The First Dream

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

Youngmin looked around, he was somewhere he knew.

"Why... why am I back here?" Youngmin sat up from the bed, He looked too his side and saw another bed, it looked just like the bed he was in.



Youngmin heard a voice, but it was to faint to hear what it said.

"You...?" The voice called again, but Youngmin couldn't make out what it said.


Youngmin only heard the last part, he walked towards the door of the room, the voice was coming from outside the room, he left the room and walked downstairs, he looked around. He was back at his house that he lived at two years ago, with Kwangmin and their mother.


"Youngmin?" The voice called again, this time Youngmin heard what it said, it was coming from outside the house, he went towards the door and left the house, he looked up at the sky, it was snowing.



Youngmin looked infront of him, someone was standing there.


"...Kwangmin..." Tears began too fall down Youngmin's cheeks.


"Are you leaving me again?... Haven't you hurt me enough?" Kwangmin started to cry.

"Kwangmin... I.... I..." Youngmin looked at the ground,  after awhile Youngmin lifted his head and walked over too Kwangmin.

"I'm sorry." Youngmin tried to hug Kwangmin, but Kwangmin pushed him away.


"How many times have I heard you say your sorry? How can I trust you?... You said you love me, but you leave me anyway. I was so happy when you told me you loved me... but then you left..." Kwangmin started to cry more.

"Kwangmin..." Youngmin just stood there and watched Kwangmin.


"I am hurting, because of you! And you just leave me?!" Kwangmin yelled at Youngmin.

"I never meant to hurt you..." Youngmin looked down at the ground.


"Are you gonna leave me again?" Kwangmin stopped crying. Youngmin looked up at Kwangmin, and saw that his expression was cold.

"Kwangmin..." That was all Youngmin could say.

"It's my turn... to leave you, make you suffer... like how I did." Kwangmin expression was cold, he stared at Youngmin for a few seconds then turned around and started to walk away.


"Kwangmin! Wait! Don't go!" Youngmin chased Kwangmin, but Kwangmin disappeared.

"Please.... Don't leave me... I can't take this!" Youngmin cried.


Youngmin opened his eyes, he was back in his room.

"It was just a dream." Youngmin looked around.

"I can't take this anymore. All I can think about is him, all I see is him." Youngmin stood up.


"I need too see how he is, I want to know if he really feels like how he was in my dream." Youngmin left his room.




Kwangmin was walking too school with Minwoo, they both went too the same university.

"I have nothing to do after school. Minwoo-ah, want to do something after school?" Kwangmin asked.

"Sure. What do you wanna do?"

"Not sure." Kwangmin was thinking.


"Want to see a movie?" Minwoo asked.

"Sure." Kwangmin looked across the street at the shops, he saw someone walk by. He froze.

"Hyung?" Minwoo went over to Kwangmin. Kwangmin did not answer.

"Hyung? Is something wrong?" Minwoo poked Kwangmin. Kwangmin looked at him.

"Is something wrong?" Minwoo asked again.

"Oh... No, everything's fine." Kwangmin looked across the street again but could not see the person anymore.


That person... He looked just like Youngmin hyung. Kwangmin thought and followed Minwoo.

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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^