Why do I Suffer When Your the one Who Started it?

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

"He knows." Youngmin was laying on his bed.

"Since when has he known?" Youngmin was staring at the ceiling.

"Maybe the restaurant, maybe he did see me." He sighed.

"I hope he didn't tell Kwangmin-ah." He sat up and left his room. Outside he saw Donghyun watching television. He sat on the sofa.

"Think he told Kwangmin-ah?" Youngmin asked.

"I don't think Minwoo-ah would do that if he knew you didn't want him too."

"I hope he didn't... I want to be the one to tell Kwangmin-ah." Youngmin stood up.


Youngmin was done washing after eating dinner, he went in his room and closed his eyes, in fell asleep a few minutes after.


Youngmin sitting on the grass at a park, he looked around but saw nothing, it was empty, it looked old and everything was broken but one swing, someone was swinging on it.

"You return..." The person said on the swing.

"Kwangmin." Youngmin stood up from the ground and stared at Kwangmin.

"Going to leave again?" Kwangmin didn't look at Youngmin, he kept swinging.

"I have too." Youngmin said, he didn't move towards Kwangmin, he stayed where he was.

"Then why bother talking to me? Your just going to make me happy, then leave me and break me again... If you leave again then I will suffer more." Kwangmin looked at Youngmin with a cold stare, he didn't stop swinging.

"I know, but I can't stay." Youngmin stayed where he was.


"Why do you make me suffer?" Kwangmin expression turned more cold.

"I don't want to hurt you." Youngmin was looking at Kwangmin, he felt angry towards Kwangmin.

"Then stay and I won't suffer."

Youngmin shook his head.

"I thought you loved me?"

Youngmin didn't answer.

"Don't you love me?" Kwangmin asked.

Youngmin just continued to stare at Kwangmin.

"Was it a lie?... Did you lie to me about how you feel?" Kwangmin's expression turned sad.

"But I love you." Kwangmin smiled at Youngmin.

"Don't try to trick me." Youngmin said coldly to Kwangmin.

"I don't lie, unlike you." Kwangmin said and continued swinging on the swing.


"Your the liar. Your not the real Kwangmin, your just a dream... All of this is just a dream, your not real... The real Kwangmin, might not even care about me."

"And how do you know?" Kwangmin looked away from Youngmin.

Youngmin didn't answer.

"I am not a lie... I am the real feelings of Kwangmin... All I think about is you, then I ask myself..." Kwangmin looked at Youngmin.

"Why do I still suffer? I want to forget you."

"I hate you for leaving me... I am suffering because of you... I want to forget everything, but I mostly want to forget you, Youngmin." Kwangmin said coldly.

"Then forget me!" Youngmin yelled.

"It's not so easy... to forget the one you love."

"Shut up! You're not the real Kwangmin!" Youngmin fell to his knees.

"Your suffering too." Kwangmin said and started swinging on the swing again.


Youngmin looked down at the ground.


"Why?" Youngmin repeated. Kwangmin looked at him, Youngmin looked up at him with a very cold expression.

"Why do I suffer when your the one who started it?" Youngmin said coldly.


Youngmin opened his eyes, he was back in his room, it was morning. He got out of his bed and left the room.


When he was done washing he looked at Donghyun who was sitting on the sofa.

"Yes?" Donghyun looked at Youngmin.

"I'll go... I'll go see him."



Two updates in one night again. ^^

Now to make something clear that might confuse people, some may have knew this after reading this line from Youngmin but here is for those who didn't. What Youngmin said to Kwangmin in his dream was "Why do I suffer when your the one who started it?" if you still remember this is a line from an earlier chapter, it was at Kwangmin's part and it said Why do I suffer when your the one who started it?

Some people may have thought that Kwangmin said this line in his head, but no. Kwangmin heard this line in his head, he heard Youngmin say this. Did that help? Hope so, so don't think Kwangmin is mad at Youngmin, but Youngmin who is mad at Kwangmin.

One more thing, the places Youngmin has visited in his dreams are the house he lived in with Kwangmin, a street, and a park. Now these places aren't just random places, Youngmin dreams of being in the house that he lived in with Kwangmin, he woke up in the bed in their room, and went outside to find that Kwangmin has left him, now the dreams are also how Kwangmin feels, in the first story Kwangmin woke up to find a note from Youngmin about leaving, he looks for him and then leaves the house to find Youngmin really has left, in Youngmin's dream he was dreamed of how Kwangmin felt that day. Then the second dream he was at a street, this is the street he first saw Kwangmin at when he came back. In this dream Kwangmin walks away from him, just like how the day he saw Kwangmin at the street that Youngmin walked away from Kwangmin. Then there is this dream, the park is the place him and Kwangmin visited quite often, it is also the park that Youngmin, Minwoo and Kwangmin visited in the first story, the reason the swings and stuff were broken was because of Kwangmin having bad memories with Youngmin and wanting to forget it all, the swings being broken is because of bad memories, Kwangmin wants to forget those memories at the park with Youngmin so they are bad memories, and the reason why Kwangmin was swinging in one of the non-broken swings and Youngmin was on the ground is because of how Kwangmin feels, he is broken down, lonely, and suffering this is why Youngmin is on the ground(remember Youngmin is how Kwangmin feels) and Kwangmin is in the swing because he thinks that Youngmin is happy without Kwangmin, that he doesn't need him, and the reason why Kwangmin in the dream doesn't look at Youngmin very much is because Kwangmin saw Youngmin on the street that one day and thinks Youngmin maybe back but isn't sure, so the reason he doesn't look at him in the dream is because Kwangmin feels ignored by Youngmin, Kwangmin in the dreams is how Youngmin is, or at least how Kwangmin thinks he is, the second reason why Kwangmin in the dream didn't look at Youngmin very much is because Kwangmin feels that Youngmin has forgotten about him, or doesn't care for him anymore.

Hope that helped, and I should shut up now, this note as gone on REALLY long! Okay, goodnight! ^^


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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^