loudly at the scene that had played out before them on the screen.

“If it weren’t for SiWon’s player yours would be dead in the first five minutes HanGeng!” KangIn laughed.

“Shut up fool.” HanGeng replied icily.

                The men were seated in a plush viewing room; a series of screens surrounded a large movie screen. The main screen was playing the scene that had just unfolded between DongHae and SungMin, the others were monitoring the other players. KangIn was seated in a black leather recliner, a beer in hand; SiWon on the other hand reclined rather elegantly in a velvet love seat. He balanced a glass of red wine in his left hand; HanGeng sat on an embroidered armchair, a martini glass in hand. KangIn put his beer down on a coffee table and lit a cigarette; HanGeng and SiWon wrinkled their noses in distaste at the sight of the cancer stick. KangIN took a long drag and watched as SungMin killed the beast that had attacked DongHae.

“SungMin is doing rather well, so far he and that other one have reacted the fastest.” SiWon remarked.

“HanGeng got a bunch of !” KangIn laughed.

“They will prove useful in time at least DongHae reacted faster than some of yours KangIn.” HanGeng retorted wisely.

                The men watched as the pair on the screen introduced themselves and began walking. KangIn made a gagging noise.

“Ew, so lovey-dovey.” KangIn snorted.

“Oh be quiet.” HanGeng growled in his accented Korean.

“Who are you to tell me to shut up?! Huh?!” KangIn yelled.

“Calm down, both of you.” SiWon sighed.

                The door behind the men clicked open and HeeChul and Leeteuk appeared. Their eyes immediately gravitating towards the screens; Leeteuk let out a sigh of relief at the discovery that no one had died yet.

“Welcome gentle men.” SiWon said to the two older males.

“Chullie, come here.” HanGeng said in Chinese.

                HeeChul looked offended but bit his tongue at the sound of the foreign language; the urge to call out the Triad leader was strong and ultimately the effeminate man succumbed to it.

“What the hell did he say? I don’t speak that bull.” HeeChul said.

“HeeChul come here, join me.” HanGeng repeated in Korean.

“No.” HeeChul retorted stubbornly.

“Daww, lover’s spat.” KangIn mocked lightly.

                The burly man then gestured for Leeteuk to join him in the viewing as well; the blonde declined the offer with a simple shake of his head.

“And watch my babies get killed? Hell no.” Leeteuk growled.

                With that statement the blonde stalked off, storming out of the room angrily. HeeChul reluctantly walked over to the Chinese man and sat down on the arm of HanGeng’s chair. Unlike Leeteuk not watching the game and its events made him worry for the participants more. The effeminate man often worried over the charges (much to his displeasure) and found watching the game disheartening, and often sad but effective in quelling the nervous fidgeting he despised so much. All eyes were on the screen as DongHae and SungMin approached another room; the smaller male entered the room first, cautious and ready for an attack by an unknown assailant. DongHae drew his swords and followed suit, less calm than the martial artist. The room was dungeon like; skeletons littered the floor along with mangled and gnawed on human remains. DongHae felt the bile rising in his throat again at the sight, he looked away hoping that the other man hadn’t seen his reaction.

“You aren’t going to puke are you?” SungMin asked.

“I’ll be fine. Where is this place?” DongHae replied with some difficulty.

“Who knows? It may truly be hell.” SungMin replied.

                A gurgling noise echoed around the room, halting their conversation. Blood oozed down the walls, like the stone itself was bleeding. When the crimson liquid came in contact with the remains the liquid began to bubble. Crimson bubbles exploded and formed over and over again before giving way to human-like figures. The blood-made creatures staggered towards them and the men watched in terror as they multiplied in numbers. One became four, four became sixteen, sixteen became forty-eight. The creatures grew talons, fangs and features.

“.” SungMin swore.

“I second that.” DongHae agreed.

                A blood creature lunged at DongHae, who hacked it in half more easily than he thought he would be able to. The creature dissolved but two more took its place.

“Well they multiply.” DongHae yelled.

                He glanced at SungMin who was dodging and countering attacks from the creatures.

“SungMin! Here! Take a sword!” DongHae yelled, fully prepared to throw a weapon to his new partner.

“Don’t need it!” SungMin yelled back.

                DongHae was attacked once more before he could retort; as he hacked, slashed and cut he noticed SungMin had managed to back away from his attackers. Before DongHae could ask the man what he was doing a burst of light appeared from SungMin’s left palm. A sword handle emerged from the light and SungMin took hold of it with his right hand without hesitation; he pulled the handle and a large broad sword appeared. The light dissipated and SungMin resumed attacking with new vigor. DongHae was stunned but kept attacking regardless, HeeChul and Leeteuk’s words echoing in his mind; he’d ask SungMin what had just happened later. Soon both men were panting and they had ended up surrounded; they stood back to back, weapons coated thoroughly in blood.

“What do we do?” DongHae asked in between puffs of breath.

“You see an exit?” SungMin replied.

                DongHae glanced around, and spotted a barred door. He swore and took a step back, his foot hitting a metal ring that made a loud noise when it was struck. The noise caused a few of the figures to vibrate and finally explode; the figures that exploded did not duplicate. SungMin looked down and cursed himself for being so stupid. He and DongHae were standing on top of a trap door; there was bound to be something underneath them. SungMin’s mind whirred as he thought of a way to get out of there; he knew they couldn’t risk one of them opening the door normally because they would be overtaken. The only other solution he saw was…drastic to say the least. Making up his mind he felt the now familiar rush of power and burn in his palm as the light seared his hand; a grenade appeared in his palm and the light faded.

“DongHae, I’m going to blow up the floor.” He said.

“What?!” was DongHae’s response.

                SungMin pulled the pin without hesitation and threw the grenade onto the floor; he tackled DongHae as the explosion went off. The floor underneath them crumbled and they fell downward; the pair landed on a marshy terrain, the soggy ground however, did nothing to ease their fall. DongHae groaned as a dull pain spread through his back, he had been thrown around like a rag doll all day. SungMin recovered first and stood up, he dusted off his pink skinnies and looked down in amusement at the and cursing DongHae. The younger man had chosen to roll around on the floor instead of getting up; a giggle escaped SungMin’s lips and DongHae glared up at him.

“You could have warned me.” DongHae grumbled as he got up.

“I did warn you Pabo; I said ‘I’m going to blow up the floor’.” SungMin replied.

“Yeah like two seconds before you did it!” DongHae yelled.

“Still counts.”

“No it doesn’t.” DongHae pouted.

                SungMin rolled his eyes at the action; he was used to being the cute one. The older male poked the younger in the forehead with two fingers.

“How old are you? Three?” He asked with a playful smile tugging at his lips.

“No, I’m twenty-four.” DongHae replied.

“I’m older than you, twenty-five. That makes me your hyung, show me some respect brat.” SungMin said, smile never faltering.

“What? But you look younger than me!”

“Well at least I don’t look like a fish.” SungMin huffed, indignant.

“Well you look like a bunny Minnie-hyung!” DongHae shot back childishly.

“A bunny’s cuter than a fish!” SungMin retorted.

“Is not!”

“Is too!”

“Is not!”

“Is too!”

“Is not!”

“Is too!”

“Is not!”

“ENOUGH!” SungMin yelled, bringing a stop to the childish argument.

                DongHae glared at him and picked up his swords from the ground.

“Let’s just keep moving.” SungMin said.

“Wait…how did you do that?” DongHae asked.

“Do what?” SungMin asked in confusion.

“That light thing-y!”

“What light thing—oh! That?”

“Yeah! With your palm!” DongHae exclaimed, gesturing wildly with the swords in hand as he did.

“Umm…I just did?” SungMin said, drawing a blank on how to explain it.

“But…but…you pulled a sword out of thin air!”

“….and a grenade….” SungMin added quietly.

“EXACTLY! It’s not possible! Magics I tell you! MAGICS! Are you a wizard?” DongHae asked, fascination written all over his face.

                SungMin groaned and rubbed his temples; DongHae was acting like a child.

“Don’t worry about it!” SungMin snapped.

“But!” DongHae protested.

“I’m a weapons specialist! That’s the ability the vaccine gave me! Calm down I’m not a ing wizard!” SungMin yelled.

                DongHae stared at the older man in complete and utter confusion.

“The weird blue thing HeeChul-hyung and Teukkie-hyung injected me with gave you THAT?! Holy….that’s worse than AIDS!” DongHae exclaimed, finally putting two and two together.

“Yes…didn’t they explain it? And what does AIDS have to do with this?” SungMin sighed.

                DongHae shook his head, SungMin sighed once more.

“I’ll explain it later then, let’s just get moving.” The elder said calmly.

                The two began walking, as they pressed on an eerie green fog rolled in; the fog reduced visibility significantly, causing the pair only to be able to see a few steps ahead of them. DongHae reached out and grabbed on to the back of SungMin’s loose black Tee so he would not be separated from the more experienced fighter. SungMin pressed on relentlessly, determined and undeterred by the fog. Then SungMin’s foot collided with something; sending him, and consequently DongHae, tumbling to the ground. The two hit the ground for the umpteenth time that day and DongHae swore some more.

“Ow! What the hell?!” SunMin swore.

“I should be saying the same thing! Umm….person who just kicked me in the back of the head?” a voice called out from the fog.

“Holy !” DongHae yelled in surprise.

“What is it now?” SungMin asked.

                DongHae merely pointed in front of him, SungMin turned his head to follow the finger. Henry’s baseball cap clad head was sticking out of the solid ground.

“A TALKING HEAD! HOLY !” DongHae yelled.

                The head flinched and SungMin clapped a hand over DongHae’s mouth.

“Shut up before you attract unwanted attention from things that might want to eat us. Who knows what’s lurking.” SungMin scolded.

“Uhh? Little help here hyungs?” Henry asked.

                SungMin stood up and examined Henry’s head.

“What happened to you?” SungMin asked calmly.

“Uhh…I don’t exactly know…I think its quick sand.” Henry replied hesitantly.

                SungMin and DongHae, who had just gotten to his feet, jumped back a good foot away from the youngest.

“How do we get him out of there hyung?” DongHae asked.

“Why do you ask me so many questions?” SungMin snapped.


                SungMin sighed and thought about Henry’s predicament. Since only his head was above the quicksand the younger male would need to bite something while he and DongHae pulled.

“Wait! How bout you use your light thing for a rope?” DongHae exclaimed.

                SungMin nodded, mildly surprised that the other male had come to the conclusion faster than he had. The light returned and the handle of a whip appeared from SungMin’s palm. It wasn’t quite a rope, but would in theory have the same affect. The whip was released and DongHae stared at it in SungMin’s hand.

“I thought you were getting a rope.” DongHae pointed out.

“It only works for weapons I guess…” SungMin shrugged.

                He flicked his wrist to the right and the whip jumped towards DongHae who yelped as it neared him. SungMin aimed carefully and cracked the whip towards Henry; the youngest flinched as the whip cracked near his face. The edge of the end landed neatly in front of his face.

“Wow Minnie-hyung you’re good!” DongHae exclaimed.

“Bite the end Henry!” SungMin yelled.

                Henry did as instructed and bit onto the end like his life depended on it, which in a way it kind of did. SungMin and DongHae pulled and slowly Henry’s right arm was liberated enough so he could grab on to the whip. He held on and pulled himself out as he was released from the ground and found his way to solid land. The three sat, two of them panting and one rubbing his jaw.

“Thanks hyungs, I thought I was gonna get eaten.” Henry said with an appreciative smile.

“You still might.” DongHae pointed out.

“Are you bipolar?” SungMin asked.

“What? Who? Me?” DongHae spluttered while pointing at himself.

“Yes you!”


“One minute you have the brain of a child and the next you get all serious.”

“Umm…is Minnie-hyung the bipolar one?” DongHae asked.

                SungMin groaned and Henry laughed.

“How the hell did I end up stuck with this pabo?” SungMin sighed before flopping down onto the ground. 


Holy Shisus that was a quick update, hehe. Actually I did finish this on the plane and typed some of it up last night when I was suffering from jet lag. So, two updates in about 24 hours not bad neh? Hope you guys liked the chapter, like I said earlier updates prolly won't be this speedy since I'm in an advanced math course this semester and math is NOT my forte. So, idk when I'll have time to type up stuff (the writing isn't a problem since when I start I cannot stop. The typing part is when I get lazy lol) and actually post the chapters. So what do you guys think so far? Good? Bad? Makes me wanna shoot myself? Lemme know if things start to get confusing cause it's only gonna get worse from here. So my dear unnie (who is actually only like a month and a half older than me) Dobu has decided she's gonna do the editing of sorts for this story while I write most if not all of it. Sadly though, we still only have one class (Chemistry) and lunch together so I dunno how much good it's gonna do. Anyway, I'm gettting off topic. I love you all thank you for subscribing and commenting it really means a lot to me. As always lemme know what you think and sorry for the semi-crap chapter. *bows* I was a TINY bit high off of lemon fanta when I wrote this and I figured the story could use a TEENSY bit of comic relief after DongHae almost getting eaten and what not. T^T Sorry bout that DongHae. 

~Key <3

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Soo.. sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I lost my notebook I had written the plan out in.. BUT I'M BACK AND WRITING THE NEW CHAPPIE. It'll be out by 20th


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Kimgaram123 #1
Chapter 51: Please update, 2023 is just to be end and i'm still waiting, i really wonder what happened to Siwon
Prom15e-to-13elieve #2
Chapter 51: I am seriously loving this story so damn much ohmygod your waiting is flawless! Are you planning to continue this story? (Please say Yes!!) Cause it's got me hooked and gahhh the suspense!
loveSungmin #3
Chapter 51: I love it please update I want to know what happened to sungmin
MeinAltire2 #4
Chapter 50: what happen next??? looking forward
Chapter 51: This story is so amazing. Like I kept putting off reading it but now that I have, I'm mindblown.

I seriously spent all night reading this. I you have any plans to update this story at all?
Kpopcrazy92 #6
Chapter 51: This makes me angry...
The fact that I have to wait for an new chapter of this freaking amazing story. Why? Just why??
But this story is amazing. Plain amazing.
257471 #7
Chapter 51: woahhh this is good, thanks please continue :)
Chapter 51: I just got an account for AFF very recently and this story makes me log on pretty much everyday in hope of seeing an update! You're an amazIng writer! :) I'm always on the edge of my seat while reading! (Even though I'm pretty much always laying down when I read...but that's beside the point! XD) Keep up the good work!! Hwaiting! ^ ^
cynicallynnlove #10
Chapter 51: soo, in a weird way, it's kinda funny that people are dropping like flies, but still... D: and asjkldgh! snap out of it kyu! go protect ming ;^; omg teukie where are youuu~? thanks for the update ^^ I know reality can get pretty hectic and I really appreciate your effort to update c: