Kwangmin, It's Time

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

"Kwangmin-ah?" Youngmin whispered for Kwangmin, he didn't answer. Youngmin stood up from the bed and opened the drawer to the desk next to his side of the bed, he took out the card he bought from the gift shop and opened it, he took out the pen from the inside the drawer also, he began to write in the card. When he was done writing in the card he took out a envelope from the drawer and slipped the card inside, he closed the envelope and wrote on the front of it. When he was done he put it back in the drawer and closed it. He looked at Kwangmin one last time before closing his eyes.


Youngmin woke up before Kwangmin, he stood up from the bed and went over to Kwangmin's bag, he opened the bag and took out Kwangmin's jacket from his school uniform, he had taken out the envelope he had with the card he bought inside and slipped it into Kwangmin's pocket of his school uniform. He put the jacket back in the bag and closed it, he laid in the bed again and closed his eyes.


In the morning, Kwangmin and Minwoo had just got done washing.

"Ready Minwoo-ah?" Kwangmin asked Minwoo after putting on his coat and shoes, Minwoo nodded.

"Alright, we're are leaving. Bye." Kwangmin opened the front door of Hyunseong's apartment and him and Minwoo left for school.

"What are you going to do now, Youngmin-ah?" Donghyun asked as he sat down next to Youngmin on the sofa.

"I should get my things ready, before I have to leave, it's not for a few more hours, but I want to be ready." Youngmin stood up from sofa and went into the extra bedroom him and Kwangmin are sharing. He opened the drawer on his side of the bed and took out the pictures inside and put them inside his bag, he put the snow globe and picture frame in the bag, the ones Kwangmin bought him. He looked inside the drawer and saw the envelope Kwangmin gave him.

Can't open it until I leave... Youngmin picked up the envelope from inside the drawer and put it inside his bag, he walked outside of the room and put his bag down by the front door. He walked over to the sofa and sat down on it next to Donghyun.

"I feel scared..."

"Why?" Donghyun looked at Youngmin.

"Scared that... Kwangmin's going to hate me when I leave." Youngmin laid his head down on Donghyun's shoulder.

"He knows your leaving, but does he hate you now?"

"Still... I'm scared." Youngmin closed his eyes.




"This one is good." Jeongmin pointed to a card on the shelf at a gift shop, they were getting a card that they would write in, Donghyun and Miwnoo would write in it also. The card was for Youngmin. Hyunseong picked up the card and him and Jeongmin went up to the counter to pay for it. When they were done paying they left the shop and walked down the sidewalk. As they were walking Hyunseong wrote down a message while Jeongmin helped him with what to write.

"Here." Hyunseong passed the card to Jeongmin when he was done writing his name in the card. Jeongmin took it and wrote his name in it.

"Now we need Minwoo-ah and Donghyun hyung to write their names in it also." Jeongmin said as he passed the card back to Hyunseong. They walked towards the school building that Kwangmin and Minwoo go to.


"Hello?" Hyunseong opened the door to classroom.

"Yes sir?" The teacher ask him.

"Is No Minwoo here?" Hyunseong asked, the teacher nodded and she pointed to Minwoo.

"Thank you." Hyunseong and Jeongmin bowed to the teacher and walked over to Minwoo.

"Hello Minwoo-ah. We bought this card for Youngmin-ah and we wanted you to sign it." Hyunseong gave the card to Minwoo.

"You came all the way here to ask me to sign it, why can't you wait till I get back to house?"

"Youngmin-ah as to leave before you and Kwangmin end school today." Jeongmin said. Minwoo looked up at him with a shocked expression.

"What? But Kwangmin hyung wants to talk with him before he leaves, how can he if Youngmin hyung leaves before he can leave school?"

"He can skip a little bit of school." Hyunseong said, Minwoo signed the card, when he was done he gave it back to Hyunseong.

"I will tell Kwangmin soon." Minwoo said and Hyunseong and Jeongmin left the classroom.


"Donghyun hyung?" Hyunseong walked into his apartment and called for Donghyun.

"Over here." Donghyun answered, Jeongmin and Hyunseong walked over to Donghyun.

"Can you sign this? It's for Youngmin-ah." Hyunseong passed the card to Donghyun, he took the card and signed it after reading the message inside. Donghyun handed it back to Hyunseong.

"Where is he?" Jeongmin asked.

"Sleeping again."

Hyunseong walked into the bedroom Youngmin was sleeping in and saw him laying in the bed with his eyes closed. He put the card on the desk.


Youngmin stood up from the bed and yawned, he saw the card on the desk and picked it up, on the front it said 'Do not read until you leave', he put the card in his pocket and left the room. He walked over to sofa and saw Donghyun, Hyunseong, and Jeongmin sitting on the sofa.

"Hello." Youngmin smiled at all three of them. They all looked at him and smiled.

"I'm sorry everyone, but I have to go..." Youngmin smiled at them but a tear fell down his cheek.

"It's okay, we understand." They all stood up from the sofa at once, Donghyun walked up to Youngmin and hugged him.

"I will miss you Youngmin-ah, you are a very good friend, I am happy to have met you in my life, and I hope someday we will meet again." Donghyun let go of the hug and smiled at Youngmin, next Jeongmin walked up to him.

"I hope you will be happy where you are going. Eat well, and don't get sick. I'll miss you." Jeongmin hugged him and then let go a few seconds later, now it was Hyunseong who walked up to Youngmin and hugged him.

"I still remember the day when you first told me you feelings about Kwangmin-ah, it was two years ago, at school. Remember? Anyway, I am going to miss you." Hyunseong smiled at Youngmin.

"Thank you all." Youngmin smiled at them and more tears started to fall.

"Don't cry." Donghyun said. Youngmin nodded and walked towards the front door.

"We will walk you to train station." Donghyun, Hyunseong, and Jeongmin all walked outside of the apartment with Youngmin after putting on their coats and shoes.




He said he would call me before he leaves... Kwangmin wasn't even paying attention to what the teacher was saying, ever since Minwoo told him that Youngmin has to leave before school over, he couldn't stop thinking about it.

"Why did we have to have school today?" Kwangmin whispered to himself.

Ring... ring...

Kwangmin's phone started to ring, he had the volume on low so the teacher couldn't hear.

"Excuse me teacher. May I be excused for a minute?" Kwangmin said with his hand in the air. Minwoo looked at him and put his hand in the air to.

"Me also."

The teacher looked at them both.

"Yes." She looked back at the blackboard behind her. Minwoo and Kwangmin walked out of the classroom, Kwangmin took his phone of his pocket and read the message.

Kwangmin... it's time... I have to leave now... {From: Youngmin Hyung}

Kwangmin read the message over and over, he was still shocked, tears started to fall down his face.

"We have to go." Kwangmin grabbed Minwoo's wrist and they both ran out of the school building.


Okay, so next chapter is the ending, but I think I will do two endings again, like what I did with the first story. I will post the ending(or endings) tomorrow night. I need to sleep, good night! ^^

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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^