A Game of Chaos


DongHae and Yesung walked through the canyon; sweat dripping off of their bodies in buckets under the hot sun. Yesung groaned and adjusted Henry on his back as his grip kept slipping on the younger man’s body; DongHae winced in pain as sweat mingled in the open wound in his back, stinging like crazy. A whispered “aish…” left DongHae’s mouth as he tripped over a large rock, he caught himself  and stumbled roughly; Yesung let go of Henry’s left leg and wiped the sweat off of his brow.

“Ugh…can we stop now? This dude’s heavy.” Yesung whined.

“If we stop we’re not gonna want to keep going…” DongHae said in between pants.

“But…but…ugh…so heavy.” Yesung complained.

                The elder man knew DongHae was right, but the dead weight of Henry on his back was slowing him down majorly; DongHae groaned, SungMin’s weight wasn’t much better than Herny’s and he too was suffering from physical exhaustion. The pair stumbled out of the canyon and into a lush jungle area; DongHae swore.

“Not this again.” He grumbled.

                Yesung collapsed, he and Henry hit the soft ground and Yesung groaned in pain; DongHae sighed and put SungMin down under a tree. He turned to Henry and Yesung and adjusted the unconscious man, checking his wounds briefly to see if they had begun to heal. Sure enough Henry’s wounds had begun to heal, which DongHae was grateful for; Yesung groaned and rolled on to his back, looking up at the canopy. DongHae stood up and looked down at Yesung, eyebrow raised.

“You gonna get up soon hyung?” DongHae asked.

“No, I’ma lay here and die for a bit.” Yesung replied.

                DongHae laughed and sat down next to the older man.

“I guess we should rest for a bit.” He said.

“No ing duh.” Yesung replied.

                Chu flew over to DongHae and took his place on DongHae’s shoulder, chirping happily. Yesung rolled his eyes and took a deep breath; a small groan was heard from the man resting under the tree. DongHae looked over and saw SungMin stirring; the middle child stood up and walked over to his hyung. He knelt beside him and checked on the gash in SungMin’s side; the cut had healed for the most part, leaving a long still healing cut and a series of purple bruises surrounding it.

“..Hae..” SungMin whispered.

                DongHae looked up at SungMin’s face; the martial artist looked down at him, his face contorted in pain.

“Minnie-hyung!” DongHae chirped  happily.

“Hae, can you stop touching the cut please?” SungMin asked.

“Oh! Sorry…” DongHae said sheepishly.

                The younger removed the hand from his hyung’s side and stood up, SungMin smiled appreciatively; the elder’s gaze drifted over to “dead” Yesung and Henry.

“Is Henry okay?” SungMin asked.

“He’s still healing…they did a number on him.” DongHae answered.

“That damn Loki bastard playing with our heads…” SungMin growled.

                Yesung groaned and sat up, his dark eyes drifted over to the two younger men; he smiled at SungMin who stared back at him in confusion.

“Who’s this? I know he helped you but…” SungMin trailed off.

“Oh, I’m Yesung. Nice to meetcha, you like turtles?” Yesung replied.

“Ummm….” Was SungMin’s slightly weirded out answer.

“Don’t worry about that, he’s just a bit weird.” DongHae laughed.

“Ah…mkay…wait…why is there a bird on your shoulder?” SungMin asked.

“This is Chu! Ain’t he cute? I’m Chu’s dad.” DongHae answered.

                SungMin leaned back with a “dude, what the ?” expression on his face; Yesung laughed and flopped back down. The second eldest attempted to stand, and DongHae helped him to his feet.

“Where are you going hyung?” DongHae asked.

“Wanna check on Henry’s condition.” SungMin replied.

                DongHae nodded and led SungMin over to the youngest player; SungMin dropped to his knees and began checking all of Henry’s wounds. DongHae watched the former nurse work with a childlike fascination; a low growl was heard from behind them and both DongHae and Yesung snapped to attention. Yesung stood up and DongHae drew his swords, pushing SungMin behind him; a snarl echoed through the jungle, a snarling hell hound appeared from the foliage. Its black fur bristling as it approached the men; it’s blood red eyes glowing. Yesung stood at the ready, the wind swirling around him; DongHae stared the wolf down, prepared to protect SungMin and Henry. The hellhound howled, and launched its self at DongHae; the man blocked its gnashing teeth with a sword and brought his other one crashing down on the hellhound’s neck. Blood gushed from the creature’s neck as it’s head was severed from its body; DongHae smiled and glanced back at SungMin.

“Well that was easy.” DongHae remarked.

“Look out!” SungMin yelled.

                Another hellhound flew at DongHae, taking the man by surprise; the two tumbled to the ground and rolled away from SungMin and Henry. More howls echoed through the area; one more, two more, twelve more pairs of glowing crimson eyes appeared surrounding them.

“.” SungMin swore.

                DongHae and the hellhound wrestled on the floor, trying to get the advantage over the other; DongHae’s sword pierced the hellhound’s side, and the beast cried out in pain. One by one the others stepped out into the light, all growling and snarling as they surrounded the men. DongHae threw the dead hell hound off of him only to be tackled by another. Three lunged at Yesung, only to be stopped by gale winds; the violent winds threw the hell hounds into trees. Sending the wolf-like creatures flying in opposite directions; the cracks of shattering bones and squeaks of pain echoed through the clearing. A hellhound threw itself at SungMin, and the injured man squeaked at the sudden attack; a bolt of blue lighting came crashing down through the canopy. It struck the hound, frying it immediately on contact; its body fell to the ground, nothing more than a smoldering skeleton. The smell of burning fur was pungent and SungMin squeaked as he watched the skeleton fall to his feet; his eyes drifted from Yesung to DongHae as the two men fought. As the battle raged on and more hellhounds appeared from the woodwork, the lightning appeared more often, each time striking any of the beasts that attempted to harm SungMin or Henry.

                Chu squawked and flew over to SungMin as DongHae reached a vertical base; he hacked his way through three hellhounds to reach the elder man. Blood dripped off of the edge of his swords; he moved fluidly, slicing two hellhounds clean in half as he attempted to get to SungMin. Adrenaline flowed through his veins, like liquid fire; it propelled him forward, cutting through enemy after enemy with growing fluidity and confidence. Another one of the beasts hurled itself at SungMin and DongHae met the challenge in midair; his sword caught the beast in the torso, ripping it apart with a brutality he didn’t know he possessed. SungMin stared in shock, fear and awe at the warrior before him; DongHae turned towards SungMin, blood splattered over his face. Winds howled as Yesung took out half of the pack with a miniature hurricane; DongHae returned his attention to the battle and stared down the three remaining hell hounds. Each growled at him, bearing their fangs at him; DongHae smirked, he felt powerful, like electricity flowing through his veins. Another howl rang out, a hellhound, larger than the rest stepped out; its fur was coated in blood, and it stared DongHae down as it walked in between the other three. The remaining three back down at the appearance of their leader, taking their place behind him; the leader glanced over at his brutally slaughtered companions, looking livid.

                It growled and lunged at DongHae, and the man clashed with the hellhound; Yesung hovered over to SungMin, guarding him and Henry from the other three. DongHae and the lead hellhound locked horns, unable to dodge fast enough the wolf bit down on DongHae’s arm. The man cried out in pain as the wolf’s teeth sunk into his flesh, nearly hitting bone. DongHae cried out in pain and thrashed, flinging the creature off of his arm. Henry coughed from behind SungMin and the former nurse tore his attention away from DongHae’s battle to the injured player behind him. SungMin began checking over Henry, and Yesung turned his attention to the three hellhounds before him. They circled around him and attacked simultaneously; Yesung’s pupils disappeared as he conjured his winds once more. Two out of the three were thrown backwards, but one managed to penetrate Yesung’s defense. The creature tackled the man in the area and they landed on the ground.

“Yesung!” SungMin yelled.

                Yesung struggled to keep his head out of the hungry creature’s gnashing jaws; the thing snapped at him, warm saliva dripping on to Yesung’s face. DongHae turned at the sound of SungMin’s panicked yell, he saw Yesung on the floor pinned; the momentary lapse of attention cost him as the lead hellhound pounced on DongHae, knocking his swords out of his hands. The wolf snapped its jaws at him as they hit the ground; DongHae struggled underneath the weight of the monstrously proportioned hell hound. Then, DongHae fell still; his body all of a sudden ceasing all movement. Yesung saw this and began to thrash harder in an attempt to get to DongHae; SungMin stood up, and attempted to conjure a weapon. His palm burned but he couldn’t sustain the effort, he dropped to his knees and watched as the hellhound leaned over DongHae’s face. The creature sniffed DongHae’s face, and DongHae’s head lolled to the side, eyes closed; the wolf growled and moved in for the death blow. DongHae’s eyes shot open glowing an unearthly bright blue; lightning struck next to them, searing the ground. Another bolt dropped down on the other side and the wolf jumped off of DongHae, attempting to get away from the electricity.

                DongHae sat up, his movements like a ragdoll’s; blue electricity crackling around him. DongHae’s breathing was irregular as the electricity jumped from his skin. He managed to get to his feet, moving slowly; Yesung threw the hellhound off of him and kicked it in the head as he got to his feet. A bolt of lightning struck the hellhound, burning it to a crisp; DongHae fell to his knees the surge of power becoming too much to handle. His head tilted back as he let out a scream of pain; bolts began dropping down next to him, one, two, three; his friends could only watch as a column of lightning dropped down on him. The blue covered him completely; the sound of sizzling skin and crackling electricity were the only things that could be heard. SungMin held his breath as he helped Henry sit up; the bolt dissipated, leaving only burned and smoking ground where DongHae had been. SungMin in haled sharply, fearing that his friend had perished; the hellhound, no longer seeing its prime target turned towards Yesung. The man stepped back, and the hellhound approached; the beast stalked forward calmly, completely undisturbed by the gathering winds. Just as it leapt at Yesung a bolt of blue lightning shot it down from behind; the creature howled and hit the ground, a gaping hole through its chest and back.

                Yesung and SungMin’s eyes trailed from the creature up to the man that shot the beast; DongHae stood tall, his left palm stretched forwards and electricity crackling around him. DongHae smiled and dropped his arm down to his side, his eyes were still glowing; he smiled at his friends.

“DongHae!” SungMin yelled happily.

“Looks like it finally stabilized.” DongHae said with a smile as he held his right hand up to watch the electricity jump to life.

“Guess so.” Yesung remarked.

DongHae went to take a step forward, only for another bolt to drop down in front of him.

“Umm…anybody have any idea how to turn this thing off?” DongHae asked.

                Yesung chuckled and SungMin shook his head.

“Take a deep breath, and focus on taming it.” Yesung recommended.

                DongHae nodded and did as instructed; he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, visualizing himself taming the electricity around him. He exhaled and when he opened his eyes, his body collapsed from underneath him. Yesung ran to DongHae, fully prepared to get shocked upon approach; the eldest slid to his knees and gathered the younger man in his arms, checking him over. DongHae smiled up at him.

“I’m fine; just…fell a bit drained…aish what a rush.” DongHae said.

                SungMin breathed a sigh of relief and Yesung helped DongHae to his feet.

“How did you know that would work hyung?” DongHae asked Yesung.

“Mine works the same way…that little flash flood? Yeah…that was me…sorry.” Yesung said.

                As the man spoke a tiny black storm cloud formed over his head; the little storm cloud began raining on Yesung’s head and the man swore.

“ not this again…” He muttered.

                SungMin laughed and Yesung glared at him; the storm cloud let out a miniature clap of thunder and a tiny bolt of lightning struck Yesung in the ear. The man huffed and swore at the pain of getting shocked in the air; the rain increased in strength and it began pouring over the man’s head. DongHae laughed out right.

“Dammit stop laughing at me you human defibrillator.” Yesung grumbled. 


DOUBLE UPDATE!!!!!!! Hehehehehehhe, like i said earlier I did actually double update cause being home all day on a rainy/dreary day donkey balls. Yes I DID use a AC/DC reference as the title. Gotta love me some Classic Rock heheehe I just thought it fit. So, who predicted DongHae's power? Anybody? I know Triple C almost had it. Hehe, sorry dear, you and Dobu TOTALLY overlooked all the hints about it in the very first chapters and from then on, although I give you some credit you got closer than Dobu did. And no, the "shiny bush of mindery" had nothing to do with anything beyond it being a yeah.....MINDERY FTW!!!!!!!! <3 MUAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry....I had yes, in conclusion, DongHae is now a human defibrillator, SungMin's condition is stable although his body isn't strong enough to sustain his power atm, Yesung's a weather-controlling BOSS, AND Chu is an adorable fuzz ball. hehehe, that's all for today folks! Oh, wait! Almost forgot. I would like to say thank you to all of you guys for subscribing and sticking with me. We have reached 50 subscribers and over a 1000 views. I love you guys. And with that, I bid you adieu for now because I am about to pass out....Shisus I hate being sick. Love you guys with all my heart. Till next time! <3


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Soo.. sorry I haven't updated this in a while, I lost my notebook I had written the plan out in.. BUT I'M BACK AND WRITING THE NEW CHAPPIE. It'll be out by 20th


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Kimgaram123 #1
Chapter 51: Please update, 2023 is just to be end and i'm still waiting, i really wonder what happened to Siwon
Prom15e-to-13elieve #2
Chapter 51: I am seriously loving this story so damn much ohmygod your waiting is flawless! Are you planning to continue this story? (Please say Yes!!) Cause it's got me hooked and gahhh the suspense!
loveSungmin #3
Chapter 51: I love it please update I want to know what happened to sungmin
MeinAltire2 #4
Chapter 50: what happen next??? looking forward
Chapter 51: This story is so amazing. Like I kept putting off reading it but now that I have, I'm mindblown.

I seriously spent all night reading this. I you have any plans to update this story at all?
Kpopcrazy92 #6
Chapter 51: This makes me angry...
The fact that I have to wait for an new chapter of this freaking amazing story. Why? Just why??
But this story is amazing. Plain amazing.
257471 #7
Chapter 51: woahhh this is good, thanks please continue :)
Chapter 51: I just got an account for AFF very recently and this story makes me log on pretty much everyday in hope of seeing an update! You're an amazIng writer! :) I'm always on the edge of my seat while reading! (Even though I'm pretty much always laying down when I read...but that's beside the point! XD) Keep up the good work!! Hwaiting! ^ ^
cynicallynnlove #10
Chapter 51: soo, in a weird way, it's kinda funny that people are dropping like flies, but still... D: and asjkldgh! snap out of it kyu! go protect ming ;^; omg teukie where are youuu~? thanks for the update ^^ I know reality can get pretty hectic and I really appreciate your effort to update c: