You Returned to Me...

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

Minwoo closed the door to his house, he smiled at the books he had in his hand that Kwangmin had given him, he walked over to the door to his room and opened it, he walked inside and put the books on his desk, he looked at the vase that had a rose inside it, the rose that Youngmin had given him.

I'm glad your back. Minwoo smiled at the rose and continued to stare at it, he looked at the door to his room when someone knocked on it, he stood up and walked over to the door, he opened it and his mother was standing outside his room.

"Lunch is ready dear." His mother looked at the books on his desk, she saw the rose in the case and the hat on Minwoo's bed,

"Your quite popular aren't you?" She smiled at Minwoo.

"Mother, it's not like that, the books are from Kwangmin."

"And the rose and hat?" She asked with the same smile still on her face.

"Both from... both from a friend." Minwoo looked over at the rose on the desk.


"From your girlfriend?"

Minwoo looked at his mother.

"No mother... just an old friend."

"I'm just kidding, it's that boy right? The one with the blonde hair?"

Minwoo nodded.

"Well anyway, lunch is ready." She smiled at Minwoo and walked away.


After lunch Minwoo had went back to his room, he started reading one of the books Kwangmin had given him. Someone knocked on his door, he slipped his bookmark in between the pages and closed the book, he walked over to the door and opened it. His mother was standing outside his room again.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Your quite popular with the boys aren't you?" She smiled at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Another boy is waiting for you outside."

Minwoo was confused but walked out his room and closed the door, his mother went back to the sofa, he walked towards the front door and opened it.




Jeongmin left his house and locked it.

"Snowing again?" He looked up at the sky and sighed.


He walked inside the cinema and looked around.

"Over here Jeongmin-ah!"

Jeongmin looked over where the voice was coming from and saw Hyunseong waving to him with a smile, he smiled back and walked over to him.


They both took a seat in the back row, the movie was just about to start, not many people were watching the movie and all of them were in the front rows.


"Hyung, how come your so quiet? Aren't you scared of the movie?" Jeongmin asked Hyunseong while still watching the movie, the movie was a horror film, it was nearing the end of the movie. Jeongmin got no answer from Hyunseong, he looked at him and saw Hyunseong's eyes were closed.

"Hyung?" Jeongmin called Hyunseong but still got no answer.

How could he fall asleep with all the screaming from the other people? Jeongmin sighed and smiled at Hyunseong, he continued to watch him sleep, he looked at Hyunseong's lips.

Just a quick kiss, and maybe he won't wake up... Jeongmin moved closer to his hyung, when their lips were barely an inch away he stopped moving and looked at Hyunseong for a few seconds. He moved closer and kissed Hyunseong, he broke the kiss a second later, right when he broke the kiss he felt his face being pulled towards to his hyungs's face, Hyunseong was kissing Jeongmin now, after a few minutes they broke the kiss and Hyunseong smiled at him.

"You tricked me!" Jeongmin yelled at Hyunseong, no one else watching the movie heard them, the movie was to loud.

"Your the one who kissed me." Hyunseong said and gave Jeongmin a small kiss on the cheek. Jeongmin was bright red.

"I only did it to wake you up." Jeongmin said.

"No you didn't." Hyunseong smiled at Jeongmin.

"Meanie." Jeongmin said and looked at the movie screen. Hyunseong put his hand behind Jeongmin's head and pulled his head closer to his own, Hyunseong kissed Jeongmin, they were kissing for so long, but they didn't want to break it. Soon they heard the movie end, they broke the kiss because people were getting out of their seats.

"Come on, we should go." Hyunseong said and stood up from his seat, Jeongmin nodded and stood up also.




Kwangmin was crying while staring at the person infront of him.

"Youngmin..." Kwangmin kept repeating. Youngmin walked closer to him.

"Yes?" Youngmin said while smiling at Kwangmin, he felt like crying at the sight of Kwangmin, that he was talking with Kwangmin, because he was next to Kwangmin, but he held the tears.

"This has got to be a dream... I've got to be dreaming." Kwangmin said.

"Your not dreaming... this is real... do you not want to see me?"

"No... I'm happy your here, but... It's been so long, I kept seeing you on the street, was that really you? Is this really you right now? Or I am just going crazy from wanting to see you?"

"I'm real, you really saw me that day." Youngmin said and hugged Kwangmin. Kwangmin froze, because of Youngmin hugging him, and because of the fact the Youngmin has been near him for awhile.

"You've been here since that day? Maybe longer..." Kwangmin asked Youngmin.

"Yes." Youngmin said still hugging Kwangmin. Kwangmin's tears came out more, he pushed Youngmin away. Youngmin stared at him, as his tears slowly fell down his face.

"You've been near me for awhile now, you saw me... but you never went and talked with me?! You've been back for days and never went to find me?!" Kwangmin yelled at Youngmin, he began to cry even more. Youngmin was looking at him, while crying.

"I'm sorry..." Youngmin said and looked at the ground.

"Stop being sorry! Stop having to say sorry every time, learn to not mess things up, learn to not hurt people, so you never have to say your sorry again!" Kwangmin yelled and fell to his knees. Youngmin went over to Kwangmin.

"Kwangmin, this is my fault, you wouldn't being suffering like this if not for me." Youngmin hugged Kwangmin again.

"No hyung, it's mine. If it wasn't for me, we would still be living together." Kwangmin had stopped crying.


"Are you mad at me? Do you hate me?" Youngmin let go of the hug and looked at Kwangmin.

"...A little... But I still love you."

"Hyung... Can I ask you something?" Kwangmin asked. Youngmin nodded.

"Are you suffering... because of me? Kwangmin looked down at the ground.

"...It would be a lie... if I said no... but it wouldn't be the whole truth if I said yes..." Youngmin continued to stare at Kwangmin.

"I'm sorry." Kwangmin said as a tear slid down his face.

"Don't be... because I'm the one making you suffering." Youngmin hugged Kwangmin again.

"Hyung, stay with me... forever." Kwangmin looked up at Youngmin. Youngmin looked down, he couldn't face Kwangmin, and he couldn't tell him that he can't stay.

I'm sorry, but I can't stay... Youngmin thought to himself, he couldn't bring himself to tell Kwangmin.


Youngmin looked up at Kwangmin.

"I love you..." Kwangmin put both his hands on Youngmin's cheeks and pulled his head closer, Kwangmin pulled their faces closer, Youngmin closed his eyes. Kwangmin put his lips on Youngmin's and kissed him.

Please... Kwangmin, don't do this... If you do... then when I leave again, it will hurt you even more.... And me... Youngmin felt tears slid down his cheeks, they were still kissing, they didn't want the kiss to end.

Kwangmin... Youngmin put his arms around Kwangmin, still kissing him.


I love you...



Yay they met! lol

I added another small thing for Jeongmin and Hyunseong, and guess who is at Minwoo's door? Guess... well it's not hard, I mean, who else is left in the story?

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will post more tomorrow. ^^

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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^