Accepting the Pain, to End it All

I'll be waiting (Sequel to 'I wish I could tell you')

Youngmin looked around, he was standing in a park, it was dark out. Youngmin looked behind him and saw Hyunseong sitting on the ground looking at the sky, it was snowing.

"Last time..." Hyunseong smiled while looking at the sky and slowly turned his head to look at Youngmin.

"Hyung, what do you mean?"

"Last time, we will see the snow together... last time for everything..." Hyunseong smiled at Youngmin and then stood up.

"No more..."

Youngmin looked to his left and saw Jeongmin standing there with his hand out, waiting for the snow to fall into his hand.

"No more meals together, we can never speak to each other again... No more anything..." Jeongmin smiled as a snow flake fell into his hand.



Youngmin looked to his right and saw Donghyun standing there.

"Can't help each other with our problems... Can't help each other anymore..." Donghyun smiled at Youngmin.


"Never to..."

Youngmin looked to his right and saw Minwoo sitting on the ground wearing the winter hat Youngmin gave him, while holding the rose Youngmin also gave him.

"Never to see each other, never to smile together... Never to laugh together, ever again..." Minwoo smiled as a pedal fell off from the rose.


"Never again..."

Youngmin turned around and saw Kwangmin wearing the scarf Youngmin gave him, he was also holding the rose Youngmin gave him.

"Never again can we hug, never again can we kiss... Never again can we do anything together..." Kwangmin smiled as every pedal fell from the rose, he looked up at Youngmin.

"Last time to say 'good bye'... No more 'hello'... Can't laugh together... Never to smile together... Never again can we see each other..." Kwangmin looked at Youngmin.

"This is farewell, my love..." Kwangmin smiled at him, Youngmin smiled back at Kwangmin.

"Good bye, my love... my brother." Youngmin smile faded slightly, he was still smiling, but not as much.


If I accept that we can never do anything together, ever again... will you accept that I have to leave you? Youngmin smiled at his friends and as they all smiled and turned around, they all began to walk away. Youngmin looked back at Kwangmin.

Kwangmin was smiling at him.

"Thank you... for everything you have done for me... for us. I will never forget you, even if it means I have to suffer, but the pain will lessen, soon enough..." Youngmin walked up to Kwangmin and hugged him.

"Good bye... My love." Kwangmin hugged Youngmin back.

"I love you Kwangmin..." Youngmin was still hugging Kwangmin when he felt something disappearing, he looked at Kwangmin and saw he was smiling while he was disappearing.

"I love you Youngmin... forever." Kwangmin smiled wider and soon he was gone.


"Good bye." Youngmin looked up at the sky, the snow started to slow down, Youngmin closed his eyes as he stared at the sky.

"Why do you have to suffer, when I am the one who started it?" Youngmin opened his eyes and smiled at the sky.



Wow... three updates in one night. ^^

Okay, so maybe two more chapters, or three. lol

And in this chapter it is just a dream... Youngmin's last dream(maybe) and he finally accepts that him and Kwangmin can never do anything together if he leaves, that is what each dream he had was telling him, it was telling him what the pain would feel like for him, what they can never do again.

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Chapter 23: i like happy ending..even the previous story,i just like the happy ending..bcoz why they need to separate when they love each other,right?but i managed to read this sequel..thanks for the story ;)
Awww the story was so good. And both endings are really good! But I like the happy ending more^^
i haven't read your first story
but are they gay..?
because it doesn't make sense to me cuz i didn't read the first one -_-
I don´t like them to suffer :( So update soon and make them happy again, ok?? XD
AHH they finally met! Update soon^^
Aww, the part with Jeongmin and Hyunseong is so sweet! You CAN write happy stuff, trust me^^
Wow, the story is good!! Update soon^^
ChocoGirl7778 #8
Update soon please! [=
Wow, I like it^^ Update soon!!^^