Welcome To Hell

A Game of Chaos


                After recovering from his initial shock DongHae’s brain finally was able to register what was going on in front of him; KangIn had left, presumably sometime during his system shut down, and HeeChul was fiddling with a syringe. The brunette let out a sigh of resignation, he was going to die and he knew it. Leeteuk tried to give the younger male a comforting smile but found himself unable to do so; he had seen so many people enter that infernal game, and none of them ever came out alive. HeeChul walked over to the pair, the syringe that he held was now full with a fluorescent sapphire blue liquid; DongHae caught sight of the filled syringe and his eyes widened to almost comical proportions.

“W-what the hell do you think you’re gonna do with that?!? DongHae spluttered angrily.

“Teukkie hold him still, if he’s anything like HyukJae we’re gonna have a problem.” HeeChul sighed, completely ignoring DongHae’s protests.

                Leeteuk nodded solemnly and held on to the newest player tightly; DongHae struggled in Leeteuk’s arms as HeeChul approached with the needle. DongHae flailed and swore, cussing at his elders to let him go; the swearing increased exponentially as HeeChul practically stabbed the needle into DongHae’s muscled left arm.

“Ow! Godammit!” DongHae yelled in pain.

                HeeChul ignored the man’s outcry and continued; with his middle and forefinger he stabilized the syringe and gently brought his thumb down on the release. The unnatural blue liquid began disappearing steadily into DongHae’s arm; as the process continued DongHae could feel his body reacting to the strange liquid. The intrusion of the strange liquid had caused an extremely strong urge to vomit to arise; the wave of nausea rocked DongHae’s body and he clapped a hand over his mouth as the burning bile rose in his throat. Tears pricked at his eyes as he tried to fight down the disgusting mixture of gastric acid and half-digested pizza. Once the syringe was empty Leeteuk released him, and HeeChul removed the needle from the now shaking brunette. DongHae lurched forward, dropping the hand that had prevented the bile from escaping; he dropped down to his knees and heaved. He puked violently; his dinner, stomach juice and blood mixed together into a putrid chunky liquid that splattered quite loudly onto the cold, tiled floor. As he hurled the young man felt something flowing through his veins; it moved like liquid fire as it tore through his body. He felt a warm hand pull his bangs out of his face, and another rubbing his back gently as he began to dry heave.

Suddenly the hands were jerked away and every vein in DongHae’s body illuminated, shining the color the liquid had been; searing pain tore through him and he arched his back, head rocked back to look up at the ceiling, mouth open in a silent scream. His eyes flashed an unearthly white before returning to normal; the pain left his body as the ethereal glow from his veins ceased. DongHae panted heavily; sweat sticking his now damp locks to his forehead and neck. He was on his knees, his right palm flat on the clean portion of the floor to steady his quivering body.

“What the hell was that? It felt like I was being ripped in half and electrocuted at the same time.” DongHae thought.

                Slowly, he regained control of himself, the shaking and nausea had stopped but he still felt completely drained. DongHae sat back onto his heels, he heard HeeChul chuckle and DongHae shot the man responsible for what had just transpired a glare.

“Stop glaring at me Fishy, I had to. Plus I’m not the one who just puked all over the damn floor and you don’t have to clean it up.” HeeChul snapped.

“…Fishy?” DongHae asked in between puffs of breath.

“Yes Fishy, your names means ‘East Sea’ doesn’t it? So you’re a fish as far as I’m concerned.” HeeChul remarked.

“DongHae how do you feel?” Leeteuk asked.

                DongHae swallowed roughly and fought down the urge to gag at the disgusting taste in his mouth. That pizza hadn’t been good the second time around. DongHae ran a hand through his dampened brown hair and tried to calm his breathing. What was that stuff?

“Like I just got run over by a freight train.” DongHae replied bluntly.

“I’m sorry, do you want some water?” Leeteuk asked.

                DongHae shook his head, he didn’t want water he wanted answers.

“What the hell was that?” DongHae asked.

“Sorry about that DongHae; like HeeChul said we have to give it to all the players, it’s required for the game.” Leeteuk apologized.

“Wait…I’m not gonna get AIDS am I?” DongHae asked out of the blue.

                Leeteuk and HeeChul both snorted before breaking out into a fit of uncontrollable laughter at the outburst; DongHae’s look of utter terror didn’t help the laughing pair to still their reaction.

“Stop laughing at me dammit!” DongHae yelled angrily.

                He glowered at the older too, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he did; this look however only served to make him appear like a petulant child. Leeteuk was the first to recover, HeeChul had established the newly dubbed “Fishy” was too entertaining and had to sit down because he was laughing so hard.

“No you’re not going to get AIDS, that was a clean needle; but that would be the least of your worries DongHae.” Leeteuk stated calmly.

“What did you do to me?” DongHae asked.

“That ‘vaccine’ is called the ‘Hell mouth’ it’s supposed to help you in the game.” Leeteuk explained.

“What? How?”

“We don’t have time to go into that now.” Leeteuk sighed.

                DongHae raised an eyebrow at the response.

“Wait…why are you two helping me?” DongHae asked.

“It’s our job; we’re in charge of the players when they first arrive.” Leeteuk answered.

                DongHae opened his mouth to speak but before he could verbally express the confusion and obscenities rattling around in his brain an electric shock hit him. The young man shuddered violently, his whole body wracking. An electric pulse shot down his spine, sending his body into a fit of uncontrollable spasms. Leeteuk touched DongHae’s back gently and the spasms ceased; the younger male looked up at him in surprise at the gentle touch and the miniature seizure he just had.

“What was that?” DongHae asked.

“Don’t know, probably a side effect. Everyone reacts differently to the vaccine.” Leeteuk answered as he helped DongHae up.

                Once on his feet DonHae felt a surge of energy, he still felt shaky but not nearly as drained as before. DongHae slowly lost himself in thought, what did the game entail? What would happen to him? Why was he chosen? A warm hand on his wrist dragged DongHae out of his thoughts,; the owner of the hand, HeeChul smiled at him before dragging DongHae away. Leeteuk followed the pair as HeeChul drug the younger man through the maze of hallways once more.

“Sorry to cut your recuperating time short but the game is about to start.” HeeChul said.

“W-what?! God, I’m gonna die.” DongHae yelled in a mixture of fear and surprise.

“Not even God can help you now.” DongHae heard Leeteuk whisper softly behind him.

“God has nothing to do with it.” HeeChul scoffed.

                They arrived in front of a large set of metal doors; HeeChul pushed them open and pulled DongHae inside. The walls were lined with weapons and Leeteuk walked in closing the doors behind him.  DongHae stared in awe at the variety of weapons around the walls; guns, swords, spears, bow staffs and Sais.

“Do you have any fighting experience?” HeeChul asked.

                DongHae shook his head, he never had any reason to; he wasn’t a pacifist or anything like that but he didn’t like the violence. Leeteuk walked over to DongHae and shoved off the younger’s jacket roughly before yanking his shirt off.

“Whoa! What are you doing?!” DongHae yelled as his bare chest was suddenly exposed to the occupants of the room.

“Getting you ready; listen hell is waiting for you behind that door. You need to be prepared.” Leeteuk answered calmly.

                HeeChul hummed and nodded, the effeminate man turned away from DongHae and began to rummage in one of the various drawers behind him. The rattle of glass being shuffled around could be heard as the man continued to hum and seemingly search for something in particular. When HeeChul turned around again the man had two more syringes, one in each hand; the vial in his left hand was a neon purple while the other was a peach color. DongHae tried to back away but HeeChul reacted faster; he lunged forward and jabbed the needles into either side of DongHae’s neck; the syringe piercing the skin and sliding into his carotid and jugular with ease. DongHae yelped at the sudden stab of pain and HeeChul injected the contents and DongHae shook like a leaf as HeeChul withdrew the needles.

“This one” HeeChul said as he held up the now empty syringe in his left hand “is to improve your speed, healing and stamina.”

“The other one was to improve your strength, agility, and reaction time.” Leeteuk finished.

                He tapped DongHae’s shoulders and instructed the man to lift his arms; DongHae silently obeyed, silently and fuming as he did so. Leeteuk put DongHae in a black wife beater and pulled it down DongHae’s abdomen. A zip-up, sleeveless, black leather vest followed suit; DongHae glared at HeeChul, who laughed at the obvious discomfort on the younger’s face. Leeteuk knelt down in front of DongHae and unceremoniously stripped the younger of the jeans before he could protest. DongHae let out an indignant yelp and immediately his hands flew downward to retain some modesty. HeeChul laughed and shook his head at the unintentionally cute action as he picked up yet another vial. He grabbed DongHae’s left arm and stabbed another needle into it.

“Ow!” DongHae yelled.

“That one was to imprint a series of muscle memories.” HeeChul said calmly.


“Hae, step out of the jeans please.” Leeteuk said calmly.

                The younger begrudgingly obeyed as the eldest stripped him of his pants; they were however soon replaced with a pair of navy blue leather pants. They were tight on his legs and Leeteuk pulled the skin-tight material over the younger’s legs and hips before fastening the front as HeeChul continued his half-assed explanation.

“Congratulations you are now a black belt in TaeKwonDo and an expert in kick boxing.” HeeChul snarked.

                Leeteuk stood up and HeeChul pulled a pair of dual swords off of the wall; the swords were sheathed, and HeeChul handed them over to the older man. Leeteuk strapped the swords onto DongHae’s back with practiced ease and made sure the sheaths would sit properly on the youngest’s back. HeeChul handed DongHae a pair of black strap-up combat boots with the silent instruction to put them on. DongHae cautiously sat down on the concrete floor and tugged on the boots, once the last buckle was fastened he stood up once more, dusting the dirt off of his pants as he did. He was met with a hug from Leeteuk as he stood, the older man held him tightly against his chest.

“DongHae listen, no matter what happens beyond those doors just keep going.” Leeteuk advised solemnly.

“And think of surviving, nothing but surviving.” HeeChul added.

                Leeteuk released him and the pair led the man to a pair of titanium double doors with multiple pressure locks on them. DongHae gulped as HeeChul and Leeteuk set about releasing the various locks; neither man looked at DongHae as they did what they had been instructed to do. The guilt weighed heavily on their hearts at the thought of sending yet another participant to their untimely death. With each hiss of the pressure locks being released DongHae felt his nerves increasing exponentially; the urge to run becoming more and more prevalent. The final lock was released and the doors opened slowly; the room revealed was decrepit and dark. There were cracks running up the brick walls, trash and blood droplets on the floor. DongHae took a step into the room, an unseen force compelling him to move forward into the room. The young man glanced behind him, back at HeeChul and Leeteuk who were staring at him; unbridled emotions etched onto their faces. DongHae’s eyes flitted back and forth between his hyungs, the brown orbs panicked and frenzied. Leeteuk looked on sadly; HeeChul put a comforting hand on the eldest’s back as they watched the newest participant. Leeteuk smiled at him sadly and HeeChul surprisingly did the same. Both men looked pained at seeing the younger go.

“Good luck DongHae.” Leeteuk said.

“Just keep fighting Fishy.” HeeChul said.

                The doors slid closed with a cold hiss and the dimly lit room was plunged into darkness. DongHae felt panic surge through him, he wanted to go and bang on the door and beg for his life. Lights slowly clicked on one by one, illuminating a designated pathway for him. DongHae stood still, unsure of whether or not to continue.

“I suggest you get moving before the bosses get impatient.” A voice called out from above.

                DongHae frowned and looked around in confusion.

“W-what?” DongHae stuttered.

“Follow the lights.” The voice repeated.

                DongHae sighed and did as instructed, perhaps he’d die quickly; he began walking, following the lights. He progressed slowly, glancing around every other second, afraid of something jumping out at him.

“Who are you?” DongHae asked to the voice above.

“Hi! My name is Zhou Mi!” The voice chirped back.

                Huh? He hadn’t been expecting that, this Zhou Mi person sounded so cheerful.

“Hurry up DongHae dear you’ll get left behind, and trust me, you don’t want that.” Zhou Mi said.

                DongHae’s cautious walk sped up significantly; soon he arrived in a well lit, dome-like structure. There were eight other men in the room, each looking just as nervous and scared as he. Once he entered the room the door behind him slammed shut and caused most of the occupants of the room to jump. The brunette noticed that each person stood on a pedestal-like platform. Glancing around he noticed there was one left, DongHae approached it and climbed on to it. A loud hum echoed through the glanced at his surroundings once more, there were some bloodstains on the walls; DongHae gulped.

“Welcome players!” Zhou Mi’s voice came back from above.

                The players shifted nervously, adrenaline pumping through their veins. DongHae noticed two rather young looking players, younger than himself. One had on a blue ball cap that was faded with use, the other was rather calm looking; however nervous fidgeting gave away his emotions.

“Now it’s time for the player selection…now then. HENLY!” Zhou Mi yelled.

                The young male with the ball cap jumped at the yelling of his name.

“Y-yes?” He stuttered in English.

“Pick a number between one and ten.” Zhou Mi asked.

“Seven.” Henry blurted.

                A whoop of joy was heard in the background.

“I get first pick boys.” A deep voice laughed.

“Wait…that voice…” DongHae thought.

                He recognized it; images of the man that brought him here, and then paid him a visit with HeeChul and Leeteuk rushed into his mind. KangIn.

“Hmm…I choose YeSung.” KangIn said.

                A young man with black hair and small hands twitched awkwardly. A “ding” was heard overhead and the platform glowed blue.

“I’m next, I choose the blonde.” A heavily accented voice said calmly.

                Another ding, the platform underneath the blonde man turned red.

“Wise choices for both of you, I shall select the martial artist, SungMin.” A velvety voice said.

                Yet another ding, the platform gloved a royal purple. Slowly one by one of the players were selected, DongHae found himself grouped with the blonde, Henry, and a scrawny man as a part of the accented man’s group.

“Now that these are done, Blue Team your lives now belong to KangIn, the king of Seoul’s underground. Purple team, you belong to SiWon, yakuza high ranking member and Red team belongs to HanGeng Triad king.” Zhou Mi said.

“Now that the formalities are over with, welcome to hell boys.” KangIn laughed.

                The room was plunged into darkness once more, a few startled cries echoed out throughout the room.

“From now on we cannot save you; your lives are in the hands of Loki, king of the underworld. Good luck and survive as long as possible.” Zhou Mi voice had grown solemn with that statement.

                DongHae all of a sudden felt his footing being torn from beneath him and he let out a panicked yell as he fell through the darkness. He landed on his back; all of the wind was forcibly removed from his lungs. With a groan he sat up slowly, blinked a few times trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness. He was in a catacomb from the looks of it, slowly he brought himself to his feet; growls could be heard in the distance, followed by screams. DongHae placed his palm on the stone floor and stood up slowly, his head had stopped hurting but the adrenaline had kicked in. Cautiously he brought a shaky hand to grip one of the swords’ hilts; he held it with a sweaty palm and unsheathed it slowly. The sword slid out easily and felt lighter than he had expected. The same was done for the other sword; DongHae noticed a door to his left and approached it cautiously. The door was covered in black grime, the wood had rotted away; DongHae brought a combat boot up and kicked the rotted door. The weakened wood gave way to his foot easily and splintered in to dark pieces as it connected. The remainder of the broken door fell off its hinges, landing on the cold, stone floor with a loud crash. As DongHae brought his foot down back to the floor a low growl erupted from the darkness behind the door.

A large black mass flew out at him knocking him to the floor; the mass snapped its jaws at him hungrily as it pinned him to the floor. DongHae’s right arm flew up connecting underneath the beast’s jaw, separating his face from the beast’s drooling muzzle. A long, snake-like tongue slid out of its mouth and dripped a warm red liquid onto the floor. When the droplets came in contact with the floor the hiss of acid eating away at the tiles made DongHae’s eyes widen in surprise and fear. He reacted quickly, bringing the hilt of his right sword down onto the creature’s head. The thing tumbled off him and DongHae scrambled to his feet, clutching the swords with trembling hands. The creature rose slowly, it’s hunched back flexing ominously as it did. DongHae’s blood ran cold as the creature presented itself to him; his first glimpse of hell stood up on its hind legs. It had shining crimson eyes, the color of warm blood; its face was contorted, massive wolf-like jaws extending from a humanoid face. The body was bigger than any humans; the beast stood at around eight foot, its right arm bulky and muscled completely disproportional to its left arm which in turn was small, twisted and taloned. Its hind legs were backwards, its torso scaly and disfigured horribly. Three large purple marks painted its chest, the flaps of skin opening and closing with every breath it took. DongHae watched in fascinated and appalled awe as the marks opened to reveal black tentacles writhing around inside of it.

The creature let out a growl and the tentacles slid out of its body to hit the ground. The creature’s tongue slid out once more and lapped at the ground; Donghae’s eyes followed the movement of the tongue, before daringly deciding to make eye contact with the beast. Once his brown eyes met the blood red ones the beast’s tongue shot out at him like a whip. Reacting faster than he thought possible DongHae dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the appendage as he rolled to the ground. The tongue hit the back wall before returning to the creature’s cavernous mouth. DongHae picked himself up and tried to calm himself. He had never heard or read about anything like this; he drew in a shaky breath and adjusted his grip on the hilts of the swords. The beast lunged at him and DongHae side-stepped, he brought his right blade down on the beast’s mangled left arm as he did. The sound of blade hitting bone was immediately followed by a howl of pain from the creature and the dull thump of the severed left arm hitting the floor. The beast cried out in pain and brought its right paw to the stub of ripped black flesh that had taken the place of its arm. The wound dripped purple blood; the steady sound of the blood dripping on the floor was accompanied solely by the harsh breathing of beast. A tentacle snuck around DongHae’s foot as the male mistakenly lost himself in thought. He reacted far too late, the tentacle had already secured its grip on DongHae’s leg as he struggled to get free. The tentacle lifted him up, flipping him over so he hung upside down; the sudden movement caused him to lose his grip on the swords that fell to the ground, clattering loudly as the metal hit the stone. The beast leaned in and DongHae moved his face away as far as possible as the beast its chops.

“This is it, I’m going to die so early…at least I’ll get out of this hell.” DongHae thought solemnly as he squeezed his eyes shut, preparing for his sure to be gruesome death.

                He heard a hungry growl erupt from the beast’s jaws and the hiss of its acidic tongue sliding through the air, near his head.


Alrighty guys! That's chapter 2~ I actually wrote this on the plane ride back from spain cause I coudln't sleep because there were screaming toddlers EVERYWHERE and one of them kept throwing tempertanrums and kicking my seat. I was THIS close from strangling a baby.....that sounds so evil.....but seriously, 10 hour flight with no sleep and screaming children= not fun in the slightest. But I got htis chappie done so I guess it worked out. Ummm....so I jsut started school back up again so odds are I won't be updating regularly but I shall try to post whenever I can. I apologize in advance for any errors or typos in the chapters because odds are I won't have time to re-read adn edit EVERYTHING cause editing takes time. What did you guys think of chapter 2? I know I left it on a cliffhanger I'm evil I sowwy, but that was the best place I could end it lol. Like I said before feel free to critize or ask me questions I shall answer them to teh best of my ability. And as per request I shall use a different psyudonym, (which is another nickname given to me by Dobu, my dear counterpart.) Thank you for reading, and I hope you liked chapter 2~ *bows* Oh, and thank you to all my loevely subscribers and to everyone that commented. I really appreciate all your support and it makes me quite happy to see that people are actually interested in the story and like it so far.  ^.^ You guys rock, much love.


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Soo.. sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I lost my notebook I had written the plan out in.. BUT I'M BACK AND WRITING THE NEW CHAPPIE. It'll be out by 20th


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Kimgaram123 #1
Chapter 51: Please update, 2023 is just to be end and i'm still waiting, i really wonder what happened to Siwon
Prom15e-to-13elieve #2
Chapter 51: I am seriously loving this story so damn much ohmygod your waiting is flawless! Are you planning to continue this story? (Please say Yes!!) Cause it's got me hooked and gahhh the suspense!
loveSungmin #3
Chapter 51: I love it please update I want to know what happened to sungmin
MeinAltire2 #4
Chapter 50: what happen next??? looking forward
Chapter 51: This story is so amazing. Like I kept putting off reading it but now that I have, I'm mindblown.

I seriously spent all night reading this. I wonder....do you have any plans to update this story at all?
Kpopcrazy92 #6
Chapter 51: This makes me angry...
The fact that I have to wait for an new chapter of this freaking amazing story. Why? Just why??
But this story is amazing. Plain amazing.
257471 #7
Chapter 51: woahhh this is good, thanks please continue :)
Chapter 51: I just got an account for AFF very recently and this story makes me log on pretty much everyday in hope of seeing an update! You're an amazIng writer! :) I'm always on the edge of my seat while reading! (Even though I'm pretty much always laying down when I read...but that's beside the point! XD) Keep up the good work!! Hwaiting! ^ ^
cynicallynnlove #10
Chapter 51: soo, in a weird way, it's kinda funny that people are dropping like flies, but still... D: and asjkldgh! snap out of it kyu! go protect ming ;^; omg teukie where are youuu~? thanks for the update ^^ I know reality can get pretty hectic and I really appreciate your effort to update c: