Tell the one You Love Everything

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

"I need to talk with Youngmin-ah, we will be outside." Donghyun said to the others, Youngmin looked at him confused but still followed him outside the house.

"Youngmin-ah, you have to tell them... If you don't then I will." Donghyun said to Youngmin when they were outside.

"I'm worried." Youngmin looked at the ground.

"I know you are, but if you don't tell them then when you leave again you will only hurt them more then if you did tell them." Donghyun walked over to Youngmin.

"You have to tell them, Kwangmin-ah needs to know."

Youngmin looked at Donghyun, he nodded.

"I will, but I can't right now." Youngmin said.

"Soon though, and if you don't then I will." Donghyun said, Youngmin nodded and they both went back in the house.


"Since we're all together after so long, we should do something together." Minwoo looked at everyone with a smile.

"Okay, but what are we going to do?" Hyunseong asked.

"Well, we could all watch a movie, and all have dinner together."

"Like a date." Kwangmin said and giggled.


They were all watching a movie at Hyunseong's house, all he had was horror so they all watched a horror film. Minwoo, Youngmin and Kwangmin were sitting on the sofa, since it couldn't hold anymore people, Hyunseong, Jeongmin, and Donghyun sat on the floor. Minwoo was holding onto Kwangmin's arm cause he was scared.

"I don't like this movie." Minwoo said.

"You wanted to watch a movie." Jeongmin looked at Minwoo and smiled at him.


After the movie was over, Jeongmin and Hyunseong went to go make dinner, they had been making it for a while.

"Tell everyone after dinner." Donghyun whispered to Youngmin, he nodded. Kwangmin walked over to Youngmin.

"Can I ask you something?" Kwangmin said and walked over to the over side of the room, Youngmin stood up and followed him.


"What were you and Donghyun hyung talking about?" Kwangmin looked at Youngmin worried.

"I will tell you later." Youngmin smiled at his brother.

"Fine, but promise you will."

"I promise." Youngmin said and Kwangmin hugged him.

"Thank you." Kwangmin released the hug and smiled at Youngmin.


"Dinner's ready." Jeongmin and Hyunseong came out with their plates, Minwoo and Kwangmin went into the kitchen and helped bring out the rest of the plates, Donghyun and Youngmin went into the kitchen to get their plates.

They were all sitting at the table eating.

"So Minwoo-ah, can you think of anything else to do after we eat?" Hyunseong asked.

"No, but it's getting late, we should all go home after dinner."

"I have an idea." Jeongmin raised his hand with a smile. Everyone looked at him.

"Since it is late and it dark outside, how about we all sleep over? Here, at Hyunseong hyung's house." Jeongmin looked at everyone waiting for what they think of the idea. Kwangmin was the first to speak.

"But it is a little apartment, with six people sleeping over. There is only two bedrooms, and both are small."

"Someone can sleep in Hyunseong's bedroom with him." Minwoo said and everyone looked at Jeongmin. Hyunseong and Jeongmin both turned a slight pink and looked away from everyone.

"And two people can sleep in the other bedroom, and two can sleep by the sofa." Minwoo continued.

"But the second bedroom only has one bed." Donghyun said.

"Then two people will have to sleep in the same bed, it's big enough right?" Kwangmin looked at Hyunseong.

"A little small, but enough for two." Hyunseong said.

"Then who gets the bedroom and who has to sleep on the sofa?" Youngmin looked at everyone.

"I think Hyunseong should pick, it is his apartment." Kwangmin looked at Hyunseong for an answer.

"I think since the twins have slept in the same bed when they were little that they should get the bedroom, for Minwoo-ah and Donghyun hyung it might be awkward for them." Hyunseong replied.

"Why would it be awkward for them? You and Jeongmin hyung will be sleeping  the same bed, ad it won't be awkward for you two."

Hyunseong and Jeongmin looked away from everyone else.

"Well that's because we.... we are..." Hyunseong tried to explain that they were together but couldn't, everyone already knew but it was still hard for him and Jeongmin to say it.

"It's okay, we all know anyway." Kwangmin smiled at them.


"So it's decided then, the twins in the extra bedroom, Hyunseong-ah and Jeongmin-ah get the other bedroom, and me and Minwoo-ah get the sofa. Now me and Minwoo-ah have to decide who gets the sofa to sleep on and who as to sleep on the floor." Donghyun looked at Minwoo.

"You can have the sofa."

"No, you can have it, your younger." Donghyun said and smiled at Minwoo then stood up and took his plate into the kitchen to wash it. Minwoo stood up and took his own plate into the kitchen after Donghyun came out.


"Before everyone goes to sleep, can I tell everyone something?" Youngmin said, everyone looked at him and sat down at the table.

"It's about time your telling everyone." Donghyun said as he sat down at the table, everyone looked from Youngmin to Donghyun.

"What do you mean? Youngmin hyung, what's wrong?" Kwangmin was worried.

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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^